# # Helps us find topics. Returns a TopicList object containing the topics # found. # require_dependency 'topic_list' require_dependency 'suggested_topics_builder' require_dependency 'topic_query_sql' class TopicQuery # Could be rewritten to %i if Ruby 1.9 is no longer supported VALID_OPTIONS = %w(except_topic_ids exclude_category limit page per_page min_posts max_posts topic_ids visible category order ascending no_subcategories no_definitions status state search ).map(&:to_sym) # Maps `order` to a columns in `topics` SORTABLE_MAPPING = { 'likes' => 'like_count', 'views' => 'views', 'posts' => 'posts_count', 'activity' => 'bumped_at', 'posters' => 'participant_count', 'category' => 'category_id', 'created' => 'created_at' } def initialize(user=nil, options={}) options.assert_valid_keys(VALID_OPTIONS) @options = options @user = user end def joined_topic_user(list=nil) (list || Topic).joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON (topics.id = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = #{@user.id.to_i})") end # Return a list of suggested topics for a topic def list_suggested_for(topic) builder = SuggestedTopicsBuilder.new(topic) # When logged in we start with different results if @user builder.add_results(unread_results(topic: topic, per_page: builder.results_left), :high) builder.add_results(new_results(topic: topic, per_page: builder.category_results_left), :high) unless builder.category_full? end builder.add_results(random_suggested(topic, builder.results_left, builder.excluded_topic_ids), :low) unless builder.full? create_list(:suggested, {}, builder.results) end # The latest view of topics def list_latest TopicList.new(:latest, @user, latest_results) end # The starred topics def list_starred create_list(:starred) {|topics| topics.where('tu.starred') } end def list_read create_list(:read, unordered: true) do |topics| topics.order('COALESCE(tu.last_visited_at, topics.bumped_at) DESC') end end def list_new TopicList.new(:new, @user, new_results) end def list_unread TopicList.new(:new, @user, unread_results) end def list_posted create_list(:posted) {|l| l.where('tu.posted') } end def list_top_for(period) score = "#{period}_score" create_list(:top, unordered: true) do |topics| topics = topics.joins(:top_topic).where("top_topics.#{score} > 0") if period == :yearly && @user.try(:trust_level) == TrustLevel[0] topics.order(TopicQuerySQL.order_top_with_pinned_category_for(score)) else topics.order(TopicQuerySQL.order_top_for(score)) end end end def list_topics_by(user) create_list(:user_topics) do |topics| topics.where(user_id: user.id) end end def list_private_messages(user) list = private_messages_for(user) TopicList.new(:private_messages, user, list) end def list_private_messages_sent(user) list = private_messages_for(user) list = list.where(user_id: user.id) TopicList.new(:private_messages, user, list) end def list_private_messages_unread(user) list = private_messages_for(user) list = list.where("tu.last_read_post_number IS NULL OR tu.last_read_post_number < topics.highest_post_number") TopicList.new(:private_messages, user, list) end def list_category(category) create_list(:category, unordered: true, category: category.id) do |list| if @user list.order(TopicQuerySQL.order_with_pinned_sql) else list.order(TopicQuerySQL.order_basic_bumped) end end end def list_new_in_category(category) create_list(:new_in_category, unordered: true, category: category.id) do |list| list.by_newest.first(25) end end def self.new_filter(list, treat_as_new_topic_start_date) list.where("topics.created_at >= :created_at", created_at: treat_as_new_topic_start_date) .where("tu.last_read_post_number IS NULL") .where("COALESCE(tu.notification_level, :tracking) >= :tracking", tracking: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]) end def self.unread_filter(list) list.where("tu.last_read_post_number < topics.highest_post_number") .where("COALESCE(tu.notification_level, :regular) >= :tracking", regular: TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular], tracking: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]) end protected def create_list(filter, options={}, topics = nil) topics ||= default_results(options) topics = yield(topics) if block_given? TopicList.new(filter, @user, topics) end def private_messages_for(user) options = @options options.reverse_merge!(per_page: SiteSetting.topics_per_page) # Start with a list of all topics result = Topic.includes(:allowed_users) .where("topics.id IN (SELECT topic_id FROM topic_allowed_users WHERE user_id = #{user.id.to_i})") .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON (topics.id = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = #{user.id.to_i})") .order(TopicQuerySQL.order_nocategory_basic_bumped) .private_messages result = result.limit(options[:per_page]) unless options[:limit] == false result = result.visible if options[:visible] || @user.nil? || @user.regular? result = result.offset(options[:page].to_i * options[:per_page]) if options[:page] result end def default_ordering(result, options) # If we're logged in, we have to pay attention to our pinned settings if @user result = options[:category].blank? ? result.order(TopicQuerySQL.order_nocategory_with_pinned_sql) : result.order(TopicQuerySQL.order_with_pinned_sql) else result = options[:category].blank? ? result.order(TopicQuerySQL.order_nocategory_basic_bumped) : result.order(TopicQuerySQL.order_basic_bumped) end result end def apply_ordering(result, options) sort_column = SORTABLE_MAPPING[options[:order]] || 'default' sort_dir = (options[:ascending] == "true") ? "ASC" : "DESC" # If we are sorting in the default order desc, we should consider including pinned # topics. Otherwise, just use bumped_at. if sort_column == 'default' if sort_dir == 'DESC' # If something requires a custom order, for example "unread" which sorts the least read # to the top, do nothing return result if options[:unordered] # Otherwise apply our default ordering return default_ordering(result, options) end sort_column = 'bumped_at' end # If we are sorting by category, actually use the name if sort_column == 'category_id' return result.references(:categories).order(TopicQuerySQL.order_by_category_sql(sort_dir)) end result.order("topics.