# Post processing that we can do after a post has already been cooked. # For example, inserting the onebox content, or image sizes/thumbnails. require_dependency 'url_helper' class CookedPostProcessor include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper include UrlHelper def initialize(post, opts={}) @dirty = false @opts = opts @post = post @previous_cooked = (@post.cooked || "").dup @doc = Nokogiri::HTML::fragment(post.cooked) @size_cache = {} end def post_process(bypass_bump = false) keep_reverse_index_up_to_date post_process_images post_process_oneboxes optimize_urls pull_hotlinked_images(bypass_bump) end def keep_reverse_index_up_to_date upload_ids = Set.new @doc.search("a").each do |a| href = a["href"].to_s if upload = Upload.get_from_url(href) upload_ids << upload.id end end @doc.search("img").each do |img| src = img["src"].to_s if upload = Upload.get_from_url(src) upload_ids << upload.id end end values = upload_ids.map{ |u| "(#{@post.id},#{u})" }.join(",") PostUpload.transaction do PostUpload.delete_all(post_id: @post.id) if upload_ids.length > 0 PostUpload.exec_sql("INSERT INTO post_uploads (post_id, upload_id) VALUES #{values}") end end end def post_process_images images = extract_images return if images.blank? images.each do |img| src, width, height = img["src"], img["width"], img["height"] limit_size!(img) convert_to_link!(img) end update_topic_image(images) end def extract_images # do not extract images inside oneboxes or quotes @doc.css("img") - @doc.css(".onebox-result img, .onebox img") - @doc.css(".quote img") end def limit_size!(img) # retrieve the size from # 1) the width/height attributes # 2) the dimension from the preview (image_sizes) # 3) the dimension of the original image (HTTP request) w, h = get_size_from_attributes(img) || get_size_from_image_sizes(img["src"], @opts[:image_sizes]) || get_size(img["src"]) # limit the size of the thumbnail img["width"], img["height"] = ImageSizer.resize(w, h) end def get_size_from_attributes(img) w, h = img["width"].to_i, img["height"].to_i return [w, h] if w > 0 && h > 0 end def get_size_from_image_sizes(src, image_sizes) return unless image_sizes.present? image_sizes.each do |image_size| url, size = image_size[0], image_size[1] return [size["width"], size["height"]] if url.include?(src) end end def get_size(url) absolute_url = url absolute_url = Discourse.base_url_no_prefix + absolute_url if absolute_url =~ /^\/[^\/]/ # FastImage fails when there's no scheme absolute_url = SiteSetting.scheme + ":" + absolute_url if absolute_url.start_with?("//") return unless is_valid_image_url?(absolute_url) # we can *always* crawl our own images return unless SiteSetting.crawl_images? || Discourse.store.has_been_uploaded?(url) @size_cache[url] ||= FastImage.size(absolute_url) rescue Zlib::BufError # FastImage.size raises BufError for some gifs end def is_valid_image_url?(url) uri = URI.parse(url) %w(http https).include? uri.scheme rescue URI::InvalidURIError end def convert_to_link!(img) src = img["src"] return unless src.present? width, height = img["width"].to_i, img["height"].to_i original_width, original_height = get_size(src) return if original_width.to_i <= width && original_height.to_i <= height return if original_width.to_i <= SiteSetting.max_image_width && original_height.to_i <= SiteSetting.max_image_height return if is_a_hyperlink?(img) if upload = Upload.get_from_url(src) upload.create_thumbnail!(width, height) # TODO: optimize_image!(img) end add_lightbox!(img, original_width, original_height, upload) end def is_a_hyperlink?(img) parent = img.parent while parent return true if parent.name == "a" break unless parent.respond_to? :parent parent = parent.parent end false end def add_lightbox!(img, original_width, original_height, upload=nil) # first, create a div to hold our lightbox lightbox = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new("div", @doc) lightbox["class"] = "lightbox-wrapper" img.add_next_sibling(lightbox) lightbox.add_child(img) # then, the link to our larger image a = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new("a", @doc) img.add_next_sibling(a) a["href"] = img["src"] a["class"] = "lightbox" a.add_child(img) # replace the image by its thumbnail w, h = img["width"].to_i, img["height"].to_i img["src"] = upload.thumbnail(w, h).url if upload && upload.has_thumbnail?(w, h) # then, some overlay informations meta = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new("div", @doc) meta["class"] = "meta" img.add_next_sibling(meta) filename = get_filename(upload, img["src"]) informations = "#{original_width}x#{original_height}" informations << " #{number_to_human_size(upload.filesize)}" if upload a["title"] = filename meta.add_child create_span_node("filename", filename) meta.add_child create_span_node("informations", informations) meta.add_child create_span_node("expand") end def get_filename(upload, src) return File.basename(src) unless upload return upload.original_filename unless upload.original_filename =~ /^blob(\.png)?$/i return I18n.t("upload.pasted_image_filename") end def create_span_node(klass, content=nil) span = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new("span", @doc) span.content = content if content span["class"] = klass span end def update_topic_image(images) if @post.post_number == 1 img = images.first @post.topic.update_column(:image_url, img["src"]) if img["src"].present? end end def post_process_oneboxes args = { post_id: @post.id, invalidate_oneboxes: !!@opts[:invalidate_oneboxes], } result = Oneboxer.apply(@doc) do |url, element| Oneboxer.onebox(url, args) end end def optimize_urls @doc.search("a").each do |a| href = a["href"].to_s a["href"] = schemaless absolute(href) if is_local(href) end @doc.search("img").each do |img| src = img["src"].to_s img["src"] = schemaless absolute(src) if is_local(src) end end def pull_hotlinked_images(bypass_bump = false) # is the job enabled? return unless SiteSetting.download_remote_images_to_local? # have we enough disk space? return if disable_if_low_on_disk_space # we only want to run the job whenever it's changed by a user return if @post.last_editor_id == Discourse.system_user.id # make sure no other job is scheduled Jobs.cancel_scheduled_job(:pull_hotlinked_images, post_id: @post.id) # schedule the job delay = SiteSetting.ninja_edit_window + 1 Jobs.enqueue_in(delay.seconds.to_i, :pull_hotlinked_images, post_id: @post.id, bypass_bump: bypass_bump) end def disable_if_low_on_disk_space if available_disk_space < SiteSetting.download_remote_images_threshold SiteSetting.download_remote_images_to_local = false SystemMessage.create(Discourse.site_contact_user, :download_remote_images_disabled) return true end false end def available_disk_space 100 - `df -l . | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 5`.to_i end def dirty? @previous_cooked != html end def html @doc.try(:to_html) end end