# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec::Matchers.define :add_notification do |user, notification_type| match(notify_expectation_failures: true) do |actual| notifications = user.notifications before = notifications.count actual.call expect(notifications.count).to eq(before + 1), "expected 1 new notification, got #{notifications.count - before}" last_notification_type = notifications.last.notification_type expect(last_notification_type).to eq(Notification.types[notification_type]), "expected notification type to be '#{notification_type}', got '#{Notification.types.key(last_notification_type)}'" end match_when_negated do |actual| expect { actual.call }.to_not change { user.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[notification_type]).count } end supports_block_expectations end RSpec::Matchers.define_negated_matcher :not_add_notification, :add_notification RSpec.describe PostAlerter do fab!(:category) fab!(:topic) fab!(:post) fab!(:private_message_topic) fab!(:private_message_topic_post1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: private_message_topic) } fab!(:private_message_topic_post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: private_message_topic) } fab!(:group) fab!(:admin) fab!(:evil_trout) { Fabricate(:evil_trout, refresh_auto_groups: true) } fab!(:coding_horror) fab!(:walterwhite) { Fabricate(:walter_white, refresh_auto_groups: true) } fab!(:user) fab!(:tl2_user) { Fabricate(:user, trust_level: TrustLevel[2]) } fab!(:private_category) do Fabricate( :private_category, group: group, email_in: "test@test.com", email_in_allow_strangers: true, ) end def create_post_with_alerts(args = {}) post = Fabricate(:post, args) PostAlerter.post_created(post) end def setup_push_notification_subscription_for(user:) 2.times do |i| UserApiKey.create!( user_id: user.id, client_id: "xxx#{i}", application_name: "iPhone#{i}", scopes: ["notifications"].map { |name| UserApiKeyScope.new(name: name) }, push_url: "https://site2.com/push", ) end end context "with private message" do it "notifies for pms correctly" do pm = Fabricate(:topic, archetype: "private_message", category_id: nil) op = Fabricate(:post, user: pm.user) pm.allowed_users << pm.user PostAlerter.post_created(op) reply = Fabricate(:post, user: pm.user, topic: pm, reply_to_post_number: 1) PostAlerter.post_created(reply) reply2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: pm, reply_to_post_number: 1) PostAlerter.post_created(reply2) # we get a green notification for a reply expect(Notification.where(user_id: pm.user_id).pick(:notification_type)).to eq( Notification.types[:private_message], ) TopicUser.change( pm.user_id, pm.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking], ) Notification.destroy_all reply3 = Fabricate(:post, topic: pm) PostAlerter.post_created(reply3) # no notification cause we are tracking expect(Notification.where(user_id: pm.user_id).count).to eq(0) Notification.destroy_all reply4 = Fabricate(:post, topic: pm, reply_to_post_number: 1) PostAlerter.post_created(reply4) # yes notification cause we were replied to expect(Notification.where(user_id: pm.user_id).count).to eq(1) end it "notifies about private message even if direct mention" do pm = Fabricate(:topic, archetype: "private_message", category_id: nil) op = Fabricate(:post, topic: pm, user: pm.user, raw: "Hello @#{user.username}, nice to meet you") pm.allowed_users << pm.user pm.allowed_users << user TopicUser.create!( user_id: user.id, topic_id: pm.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) PostAlerter.post_created(op) expect(Notification.where(user_id: user.id).pick(:notification_type)).to eq( Notification.types[:private_message], ) end context "with group inboxes" do fab!(:user1) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:user2) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:group) do Fabricate(:group, users: [user2], name: "TestGroup", default_notification_level: 2) end fab!(:watching_first_post_group) do Fabricate( :group, name: "some_group", users: [evil_trout, coding_horror], messageable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone], default_notification_level: NotificationLevels.all[:watching_first_post], ) end fab!(:pm) do Fabricate(:topic, archetype: "private_message", category_id: nil, allowed_groups: [group]) end fab!(:op) { Fabricate(:post, user: pm.user, topic: pm) } it "triggers :before_create_notifications_for_users" do pm.allowed_users << user1 events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { PostAlerter.post_created(op) } expect(events).to include( event_name: :before_create_notifications_for_users, params: [[user1], op], ) expect(events).to include( event_name: :before_create_notifications_for_users, params: [[user2], op], ) end it "triggers group summary notification" do Jobs.run_immediately! TopicUser.change( user2.id, pm.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking], ) PostAlerter.post_created(op) group_summary_notification = Notification.where(user_id: user2.id) expect(group_summary_notification.count).to eq(1) expect(group_summary_notification.first.notification_type).to eq( Notification.types[:group_message_summary], ) notification_payload = JSON.parse(group_summary_notification.first.data) expect(notification_payload["group_name"]).to eq(group.name) expect(notification_payload["inbox_count"]).to eq(1) # archiving the only PM clears the group summary notification GroupArchivedMessage.archive!(group.id, pm) expect(Notification.where(user_id: user2.id)).to be_blank # moving to inbox the only PM restores the group summary notification GroupArchivedMessage.move_to_inbox!(group.id, pm) group_summary_notification = Notification.where(user_id: user2.id) expect(group_summary_notification.first.notification_type).to eq( Notification.types[:group_message_summary], ) updated_payload = JSON.parse(group_summary_notification.first.data) expect(updated_payload["group_name"]).to eq(group.name) expect(updated_payload["inbox_count"]).to eq(1) # adding a second PM updates the count pm2 = Fabricate(:topic, archetype: "private_message", category_id: nil, allowed_groups: [group]) op2 = Fabricate(:post, user: pm2.user, topic: pm2) TopicUser.change( user2.id, pm2.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking], ) PostAlerter.post_created(op2) group_summary_notification = Notification.where(user_id: user2.id) updated_payload = JSON.parse(group_summary_notification.first.data) expect(updated_payload["group_name"]).to eq(group.name) expect(updated_payload["inbox_count"]).to eq(2) # archiving the second PM quietly updates the group summary count for the acting user GroupArchivedMessage.archive!(group.id, pm2, acting_user_id: user2.id) group_summary_notification = Notification.where(user_id: user2.id) expect(group_summary_notification.first.read).to eq(true) updated_payload = JSON.parse(group_summary_notification.first.data) expect(updated_payload["inbox_count"]).to eq(1) # moving to inbox the second PM quietly updates the group summary count for the acting user GroupArchivedMessage.move_to_inbox!