# A class we can use to serialize the site data require_dependency 'score_calculator' require_dependency 'trust_level' class Site include ActiveModel::Serialization def initialize(guardian) @guardian = guardian end def site_setting SiteSetting end def notification_types Notification.types end def trust_levels TrustLevel.all end def user_fields UserField.all end def categories @categories ||= begin categories = Category .includes(:uploaded_logo, :uploaded_background) .secured(@guardian) .joins('LEFT JOIN topics t on t.id = categories.topic_id') .select('categories.*, t.slug topic_slug') .order(:position) categories = categories.to_a with_children = Set.new categories.each do |c| if c.parent_category_id with_children << c.parent_category_id end end allowed_topic_create = nil unless @guardian.is_admin? allowed_topic_create_ids = @guardian.anonymous? ? [] : Category.topic_create_allowed(@guardian).pluck(:id) allowed_topic_create = Set.new(allowed_topic_create_ids) end by_id = {} category_user = {} unless @guardian.anonymous? category_user = Hash[*CategoryUser.where(user: @guardian.user).pluck(:category_id, :notification_level).flatten] end regular = CategoryUser.notification_levels[:regular] categories.each do |category| category.notification_level = category_user[category.id] || regular category.permission = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:full] if allowed_topic_create&.include?(category.id) || @guardian.is_admin? category.has_children = with_children.include?(category.id) by_id[category.id] = category end categories.reject! { |c| c.parent_category_id && !by_id[c.parent_category_id] } categories end end def suppressed_from_latest_category_ids categories.select { |c| c.suppress_from_latest == true }.map(&:id) end def archetypes Archetype.list.reject { |t| t.id == Archetype.private_message } end def auth_providers Discourse.enabled_auth_providers end def self.json_for(guardian) if guardian.anonymous? && SiteSetting.login_required return { periods: TopTopic.periods.map(&:to_s), filters: Discourse.filters.map(&:to_s), user_fields: UserField.all.map do |userfield| UserFieldSerializer.new(userfield, root: false, scope: guardian) end, auth_providers: Discourse.enabled_auth_providers.map do |provider| AuthProviderSerializer.new(provider, root: false, scope: guardian) end }.to_json end seq = nil if guardian.anonymous? seq = MessageBus.last_id('/site_json') cached_json, cached_seq, cached_version = $redis.mget('site_json', 'site_json_seq', 'site_json_version') if cached_json && seq == cached_seq.to_i && Discourse.git_version == cached_version return cached_json end end site = Site.new(guardian) json = MultiJson.dump(SiteSerializer.new(site, root: false, scope: guardian)) if guardian.anonymous? $redis.multi do $redis.setex 'site_json', 1800, json $redis.set 'site_json_seq', seq $redis.set 'site_json_version', Discourse.git_version end end json end SITE_JSON_CHANNEL = '/site_json' def self.clear_anon_cache! # publishing forces the sequence up # the cache is validated based on the sequence MessageBus.publish(SITE_JSON_CHANNEL, '') end end