# you can copy this file to /etc/init/discourse.conf and then start discourse with
# initctl start discourse

# It assumes Discourse is installed at /var/www/discourse
# It assumes Discourse is running under the discourse user
# It assumes an rvm based setup

description "Unicorn upstart for discourse"

stop on runlevel [06]

setuid discourse
setgid discourse

respawn limit 3 30


exec /bin/bash <<'EOT'

  # set HOME to the setuid user's home, there doesn't seem to be a better, portable way
  export HOME="$(eval echo ~$(id -un))"
  export RAILS_ENV=production
  export RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=90000000

  cd /var/www/discourse

  source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"

   exec bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.conf.rb

end script