# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' require 'email/sender' describe Email::Sender do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post) } context "disable_emails is enabled" do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:moderator) { Fabricate(:moderator) } context "disable_emails is enabled for everyone" do before { SiteSetting.disable_emails = "yes" } it "doesn't deliver mail when mails are disabled" do message = UserNotifications.email_login(moderator) Email::Sender.new(message, :email_login).send expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "delivers mail when mails are disabled but the email_type is admin_login" do message = UserNotifications.admin_login(moderator) Email::Sender.new(message, :admin_login).send expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to eq([moderator.email]) end it "delivers mail when mails are disabled but the email_type is test_message" do message = TestMailer.send_test(moderator.email) Email::Sender.new(message, :test_message).send expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to eq([moderator.email]) end end context "disable_emails is enabled for non-staff users" do before { SiteSetting.disable_emails = "non-staff" } it "doesn't deliver mail to normal user" do Mail::Message.any_instance.expects(:deliver_now).never message = Mail::Message.new(to: user.email, body: "hello") expect(Email::Sender.new(message, :hello).send).to eq(nil) end it "delivers mail to staff user" do Mail::Message.any_instance.expects(:deliver_now).once message = Mail::Message.new(to: moderator.email, body: "hello") Email::Sender.new(message, :hello).send end end end it "doesn't deliver mail when the message is of type NullMail" do Mail::Message.any_instance.expects(:deliver_now).never message = ActionMailer::Base::NullMail.new expect(Email::Sender.new(message, :hello).send).to eq(nil) end it "doesn't deliver mail when the message is nil" do Mail::Message.any_instance.expects(:deliver_now).never Email::Sender.new(nil, :hello).send end it "doesn't deliver when the to address is nil" do message = Mail::Message.new(body: 'hello') message.expects(:deliver_now).never Email::Sender.new(message, :hello).send end it "doesn't deliver when the to address uses the .invalid tld" do message = Mail::Message.new(body: 'hello', to: 'myemail@example.invalid') message.expects(:deliver_now).never expect { Email::Sender.new(message, :hello).send }. to change { SkippedEmailLog.where(reason_type: SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:sender_message_to_invalid]).count }.by(1) end it "doesn't deliver when the body is nil" do message = Mail::Message.new(to: 'eviltrout@test.domain') message.expects(:deliver_now).never Email::Sender.new(message, :hello).send end context "host_for" do it "defaults to localhost" do expect(Email::Sender.host_for(nil)).to eq("localhost") end it "returns localhost for a weird host" do expect(Email::Sender.host_for("this is not a real host")).to eq("localhost") end it "parses hosts from urls" do expect(Email::Sender.host_for("http://meta.discourse.org")).to eq("meta.discourse.org") end it "downcases hosts" do expect(Email::Sender.host_for("http://ForumSite.com")).to eq("forumsite.com") end end context 'with a valid message' do let(:reply_key) { "abcd" * 8 } let(:message) do message = Mail::Message.new to: 'eviltrout@test.domain', body: '**hello**' message.stubs(:deliver_now) message end let(:email_sender) { Email::Sender.new(message, :valid_type) } it 'calls deliver' do message.expects(:deliver_now).once email_sender.send end context "doesn't add return_path when no plus addressing" do before { SiteSetting.reply_by_email_address = '%{reply_key}@test.com' } it 'should not set the return_path' do email_sender.send expect(message.header[:return_path].to_s).to eq("") end end context "adds return_path with plus addressing" do before { SiteSetting.reply_by_email_address = 'replies+%{reply_key}@test.com' } it 'should set the return_path' do email_sender.send expect(message.header[:return_path].to_s).to eq("replies+verp-#{EmailLog.last.bounce_key}@test.com") end end context "adds a List-ID header to identify the forum" do fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, name: 'Name With Space') } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } before do message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post.id message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id'] = topic.id end it 'should add the right header' do email_sender.send expect(message.header['List-ID']).to be_present expect(message.header['List-ID'].to_s).to match('name-with-space') end end context "adds a Message-ID header even when topic id is not present" do it 'should add the right header' do email_sender.send expect(message.header['Message-ID']).to be_present end end context "adds Precedence header" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } before do message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post.id message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id'] = topic.id end it 'should add the right header' do email_sender.send expect(message.header['Precedence']).to be_present end end context "removes custom Discourse headers from topic notification mails" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } before do message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post.id message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id'] = topic.id end it 'should remove the right headers' do email_sender.send expect(message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id']).not_to be_present expect(message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id']).not_to be_present expect(message.header['X-Discourse-Reply-Key']).not_to be_present end end context "removes custom Discourse headers from digest/registration/other mails" do it 'should remove the right headers' do email_sender.send expect(message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id']).not_to be_present expect(message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id']).not_to be_present expect(message.header['X-Discourse-Reply-Key']).not_to be_present end end context "email threading" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:post_1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 1) } fab!