# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ en_GB: dates: short_date_no_year: "D MMM" short_date: "D MMM YYYY" long_date: "D MMMM YYYY LT" datetime_formats: &datetime_formats formats: short: "%d-%m-%Y" short_no_year: "%-d %B" date_only: "%-d %B %Y" long: "%-d %B %Y %H:%M" no_day: "%B %Y" date: month_names: - null - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December <<: *datetime_formats themes: bad_color_scheme: "Can not update theme, invalid colour palette" compile_error: unrecognized_extension: "Unrecognised file extension: %{extension}" import_error: generic: An error occurred whilst importing that theme errors: component_no_color_scheme: "Theme components can't have colour palettes" optimized_link: Optimised image links are ephemeral and should not be included in theme source code. emails: incoming: unrecognized_error: "Unrecognised Error" activerecord: errors: models: color_scheme_color: attributes: hex: invalid: "is not a valid colour" webauthn: validation: unknown_cose_algorithm_error: "The algorithm used for the security key is not recognised." site_settings: email_subject: "Customisable subject format for standard emails. See https://meta.discourse.org/t/customize-subject-format-for-standard-emails/20801" restrict_letter_avatar_colors: "A list of 6-digit hexadecimal colour values to be used for letter avatar background." category_colors: "A list of hexadecimal colour values allowed for categories." default_dark_mode_color_scheme_id: "The colour scheme used when in dark mode." log_anonymizer_details: "Whether to keep a user's details in the log after being anonymised. When complying to GDPR you'll need to turn this off." pop3_polling_ssl: "Use SSL when connecting to the POP3 server. (Recommended)" email_accent_bg_color: "The accent colour to be used as the background of some elements in HTML emails. Enter a colour name ('red') or hex value ('#FF0000')." email_accent_fg_color: "The colour of text rendered on the email bg colour in HTML emails. Enter a colour name ('white') or hex value ('#FFFFFF')." email_link_color: "The colour of links in HTML emails. Enter a colour name ('blue') or hex value ('#0000FF')." group_in_subject: "Set %%{optional_pm} in email subject to name of first group in PM, see: Customise subject format for standard emails" share_anonymized_statistics: "Share anonymised usage statistics." errors: invalid_hex_value: "Colour values have to be 6-digit hexadecimal codes." system_messages: welcome_user: text_body_template: | Thanks for joining %{site_name}, and welcome! %{new_user_tips} We believe in [civilized community behaviour](%{base_url}/guidelines) at all times. Enjoy your stay! welcome_invite: text_body_template: | Thanks for accepting your invitation to %{site_name} -- welcome! - We've created this new account **%{username}** for you. Change your name or password by visiting [your user profile][prefs]. - When you log in, please **use the same email address from your original invitation** — otherwise we won't be able to tell it's you! %{new_user_tips} We believe in [civilized community behaviour](%{base_url}/guidelines) at all times. Enjoy your stay! [prefs]: %{user_preferences_url} email_reject_parsing: subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Content Unrecognised" email_reject_invalid_post_action: text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. The Post Action was not recognised. Please try again, or post via the website if this continues. email_reject_unrecognized_error: title: "Email Reject Unrecognised Error" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Unrecognised Error" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. There was an unrecognised error whilst processing your email and it wasn't posted. You should try again, or [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_error_notification: text_body_template: | Unfortunately, there was an authentication error whilst polling mails from the POP server. Please make sure you have properly configured the POP credentials in [the site settings](%{base_url}/admin/site_settings/category/email). If there is a web UI for the POP email account, you may need to log in on the web and check your settings there. too_many_spam_flags: text_body_template: | Hello, This is an automated message from %{site_name} to let you know that your posts have been temporarily hidden because they were flagged by the community. As a precautionary measure, your new account has been silenced and will be unable to create replies or topics until a staff member can review your account. We apologise for the inconvenience. For additional guidance, please refer to our [community guidelines](%{base_url}/guidelines). too_many_tl3_flags: text_body_template: | Hello, This is an automated message from %{site_name} to let you know you that your account has been placed on hold due to a large number of community flags. As a precautionary measure, your new account has been silenced from creating new replies or topics until a staff member can review your account. We apologise for the inconvenience. For additional guidance, please refer to our [community guidelines](%{base_url}/guidelines). silenced_by_staff: text_body_template: | Hello, This is an automated message from %{site_name} to let you know that your account has been temporarily placed on hold as a precautionary measure. Please do continue to browse, but you won't be able to reply or create topics until a [staff member](%{base_url}/about) reviews your most recent posts. We apologise for the inconvenience. For additional guidance, refer to our [community guidelines](%{base_url}/guidelines). user_notifications: signup_after_approval: text_body_template: | Welcome to %{site_name}! A staff member approved your account on %{site_name}. You can now access your new account by logging in at: %{base_url} If the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser. %{new_user_tips} We believe in [civilized community behaviour](%{base_url}/guidelines) at all times. Enjoy your stay! upload: unauthorized: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorised (authorised extensions: %{authorized_extensions})." optimize_failure_message: "An error occurred whilst optimising the uploaded image." wizard: step: corporate: title: "Organisation" colors: title: "Colours" finished: description: |

If you ever feel like changing these settings, re-run this wizard any time, or visit your admin section; find it next to the wrench icon in the site menu.

It is easy to customise your Discourse even further using our powerful theming system. For examples, check out the top themes and components on meta.discourse.org.

Have fun, and good luck building your new community!

reviewables: reasons: fast_typer: "New user typed their first post suspiciously fast, suspected bot or spammer behaviour. See `min_first_post_typing_time`." time: <<: *datetime_formats