import AppEvents from "discourse/lib/app-events"; import Topic from "discourse/models/topic"; import PostStream from "discourse/models/post-stream"; import { Placeholder } from "discourse/lib/posts-with-placeholders"; moduleFor("controller:topic", "controller:topic", { needs: ["controller:composer", "controller:application"], beforeEach() { this.registry.register("app-events:main", AppEvents.create(), { instantiate: false }); this.registry.injection("controller", "appEvents", "app-events:main"); } }); QUnit.test("editTopic", function(assert) { const model = Topic.create(); const controller = this.subject({ model }); assert.not(controller.get("editingTopic"), "we are not editing by default"); controller.set("model.details.can_edit", false); controller.send("editTopic"); assert.not( controller.get("editingTopic"), "calling editTopic doesn't enable editing unless the user can edit" ); controller.set("model.details.can_edit", true); controller.send("editTopic"); assert.ok( controller.get("editingTopic"), "calling editTopic enables editing if the user can edit" ); assert.equal(controller.get("buffered.title"), model.get("title")); assert.equal( controller.get("buffered.category_id"), model.get("category_id") ); controller.send("cancelEditingTopic"); assert.not( controller.get("editingTopic"), "cancelling edit mode reverts the property value" ); }); QUnit.test("toggleMultiSelect", function(assert) { const model = Topic.create(); const controller = this.subject({ model }); assert.not( controller.get("multiSelect"), "multi selection mode is disabled by default" ); controller.get("selectedPostIds").pushObject(1); assert.equal(controller.get("selectedPostIds.length"), 1); controller.send("toggleMultiSelect"); assert.ok( controller.get("multiSelect"), "calling 'toggleMultiSelect' once enables multi selection mode" ); assert.equal( controller.get("selectedPostIds.length"), 0, "toggling 'multiSelect' clears 'selectedPostIds'" ); controller.get("selectedPostIds").pushObject(2); assert.equal(controller.get("selectedPostIds.length"), 1); controller.send("toggleMultiSelect"); assert.not( controller.get("multiSelect"), "calling 'toggleMultiSelect' twice disables multi selection mode" ); assert.equal( controller.get("selectedPostIds.length"), 0, "toggling 'multiSelect' clears 'selectedPostIds'" ); }); QUnit.test("selectedPosts", function(assert) { const postStream = { posts: [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }] }; const model = Topic.create({ postStream }); const controller = this.subject({ model }); controller.set("selectedPostIds", [1, 2, 42]); assert.equal( controller.get("selectedPosts.length"), 2, "selectedPosts only contains already loaded posts" ); assert.not( controller.get("selectedPosts").some(p => p === undefined), "selectedPosts only contains valid post objects" ); }); QUnit.test("selectedAllPosts", function(assert) { const postStream = { stream: [1, 2, 3] }; const model = Topic.create({ postStream }); const controller = this.subject({ model }); controller.set("selectedPostIds", [1, 2]); assert.not(controller.get("selectedAllPosts"), "not all posts are selected"); controller.get("selectedPostIds").pushObject(3); assert.ok(controller.get("selectedAllPosts"), "all posts are selected"); controller.get("selectedPostIds").pushObject(42); assert.ok( controller.get("selectedAllPosts"), "all posts (including filtered posts) are selected" ); model.setProperties({ "postStream.isMegaTopic": true, posts_count: 1 }); assert.ok( controller.get("selectedAllPosts"), "it uses the topic's post count for megatopics" ); }); QUnit.test("selectedPostsUsername", function(assert) { const postStream = { posts: [ { id: 1, username: "gary" }, { id: 2, username: "gary" }, { id: 3, username: "lili" } ], stream: [1, 2, 3] }; const model = Topic.create({ postStream }); const controller = this.subject({ model }); const selectedPostIds = controller.get("selectedPostIds"); assert.equal( controller.get("selectedPostsUsername"), undefined, "no username when no selected posts" ); selectedPostIds.pushObject(1); assert.equal( controller.get("selectedPostsUsername"), "gary", "username