task 'assets:precompile:before' do require 'uglifier' unless %w{profile production}.include? Rails.env raise "rake assets:precompile should only be run in RAILS_ENV=production, you are risking unminified assets" end # Ensure we ALWAYS do a clean build # We use many .erbs that get out of date quickly, especially with plugins puts "Purging temp files" `rm -fr #{Rails.root}/tmp/cache` # Ensure we clear emoji cache before pretty-text/emoji/data.js.es6.erb # is recompiled Emoji.clear_cache if Rails.configuration.assets.js_compressor == :uglifier && !`which uglifyjs`.empty? && !ENV['SKIP_NODE_UGLIFY'] $node_uglify = true end unless ENV['USE_SPROCKETS_UGLIFY'] $bypass_sprockets_uglify = true end puts "Bundling assets" # in the past we applied a patch that removed asset postfixes, but it is terrible practice # leaving very complicated build issues # https://github.com/rails/sprockets-rails/issues/49 require 'sprockets' require 'digest/sha1' # Needed for proper source maps with a CDN load "#{Rails.root}/lib/global_path.rb" include GlobalPath if $bypass_sprockets_uglify Rails.configuration.assets.js_compressor = nil Rails.configuration.assets.gzip = false end end task 'assets:precompile:css' => 'environment' do if ENV["DONT_PRECOMPILE_CSS"] == "1" STDERR.puts "Skipping CSS precompilation, ensure CSS lives in a shared directory across hosts" else STDERR.puts "Start compiling CSS: #{Time.zone.now}" RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do |db| # Heroku precompiles assets before db migration, so tables may not exist. # css will get precompiled during first request instead in that case. if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(Theme.table_name) STDERR.puts "Compiling css for #{db} #{Time.zone.now}" begin Stylesheet::Manager.precompile_css rescue => PG::UndefinedColumn STDERR.puts "Skipping precompilation of CSS cause schema is old, you are precompiling prior to running migrations." end end end STDERR.puts "Done compiling CSS: #{Time.zone.now}" end end def assets_path "#{Rails.root}/public/assets" end def compress_node(from, to) to_path = "#{assets_path}/#{to}" assets = cdn_relative_path("/assets") source_map_root = assets + ((d = File.dirname(from)) == "." ? "" : "/#{d}") source_map_url = cdn_path "/assets/#{to}.map" cmd = "uglifyjs '#{assets_path}/#{from}' -p relative -c -m -o '#{to_path}' --source-map-root '#{source_map_root}' --source-map '#{assets_path}/#{to}.map' --source-map-url '#{source_map_url}'" STDERR.puts cmd result = `#{cmd} 2>&1` unless $?.success? STDERR.puts result exit 1 end result end def compress_ruby(from, to) data = File.read("#{assets_path}/#{from}") uglified, map = Uglifier.new(comments: :none, screw_ie8: true, source_map: { filename: File.basename(from), output_filename: File.basename(to) } ) .compile_with_map(data) dest = "#{assets_path}/#{to}" File.write(dest, uglified << "\n//# sourceMappingURL=#{cdn_path "/assets/#{to}.map"}") File.write(dest + ".map", map) GC.start end def gzip(path) STDERR.puts "gzip #{path}" STDERR.puts `gzip -f -c -9 #{path} > #{path}.gz` end def brotli(path) if ENV['COMPRESS_BROTLI']&.to_i == 1 STDERR.puts "brotli #{path}" STDERR.puts `brotli --quality 11 --input #{path} --output #{path}.br` STDERR.puts `chmod +r #{path}.br` end end def compress(from, to) if $node_uglify compress_node(from, to) else compress_ruby(from, to) end end def concurrent? if ENV["SPROCKETS_CONCURRENT"] == "1" concurrent_compressors = [] yield(Proc.new { |&block| concurrent_compressors << Concurrent::Future.execute { block.call } }) concurrent_compressors.each(&:wait!) else yield(Proc.new { |&block| block.call }) end end task 'assets:precompile' => 'assets:precompile:before' do if $bypass_sprockets_uglify puts "Compressing Javascript and Generating Source Maps" manifest = Sprockets::Manifest.new(assets_path) concurrent? do |proc| to_skip = Rails.configuration.assets.skip_minification || [] manifest.files .select { |k, v| k =~ /\.js$/ } .each do |file, info| path = "#{assets_path}/#{file}" _file = (d = File.dirname(file)) == "." ? "_#{file}" : "#{d}/_#{File.basename(file)}" _path = "#{assets_path}/#{_file}" if File.exists?(_path) STDERR.puts "Skipping: #{file} already compressed" else STDERR.puts "Compressing: #{file}" proc.call do # We can specify some files to never minify unless (ENV["DONT_MINIFY"] == "1") || to_skip.include?(info['logical_path']) FileUtils.mv(path, _path) compress(_file, file) end info["size"] = File.size(path) info["mtime"] = File.mtime(path).iso8601 gzip(path) brotli(path) end end end end # protected manifest.send :save if GlobalSetting.fallback_assets_path.present? begin FileUtils.cp_r("#{Rails.root}/public/assets/.", GlobalSetting.fallback_assets_path) rescue => e STDERR.puts "Failed to backup assets to #{GlobalSetting.fallback_assets_path}" STDERR.puts e STDERR.puts e.backtrace end end end end Rake::Task["assets:precompile"].enhance do class Sprockets::Manifest def reload @filename = find_directory_manifest(@directory) @data = json_decode(File.read(@filename)) end end # cause on boot we loaded a blank manifest, # we need to know where all the assets are to precompile CSS # cause CSS uses asset_path Rails.application.assets_manifest.reload Rake::Task["assets:precompile:css"].invoke end