require_dependency 'jobs/base' require_dependency 'pretty_text' require_dependency 'rate_limiter' require_dependency 'post_revisor' require_dependency 'enum' require_dependency 'trashable' require_dependency 'post_analyzer' require_dependency 'validators/post_validator' require_dependency 'plugin/filter' require 'archetype' require 'digest/sha1' class Post < ActiveRecord::Base include RateLimiter::OnCreateRecord include Trashable versioned if: :raw_changed? rate_limit rate_limit :limit_posts_per_day belongs_to :user belongs_to :topic, counter_cache: :posts_count belongs_to :reply_to_user, class_name: "User" has_many :post_replies has_many :replies, through: :post_replies has_many :post_actions has_many :topic_links has_many :post_uploads has_many :uploads, through: :post_uploads has_one :post_search_data has_many :post_details validates_with ::Validators::PostValidator # We can pass several creating options to a post via attributes attr_accessor :image_sizes, :quoted_post_numbers, :no_bump, :invalidate_oneboxes, :cooking_options, :skip_unique_check SHORT_POST_CHARS = 1200 scope :by_newest, -> { order('created_at desc, id desc') } scope :by_post_number, -> { order('post_number ASC') } scope :with_user, -> { includes(:user) } scope :public_posts, -> { joins(:topic).where('topics.archetype <> ?', Archetype.private_message) } scope :private_posts, -> { joins(:topic).where('topics.archetype = ?', Archetype.private_message) } scope :with_topic_subtype, ->(subtype) { joins(:topic).where('topics.subtype = ?', subtype) } def self.hidden_reasons @hidden_reasons ||=, :flag_threshold_reached_again, :new_user_spam_threshold_reached) end def self.types @types ||=, :moderator_action) end def self.find_by_detail(key, value) includes(:post_details).where( "post_details.key = ? AND " + "post_details.value = ?", key, value ).first end def add_detail(key, value, extra = nil) key, value: value, extra: extra) end def limit_posts_per_day if user.created_at > && post_number > 1, "first-day-replies-per-day:#{}", SiteSetting.max_replies_in_first_day, end end def trash!(trashed_by=nil) self.topic_links.each(&:destroy) super(trashed_by) end def recover! super update_flagged_posts_count TopicLink.extract_from(self) if topic && topic.category_id topic.category.update_latest end end # The key we use in redis to ensure unique posts def unique_post_key "post-#{user_id}:#{raw_hash}" end def store_unique_post_key if SiteSetting.unique_posts_mins > 0 $redis.setex(unique_post_key, SiteSetting.unique_posts_mins.minutes.to_i, "1") end end def matches_recent_post? $redis.exists(unique_post_key) end def raw_hash return if raw.blank? Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(raw.gsub(/\s+/, "")) end def self.white_listed_image_classes @white_listed_image_classes ||= ['avatar', 'favicon', 'thumbnail'] end def post_analyzer @post_analyzers ||= {} @post_analyzers[raw_hash] ||=, topic_id) end %w{raw_mentions linked_hosts image_count attachment_count link_count raw_links}.each do |attr| define_method(attr) do post_analyzer.send(attr) end end def cook(*args) Plugin::Filter.apply(:after_post_cook, self, post_analyzer.cook(*args)) end # Sometimes the post is being edited by someone else, for example, a mod. # If that's the case, they should not be bound by the original poster's # restrictions, for example on not posting images. def acting_user @acting_user || user end def acting_user=(pu) @acting_user = pu end def total_hosts_usage hosts = linked_hosts.clone TopicLink.where(domain: hosts.keys, user_id: .group(:domain, :post_id) .count.keys.each do |tuple| domain = tuple[0] hosts[domain] = (hosts[domain] || 0) + 1 end hosts end # Prevent new users from posting the same hosts too many times. def has_host_spam? return false if acting_user.present? && acting_user.has_trust_level?(:basic) total_hosts_usage.each do |host, count| return true if count >= SiteSetting.newuser_spam_host_threshold end false end def archetype topic.archetype end def self.regular_order order(:sort_order, :post_number) end def self.reverse_order order('sort_order desc, post_number desc') end def self.best_of where(["(post_number = 1) or (percent_rank <= ?)", SiteSetting.best_of_percent_filter.to_f / 100.0]) end def update_flagged_posts_count PostAction.update_flagged_posts_count end def filter_quotes(parent_post = nil) return cooked if parent_post.blank? # We only filter quotes when there is exactly 1 return cooked unless (quote_count == 1) parent_raw = parent_post.raw.sub(/\[quote.+\/quote\]/m, '') if raw[parent_raw] || (parent_raw.size < SHORT_POST_CHARS) return cooked.sub(/\/m, '') end cooked end def username user.username end def external_id "#{topic_id}/#{post_number}" end def quoteless? (quote_count == 0) && (reply_to_post_number.present?) end def reply_notification_target return if reply_to_post_number.blank? Post.where("topic_id = :topic_id AND post_number = :post_number AND user_id <> :user_id", topic_id: topic_id, post_number: reply_to_post_number, user_id: user_id).first.try(:user) end def self.excerpt(cooked, maxlength = nil, options = {}) maxlength ||= SiteSetting.post_excerpt_maxlength PrettyText.excerpt(cooked, maxlength, options) end # Strip out most of the markup def excerpt(maxlength = nil, options = {}) Post.excerpt(cooked, maxlength, options) end # A list of versions including the initial version def all_versions result = [] result << { number: 1, display_username: user.username, created_at: created_at } versions.order(:number).includes(:user).each do |v| if v.user.present? result << { number: v.number, display_username: v.user.username, created_at: v.created_at } end end result end def is_first_post? post_number == 1 end def is_flagged? post_actions.where(post_action_type_id: PostActionType.flag_types.values, deleted_at: nil).count != 0 end def unhide! self.hidden = false self.hidden_reason_id = nil self.topic.update_attributes(visible: true) save end def url Post.url(topic.slug,, post_number) end def self.url(slug, topic_id, post_number) "/t/#{slug}/#{topic_id}/#{post_number}" end def self.urls(post_ids) ids ={|u| u} if ids.length > 0 urls = {} Topic.joins(:posts).where('' => ids). select([' as post_id','post_number', 'topics.slug', 'topics.title', '']). each do |t| urls[t.post_id.to_i] = url(t.slug,, t.post_number) end urls else {} end end def author_readable user.readable_name end def revise(updated_by, new_raw, opts = {})!