class QueuedPost < ActiveRecord::Base class InvalidStateTransition < StandardError; end; belongs_to :user belongs_to :topic belongs_to :approved_by, class_name: "User" belongs_to :rejected_by, class_name: "User" def create_pending_action UserAction.log_action!(action_type: UserAction::PENDING, user_id: user_id, acting_user_id: user_id, target_topic_id: topic_id, queued_post_id: id) end def self.states @states ||=, :approved, :rejected) end # By default queues are hidden from moderators def self.visible_queues @visible_queues ||=['default']) end def self.visible where(queue: visible_queues.to_a) end def self.new_posts where(state: states[:new]) end def self.new_count new_posts.visible.count end def visible? QueuedPost.visible_queues.include?(queue) end def self.broadcast_new! msg = { post_queue_new_count: QueuedPost.new_count } MessageBus.publish('/queue_counts', msg, user_ids: User.staff.pluck(:id)) end def reject!(rejected_by) change_to!(:rejected, rejected_by) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:rejected_post, self) end def create_options opts = {raw: raw} opts.merge!(post_options.symbolize_keys) opts[:cooking_options].symbolize_keys! if opts[:cooking_options] opts[:topic_id] = topic_id if topic_id opts end def approve!(approved_by) created_post = nil QueuedPost.transaction do change_to!(:approved, approved_by) creator =, create_options.merge(skip_validations: true)) created_post = creator.create end DiscourseEvent.trigger(:approved_post, self) created_post end private def change_to!(state, changed_by) state_val = QueuedPost.states[state] updates = { state: state_val, "#{state}_by_id" =>, "#{state}_at" => } # We use an update with `row_count` trick here to avoid stampeding requests to # update the same row simultaneously. Only one state change should go through and # we can use the DB to enforce this row_count = QueuedPost.where('id = ? AND state <> ?', id, state_val).update_all(updates) raise if row_count == 0 if [:rejected, :approved].include?(state) UserAction.where(queued_post_id: id).destroy_all end # Update the record in memory too, and clear the dirty flag updates.each {|k, v| send("#{k}=", v) } changes_applied QueuedPost.broadcast_new! if visible? end end