(group.id, pm2, acting_user_id: user2.id) group_summary_notification = Notification.where(user_id: user2.id) expect(group_summary_notification.first.read).to eq(true) updated_payload = JSON.parse(group_summary_notification.first.data) expect(updated_payload["group_name"]).to eq(group.name) expect(updated_payload["inbox_count"]).to eq(2) end it "updates the consolidated group summary inbox count and bumps the notification" do user2.update!(last_seen_at: 5.minutes.ago) TopicUser.change( user2.id, pm.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking], ) PostAlerter.post_created(op) starting_count = Notification .where(user_id: user2.id, notification_type: Notification.types[:group_message_summary]) .pluck("data::json ->> 'inbox_count'") .last .to_i another_pm = Fabricate(:topic, archetype: "private_message", category_id: nil, allowed_groups: [group]) another_post = Fabricate(:post, user: another_pm.user, topic: another_pm) TopicUser.change( user2.id, another_pm.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking], ) message_data = MessageBus .track_publish("/notification/#{user2.id}") { PostAlerter.post_created(another_post) } .first .data expect(Notification.where(user: user2).count).to eq(1) expect(message_data.dig(:last_notification, :notification, :data, :inbox_count)).to eq( starting_count + 1, ) expect(message_data[:unread_notifications]).to eq(1) end it "sends a PM notification when replying to a member tracking the topic" do group.add(user1) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: pm, user: user1) TopicUser.change( user1.id, pm.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking], ) expect { create_post_with_alerts( raw: "this is a reply to your post...", topic: pm, user: user2, reply_to_post_number: post.post_number, ) }.to change( user1.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:private_message]), :count, ).by(1) end it "notifies a group member if someone replies to their post" do group.add(user1) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: pm, user: user1) TopicUser.change( user1.id, pm.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular], ) expect { create_post_with_alerts( raw: "this is a reply to your post...", topic: pm, user: user2, reply_to_post_number: post.post_number, ) }.to change(user1.notifications, :count).by(1) end it "notifies a group member if someone quotes their post" do group.add(user1) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: pm, user: user1) TopicUser.change( user1.id, pm.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular], ) quote_raw = <<~MD [quote="#{user1.username}, post:1, topic:#{pm.id}"]#{post.raw}[/quote] MD expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: quote_raw, topic: pm, user: user2) }.to change( user1.notifications, :count, ).by(1) end it "Doesn't notify non-admin users when their post is quoted inside a whisper" do group.add(admin) TopicUser.change( user2.id, pm.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular], ) quote_raw = <<~MD [quote="#{user2.username}, post:1, topic:#{pm.id}"]#{op.raw}[/quote] MD expect { create_post_with_alerts( raw: quote_raw, topic: pm, user: admin, post_type: Post.types[:whisper], ) }.not_to change(user2.notifications, :count) end context "with watching_first_post notification level" do it "notifies group members of first post" do post = PostCreator.create!( user, title: "Hi there, welcome to my topic", raw: "This is my awesome message", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_group_names: watching_first_post_group.name, ) PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) expect( evil_trout .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[:private_message]) .count, ).to eq(1) expect( coding_horror .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[:private_message]) .count, ).to eq(1) end it "doesn't notify group members of replies" do post = PostCreator.create!( user, title: "Hi there, welcome to my topic", raw: "This is my awesome message", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_group_names: watching_first_post_group.name, ) expect( evil_trout .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[:private_message]) .count, ).to eq(0) expect( coding_horror .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[:private_message]) .count, ).to eq(0) PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) expect( evil_trout .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[:private_message]) .count, ).to eq(1) expect( coding_horror .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[:private_message]) .count, ).to eq(1) reply = Fabricate( :post, raw: "Reply to PM", user: user, topic: post.topic, reply_to_post_number: post.post_number, ) expect do PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(reply, false) end.to_not change { Notification.count } end end end end context "with unread" do it "does not return whispers as unread posts" do _whisper = Fabricate( :post, raw: "this is a whisper post", user: admin, topic: post.topic, reply_to_post_number: post.post_number, post_type: Post.types[:whisper], ) expect(PostAlerter.new.first_unread_post(post.user, post.topic)).to be_blank end end context "with edits" do it "notifies correctly on edits" do Jobs.run_immediately! PostActionNotifier.enable post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "I love waffles") expect do post.revise(admin, raw: "I made a revision") end.to add_notification( post.user, :edited, ) # lets also like this post which should trigger a notification expect do PostActionCreator.new(admin, post, PostActionType.types[:like]).perform end.to add_notification(post.user, :liked) # skip this notification cause we already notified on an edit by the same user # in the previous edit freeze_time 2.hours.from_now expect do post.revise(admin, raw: "I made another revision") end.to_not change { Notification.count } # this we do not skip cause 1 day has passed freeze_time 23.hours.from_now expect do post.revise(admin, raw: "I made another revision xyz") end.to add_notification( post.user, :edited, ) expect do post.revise(Fabricate(:admin), raw: "I made a revision") end.to add_notification( post.user, :edited, ) freeze_time 2.hours.from_now expect do post.revise(admin, raw: "I made another revision") end.to add_notification( post.user, :edited, ) end it "notifies flaggers when flagged post gets unhidden by edit" do post = create_post PostActionNotifier.enable Reviewable.set_priorities(high: 4.0) SiteSetting.hide_post_sensitivity = Reviewable.sensitivities[:low] PostActionCreator.spam(evil_trout, post) PostActionCreator.spam(walterwhite, post) post.reload expect(post.hidden).to eq(true) expect { post.revise(post.user, raw: post.raw + " ha I edited it ") }.to add_notification( evil_trout, :edited, ).and add_notification(walterwhite, :edited) post.reload expect(post.hidden).to eq(false) notification = walterwhite.notifications.last expect(notification.topic_id).to eq(post.topic.id) expect(notification.post_number).to eq(post.post_number) expect(notification.data_hash["display_username"]).to eq(post.user.username) PostActionCreator.create(coding_horror, post, :spam) PostActionCreator.create(walterwhite, post, :off_topic) post.reload expect(post.hidden).to eq(true) expect { post.revise(post.user, raw: post.raw + " ha I edited it again ") }.to not_add_notification(evil_trout, :edited).and not_add_notification( coding_horror, :edited, ).and not_add_notification(walterwhite, :edited) end end context "with quotes" do fab!