require "listen" require "thread" require "fileutils" require "autospec/reload_css" require "autospec/base_runner" require "socket_server" module Autospec; end class Autospec::Manager def = {}) end def initialize(opts = {}) @opts = opts @debug = opts[:debug] @queue = [] @mutex = @signal = @runners = [ruby_runner] if ENV["QUNIT"] == "1" @runners << javascript_runner else puts "Skipping JS tests, run them in the browser at /qunit or add QUNIT=1 to env" end end def run Signal.trap("HUP") { stop_runners; exit } Signal.trap("INT") do begin stop_runners rescue => e puts "FAILED TO STOP RUNNERS #{e}" end exit end ensure_all_specs_will_run start_runners start_service_queue listen_for_changes puts "Press [ENTER] to stop the current run" while @runners.any?(&:running?) STDIN.gets process_queue end rescue => e fail(e, "failed in run") ensure stop_runners end private def ruby_runner require "autospec/simple_runner" end def javascript_runner require "autospec/qunit_runner" end def ensure_all_specs_will_run(current_runner = nil) puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ ensure_all_specs_will_run" if @debug @queue.reject! { |_, s, _| s == "spec" } if current_runner @queue.concat [['spec', 'spec', current_runner]] end @runners.each do |runner| @queue.concat [['spec', 'spec', runner]] unless @queue.any? { |_, s, r| s == "spec" && r == runner } end end [:start, :stop, :abort].each do |verb| define_method("#{verb}_runners") do puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ #{verb}_runners" if @debug @runners.each(&verb) end end def start_service_queue puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ start_service_queue" if @debug do while true thread_loop end end end # the main loop, will run the specs in the queue till one fails or the queue is empty def thread_loop puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ thread_loop" if @debug @mutex.synchronize do current = @queue.first last_failed = false last_failed = process_spec(current) if current # stop & wait for the queue to have at least one item or when there's been a failure if @debug puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ waiting because..." puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ ...current spec has failed" if last_failed puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ ...queue is empty" if @queue.length == 0 end @signal.wait(@mutex) if @queue.length == 0 || last_failed end rescue => e fail(e, "failed in main loop") end # will actually run the spec and check whether the spec has failed or not def process_spec(current) puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ process_spec --> #{current}" if @debug has_failed = false # retrieve the instance of the runner runner = current[2] # actually run the spec (blocking call) result =[1]).to_i if result == 0 puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ success" if @debug # remove the spec from the queue @queue.shift else puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ failure" if @debug has_failed = true if result > 0 focus_on_failed_tests(current) ensure_all_specs_will_run(runner) end end has_failed end def focus_on_failed_tests(current) puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ focus_on_failed_tests --> #{current}" if @debug runner = current[2] # we only want 1 focus in the queue @queue.shift if current[0] == "focus" # focus on the first 10 failed specs failed_specs = runner.failed_specs[0..10] puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ failed_specs --> #{failed_specs}" if @debug # try focus tag if failed_specs.length > 0 filename, _ = failed_specs[0].split(":") if filename && File.exist?(filename) && ! spec = start, _ = spec.split(/\S*#focus\S*$/) if start.length < spec.length line = start.scan(/\n/).length + 1 puts "Found #focus tag on line #{line}!" failed_specs = ["#{filename}:#{line + 1}"] end end end # focus on the failed specs @queue.unshift ["focus", failed_specs.join(" "), runner] if failed_specs.length > 0 end def listen_for_changes puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ listen_for_changes" if @debug options = { ignore: /^lib\/autospec/, } if @opts[:force_polling] options[:force_polling] = true options[:latency] = @opts[:latency] || 3 end path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "../../..") if ENV['VIM_AUTOSPEC'] STDERR.puts "Using VIM file listener" socket_path = (Rails.root + "tmp/file_change.sock").to_s FileUtils.rm_f(socket_path) server = server.start do |line| file, line = line.split(' ') file = file.sub(Rails.root.to_s << "/", "") # process_change can aquire a mutex and block # the acceptor do if file =~ /(es6|js)$/ process_change([[file]]) else process_change([[file, line]]) end end "OK" end return end # to speed up boot we use a thread ["spec", "lib", "app", "config", "test", "vendor", "plugins"].each do |watch| puts "@@@@@@@@@ Listen to #{path}/#{watch} #{options}" if @debug do begin listener ="#{path}/#{watch}", options) do |modified, added, _| paths = [modified, added].flatten paths.compact!! { |long| long[(path.length + 1)..-1] } process_change(paths) end listener.start sleep rescue => e puts "FAILED to listen on changes to #{path}/#{watch}" puts e end end end end def process_change(files) return if files.length == 0 puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ process_change --> #{files}" if @debug specs = [] hit = false files.each do |file, line| @runners.each do |runner| # reloaders runner.reloaders.each do |k| if k.match(file) puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ #{file} matched a reloader for #{runner}" if @debug runner.reload return end end # watchers runner.watchers.each do |k, v| if m = k.match(file) puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ #{file} matched a watcher for #{runner}" if @debug hit = true spec = v ? (v.arity == 1 ? : : file with_line = spec if spec == file && line with_line = spec + ":" << line.to_s end if File.exists?(spec) || Dir.exists?(spec) if with_line != spec specs << [file, spec, runner] end specs << [file, with_line, runner] end end end end end queue_specs(specs) if hit rescue => e fail(e, "failed in watcher") end def queue_specs(specs) puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ queue_specs --> #{specs}" if @debug if specs.length == 0 locked = @mutex.try_lock if locked @signal.signal @mutex.unlock end return else abort_runners end puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ waiting for the mutex" if @debug @mutex.synchronize do puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ queueing specs" if @debug puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ #{@queue}" if @debug specs.each do |file, spec, runner| # make sure there's no other instance of this spec in the queue @queue.delete_if { |_, s, r| s.strip.start_with?(spec.strip) && r == runner } # deal with focused specs if @queue.first && @queue.first[0] == "focus" focus = @queue.shift @queue.unshift([file, spec, runner]) unless spec.include?(":") && focus[1].include?(spec.split(":")[0]) if focus[1].include?(spec) || file != spec @queue.unshift(focus) end end else @queue.unshift([file, spec, runner]) end # push run all specs to end of queue in correct order ensure_all_specs_will_run(runner) end puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ specs queued" if @debug puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ #{@queue}" if @debug @signal.signal end end def process_queue puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ process_queue" if @debug if @queue.length == 0 puts "@@@@@@@@@@@@ queue is empty..." if @debug ensure_all_specs_will_run @signal.signal else current = @queue.first runner = current[2] specs = runner.failed_specs puts puts if specs.length == 0 puts "No specs have failed yet! " puts else puts "The following specs have failed:" specs.each { |s| puts s } puts specs = { |s| [s, s, runner] } queue_specs(specs) end end end def fail(exception, message = nil) puts message if message puts exception.message puts exception.backtrace.join("\n") end end