# frozen_string_literal: true require_dependency 'ip_addr' # Responsible for destroying a User record class UserDestroyer class PostsExistError < RuntimeError; end def initialize(actor) @actor = actor raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new('acting user is nil') unless @actor && @actor.is_a?(User) @guardian = Guardian.new(actor) end # Returns false if the user failed to be deleted. # Returns a frozen instance of the User if the delete succeeded. def destroy(user, opts = {}) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new('user is nil') unless user && user.is_a?(User) raise PostsExistError if !opts[:delete_posts] && user.posts.count != 0 @guardian.ensure_can_delete_user!(user) # default to using a transaction opts[:transaction] = true if opts[:transaction] != false prepare_for_destroy(user) if opts[:prepare_for_destroy] == true result = nil optional_transaction(open_transaction: opts[:transaction]) do Draft.where(user_id: user.id).delete_all Reviewable.where(created_by_id: user.id).delete_all if opts[:delete_posts] user.posts.each do |post| # agree with flags if opts[:delete_as_spammer] && reviewable = post.reviewable_flag reviewable.perform(@actor, :agree_and_keep) end # block all external urls if opts[:block_urls] post.topic_links.each do |link| next if link.internal next if Oneboxer.engine(link.url) != Onebox::Engine::WhitelistedGenericOnebox ScreenedUrl.watch(link.url, link.domain, ip_address: user.ip_address)&.record_match! end end PostDestroyer.new(@actor.staff? ? @actor : Discourse.system_user, post).destroy if post.topic && post.is_first_post? Topic.unscoped.where(id: post.topic_id).update_all(user_id: nil) end end end user.post_actions.each do |post_action| post_action.remove_act!(Discourse.system_user) end # Add info about the user to staff action logs UserHistory.staff_action_records( Discourse.system_user, acting_user: user.username ).each do |log| log.details ||= '' log.details = (log.details.split("\n") + ["user_id: #{user.id}", "username: #{user.username}"] ).join("\n") log.save! end # keep track of emails used user_emails = user.user_emails.pluck(:email) if result = user.destroy if opts[:block_email] user_emails.each do |email| ScreenedEmail.block(email, ip_address: result.ip_address)&.record_match! end end if opts[:block_ip] && result.ip_address ScreenedIpAddress.watch(result.ip_address)&.record_match! if result.registration_ip_address && result.ip_address != result.registration_ip_address ScreenedIpAddress.watch(result.registration_ip_address)&.record_match! end end Post.unscoped.where(user_id: result.id).update_all(user_id: nil) # If this user created categories, fix those up: Category.where(user_id: result.id).each do |c| c.user_id = Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID c.save! if topic = Topic.unscoped.find_by(id: c.topic_id) topic.recover! topic.user_id = Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID topic.save! end end unless opts[:quiet] if @actor == user deleted_by = Discourse.system_user opts[:context] = I18n.t("staff_action_logs.user_delete_self", url: opts[:context]) else deleted_by = @actor end StaffActionLogger.new(deleted_by).log_user_deletion(user, opts.slice(:context)) end MessageBus.publish "/file-change", ["refresh"], user_ids: [result.id] end end # After the user is deleted, remove the reviewable if reviewable = Reviewable.pending.find_by(target: user) reviewable.perform(@actor, :reject_user_delete) end result end protected def prepare_for_destroy(user) PostAction.where(user_id: user.id).delete_all UserAction.where('user_id = :user_id OR target_user_id = :user_id OR acting_user_id = :user_id', user_id: user.id).delete_all PostTiming.where(user_id: user.id).delete_all TopicViewItem.where(user_id: user.id).delete_all TopicUser.where(user_id: user.id).delete_all TopicAllowedUser.where(user_id: user.id).delete_all Notification.where(user_id: user.id).delete_all end def optional_transaction(open_transaction: true) if open_transaction User.transaction { yield } else yield end end end