(:category) fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } it "does not notify for muted users" do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: '[quote="Eviltrout, post:1"]whatup[/quote]', topic: topic) MutedUser.create!(user_id: evil_trout.id, muted_user_id: post.user_id) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(post) }.not_to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count) end it "does not notify for ignored users" do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: '[quote="EvilTrout, post:1"]whatup[/quote]', topic: topic) Fabricate(:ignored_user, user: evil_trout, ignored_user: post.user) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(post) }.not_to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count) end it "does not notify for users with new reply notification" do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: '[quote="eviltRout, post:1"]whatup[/quote]', topic: topic) notification = Notification.create!( topic: post.topic, post_number: post.post_number, read: false, notification_type: Notification.types[:replied], user: evil_trout, data: { topic_title: "test topic" }.to_json, ) expect { PostAlerter.post_edited(post) }.not_to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count) notification.destroy expect { PostAlerter.post_edited(post) }.to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count).by(1) end it "does not collapse quote notifications" do expect { 2.times do create_post_with_alerts(raw: '[quote="eviltrout, post:1"]whatup[/quote]', topic: topic) end }.to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count).by(2) end it "won't notify the user a second time on revision" do p1 = create_post_with_alerts(raw: '[quote="Evil Trout, post:1"]whatup[/quote]') expect { p1.revise(p1.user, raw: '[quote="Evil Trout, post:1"]whatup now?[/quote]') }.not_to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count) end it "doesn't notify the poster" do topic = create_post_with_alerts.topic expect { Fabricate( :post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, raw: '[quote="Bruce Wayne, post:1"]whatup[/quote]', ) }.not_to change(topic.user.notifications, :count) end it "triggers :before_create_notifications_for_users" do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: '[quote="eviltrout, post:1"]whatup[/quote]') events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { PostAlerter.post_created(post) } expect(events).to include( event_name: :before_create_notifications_for_users, params: [[evil_trout], post], ) end context "with notifications when prioritizing full names" do before do SiteSetting.prioritize_username_in_ux = false SiteSetting.display_name_on_posts = true end it "sends to correct user" do quote = <<~MD [quote="#{evil_trout.name}, post:1, username:#{evil_trout.username}"]whatup[/quote] MD expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: quote, topic: topic) }.to change( evil_trout.notifications, :count, ).by(1) end it "sends to correct users when nested quotes with multiple users" do quote = <<~MD [quote="#{evil_trout.name}, post:1, username:#{evil_trout.username}"]this [quote="#{walterwhite.name}, post:2, username:#{walterwhite.username}"]whatup[/quote][/quote] MD expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: quote, topic: topic) }.to change( evil_trout.notifications, :count, ).by(1).and change(walterwhite.notifications, :count).by(1) end it "sends to correct users when multiple quotes" do user = Fabricate(:user) quote = <<~MD [quote="#{evil_trout.name}, post:1, username:#{evil_trout.username}"]"username:#{user.username}" [/quote]/n [quote="#{walterwhite.name}, post:2, username:#{walterwhite.username}"]whatup[/quote] MD expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: quote, topic: topic) }.to change( evil_trout.notifications, :count, ).by(1).and change(walterwhite.notifications, :count).by(1).and not_change( user.notifications, :count, ) end it "sends to correct user when user has a full name that matches another user's username" do user_with_matching_full_name = Fabricate(:user, name: evil_trout.username) quote = <<~MD [quote="#{user_with_matching_full_name.name}, post:1, username:#{user_with_matching_full_name.username}"]this [/quote] MD expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: quote, topic: topic) }.to change( user_with_matching_full_name.notifications, :count, ).by(1).and not_change(evil_trout.notifications, :count) end end end context "with linked" do let(:post1) { create_post } let(:user) { post1.user } let(:linking_post) { create_post(raw: "my magic topic\n##{Discourse.base_url}#{post1.url}") } before { Jobs.run_immediately! } it "will notify correctly on linking" do linking_post expect(user.notifications.count).to eq(1) watcher = Fabricate(:user) TopicUser.create!( user_id: watcher.id, topic_id: topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) create_post( topic_id: topic.id, user: user, raw: "my magic topic\n##{Discourse.base_url}#{post1.url}", ) user.reload expect(user.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:linked]).count).to eq( 1, ) expect(watcher.notifications.count).to eq(1) # don't notify on reflection post1.reload expect(PostAlerter.new.extract_linked_users(post1).length).to eq(0) end it "triggers :before_create_notifications_for_users" do events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { linking_post } expect(events).to include( event_name: :before_create_notifications_for_users, params: [[user], linking_post], ) end it "doesn't notify the linked user if the user is staged and the category is restricted and allows strangers" do staged_user = Fabricate(:staged, refresh_auto_groups: true) group_member = Fabricate(:user, refresh_auto_groups: true) group.add(group_member) staged_user_post = create_post(user: staged_user, category: private_category) create_post( user: group_member, category: private_category, raw: "my magic topic\n##{Discourse.base_url}#{staged_user_post.url}", ) staged_user.reload expect( staged_user.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:linked]).count, ).to eq(0) end end context "with @here" do let(:post) do create_post_with_alerts(raw: "Hello @here how are you?", user: tl2_user, topic: topic) end fab!