of the selected posts" ); selectedPostIds.pushObject(2); assert.equal( controller.get("selectedPostsUsername"), "gary", "username of all the selected posts when same user" ); selectedPostIds.pushObject(3); assert.equal( controller.get("selectedPostsUsername"), undefined, "no username when more than 1 user" ); selectedPostIds.replace(2, 1, [42]); assert.equal( controller.get("selectedPostsUsername"), undefined, "no username when not already loaded posts are selected" ); }); QUnit.test("showSelectedPostsAtBottom", function(assert) { const site = Ember.Object.create({ mobileView: false }); const model = Topic.create({ posts_count: 3 }); const controller = this.subject({ model, site }); assert.not(controller.get("showSelectedPostsAtBottom"), "false on desktop"); site.set("mobileView", true); assert.not( controller.get("showSelectedPostsAtBottom"), "requires at least 3 posts on mobile" ); model.set("posts_count", 4); assert.ok( controller.get("showSelectedPostsAtBottom"), "true when mobile and more than 3 posts" ); }); QUnit.test("canDeleteSelected", function(assert) { const postStream = { posts: [ { id: 1, can_delete: false }, { id: 2, can_delete: true }, { id: 3, can_delete: true } ], stream: [1, 2, 3] }; const currentUser = Discourse.User.create({ admin: false }); this.registry.register("current-user:main", currentUser, { instantiate: false }); this.registry.injection("controller", "currentUser", "current-user:main"); const model = Topic.create({ postStream }); const controller = this.subject({ model }); const selectedPostIds = controller.get("selectedPostIds"); assert.not( controller.get("canDeleteSelected"), "false when no posts are selected" ); selectedPostIds.pushObject(1); assert.not( controller.get("canDeleteSelected"), "false when can't delete one of the selected posts" ); selectedPostIds.replace(0, 1, [2, 3]); assert.ok( controller.get("canDeleteSelected"), "true when all selected posts can be deleted" ); selectedPostIds.pushObject(1); assert.not( controller.get("canDeleteSelected"), "false when all posts are selected and user is staff" ); currentUser.set("admin", true); assert.ok( controller.get("canDeleteSelected"), "true when all posts are selected and user is staff" ); }); QUnit.test("Can split/merge topic", function(assert) { const postStream = { posts: [ { id: 1, post_number: 1, post_type: 1 }, { id: 2, post_number: 2, post_type: 4 }, { id: 3, post_number: 3, post_type: 1 } ], stream: [1, 2, 3] }; const model = Topic.create({ postStream, details: { can_move_posts: false } }); const controller = this.subject({ model }); const selectedPostIds = controller.get("selectedPostIds"); assert.not( controller.get("canMergeTopic"), "can't merge topic when no posts are selected" ); selectedPostIds.pushObject(1); assert.not( controller.get("canMergeTopic"), "can't merge topic when can't move posts" ); model.set("details.can_move_posts", true); assert.ok(controller.get("canMergeTopic"), "can merge topic"); selectedPostIds.removeObject(1); selectedPostIds.pushObject(2); assert.ok( controller.get("canMergeTopic"), "can merge topic when 1st post is not a regular post" ); selectedPostIds.pushObject(3); assert.ok( controller.get("canMergeTopic"), "can merge topic when all posts are selected" ); }); QUnit.test("canChangeOwner", function(assert) { const currentUser = Discourse.User.create({ admin: false }); this.registry.register("current-user:main", currentUser, { instantiate: false }); this.registry.injection("controller", "currentUser", "current-user:main"); const postStream = { posts: [{ id: 1, username: "gary" }, { id: 2, username: "lili" }], stream: [1, 2] }; const model = Topic.create({ postStream, currentUser: { admin: false } }); const controller = this.subject({ model }); const selectedPostIds = controller.get("selectedPostIds"); assert.not( controller.get("canChangeOwner"), "false when no posts are selected" ); selectedPostIds.pushObject(1); assert.not(controller.get("canChangeOwner"), "false when not admin"); currentUser.set("admin", true); assert.ok( controller.get("canChangeOwner"), "true