(:post_2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 2) } fab!(:post_3) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 3) } fab!(:post_4) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 4) } let!(:post_reply_1_4) { PostReply.create(post: post_1, reply: post_4) } let!(:post_reply_2_4) { PostReply.create(post: post_2, reply: post_4) } let!(:post_reply_3_4) { PostReply.create(post: post_3, reply: post_4) } before { message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id'] = topic.id } it "doesn't set the 'In-Reply-To' and 'References' headers on the first post" do message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_1.id email_sender.send expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("") expect(message.header['In-Reply-To'].to_s).to be_blank expect(message.header['References'].to_s).to be_blank end it "sets the 'In-Reply-To' header to the topic by default" do message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_2.id email_sender.send expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("") expect(message.header['In-Reply-To'].to_s).to eq("") end it "sets the 'In-Reply-To' header to the newest replied post" do message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_4.id email_sender.send expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("") expect(message.header['In-Reply-To'].to_s).to eq("") end it "sets the 'References' header to the topic and all replied posts" do message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_4.id email_sender.send references = [ "", "", "", ] expect(message.header['References'].to_s).to eq(references.join(" ")) end it "uses the incoming_email message_id when available" do topic_incoming_email = IncomingEmail.create(topic: topic, post: post_1, message_id: "foo@bar") post_2_incoming_email = IncomingEmail.create(topic: topic, post: post_2, message_id: "bar@foo") post_4_incoming_email = IncomingEmail.create(topic: topic, post: post_4, message_id: "wat@wat") message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_4.id email_sender.send expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("<#{post_4_incoming_email.message_id}>") references = [ "<#{topic_incoming_email.message_id}>", "", "<#{post_2_incoming_email.message_id}>", ] expect(message.header['References'].to_s).to eq(references.join(" ")) end end context "merges custom mandrill header" do before do ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings[:address] = "smtp.mandrillapp.com" message.header['X-MC-Metadata'] = { foo: "bar" }.to_json end it 'should set the right header' do email_sender.send expect(message.header['X-MC-Metadata'].to_s).to match(message.message_id) end end context "merges custom sparkpost header" do before do ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings[:address] = "smtp.sparkpostmail.com" message.header['X-MSYS-API'] = { foo: "bar" }.to_json end it 'should set the right header' do email_sender.send expect(message.header['X-MSYS-API'].to_s).to match(message.message_id) end end context 'email logs' do let(:email_log) { EmailLog.last } it 'should create the right log' do expect do email_sender.send end.to_not change { PostReplyKey.count } expect(email_log).to be_present expect(email_log.email_type).to eq('valid_type') expect(email_log.to_address).to eq('eviltrout@test.domain') expect(email_log.user_id).to be_blank end end context "email log with a post id and topic id" do let(:topic) { post.topic } before do message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post.id message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id'] = topic.id end let(:email_log) { EmailLog.last } it 'should create the right log' do email_sender.send expect(email_log.post_id).to eq(post.id) expect(email_log.topic.id).to eq(topic.id) end end context 'email parts' do it 'should contain the right message' do email_sender.send expect(message).to be_multipart expect(message.text_part.content_type).to eq('text/plain; charset=UTF-8') expect(message.html_part.content_type).to eq('text/html; charset=UTF-8') expect(message.html_part.body.to_s).to match("


") end end end context 'with a deleted post' do it 'should skip sending the email' do post = Fabricate(:post, deleted_at: 1.day.ago) message = Mail::Message.new to: 'disc@ourse.org', body: 'some content' message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post.id message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id'] = post.topic_id message.expects(:deliver_now).never email_sender = Email::Sender.new(message, :valid_type) expect { email_sender.send }.to change { SkippedEmailLog.count } log = SkippedEmailLog.last expect(log.reason_type).to eq(SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:sender_post_deleted]) end end context 'with a user' do let(:message) do message = Mail::Message.new to: 'eviltrout@test.domain', body: 'test body' message.stubs(:deliver_now) message end fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:email_sender) { Email::Sender.new(message, :valid_type, user) } before do email_sender.send @email_log = EmailLog.last end it 'should have the current user_id' do expect(@email_log.user_id).to eq(user.id) end describe "post reply keys" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post) } before do message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post.id message.header['Reply-To'] = "test-%{reply_key}@test.com" end describe 'when allow reply by email header is not present' do it 'should not create a post reply key' do expect { email_sender.send }.to_not change { PostReplyKey.count } end end describe 'when allow reply by email header is present' do let(:header) { Email::MessageBuilder::ALLOW_REPLY_BY_EMAIL_HEADER } before do message.header[header] = "test-%{reply_key}@test.com" end it 'should create a post reply key' do expect { email_sender.send }.to change { PostReplyKey.count }.by(1) post_reply_key = PostReplyKey.last expect(message.header['Reply-To'].value).to eq( "test-#{post_reply_key.reply_key}@test.com" ) expect(message.header[header]).to eq(nil) expect(post_reply_key.user_id).to eq(user.id) expect(post_reply_key.post_id).to eq(post.id) expect { email_sender.send }.to change { PostReplyKey.count }.by(0) end end end end end