(:other_post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } before { Jobs.run_immediately! } it "does not notify unrelated users" do expect { post }.not_to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count) end it "does not work if user here exists" do Fabricate(:user, username: SiteSetting.here_mention) expect { post }.not_to change(other_post.user.notifications, :count) end it "notifies users who replied" do post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_type: Post.types[:whisper]) post3 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) expect { post }.to change(other_post.user.notifications, :count).by(1).and not_change( post2.user.notifications, :count, ).and change(post3.user.notifications, :count).by(1) end it "notifies users who whispered" do post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_type: Post.types[:whisper]) post3 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) tl2_user.grant_admin! expect { post }.to change(other_post.user.notifications, :count).by(1).and change( post2.user.notifications, :count, ).by(1).and change(post3.user.notifications, :count).by(1) end it "notifies only last max_here_mentioned users" do SiteSetting.max_here_mentioned = 2 3.times { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } expect { post }.to change { Notification.count }.by(2) end end context "with @group mentions" do fab!(:group) do Fabricate(:group, name: "group", mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) end let(:post) { create_post_with_alerts(raw: "Hello @group how are you?") } before { group.add(evil_trout) } it "notifies users correctly" do expect { post }.to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count).by(1) expect(GroupMention.count).to eq(1) Fabricate(:group, name: "group-alt", mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: "Hello, @group-alt should not trigger a notification?") }.not_to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count) expect(GroupMention.count).to eq(2) group.update_columns(mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:members_mods_and_admins]) expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: "Hello @group you are not mentionable") }.not_to change( evil_trout.notifications, :count, ) expect(GroupMention.count).to eq(3) group.update_columns(mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:owners_mods_and_admins]) group.add_owner(user) expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: "Hello @group the owner can mention you", user: user) }.to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count).by(1) expect(GroupMention.count).to eq(4) end it "takes private mention as precedence" do expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: "Hello @group and @eviltrout, nice to meet you") }.to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count).by(1) expect(evil_trout.notifications.last.notification_type).to eq(Notification.types[:mentioned]) end it "triggers :before_create_notifications_for_users" do events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { post } expect(events).to include( event_name: :before_create_notifications_for_users, params: [[evil_trout], post], ) end end context "with @mentions" do let(:mention_post) { create_post_with_alerts(user: user, raw: "Hello @eviltrout") } let(:topic) { mention_post.topic } before { Jobs.run_immediately! } it "notifies a user" do expect { mention_post }.to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count).by(1) end it "won't notify the user a second time on revision" do mention_post expect { mention_post.revise( mention_post.user, raw: "New raw content that still mentions @eviltrout", ) }.not_to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count) end it "doesn't notify the user who created the topic in regular mode" do topic.notify_regular!(user) mention_post expect { create_post_with_alerts(user: user, raw: "second post", topic: topic) }.not_to change(user.notifications, :count) end it "triggers :before_create_notifications_for_users" do events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { mention_post } expect(events).to include( event_name: :before_create_notifications_for_users, params: [[evil_trout], mention_post], ) end it "notification comes from editor if mention is added later" do post = create_post_with_alerts(user: user, raw: "No mention here.") expect { post.revise(admin, raw: "Mention @eviltrout in this edit.") }.to change( evil_trout.notifications, :count, ) n = evil_trout.notifications.last expect(n.data_hash["original_username"]).to eq(admin.username) end it "doesn't notify the last post editor if they mention themselves" do post = create_post_with_alerts(user: user, raw: "Post without a mention.") expect { post.revise(evil_trout, raw: "O hai, @eviltrout!") }.not_to change( evil_trout.notifications, :count, ) end fab!(:alice) { Fabricate(:user, username: "alice") } fab!(:bob) { Fabricate(:user, username: "bob") } fab!(:carol) { Fabricate(:admin, username: "carol") } fab!(:dave) { Fabricate(:user, username: "dave") } fab!(:eve) { Fabricate(:user, username: "eve") } fab!(:group) do Fabricate(:group, name: "group", mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) end before { group.bulk_add([alice.id, eve.id]) } def create_post_with_alerts(args = {}) post = Fabricate(:post, args) PostAlerter.post_created(post) end def set_topic_notification_level(user, topic, level_name) TopicUser.change( user.id, topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[level_name], ) end context "with topic" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: alice) } %i[watching tracking regular].each do |notification_level| context "when notification level is '#{notification_level}'" do before { set_topic_notification_level(alice, topic, notification_level) } it "notifies about @username mention" do args = { user: bob, topic: topic, raw: "Hello @alice" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to add_notification(alice, :mentioned) end end end context "when notification level is 'muted'" do before { set_topic_notification_level(alice, topic, :muted) } it "does not notify about @username mention" do args = { user: bob, topic: topic, raw: "Hello @alice" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to_not add_notification(alice, :mentioned) end end end context "with message to users" do fab!(:pm_topic) do Fabricate( :private_message_topic, user: alice, topic_allowed_users: [ Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: alice), Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: bob), Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: Discourse.system_user), ], ) end context "when user is part of conversation" do %i[watching tracking regular].each do |notification_level| context "when notification level is '#{notification_level}'" do before { set_topic_notification_level(alice, pm_topic, notification_level) } let(:expected_notification) do notification_level == :watching ? :private_message : :mentioned end it "notifies about @username mention" do args = { user: bob, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @alice" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to add_notification( alice, expected_notification, ) end it "notifies about @username mentions by non-human users" do args = { user: Discourse.system_user, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @alice" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to add_notification( alice, expected_notification, ) end it "notifies about @group mention when allowed user is part of group" do args = { user: bob, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @group" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to