import selectKit from "helpers/select-kit-helper"; import { acceptance } from "helpers/qunit-helpers"; let groupArgs = { settings: { enable_group_directory: true }, pretend(server, helper) {"/groups/Macdonald/request_membership", () => { return helper.response({ relative_url: "/t/internationalization-localization/280" }); }); } }; acceptance("Group", groupArgs); const response = object => { return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, object]; }; QUnit.test("Anonymous Viewing Group", async assert => { await visit("/g/discourse"); assert.equal( count(".nav-pills li a[title='Messages']"), 0, "it deos not show group messages navigation link" ); await click(".nav-pills li a[title='Activity']"); assert.ok(count(".user-stream-item") > 0, "it lists stream items"); await click(".activity-nav li a[href='/g/discourse/activity/topics']"); assert.ok(find(".topic-list"), "it shows the topic list"); assert.equal(count(".topic-list-item"), 2, "it lists stream items"); await click(".activity-nav li a[href='/g/discourse/activity/mentions']"); assert.ok(count(".user-stream-item") > 0, "it lists stream items"); assert.ok( find(".nav-pills li a[title='Edit Group']").length === 0, "it should not show messages tab if user is not admin" ); assert.ok( find(".nav-pills li a[title='Logs']").length === 0, "it should not show Logs tab if user is not admin" ); assert.ok(count(".user-stream-item") > 0, "it lists stream items"); await selectKit(".group-dropdown").expand(); assert.equal( find(".select-kit-row") .text() .trim(), "discourse", "it displays the right row" ); assert.equal( find(".group-dropdown-filter") .text() .trim(), I18n.t("groups.index.all").toLowerCase(), "it displays the right header" ); Discourse.SiteSettings.enable_group_directory = false; await visit("/g"); await visit("/g/discourse"); await selectKit(".group-dropdown").expand(); assert.equal( find(".group-dropdown-filter").length, 0, "it should not display the default header" ); }); QUnit.test("Anonymous Viewing Automatic Group", async assert => { await visit("/g/moderators"); assert.equal( count(".nav-pills li a[title='Manage']"), 0, "it deos not show group messages navigation link" ); }); acceptance("Group", Object.assign({ loggedIn: true }, groupArgs)); QUnit.test("User Viewing Group", async assert => { await visit("/g"); await click(".group-index-request"); assert.equal( find(".modal-header") .text() .trim(), I18n.t("groups.membership_request.title", { group_name: "Macdonald" }) ); assert.equal( find(".request-group-membership-form textarea").val(), "Please add me" ); await click(".modal-footer .btn-primary"); assert.equal( find(".fancy-title") .text() .trim(), "Internationalization / localization" ); await visit("/g/discourse"); await click(".group-message-button"); assert.ok(count("#reply-control") === 1, "it opens the composer"); assert.equal( find(".ac-wrap .item").text(), "discourse", "it prefills the group name" ); }); QUnit.test( "Admin viewing group messages when there are no messages", async assert => { // prettier-ignore server.get("/topics/private-messages-group/eviltrout/discourse.json", () => { // eslint-disable-line no-undef return response({ topic_list: { topics: [] } }); }); await visit("/g/discourse"); await click(".nav-pills li a[title='Messages']"); assert.equal( find(".alert") .text() .trim(), I18n.t("choose_topic.none_found"), "it should display the right alert" ); } ); QUnit.test("Admin viewing group messages", async assert => { // prettier-ignore server.get("/topics/private-messages-group/eviltrout/discourse.json", () => { // eslint-disable-line no-undef return response({ users: [ { id: 2, username: "bruce1", avatar_template: "/user_avatar/{size}/5245.png" }, { id: 3, username: "CodingHorror", avatar_template: "/user_avatar/{size}/5245.png" } ], primary_groups: [], topic_list: { can_create_topic: true, draft: null, draft_key: "new_topic", draft_sequence: 0, per_page: 30, topics: [ { id: 12199, title: "This is a private message 1", fancy_title: "This is a private message 1", slug: "this-is-a-private-message-1", posts_count: 0, reply_count: 0, highest_post_number: 0, image_url: null, created_at: "2018-03-16T03:38:45.583Z", last_posted_at: null, bumped: true, bumped_at: "2018-03-16T03:38:45.583Z", unseen: false, pinned: false, unpinned: null, visible: true, closed: false, archived: false, bookmarked: null, liked: null, views: 0, like_count: 0, has_summary: false, archetype: "private_message", last_poster_username: "bruce1", category_id: null, pinned_globally: false, featured_link: null, posters: [ { extras: "latest single", description: "Original Poster, Most Recent Poster", user_id: 2, primary_group_id: null } ], participants: [ { extras: "latest", description: null, user_id: 2, primary_group_id: null }, { extras: null, description: null, user_id: 3, primary_group_id: null } ] } ] } }); }); await visit("/g/discourse"); await click(".nav-pills li a[title='Messages']"); assert.equal( find(".topic-list-item .link-top-line") .text() .trim(), "This is a private message 1", "it should display the list of group topics" ); }); QUnit.test("Admin Viewing Group", async assert => { await visit("/g/discourse"); assert.ok( find(".nav-pills li a[title='Manage']").length === 1, "it should show manage group tab if user is admin" ); assert.equal( count(".group-message-button"), 1, "it displays show group message button" ); assert.equal( find(".group-info-name").text(), "Awesome Team", "it should display the group name" ); });