require "demon/base" class Demon::Sidekiq < Demon::Base def self.prefix "sidekiq" end def self.after_fork(&blk) blk ? (@blk = blk) : @blk end private def suppress_stdout false end def suppress_stderr false end def after_fork Demon::Sidekiq.after_fork&.call puts "Loading Sidekiq in process id #{}" require 'sidekiq/cli' # CLI will close the logger, if we have one set we can be in big # trouble, if STDOUT is closed in our process all sort of weird # will ensue, resetting the logger ensures it will reinit correctly # parent process is in charge of the file anyway. Sidekiq::Logging.logger = nil cli = Sidekiq::CLI.instance options = ["-c", GlobalSetting.sidekiq_workers.to_s] [['critical', 4], ['default', 2], ['low', 1]].each do |queue_name, weight| custom_queue_hostname = ENV["UNICORN_SIDEKIQ_#{queue_name.upcase}_QUEUE_HOSTNAME"] if !custom_queue_hostname || custom_queue_hostname.split(',').include?(`hostname`.strip) options << "-q" options << "#{queue_name},#{weight}" end end # Sidekiq not as high priority as web, in this environment it is forked so a web is very # likely running Discourse::Utils.execute_command('renice', '-n', '5', '-p', cli.parse(options) load Rails.root + "config/initializers/100-sidekiq.rb" rescue => e STDERR.puts e.message STDERR.puts e.backtrace.join("\n") exit 1 end end