#{sort_column} #{sort_dir}") end def get_category_id(category_id_or_slug) return nil unless category_id_or_slug category_id = category_id_or_slug.to_i category_id = Category.where(slug: category_id_or_slug).pluck(:id).first if category_id == 0 category_id end # Create results based on a bunch of default options def default_results(options={}) options.reverse_merge!(@options) options.reverse_merge!(per_page: SiteSetting.topics_per_page) # Start with a list of all topics result = Topic if @user result = result.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON (topics.id = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = #{@user.id.to_i})") .references('tu') end category_id = get_category_id(options[:category]) if category_id if options[:no_subcategories] result = result.where('categories.id = ?', category_id) else result = result.where('categories.id = ? or (categories.parent_category_id = ? AND categories.topic_id <> topics.id)', category_id, category_id) end result = result.references(:categories) end result = apply_ordering(result, options) result = result.listable_topics.includes(category: :topic_only_relative_url) result = result.where('categories.name is null or categories.name <> ?', options[:exclude_category]).references(:categories) if options[:exclude_category] # Don't include the category topics if excluded if options[:no_definitions] result = result.where('COALESCE(categories.topic_id, 0) <> topics.id') end result = result.limit(options[:per_page]) unless options[:limit] == false result = result.visible if options[:visible] || @user.nil? || @user.regular? result = result.where.not(topics: {id: options[:except_topic_ids]}).references(:topics) if options[:except_topic_ids] result = result.offset(options[:page].to_i * options[:per_page]) if options[:page] if options[:topic_ids] result = result.where('topics.id in (?)', options[:topic_ids]).references(:topics) end if search = options[:search] result = result.where("topics.id in (select pp.topic_id from post_search_data pd join posts pp on pp.id = pd.post_id where pd.search_data @@ #{Search.ts_query(search.to_s)})") end # NOTE protect against SYM attack can be removed with Ruby 2.2 # state = options[:state] if @user && state && TopicUser.notification_levels.keys.map(&:to_s).include?(state) level = TopicUser.notification_levels[state.to_sym] result = result.where('topics.id IN ( SELECT topic_id FROM topic_users WHERE user_id = ? AND notification_level = ?)', @user.id, level) end if status = options[:status] case status when 'open' result = result.where('NOT topics.closed AND NOT topics.archived') when 'closed' result = result.where('topics.closed') when 'archived' result = result.where('topics.archived') when 'visible' result = result.where('topics.visible') end end result = result.where('topics.posts_count <= ?', options[:max_posts]) if options[:max_posts].present? result = result.where('topics.posts_count >= ?', options[:min_posts]) if options[:min_posts].present? guardian = Guardian.new(@user) if !guardian.is_admin? allowed_ids = guardian.allowed_category_ids if allowed_ids.length > 0 result = result.where('topics.category_id IS NULL or topics.category_id IN (?)', allowed_ids) else result = result.where('topics.category_id IS NULL') end result = result.references(:categories) end result end def latest_results(options={}) result = default_results(options) result = remove_muted_categories(result, @user, exclude: options[:category]) result end def remove_muted_categories(list, user, opts=nil) category_id = get_category_id(opts[:exclude]) if opts if user list = list.where("NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM category_users cu WHERE cu.user_id = ? AND cu.category_id = topics.category_id AND cu.notification_level = ? AND cu.category_id <> ? )", user.id, CategoryUser.notification_levels[:muted], category_id || -1 ) .references('cu') end list end def unread_results(options={}) result = TopicQuery.unread_filter(default_results(options.reverse_merge(:unordered => true))) .order('CASE WHEN topics.user_id = tu.user_id THEN 1 ELSE 2 END') suggested_ordering(result, options) end def new_results(options={}) result = TopicQuery.new_filter(default_results(options.reverse_merge(:unordered => true)), @user.treat_as_new_topic_start_date) result = remove_muted_categories(result, @user, exclude: options[:category]) suggested_ordering(result, options) end def random_suggested(topic, count, excluded_topic_ids=[]) result = default_results(unordered: true, per_page: count).where(closed: false, archived: false) excluded_topic_ids += Category.pluck(:topic_id).compact result = result.where("topics.id NOT IN (?)", excluded_topic_ids) unless excluded_topic_ids.empty? result = remove_muted_categories(result, @user) # If we are in a category, prefer it for the random results if topic.category_id result = result.order("CASE WHEN topics.category_id = #{topic.category_id.to_i} THEN 0 ELSE 1 END") end result.order("RANDOM()") end def suggested_ordering(result, options) # Prefer unread in the same category if options[:topic] && options[:topic].category_id result = result.order("CASE WHEN topics.category_id = #{options[:topic].category_id.to_i} THEN 0 ELSE 1 END") end result.order(TopicQuerySQL.order_nocategory_with_pinned_sql) end end