// Chrome QUnit Test Runner // Author: David Taylor // Requires chrome-launcher and chrome-remote-interface from npm // An up-to-date version of chrome is also required var args = process.argv.slice(2); if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) { console.log("Usage: node run-qunit-chrome.js "); process.exit(1); } const chromeLauncher = require('chrome-launcher'); const CDP = require('chrome-remote-interface'); (async function() { async function launchChrome() { return await chromeLauncher.launch({ chromeFlags: [ '--disable-gpu', '--headless' ] }); } const chrome = await launchChrome(); const protocol = await CDP({ port: chrome.port }); const { Page, Runtime } = protocol; await Page.enable(); await Runtime.enable(); Runtime.consoleAPICalled((response) => { const message = response['args'][0].value; // If it's a simple test result, write without newline if(message === "." || message === "F"){ process.stdout.write(message); }else{ console.log(message); } }); Page.navigate({ url: args[0] }); Page.loadEventFired(async() => { await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `(${qunit_script})()` }); const timeout = parseInt(args[1] || 300000, 10); var start = Date.now(); var interval = setInterval(async() => { if (Date.now() > start + timeout) { console.error("Tests timed out"); protocol.close(); chrome.kill(); process.exit(124); } else { const numFails = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `(${check_script})()` }); if (numFails.result.type !== 'undefined') { clearInterval(interval); protocol.close(); chrome.kill(); if (numFails.value > 0) { process.exit(1); } else { process.exit(); } } } }, 250); }); })(); // The following functions are converted to strings // And then sent to chrome to be evalaluated function logQUnit() { var moduleErrors = []; var testErrors = []; var assertionErrors = []; console.log("\nRunning: " + JSON.stringify(QUnit.urlParams) + "\n"); QUnit.config.testTimeout = 10000; QUnit.moduleDone(function(context) { if (context.failed) { var msg = "Module Failed: " + context.name + "\n" + testErrors.join("\n"); moduleErrors.push(msg); testErrors = []; } }); QUnit.testDone(function(context) { if (context.failed) { var msg = " Test Failed: " + context.name + assertionErrors.join(" "); testErrors.push(msg); assertionErrors = []; console.log("F"); } else { console.log("."); } }); QUnit.log(function(context) { if (context.result) { return; } var msg = "\n Assertion Failed:"; if (context.message) { msg += " " + context.message; } if (context.expected) { msg += "\n Expected: " + context.expected + ", Actual: " + context.actual; } assertionErrors.push(msg); }); QUnit.done(function(context) { console.log("\n"); if (moduleErrors.length > 0) { for (var idx=0; idx