add_notification(alice, :group_mentioned) end end end context "when notification level is 'muted'" do before { set_topic_notification_level(alice, pm_topic, :muted) } it "does not notify about @username mention" do args = { user: bob, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @alice" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to_not add_notification(alice, :mentioned) end end end context "when user is not part of conversation" do it "does not notify about @username mention even though mentioned user is an admin" do args = { user: bob, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @carol" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to_not add_notification(carol, :mentioned) end it "does not notify about @username mention by non-human user even though mentioned user is an admin" do args = { user: Discourse.system_user, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @carol" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to_not add_notification(carol, :mentioned) end it "does not notify about @username mention when mentioned user is not allowed to see message" do args = { user: bob, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @dave" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to_not add_notification(dave, :mentioned) end it "does not notify about @group mention when user is not an allowed user" do args = { user: bob, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @group" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to_not add_notification(eve, :group_mentioned) end end end context "with message to group" do fab!(:some_group) do Fabricate(:group, name: "some_group", mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) end fab!(:pm_topic) do Fabricate( :private_message_topic, user: alice, topic_allowed_groups: [Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_group, group: group)], topic_allowed_users: [Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: Discourse.system_user)], ) end before { some_group.bulk_add([alice.id, carol.id]) } context "when group is part of conversation" do %i[watching tracking regular].each do |notification_level| context "when notification level is '#{notification_level}'" do before { set_topic_notification_level(alice, pm_topic, notification_level) } it "notifies about @group mention" do args = { user: bob, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @group" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to add_notification(alice, :group_mentioned) end it "notifies about @group mentions by non-human users" do args = { user: Discourse.system_user, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @group" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to add_notification(alice, :group_mentioned) end it "notifies about @username mention when user belongs to allowed group" do args = { user: bob, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @alice" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to add_notification(alice, :mentioned) end end end context "when notification level is 'muted'" do before { set_topic_notification_level(alice, pm_topic, :muted) } it "does not notify about @group mention" do args = { user: bob, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @group" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to_not add_notification( alice, :group_mentioned, ) end end end context "when group is not part of conversation" do it "does not notify about @group mention even though mentioned user is an admin" do args = { user: bob, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @some_group" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to_not add_notification(carol, :group_mentioned) end it "does not notify about @group mention by non-human user even though mentioned user is an admin" do args = { user: Discourse.system_user, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @some_group" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to_not add_notification(carol, :group_mentioned) end it "does not notify about @username mention when user doesn't belong to allowed group" do args = { user: bob, topic: pm_topic, raw: "Hello @dave" } expect { create_post_with_alerts(args) }.to_not add_notification(dave, :mentioned) end end end end describe ".create_notification" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: user, created_at: 1.hour.ago) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, created_at: 1.hour.ago) } let(:type) { Notification.types[:private_message] } it "creates a notification for PMs" do post.revise(user, { raw: "This is the revised post" }, revised_at: Time.zone.now) expect { PostAlerter.new.create_notification(user, type, post) }.to change { user.notifications.count }.by(1) expect(user.notifications.last.data_hash["topic_title"]).to eq(topic.title) end it "keeps the original title for PMs" do original_title = topic.title post.revise(user, { title: "This is the revised title" }, revised_at: Time.now) expect { PostAlerter.new.create_notification(user, type, post) }.to change { user.notifications.count }.by(1) expect(user.notifications.last.data_hash["topic_title"]).to eq(original_title) end it "triggers :pre_notification_alert" do events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { PostAlerter.new.create_notification(user, type, post) } payload = { notification_type: type, post_number: post.post_number, topic_title: post.topic.title, topic_id: post.topic.id, excerpt: post.excerpt(400, text_entities: true, strip_links: true, remap_emoji: true), username: post.username, post_url: post.url, } expect(events).to include(event_name: :pre_notification_alert, params: [user, payload]) end it "does not alert when revising and changing notification type" do PostAlerter.new.create_notification(user, type, post) post.revise( user, { raw: "Editing post to fake include a mention of @eviltrout" }, revised_at: Time.now, ) events = DiscourseEvent.track_events do PostAlerter.new.create_notification(user, Notification.types[:mentioned], post) end payload = { notification_type: type, post_number: post.post_number, topic_title: post.topic.title, topic_id: post.topic.id, excerpt: post.excerpt(400, text_entities: true, strip_links: true, remap_emoji: true), username: post.username, post_url: post.url, } expect(events).not_to include(event_name: :pre_notification_alert, params: [user, payload]) end it "triggers :before_create_notification" do type = Notification.types[:private_message] events = DiscourseEvent.track_events do PostAlerter.new.create_notification(user, type, post, { revision_number: 1 }) end expect(events).to include( event_name: :before_create_notification, params: [user, type, post, { revision_number: 1 }], ) end it "applies modifiers to notification_data" do Plugin::Instance .new .register_modifier(:notification_data) do |notification_data| notification_data[:silly_key] = "silly value" notification_data end notification = PostAlerter.new.create_notification(user, type, post) expect(notification.data_hash[:silly_key]).to eq("silly value") DiscoursePluginRegistry.clear_modifiers! end end describe ".push_notification" do let(:mention_post) { create_post_with_alerts(user: user, raw: "Hello @eviltrout :heart:") } let(:topic) { mention_post.topic } before do SiteSetting.allowed_user_api_push_urls = "https://site.com/push|https://site2.com/push" setup_push_notification_subscription_for(user: evil_trout) end describe "DiscoursePluginRegistry#push_notification_filters" do it "sends push notifications when all filters pass" do Plugin::Instance.new.register_push_notification_filter { |user, payload| true } expect { mention_post }.to change { Jobs::PushNotification.jobs.count }.by(1) DiscoursePluginRegistry.reset! end it "does not send push notifications when a filters returns false" do Plugin::Instance.new.register_push_notification_filter { |user, payload| false } expect { mention_post }.not_to change { Jobs::PushNotification.jobs.count } events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { mention_post } expect(events.find { |event| event[:event_name] == :push_notification }).not_to be_present DiscoursePluginRegistry.reset! end end it "triggers the push notification event" do events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { mention_post } push_notification_event = events.find { |event| event[:event_name] == :push_notification } expect(push_notification_event).to be_present expect(push_notification_event[:params][0].username).to eq("eviltrout") expect(push_notification_event[:params][1][:username]).to eq(user.username) expect(push_notification_event[:params][1][:excerpt]).to eq("Hello @eviltrout ❤") end it "pushes nothing to suspended users" do evil_trout.update_columns(suspended_till: 1.year.from_now) expect { mention_post }.to_not change { Jobs::PushNotification.jobs.count } events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { mention_post } expect(events.find { |event| event[:event_name] == :push_notification }).not_to be_present end it "pushes nothing when the user is in 'do not disturb'" do Fabricate( :do_not_disturb_timing, user: evil_trout, starts_at: Time.zone.now, ends_at: 1.day.from_now, ) expect { mention_post }.to_not change { Jobs::PushNotification.jobs.count } events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { mention_post } expect(events.find { |event| event[:event_name] == :push_notification }).not_to be_present end it "correctly pushes notifications if configured correctly" do Jobs.run_immediately! body = nil headers = nil stub_request(:post, "https://site2.com/push").to_return do |request| body = request.body headers = request.headers { status: 200, body: "OK" } end set_subfolder "/subpath" payload = { "secret_key" => SiteSetting.push_api_secret_key, "url" => Discourse.base_url, "title" => SiteSetting.title, "description" => SiteSetting.site_description, "notifications" => [ { "notification_type" => 1, "post_number" => 1, "topic_title" => topic.title, "topic_id" => topic.id, "excerpt" => "Hello @eviltrout ❤", "username" => user.username, "url" => UrlHelper.absolute(Discourse.base_path + mention_post.url), "client_id" => "xxx0", }, { "notification_type" => 1, "post_number" => 1, "topic_title" => topic.title, "topic_id" => topic.id, "excerpt" => "Hello @eviltrout ❤", "username" => user.username, "url" => UrlHelper.absolute(Discourse.base_path + mention_post.url), "client_id" => "xxx1", }, ], } post = mention_post expect(JSON.parse(body)).to eq(payload) expect(headers["Content-Type"]).to eq("application/json") TopicUser.change( evil_trout.id, topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: post.topic, user_id: evil_trout.id) user2 = Fabricate(:user) # if we collapse a reply notification we should get notified on the correct post new_post = create_post_with_alerts( topic: post.topic, user_id: user.id, reply_to_post_number: post.post_number, raw: "this is my first reply", ) changes = { "notification_type" => Notification.types[:posted], "post_number" => new_post.post_number, "username" => new_post.user.username, "excerpt" => new_post.raw, "url" => UrlHelper.absolute(Discourse.base_path + new_post.url), } payload["notifications"][0].merge! changes payload["notifications"][1].merge! changes expect(JSON.parse(body)).to eq(payload) new_post = create_post_with_alerts( topic: post.topic, user_id: user2.id, reply_to_post_number: post.post_number, raw: "this is my second reply", ) changes = { "post_number" => new_post.post_number, "username" => new_post.user.username, "excerpt" => new_post.raw, "url" => UrlHelper.absolute(Discourse.base_path + new_post.url), } payload["notifications"][0].merge! changes payload["notifications"][1].merge! changes expect(JSON.parse(body)).to eq(payload) end it "does not have invalid HTML in the excerpt" do Fabricate(:category, slug: "random") Jobs.run_immediately! body = nil stub_request(:post, "https://site2.com/push").to_return do |request| body = request.body { status: 200, body: "OK" } end create_post_with_alerts(user: user, raw: "this, @eviltrout, is a test with #random") expect(JSON.parse(body)["notifications"][0]["excerpt"]).to eq( "this, @eviltrout, is a test with #random", ) end context "with push subscriptions" do before do Fabricate(:push_subscription, user: evil_trout) SiteSetting.push_notification_time_window_mins = 10 end it "delays sending push notification for active online user" do evil_trout.update!(last_seen_at: 5.minutes.ago) expect { mention_post }.to change { Jobs::SendPushNotification.jobs.count } expect(Jobs::SendPushNotification.jobs[0]["at"]).not_to be_nil end it "delays sending push notification for active online user for the correct delay ammount" do evil_trout.update!(last_seen_at: 5.minutes.ago) # SiteSetting.push_notification_time_window_mins is 10 # last_seen_at is 5 minutes ago # 10 minutes from now - 5 minutes ago = 5 minutes delay = 5.minutes.from_now.to_f expect { mention_post }.to change { Jobs::SendPushNotification.jobs.count } expect(Jobs::SendPushNotification.jobs[0]["at"]).to be_within(30.second).of(delay) end it "does not delay push notification for inactive offline user" do evil_trout.update!(last_seen_at: 40.minutes.ago) expect { mention_post }.to change { Jobs::SendPushNotification.jobs.count } expect(Jobs::SendPushNotification.jobs[0]["at"]).to be_nil end end end describe ".create_notification_alert" do it "does nothing for suspended users" do evil_trout.update_columns(suspended_till: 1.year.from_now) events = nil messages = MessageBus.track_publish do events = DiscourseEvent.track_events do PostAlerter.create_notification_alert( user: evil_trout, post: post, notification_type: Notification.types[:custom], excerpt: "excerpt", username: "username", ) end end expect(events.size).to eq(0) expect(messages.size).to eq(0) expect(Jobs::PushNotification.jobs.size).to eq(0) end it "does not publish to MessageBus /notification-alert if the user has not been seen for > 30 days, but still sends a push notification" do evil_trout.update_columns(last_seen_at: 31.days.ago) SiteSetting.allowed_user_api_push_urls = "https://site2.com/push" UserApiKey.create!