(updated_by, new_raw, opts) end before_create do PostCreator.before_create_tasks(self) end # This calculates the geometric mean of the post timings and stores it along with # each post. def self.calculate_avg_time retry_lock_error do exec_sql("UPDATE posts SET avg_time = (x.gmean / 1000) FROM (SELECT post_timings.topic_id, post_timings.post_number, round(exp(avg(ln(msecs)))) AS gmean FROM post_timings INNER JOIN posts AS p2 ON p2.post_number = post_timings.post_number AND p2.topic_id = post_timings.topic_id AND p2.user_id <> post_timings.user_id GROUP BY post_timings.topic_id, post_timings.post_number) AS x WHERE x.topic_id = posts.topic_id AND x.post_number = posts.post_number AND (posts.avg_time <> (x.gmean / 1000)::int OR posts.avg_time IS NULL)") end end before_save do self.last_editor_id ||= user_id self.cooked = cook(raw, topic_id: topic_id) unless new_record? end def advance_draft_sequence return if topic.blank? # could be deleted!(last_editor_id, topic.draft_key) end # TODO: move to post-analyzer? # Determine what posts are quoted by this post def extract_quoted_post_numbers temp_collector = [] # Create relationships for the quotes raw.scan(/\[quote=\"([^"]+)"\]/).each do |quote| args = parse_quote_into_arguments(quote) # If the topic attribute is present, ensure it's the same topic temp_collector << args[:post] unless (args[:topic].present? && topic_id != args[:topic]) end temp_collector.uniq! self.quoted_post_numbers = temp_collector self.quote_count = temp_collector.size end def save_reply_relationships add_to_quoted_post_numbers(reply_to_post_number) return if self.quoted_post_numbers.blank? # Create a reply relationship between quoted posts and this new post self.quoted_post_numbers.each do |p| post = Post.where(topic_id: topic_id, post_number: p).first create_reply_relationship_with(post) end end # Enqueue post processing for this post def trigger_post_process args = { post_id: id } args[:image_sizes] = image_sizes if image_sizes.present? args[:invalidate_oneboxes] = true if invalidate_oneboxes.present? Jobs.enqueue(:process_post, args) end def self.public_posts_count_per_day(since_days_ago=30) public_posts.where('posts.created_at > ?', since_days_ago.days.ago).group('date(posts.created_at)').order('date(posts.created_at)').count end def self.private_messages_count_per_day(since_days_ago, topic_subtype) private_posts.with_topic_subtype(topic_subtype).where('posts.created_at > ?', since_days_ago.days.ago).group('date(posts.created_at)').order('date(posts.created_at)').count end def reply_history post_ids = Post.exec_sql("WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumb(id, reply_to_post_number) AS ( SELECT, p.reply_to_post_number FROM posts AS p WHERE = :post_id UNION SELECT, p.reply_to_post_number FROM posts AS p, breadcrumb WHERE breadcrumb.reply_to_post_number = p.post_number AND p.topic_id = :topic_id ) SELECT id from breadcrumb ORDER by id", post_id: id, topic_id: topic_id).to_a! {|r| r['id'].to_i }.reject! {|post_id| post_id == id} Post.where(id: post_ids).includes(:user, :topic).order(:id).to_a end private def parse_quote_into_arguments(quote) return {} unless quote.present? args = {} quote.first.scan(/([a-z]+)\:(\d+)/).each do |arg| args[arg[0].to_sym] = arg[1].to_i end args end def add_to_quoted_post_numbers(num) return unless num.present? self.quoted_post_numbers ||= [] self.quoted_post_numbers << num end def create_reply_relationship_with(post) return if post.nil? post_reply = id) if Post.where(id: ['reply_count = reply_count + 1'] end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: posts # # id :integer not null, primary key # user_id :integer # topic_id :integer not null # post_number :integer not null # raw :text not null # cooked :text not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # reply_to_post_number :integer # cached_version :integer default(1), not null # reply_count :integer default(0), not null # quote_count :integer default(0), not null # deleted_at :datetime # off_topic_count :integer default(0), not null # like_count :integer default(0), not null # incoming_link_count :integer default(0), not null # bookmark_count :integer default(0), not null # avg_time :integer # score :float # reads :integer default(0), not null # post_type :integer default(1), not null # vote_count :integer default(0), not null # sort_order :integer # last_editor_id :integer # hidden :boolean default(FALSE), not null # hidden_reason_id :integer # notify_moderators_count :integer default(0), not null # spam_count :integer default(0), not null # illegal_count :integer default(0), not null # inappropriate_count :integer default(0), not null # last_version_at :datetime not null # user_deleted :boolean default(FALSE), not null # reply_to_user_id :integer # percent_rank :float default(1.0) # notify_user_count :integer default(0), not null # like_score :integer default(0), not null # deleted_by_id :integer # # Indexes # # idx_posts_user_id_deleted_at (user_id) # index_posts_on_reply_to_post_number (reply_to_post_number) # index_posts_on_topic_id_and_post_number (topic_id,post_number) UNIQUE #