# frozen_string_literal: true class ShrinkUploadedImage attr_reader :upload, :path def initialize(upload:, path:, max_pixels:, verbose: false, interactive: false) @upload = upload @path = path @max_pixels = max_pixels @verbose = verbose @interactive = interactive end def perform # Neither #dup or #clone provide a complete copy original_upload = Upload.find_by(id: upload.id) unless original_upload log "Upload is missing" return false end posts = Post.unscoped.joins(:upload_references).where(upload_references: { upload_id: original_upload.id }).uniq.sort_by(&:created_at) if posts.empty? log "Upload not used in any posts" return false end OptimizedImage.downsize(path, path, "#{@max_pixels}@", filename: upload.original_filename) sha1 = Upload.generate_digest(path) if sha1 == upload.sha1 log "No sha1 change" return false end w, h = FastImage.size(path, timeout: 15, raise_on_failure: true) if !w || !h log "Invalid image dimensions after resizing" return false end ww, hh = ImageSizer.resize(w, h) # A different upload record that matches the sha1 of the downsized image existing_upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: sha1) @upload = existing_upload if existing_upload upload.attributes = { sha1: sha1, width: w, height: h, thumbnail_width: ww, thumbnail_height: hh, filesize: File.size(path) } if upload.filesize >= upload.filesize_was log "No filesize reduction" return false end unless existing_upload url = Discourse.store.store_upload(File.new(path), upload) unless url log "Couldn't store the upload" return false end upload.url = url end log "base62: #{original_upload.base62_sha1} -> #{Upload.base62_sha1(sha1)}" log "sha: #{original_upload.sha1} -> #{sha1}" log "(an existing upload)" if existing_upload success = true posts.each do |post| transform_post(post, original_upload, upload) if post.raw_changed? log "Updating post" elsif post.downloaded_images.has_value?(original_upload.id) log "A hotlinked, unreferenced image" elsif post.raw.include?(upload.short_url) log "Already processed" elsif post.trashed? log "A deleted post" elsif !post.topic || post.topic.trashed? log "A deleted topic" elsif post.cooked.include?(original_upload.sha1) if post.raw.include?("#{Discourse.base_url.sub(/^https?:\/\//i, "")}/t/") log "Updating a topic onebox" else log "Updating an external onebox" end else log "Could not find the upload URL" success = false end log "#{Discourse.base_url}/p/#{post.id}" end unless success if @interactive print "Press any key to continue with the upload" STDIN.beep STDIN.getch puts " k" else if !existing_upload && !Upload.where(url: upload.url).exists? # We're bailing, so clean up the just uploaded file Discourse.store.remove_upload(upload) end log "⏩ Skipping" return false end end unless upload.save if !existing_upload && !Upload.where(url: upload.url).exists? # We're bailing, so clean up the just uploaded file Discourse.store.remove_upload(upload) end log "⏩ Skipping an invalid upload" return false end if existing_upload begin UploadReference .where(target_type: 'Post') .where(upload_id: original_upload.id) .update_all(upload_id: upload.id) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique, PG::UniqueViolation end else upload.optimized_images.each(&:destroy!) end posts.each do |post| DistributedMutex.synchronize("process_post_#{post.id}") do current_post = Post.unscoped.find(post.id) # If the post became outdated, reapply changes if current_post.updated_at != post.updated_at transform_post(current_post, original_upload, upload) post = current_post end if post.raw_changed? post.update_columns( raw: post.raw, updated_at: Time.zone.now ) end if existing_upload && post.downloaded_images.present? downloaded_images = post.downloaded_images.transform_values do |upload_id| upload_id == original_upload.id ? upload.id : upload_id end post.custom_fields[Post::DOWNLOADED_IMAGES] = downloaded_images post.save_custom_fields end post.rebake! end end if existing_upload original_upload.reload.destroy! else Discourse.store.remove_upload(original_upload) end true end private def transform_post(post, upload_before, upload_after) post.raw.gsub!(/upload:\/\/#{upload_before.base62_sha1}(\.#{upload_before.extension})?/i, upload_after.short_url) post.raw.gsub!(Discourse.store.cdn_url(upload_before.url), Discourse.store.cdn_url(upload_after.url)) post.raw.gsub!("#{Discourse.base_url}#{upload_before.short_path}", "#{Discourse.base_url}#{upload_after.short_path}") if SiteSetting.enable_s3_uploads post.raw.gsub!(Discourse.store.url_for(upload_before), Discourse.store.url_for(upload_after)) path = SiteSetting.Upload.s3_upload_bucket.split("/", 2)[1] post.raw.gsub!(/\d+)x(?\d+).*?\" alt=\"(?.*?)\"\/?>/i) do "![#{$~[:alt]}|#{$~[:width]}x#{$~[:height]}](#{upload_after.short_url})" end end post.raw.gsub!(/!\[(.*?)\]\(\/uploads\/.+?\/#{upload_before.sha1}(\.#{upload_before.extension})?\)/i, "![\\1](#{upload_after.short_url})") end def log(*args) puts(*args) if @verbose end end