( user_id: evil_trout.id, client_id: "xxx#1", application_name: "iPhone1", scopes: ["notifications"].map { |name| UserApiKeyScope.new(name: name) }, push_url: "https://site2.com/push", ) events = nil messages = MessageBus.track_publish do events = DiscourseEvent.track_events do PostAlerter.create_notification_alert( user: evil_trout, post: post, notification_type: Notification.types[:custom], excerpt: "excerpt", username: "username", ) end end expect(events.map { |event| event[:event_name] }).to include( :pre_notification_alert, :push_notification, :post_notification_alert, ) expect(messages.size).to eq(0) expect(Jobs::PushNotification.jobs.size).to eq(1) end end describe "watching_first_post" do fab!(:user) fab!(:category) fab!(:tag) fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category, tags: [tag]) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } it "doesn't notify people who aren't watching" do PostAlerter.post_created(post) expect( user.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:watching_first_post]).count, ).to eq(0) end it "notifies the user who is following the first post category" do level = CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post] CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(user, level, category.id) PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) expect( user.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:watching_first_post]).count, ).to eq(1) end it "doesn't notify when the record is not new" do level = CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post] CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(user, level, category.id) PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, false) expect( user.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:watching_first_post]).count, ).to eq(0) end it "notifies the user who is following the first post tag" do level = TagUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post] TagUser.change(user.id, tag.id, level) PostAlerter.post_created(post) expect( user.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:watching_first_post]).count, ).to eq(1) end it "notifies the user who is following the first post group" do GroupUser.create(group_id: group.id, user_id: user.id) GroupUser.create(group_id: group.id, user_id: post.user.id) topic.topic_allowed_groups.create(group_id: group.id) level = GroupUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post] GroupUser.where(user_id: user.id, group_id: group.id).update_all(notification_level: level) PostAlerter.post_created(post) expect( user.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:watching_first_post]).count, ).to eq(1) end it "triggers :before_create_notifications_for_users" do level = CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post] CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(user, level, category.id) events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) } expect(events).to include( event_name: :before_create_notifications_for_users, params: [[user], post], ) end it "sends a push notification when user has a push subscription" do setup_push_notification_subscription_for(user: user) level = CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post] CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(user, level, category.id) events = DiscourseEvent.track_events(:push_notification) do PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) end expect( events.detect do |e| e[:params][0] == user && e[:params][1][:notification_type] == Notification.types[:watching_first_post] end, ).to be_present end end context "with replies" do it "triggers :before_create_notifications_for_users" do _post = Fabricate(:post, user: user, topic: topic) reply = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, reply_to_post_number: 1) events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { PostAlerter.post_created(reply) } expect(events).to include( event_name: :before_create_notifications_for_users, params: [[user], reply], ) end it "notifies about regular reply" do _post = Fabricate(:post, user: user, topic: topic) reply = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, reply_to_post_number: 1) PostAlerter.post_created(reply) expect(user.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:replied]).count).to eq( 1, ) end it "does not notify admins when suppress_secured_categories_from_admin is enabled" do SiteSetting.suppress_secured_categories_from_admin = true topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: private_category) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "hello @#{admin.username} how are you today?", topic: topic) PostAlerter.post_created(post) expect(admin.notifications.count).to eq(0) end it "doesn't notify regular user about whispered reply" do _post = Fabricate(:post, user: user, topic: topic) whispered_reply = Fabricate( :post, user: admin, topic: topic, post_type: Post.types[:whisper], reply_to_post_number: 1, ) PostAlerter.post_created(whispered_reply) expect(user.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:replied]).count).to eq( 0, ) end it "notifies staff user about whispered reply" do admin1 = Fabricate(:admin) admin2 = Fabricate(:admin) _post = Fabricate(:post, user: user, topic: topic) whispered_reply1 = Fabricate( :post, user: admin1, topic: topic, post_type: Post.types[:whisper], reply_to_post_number: 1, ) whispered_reply2 = Fabricate( :post, user: admin2, topic: topic, post_type: Post.types[:whisper], reply_to_post_number: 2, ) PostAlerter.post_created(whispered_reply1) PostAlerter.post_created(whispered_reply2) expect( admin1.notifications.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:replied]).count, ).to eq(1) TopicUser.change( admin1.id, topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) # this should change nothing cause the moderator post has an action code # if we have an action code then we should never have notifications, this is rare but # assign whispers are like this whispered_reply3 = topic.add_moderator_post( admin2, "i am a reply", post_type: Post.types[:whisper], action_code: "moderator_thing", ) PostAlerter.post_created(whispered_reply3) # if this whisper is not ignored like it should we would see a posted notification and no replied notifications notifications = admin1.notifications.where(topic_id: topic.id).to_a expect(notifications.first.notification_type).to eq(Notification.types[:replied]) expect(notifications.length).to eq(1) expect(notifications.first.post_number).to eq(whispered_reply2.post_number) end it "sends email notifications only to users not on CC list of incoming email" do alice = Fabricate(:user, username: "alice", email: "alice@example.com") bob = Fabricate(:user, username: "bob", email: "bob@example.com") carol = Fabricate(:user, username: "carol", email: "carol@example.com", staged: true) dave = Fabricate(:user, username: "dave", email: "dave@example.com", staged: true) erin = Fabricate(:user, username: "erin", email: "erin@example.com") topic = Fabricate( :private_message_topic, topic_allowed_users: [ Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: alice), Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: bob), Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: carol), Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: dave), Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: erin), ], ) _post = Fabricate(:post, user: alice, topic: topic) TopicUser.change( alice.id, topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) TopicUser.change( bob.id, topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) TopicUser.change( erin.id, topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) email = Fabricate( :incoming_email, raw: <<~RAW, Return-Path: From: Bob To: meta+1234@discoursemail.com, dave@example.com CC: carol@example.com, erin@example.com Subject: Hello world Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2016 00:12:43 +0100 Message-ID: <12345@example.