# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe TopicTimer, type: :model do fab!(:topic_timer) { Fabricate(:topic_timer) } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } before { freeze_time } context "validations" do describe "pending_timers scope" do it "does not return deleted timers" do topic_timer.trash! expect(TopicTimer.pending_timers.pluck(:id)).not_to include(topic_timer.id) end it "does not return timers in the future of the provided before time" do topic_timer.update!(execute_at: 3.days.from_now) expect(TopicTimer.pending_timers.pluck(:id)).not_to include(topic_timer.id) expect(TopicTimer.pending_timers(2.days.from_now).pluck(:id)).not_to include(topic_timer.id) topic_timer.update!(execute_at: 1.minute.ago, created_at: 10.minutes.ago) expect(TopicTimer.pending_timers.pluck(:id)).to include(topic_timer.id) end end describe '#status_type' do it 'should ensure that only one active public topic status update exists' do topic_timer.update!(topic: topic) Fabricate(:topic_timer, deleted_at: Time.zone.now, topic: topic) expect { Fabricate(:topic_timer, topic: topic) } .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end end describe "#typed_job_scheduled?" do let(:scheduled_jobs) { Sidekiq::ScheduledSet.new } after do scheduled_jobs.clear end it "returns true if the job is scheduled" do Sidekiq::Testing.disable! do scheduled_jobs.clear Jobs.enqueue_at(3.hours.from_now, :close_topic, topic_timer_id: topic_timer.id) expect(topic_timer.typed_job_scheduled?).to eq(true) end end it "returns false if the job is not already scheduled" do Sidekiq::Testing.disable! do scheduled_jobs.clear expect(topic_timer.typed_job_scheduled?).to eq(false) end end it "returns true if the toggle_topic_closed job is scheduled for close,open,silent_close types" do Sidekiq::Testing.disable! do scheduled_jobs.clear topic_timer1 = Fabricate(:topic_timer, status_type: TopicTimer.types[:close]) Jobs.enqueue_at(3.hours.from_now, :toggle_topic_closed, topic_timer_id: topic_timer1.id) topic_timer2 = Fabricate(:topic_timer, status_type: TopicTimer.types[:open]) Jobs.enqueue_at(3.hours.from_now, :toggle_topic_closed, topic_timer_id: topic_timer2.id) topic_timer3 = Fabricate(:topic_timer, status_type: TopicTimer.types[:silent_close]) Jobs.enqueue_at(3.hours.from_now, :toggle_topic_closed, topic_timer_id: topic_timer3.id) expect(topic_timer1.typed_job_scheduled?).to eq(true) expect(topic_timer2.typed_job_scheduled?).to eq(true) expect(topic_timer3.typed_job_scheduled?).to eq(true) end end end describe '#execute_at' do describe 'when #execute_at is greater than #created_at' do it 'should be valid' do topic_timer = Fabricate.build(:topic_timer, execute_at: Time.zone.now + 1.hour, user: Fabricate(:user), topic: Fabricate(:topic) ) expect(topic_timer).to be_valid end end describe 'when #execute_at is smaller than #created_at' do it 'should not be valid' do topic_timer = Fabricate.build(:topic_timer, execute_at: Time.zone.now - 1.hour, created_at: Time.zone.now, user: Fabricate(:user), topic: Fabricate(:topic) ) expect(topic_timer).to_not be_valid end end end describe '#category_id' do describe 'when #status_type is publish_to_category' do describe 'when #category_id is not present' do it 'should not be valid' do topic_timer = Fabricate.build(:topic_timer, status_type: TopicTimer.types[:publish_to_category] ) expect(topic_timer).to_not be_valid expect(topic_timer.errors).to include(:category_id) end end describe 'when #category_id is present' do it 'should be valid' do topic_timer = Fabricate.build(:topic_timer, status_type: TopicTimer.types[:publish_to_category], category_id: Fabricate(:category).id, user: Fabricate(:user), topic: Fabricate(:topic) ) expect(topic_timer).to be_valid end end end end end context 'callbacks' do describe 'when #execute_at and #user_id are not changed' do it 'should not schedule another to update topic' do Jobs.expects(:enqueue_at).never Jobs.expects(:cancel_scheduled_job).never topic_timer.update!(topic: Fabricate(:topic)) end end describe 'when #execute_at value is changed' do it 'reschedules the job' do Jobs.expects(:cancel_scheduled_job).with( :toggle_topic_closed, topic_timer_id: topic_timer.id ) Jobs.expects(:cancel_scheduled_job).with( :close_topic, topic_timer_id: topic_timer.id ) topic_timer.update!(execute_at: 3.days.from_now, created_at: Time.zone.now) end end describe 'when user is changed' do it 'should update the job' do Jobs.expects(:cancel_scheduled_job).with( :toggle_topic_closed, topic_timer_id: topic_timer.id ) Jobs.expects(:cancel_scheduled_job).with( :close_topic, topic_timer_id: topic_timer.id ) topic_timer.update!(user: admin) end end describe 'when a open topic status update is created for an open topic' do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, closed: false) } fab!(:topic_timer) do Fabricate(:topic_timer, status_type: described_class.types[:open], topic: topic ) end before do Jobs.run_immediately! end it 'should close the topic' do topic_timer.send(:schedule_auto_open_job) expect(topic.reload.closed).to eq(true) end end describe 'when a close topic status update is created for a closed topic' do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, closed: true) } fab!(:topic_timer) do Fabricate(:topic_timer, status_type: described_class.types[:close], topic: topic ) end before do Jobs.run_immediately! end it 'should open the topic' do topic_timer.send(:schedule_auto_close_job) expect(topic.reload.closed).to eq(false) end end describe '#public_type' do [:close, :open, :delete].each do |public_type| it "is true for #{public_type}" do timer = Fabricate(:topic_timer, status_type: described_class.types[public_type]) expect(timer.public_type).to eq(true) end end it "is true for publish_to_category" do timer = Fabricate(:topic_timer, status_type: described_class.types[:publish_to_category], category: Fabricate(:category)) expect(timer.public_type).to eq(true) end described_class.private_types.keys.each do |private_type| it "is false for #{private_type}" do timer = Fabricate(:topic_timer, status_type: described_class.types[private_type]) expect(timer.public_type).to be_falsey end end end end describe "runnable?" do it "returns false if execute_at > now" do topic_timer = Fabricate.build(:topic_timer, execute_at: Time.zone.now + 1.hour, user: Fabricate(:user), topic: Fabricate(:topic) ) expect(topic_timer.runnable?).to eq(false) end it "returns false if timer is deleted" do topic_timer = Fabricate.create(:topic_timer, execute_at: Time.zone.now - 1.hour, created_at: Time.zone.now - 2.hour, user: Fabricate(:user), topic: Fabricate(:topic) ) topic_timer.trash! expect(topic_timer.runnable?).to eq(false) end it "returns true if execute_at < now" do topic_timer = Fabricate.build(:topic_timer, execute_at: Time.zone.now - 1.hour, created_at: Time.zone.now - 2.hour, user: Fabricate(:user), topic: Fabricate(:topic) ) expect(topic_timer.runnable?).to eq(true) end end end