# frozen_string_literal: true require "migration/base_dropper" class DbHelper REMAP_SQL ||= <<~SQL SELECT table_name::text, column_name::text, character_maximum_length FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND is_updatable = 'YES' AND (data_type LIKE 'char%' OR data_type LIKE 'text%') ORDER BY table_name, column_name SQL TRIGGERS_SQL ||= <<~SQL SELECT trigger_name::text FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE trigger_name LIKE '%_readonly' SQL TRUNCATABLE_COLUMNS ||= [ 'topic_links.url' ] def self.remap(from, to, anchor_left: false, anchor_right: false, excluded_tables: [], verbose: false) like = "#{anchor_left ? '' : "%"}#{from}#{anchor_right ? '' : "%"}" text_columns = find_text_columns(excluded_tables) text_columns.each do |table, columns| set = columns.map do |column| replace = "REPLACE(\"#{column[:name]}\", :from, :to)" replace = truncate(replace, table, column) "\"#{column[:name]}\" = #{replace}" end.join(", ") where = columns.map do |column| "\"#{column[:name]}\" IS NOT NULL AND \"#{column[:name]}\" LIKE :like" end.join(" OR ") rows = DB.exec(<<~SQL, from: from, to: to, like: like) UPDATE \"#{table}\" SET #{set} WHERE #{where} SQL puts "#{table}=#{rows}" if verbose && rows > 0 end finish! end def self.regexp_replace(pattern, replacement, flags: "gi", match: "~*", excluded_tables: [], verbose: false) text_columns = find_text_columns(excluded_tables) text_columns.each do |table, columns| set = columns.map do |column| replace = "REGEXP_REPLACE(\"#{column[:name]}\", :pattern, :replacement, :flags)" replace = truncate(replace, table, column) "\"#{column[:name]}\" = #{replace}" end.join(", ") where = columns.map do |column| "\"#{column[:name]}\" IS NOT NULL AND \"#{column[:name]}\" #{match} :pattern" end.join(" OR ") rows = DB.exec(<<~SQL, pattern: pattern, replacement: replacement, flags: flags, match: match) UPDATE \"#{table}\" SET #{set} WHERE #{where} SQL puts "#{table}=#{rows}" if verbose && rows > 0 end finish! end def self.find(needle, anchor_left: false, anchor_right: false, excluded_tables: []) found = {} like = "#{anchor_left ? '' : "%"}#{needle}#{anchor_right ? '' : "%"}" DB.query(REMAP_SQL).each do |r| next if excluded_tables.include?(r.table_name) rows = DB.query(<<~SQL, like: like) SELECT \"#{r.column_name}\" FROM \"#{r.table_name}\" WHERE \""#{r.column_name}"\" LIKE :like SQL if rows.size > 0 found["#{r.table_name}.#{r.column_name}"] = rows.map do |row| row.public_send(r.column_name) end end end found end private def self.finish! SiteSetting.refresh! Theme.expire_site_cache! SiteIconManager.ensure_optimized! ApplicationController.banner_json_cache.clear end def self.find_text_columns(excluded_tables) triggers = DB.query(TRIGGERS_SQL).map(&:trigger_name).to_set text_columns = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } DB.query(REMAP_SQL).each do |r| next if excluded_tables.include?(r.table_name) || triggers.include?(Migration::BaseDropper.readonly_trigger_name(r.table_name, r.column_name)) || triggers.include?(Migration::BaseDropper.readonly_trigger_name(r.table_name)) text_columns[r.table_name] << { name: r.column_name, max_length: r.character_maximum_length } end text_columns end def self.truncate(sql, table, column) if column[:max_length] && TRUNCATABLE_COLUMNS.include?("#{table}.#{column[:name]}") "LEFT(#{sql}, #{column[:max_length]})" else sql end end end