# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require_dependency 'email' require_dependency 'enum' require_dependency 'user_name_suggester' class Users::OmniauthCallbacksController < ApplicationController BUILTIN_AUTH = [ Auth::FacebookAuthenticator.new, Auth::GoogleOAuth2Authenticator.new, Auth::OpenIdAuthenticator.new("yahoo", "https://me.yahoo.com", trusted: true), Auth::GithubAuthenticator.new, Auth::TwitterAuthenticator.new, Auth::InstagramAuthenticator.new ] skip_before_action :redirect_to_login_if_required layout 'no_ember' def self.types @types ||= Enum.new(:facebook, :instagram, :twitter, :google, :yahoo, :github, :persona, :cas) end # need to be able to call this skip_before_action :check_xhr # this is the only spot where we allow CSRF, our openid / oauth redirect # will not have a CSRF token, however the payload is all validated so its safe skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only: :complete def complete auth = request.env["omniauth.auth"] raise Discourse::NotFound unless request.env["omniauth.auth"] auth[:session] = session authenticator = self.class.find_authenticator(params[:provider]) provider = Discourse.auth_providers && Discourse.auth_providers.find { |p| p.name == params[:provider] } @auth_result = authenticator.after_authenticate(auth) origin = request.env['omniauth.origin'] if cookies[:destination_url].present? origin = cookies[:destination_url] cookies.delete(:destination_url) end if origin.present? parsed = URI.parse(origin) rescue nil if parsed @origin = "#{parsed.path}?#{parsed.query}" end end unless @origin.present? @origin = Discourse.base_uri("/") end if @auth_result.failed? flash[:error] = @auth_result.failed_reason.html_safe return render('failure') else @auth_result.authenticator_name = authenticator.name complete_response_data if (provider && provider.full_screen_login) || cookies['fsl'] cookies.delete('fsl') cookies['_bypass_cache'] = true flash[:authentication_data] = @auth_result.to_client_hash.to_json redirect_to @origin else respond_to do |format| format.html format.json { render json: @auth_result.to_client_hash } end end end end def failure flash[:error] = I18n.t("login.omniauth_error") render 'failure' end def self.find_authenticator(name) BUILTIN_AUTH.each do |authenticator| if authenticator.name == name raise Discourse::InvalidAccess.new("provider is not enabled") unless SiteSetting.send("enable_#{name}_logins?") return authenticator end end Discourse.auth_providers.each do |provider| return provider.authenticator if provider.name == name end raise Discourse::InvalidAccess.new("provider is not found") end protected def complete_response_data if @auth_result.user user_found(@auth_result.user) elsif SiteSetting.invite_only? @auth_result.requires_invite = true else session[:authentication] = @auth_result.session_data end end def user_found(user) # automatically activate/unstage any account if a provider marked the email valid if @auth_result.email_valid && @auth_result.email == user.email user.update!(staged: false) # ensure there is an active email token user.email_tokens.create(email: user.email) unless EmailToken.where(email: user.email, confirmed: true).present? || user.email_tokens.active.where(email: user.email).exists? user.activate user.update!(registration_ip_address: request.remote_ip) if user.registration_ip_address.blank? end if ScreenedIpAddress.should_block?(request.remote_ip) @auth_result.not_allowed_from_ip_address = true elsif ScreenedIpAddress.block_admin_login?(user, request.remote_ip) @auth_result.admin_not_allowed_from_ip_address = true elsif Guardian.new(user).can_access_forum? && user.active # log on any account that is active with forum access log_on_user(user) Invite.invalidate_for_email(user.email) # invite link can't be used to log in anymore session[:authentication] = nil # don't carry around old auth info, perhaps move elsewhere @auth_result.authenticated = true else if SiteSetting.must_approve_users? && !user.approved? @auth_result.awaiting_approval = true else @auth_result.awaiting_activation = true end end end end