#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'fileutils' require 'pathname' require 'tempfile' require 'securerandom' require 'minitar' require 'zlib' require 'find' require 'net/http' require 'net/http/post/multipart' require 'uri' require 'listen' require 'json' # Work in progress theme watcher for Discourse # # Monitor a theme directory locally and automatically keep it in sync with Discourse def usage puts "Usage: theme-watcher DIR SITE" exit 1 end WATCHER_SETTINGS_FILE = File.expand_path("~/.discourse-theme-watcher") $api_key = ENV['DISCOURSE_API_KEY'] $dir = ARGV[0] $site = ARGV[1] $theme_id = nil if $site !~ /https?:\/\//i $site = "http://#{$site}" end puts "Watching #{$dir} and uploading changes to #{$site}" if !$api_key && File.exist?(WATCHER_SETTINGS_FILE) $api_key = File.read(WATCHER_SETTINGS_FILE).strip puts "Using previously stored api key in #{WATCHER_SETTINGS_FILE}" end if !$api_key puts "No API key found in DISCOURSE_API_KEY env var enter your API key: " $api_key = STDIN.gets.strip puts "Would you like me to store this API key in #{WATCHER_SETTINGS_FILE}? (Yes|No)" answer = STDIN.gets.strip if answer =~ /y(es)?/i File.write WATCHER_SETTINGS_FILE, $api_key end end if !File.exist?("#{$dir}/about.json") puts "No about.json file found in #{dir}!" puts usage end def compress_dir(gzip, dir) sgz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(File.open(gzip, 'wb')) tar = Archive::Tar::Minitar::Output.new(sgz) Dir.chdir(dir + "/../") do Find.find(File.basename(dir)) do |x| Find.prune if File.basename(x)[0] == ?. next if File.directory?(x) Minitar.pack_file(x, tar) end end ensure tar.close sgz.close end def diagnose_errors(json) count = 0 json["theme"]["theme_fields"].each do |row| if (error = row["error"]) && error.length > 0 if count == 0 puts end count += 1 puts puts "Error in #{row["target"]} #{row["name"]}: #{row["error"]}" puts end end count end def upload_theme_field(target: , name: , type_id: , value:) args = { theme: { theme_fields: [{ name: name, target: target, type_id: type_id, value: value }] } } uri = URI.parse($site + "/admin/themes/#{$theme_id}?api_key=#{$api_key}") http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) request = Net::HTTP::Put.new(uri.request_uri, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json') request.body = args.to_json http.start do |h| response = h.request(request) if response.code.to_i == 200 json = JSON.parse(response.body) if diagnose_errors(json) == 0 puts "(done)" end else puts "Error importing field status: #{response.code}" end end end def upload_full_theme(dir, site) filename = "#{Pathname.new(Dir.tmpdir).realpath}/bundle_#{SecureRandom.hex}.tar.gz" compress_dir(filename, dir) # new full upload endpoint uri = URI.parse(site + "/admin/themes/import.json?api_key=#{$api_key}") http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) File.open(filename) do |tgz| request = Net::HTTP::Post::Multipart.new( uri.request_uri, "bundle" => UploadIO.new(tgz, "application/tar+gzip", "bundle.tar.gz"), ) response = http.request(request) if response.code.to_i == 201 json = JSON.parse(response.body) $theme_id = json["theme"]["id"] if diagnose_errors(json) == 0 puts "(done)" end else puts "Error importing theme status: #{response.code}" end end ensure FileUtils.rm_f filename end print "Uploading theme: " upload_full_theme($dir, $site) def resolve_file(path) dir_len = File.expand_path($dir).length name = File.expand_path(path)[dir_len + 1..-1] target, file = name.split("/") if ["common", "desktop", "mobile"].include?(target) if file = "#{target}.scss" # a CSS file return [target, "scss", 1] end end nil end listener = Listen.to($dir) do |modified, added, removed| if modified.length == 1 && added.length == 0 && removed.length == 0 && (target, name, type_id = resolve_file(modified[0])) print "Updating #{target} #{name}: " upload_theme_field(target: target, name: name, value: File.read(modified[0]), type_id: type_id) else print "Full re-sync is required, re-uploading theme: " upload_full_theme($dir, $site) end end listener.start sleep