# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ zh_CN: js: styleguide: title: "样式指引" welcome: "从左侧菜单中选择一部分以开始使用" categories: atoms: 原子 molecules: 分子 organisms: 生物 sections: typography: title: "排版" example: "欢迎来到 Discourse" paragraph: "占位符占位符占位符,那只敏捷的棕毛狐狸跳过了那条懒狗,那只敏捷的棕毛狐狸跳过了那条懒狗,占位符占位符占位符" date_time_inputs: title: "日期/时间输入框" font_scale: title: "字体系统" colors: title: "配色" icons: title: "图标" full_list: "查看全部 Font Awesome 图标" input_fields: title: "输入字段" buttons: title: "按钮" dropdowns: title: "下拉菜单" categories: title: "分类" bread_crumbs: title: "面包屑" navigation: title: "导航" navigation_bar: title: "导航栏" navigation_stacked: title: "堆叠式导航" categories_list: title: "分类列表" topic_link: title: "话题链接" topic_list_item: title: "话题列表项" topic_statuses: title: "话题状态" topic_list: title: "话题列表" basic_topic_list: title: "基础话题列表" footer_message: title: "底栏信息" signup_cta: title: "注册的 CTA" topic_timer_info: title: "话题计时器" topic_footer_buttons: title: "话题底栏按钮" topic_notifications: title: "话题通知" post: title: "帖子" topic_map: title: "话题数据" site_header: title: "站点顶栏" suggested_topics: title: "推荐话题" post_menu: title: "帖子菜单" modal: title: "模态框" header: "模态框标题" footer: "模态框底栏" user_about: title: "用户信息框" header_icons: title: "顶栏图标" spinners: title: "进度圈"