require 'mini_racer' require 'nokogiri' require_dependency 'url_helper' require_dependency 'excerpt_parser' require_dependency 'post' require_dependency 'discourse_tagging' module PrettyText module Helpers extend self def t(key, opts) key = "js." + key unless opts I18n.t(key) else str = I18n.t(key, Hash[opts.entries].symbolize_keys).dup opts.each { |k,v| str.gsub!("{{#{k.to_s}}}", v.to_s) } str end end # functions here are available to v8 def avatar_template(username) return "" unless username user = User.find_by(username_lower: username.downcase) return "" unless user.present? # TODO: Add support for ES6 and call `avatar-template` directly if !user.uploaded_avatar_id avatar_template = User.default_template(username) else avatar_template = user.avatar_template end UrlHelper.schemaless UrlHelper.absolute avatar_template end def mention_lookup(username) return false unless username if Group.exec_sql('SELECT 1 FROM groups WHERE name = ?', username).values.length == 1 "group" else username = username.downcase if User.exec_sql('SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE username_lower = ?', username).values.length == 1 "user" else nil end end end def category_hashtag_lookup(category_slug) if category = Category.query_from_hashtag_slug(category_slug) [category.url_with_id, category_slug] else nil end end def get_topic_info(topic_id) return unless Fixnum === topic_id # TODO this only handles public topics, secured one do not get this topic = Topic.find_by(id: topic_id) if topic && { title: topic.title, href: topic.url } end end def category_tag_hashtag_lookup(text) tag_postfix = '::tag' is_tag = text =~ /#{tag_postfix}$/ if !is_tag && category = Category.query_from_hashtag_slug(text) [category.url_with_id, text] elsif is_tag && tag = Tag.find_by_name(text.gsub!("#{tag_postfix}", '')) ["#{Discourse.base_url}/tags/#{}", text] else nil end end end @mutex = @ctx_init = def self.app_root Rails.root end def self.create_new_context # timeout any eval that takes longer than 15 seconds ctx = 15000) Helpers.instance_methods.each do |method| ctx.attach("helpers.#{method}", Helpers.method(method)) end ctx_load(ctx, "vendor/assets/javascripts/md5.js", "vendor/assets/javascripts/lodash.js", "vendor/assets/javascripts/Markdown.Converter.js", "lib/headless-ember.js", "vendor/assets/javascripts/rsvp.js", Rails.configuration.ember.handlebars_location ) ctx.eval("var Discourse = {}; Discourse.SiteSettings = {};") ctx.eval("var window = {}; window.devicePixelRatio = 2;") # hack to make code think stuff is retina ctx.eval("var I18n = {}; I18n.t = function(a,b){ return helpers.t(a,b); }"); ctx.eval("var modules = {};") decorate_context(ctx) ctx_load(ctx, "vendor/assets/javascripts/better_markdown.js", "app/assets/javascripts/defer/html-sanitizer-bundle.js", "app/assets/javascripts/discourse/lib/utilities.js", "app/assets/javascripts/discourse/dialects/dialect.js", "app/assets/javascripts/discourse/lib/censored-words.js", "app/assets/javascripts/discourse/lib/markdown.js", ) Dir["#{app_root}/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/dialects/**.js"].sort.each do |dialect| ctx.load(dialect) unless dialect =~ /\/dialect\.js$/ end # emojis emoji ="#{app_root}/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/lib/emoji/emoji.js.erb")) ctx.eval(emoji.result) # Load server side javascripts if DiscoursePluginRegistry.server_side_javascripts.present? DiscoursePluginRegistry.server_side_javascripts.each do |ssjs| if(ssjs =~ /\.erb/) erb = erb.filename = ssjs ctx.eval(erb.result) else ctx.load(ssjs) end end end ctx end def self.v8 return @ctx if @ctx # ensure we only init one of these @ctx_init.synchronize do return @ctx if @ctx @ctx = create_new_context end @ctx end def self.reset_context @ctx_init.synchronize do @ctx = nil end end def self.decorate_context(context) context.eval("Discourse.CDN = '#{Rails.configuration.action_controller.asset_host}';") context.eval("Discourse.BaseUrl = '#{RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_hostname}'.replace(/:[\d]*$/,'');") context.eval("Discourse.BaseUri = '#{Discourse::base_uri}';") context.eval("Discourse.SiteSettings = #{SiteSetting.client_settings_json};") context.eval("Discourse.getURL = function(url) { if (!url) return url; if (!/^\\/[^\\/]/.test(url)) return url; var u = (Discourse.BaseUri === undefined ? '/' : Discourse.BaseUri); if (u[u.length-1] === '/') u = u.substring(0, u.length-1); if (url.indexOf(u) !== -1) return url; if (u.length > 0 && url[0] !== '/') url = '/' + url; return u + url; };") context.eval("Discourse.getURLWithCDN = function(url) { url = this.getURL(url); if (Discourse.CDN && /^\\/[^\\/]/.test(url)) { url = Discourse.CDN + url; } else if (Discourse.S3CDN) { url = url.replace(Discourse.S3BaseUrl, Discourse.S3CDN); } return url; };") end def self.markdown(text, opts=nil) # we use the exact same markdown converter as the client # TODO: use the same extensions on both client and server (in particular the template for mentions) baked = nil text = text || "" protect do context = v8 # we need to do this to work in a multi site environment, many sites, many settings decorate_context(context) context_opts = opts || {} context_opts[:sanitize] = true unless context_opts[:sanitize] == false context.eval("opts = #{context_opts.to_json};") context.eval("raw = #{text.inspect};") if Post.white_listed_image_classes.present? Post.white_listed_image_classes.each do |klass| context.eval("Discourse.Markdown.whiteListClass('#{klass}')") end end if SiteSetting.enable_emoji? context.eval("Discourse.Dialect.setUnicodeReplacements(#{Emoji.unicode_replacements_json})"); else context.eval("Discourse.Dialect.setUnicodeReplacements(null)"); end # reset emojis (v8 context is shared amongst multisites) context.eval("Discourse.Dialect.resetEmojis();") # custom emojis Emoji.custom.each do |emoji| context.eval("Discourse.Dialect.registerEmoji('#{}', '#{emoji.url}');") end # plugin emojis context.eval("Discourse.Emoji.applyCustomEmojis();") context.eval('opts["mentionLookup"] = function(u){return helpers.mention_lookup(u);}') context.eval('opts["categoryHashtagLookup"] = function(c){return helpers.category_hashtag_lookup(c);}') context.eval('opts["lookupAvatar"] = function(p){return Discourse.Utilities.avatarImg({size: "tiny", avatarTemplate: helpers.avatar_template(p)});}') context.eval('opts["getTopicInfo"] = function(i){return helpers.get_topic_info(i)};') context.eval('opts["categoryHashtagLookup"] = function(c){return helpers.category_tag_hashtag_lookup(c);}') DiscourseEvent.trigger(:markdown_context, context) baked = context.eval('Discourse.Markdown.markdownConverter(opts).makeHtml(raw)') end if baked.blank? && !(opts || {})[:skip_blank_test] # we may have a js engine issue test = markdown("a", skip_blank_test: true) if test.blank? Rails.logger.warn("Markdown engine appears to have crashed, resetting context") reset_context opts ||= {} opts = opts.dup opts[:skip_blank_test] = true baked = markdown(text, opts) end end baked end # leaving this here, cause it invokes v8, don't want to implement twice def self.avatar_img(avatar_template, size) protect do v8.eval <