when admin and one post is selected" ); selectedPostIds.pushObject(2); assert.not( controller.get("canChangeOwner"), "false when admin but more than 1 user" ); }); QUnit.test("canMergePosts", function(assert) { const postStream = { posts: [ { id: 1, username: "gary", can_delete: true }, { id: 2, username: "lili", can_delete: true }, { id: 3, username: "gary", can_delete: false }, { id: 4, username: "gary", can_delete: true } ], stream: [1, 2, 3] }; const model = Topic.create({ postStream }); const controller = this.subject({ model }); const selectedPostIds = controller.get("selectedPostIds"); assert.not( controller.get("canMergePosts"), "false when no posts are selected" ); selectedPostIds.pushObject(1); assert.not( controller.get("canMergePosts"), "false when only one post is selected" ); selectedPostIds.pushObject(2); assert.not( controller.get("canMergePosts"), "false when selected posts are from different users" ); selectedPostIds.replace(1, 1, [3]); assert.not( controller.get("canMergePosts"), "false when selected posts can't be deleted" ); selectedPostIds.replace(1, 1, [4]); assert.ok( controller.get("canMergePosts"), "true when all selected posts are deletable and by the same user" ); }); QUnit.test("Select/deselect all", function(assert) { const postStream = { stream: [1, 2, 3] }; const model = Topic.create({ postStream }); const controller = this.subject({ model }); assert.equal( controller.get("selectedPostsCount"), 0, "no posts selected by default" ); controller.send("selectAll"); assert.equal( controller.get("selectedPostsCount"),, "calling 'selectAll' selects all posts" ); controller.send("deselectAll"); assert.equal( controller.get("selectedPostsCount"), 0, "calling 'deselectAll' deselects all posts" ); }); QUnit.test("togglePostSelection", function(assert) { const controller = this.subject(); const selectedPostIds = controller.get("selectedPostIds"); assert.equal(selectedPostIds[0], undefined, "no posts selected by default"); controller.send("togglePostSelection", { id: 1 }); assert.equal( selectedPostIds[0], 1, "adds the selected post id if not already selected" ); controller.send("togglePostSelection", { id: 1 }); assert.equal( selectedPostIds[0], undefined, "removes the selected post id if already selected" ); }); // QUnit.test("selectReplies", function(assert) { // const controller = this.subject(); // const selectedPostIds = controller.get("selectedPostIds"); // // assert.equal(selectedPostIds[0], undefined, "no posts selected by default"); // // controller.send("selectReplies", { id: 42 }); // // assert.equal(selectedPostIds[0], 42, "selected post #42"); // assert.equal(selectedPostIds[1], 45, "selected post #45"); // assert.equal(selectedPostIds[2], 100, "selected post #100"); // }); QUnit.test("selectBelow", function(assert) { const site = Ember.Object.create({ post_types: { small_action: 3, whisper: 4 } }); const postStream = { stream: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], posts: [ { id: 5, cooked: "whisper post", post_type: 4 }, { id: 6, cooked: "a small action", post_type: 3 }, { id: 7, cooked: "", post_type: 4 } ] }; const model = Topic.create({ postStream }); const controller = this.subject({ site, model }); let selectedPostIds = controller.get("selectedPostIds"); assert.equal(selectedPostIds[0], undefined, "no posts selected by default"); controller.send("selectBelow", { id: 3 }); assert.equal(selectedPostIds[0], 3, "selected post #3"); assert.equal(selectedPostIds[1], 4, "also selected 1st post below post #3"); assert.equal(selectedPostIds[2], 5, "also selected 2nd post below post #3"); assert.equal(selectedPostIds[3], 8, "also selected 3rd post below post #3"); }); QUnit.test("topVisibleChanged", function(assert) { const postStream = PostStream.create({ posts: [{ id: 1 }] }); const model = Topic.create({ postStream }); const controller = this.subject({ model }); const placeholder = new Placeholder("post-placeholder"); assert.equal( controller.send("topVisibleChanged", { post: placeholder }), null, "it should work with a post-placehodler" ); });