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable This post was created by email. RAW from_address: "bob@example.com", to_addresses: "meta+1234@discoursemail.com;dave@example.com", cc_addresses: "carol@example.com;erin@example.com", ) reply = Fabricate( :post_via_email, user: bob, topic: topic, incoming_email: email, reply_to_post_number: 1, ) NotificationEmailer.expects(:process_notification).with { |n| n.user_id == alice.id }.once NotificationEmailer.expects(:process_notification).with { |n| n.user_id == bob.id }.never NotificationEmailer.expects(:process_notification).with { |n| n.user_id == carol.id }.never NotificationEmailer.expects(:process_notification).with { |n| n.user_id == dave.id }.never NotificationEmailer.expects(:process_notification).with { |n| n.user_id == erin.id }.never PostAlerter.post_created(reply) expect(alice.notifications.count).to eq(1) expect(bob.notifications.count).to eq(0) expect(carol.notifications.count).to eq(1) expect(dave.notifications.count).to eq(1) expect(erin.notifications.count).to eq(1) end it "does not send email notifications to staged users when notification originates in mailinglist mirror category" do category = Fabricate(:mailinglist_mirror_category) topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category) user = Fabricate(:staged) _post = Fabricate(:post, user: user, topic: topic) reply = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, reply_to_post_number: 1) NotificationEmailer.expects(:process_notification).never expect { PostAlerter.post_created(reply) }.not_to change(user.notifications, :count) category.mailinglist_mirror = false NotificationEmailer.expects(:process_notification).once expect { PostAlerter.post_created(reply) }.to change(user.notifications, :count).by(1) end it "creates a notification of type `replied` instead of `posted` for the topic author if they're watching the topic" do Jobs.run_immediately! u1 = Fabricate(:admin) u2 = Fabricate(:admin) topic = create_topic(user: u1) u1.notifications.destroy_all expect do create_post(topic: topic, user: u2) end.to change { u1.reload.notifications.count }.by(1) expect( u1.notifications.exists?( topic_id: topic.id, notification_type: Notification.types[:replied], post_number: 1, read: false, ), ).to eq(true) end it "it doesn't notify about small action posts when the topic author is watching the topic " do Jobs.run_immediately! u1 = Fabricate(:admin) u2 = Fabricate(:admin) topic = create_topic(user: u1) u1.notifications.destroy_all expect do topic.update_status("closed", true, u2, message: "hello world") end.not_to change { u1.reload.notifications.count } end end context "with category" do context "with watching" do it "triggers :before_create_notifications_for_users" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) level = CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching] CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(user, level, category.id) events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { PostAlerter.post_created(post) } expect(events).to include( event_name: :before_create_notifications_for_users, params: [[user], post], ) end it "notifies staff about whispered post" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category) level = CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching] CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(admin, level, category.id) CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(user, level, category.id) whispered_post = Fabricate(:post, user: Fabricate(:admin), topic: topic, post_type: Post.types[:whisper]) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(whispered_post) }.to add_notification( admin, :watching_category_or_tag, ) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(whispered_post) }.not_to add_notification( user, :watching_category_or_tag, ) end it "notifies a staged user about a private post, but only if the user has access" do staged_member = Fabricate(:staged) staged_non_member = Fabricate(:staged) group_member = Fabricate(:user) group.add(group_member) group.add(staged_member) level = CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching] CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(group_member, level, private_category.id) CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(staged_member, level, private_category.id) CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category( staged_non_member, level, private_category.id, ) topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: private_category, user: group_member) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(post) }.to add_notification( staged_member, :watching_category_or_tag, ).and not_add_notification(staged_non_member, :watching_category_or_tag) end it "does not update existing unread notification" do CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category( user, CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching], category.id, ) topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) PostAlerter.post_created(post) notification = Notification.last expect(notification.topic_id).to eq(topic.id) expect(notification.post_number).to eq(1) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) PostAlerter.post_created(post) notification = Notification.last expect(notification.topic_id).to eq(topic.id) expect(notification.post_number).to eq(1) notification_data = JSON.parse(notification.data) expect(notification_data["display_username"]).to eq(I18n.t("embed.replies", count: 2)) end it "sends a push notification when user has a push subscription" do setup_push_notification_subscription_for(user: user) topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) level = CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching] CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(user, level, category.id) events = DiscourseEvent.track_events(:push_notification) { PostAlerter.post_created(post) } expect( events.detect do |e| e[:params][0] == user && e[:params][1][:notification_type] == Notification.types[:watching_category_or_tag] end, ).to be_present end end end context "with tags" do context "with watching" do it "triggers :before_create_notifications_for_users" do tag = Fabricate(:tag) topic = Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag]) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) level = TagUser.notification_levels[:watching] TagUser.change(user.id, tag.id, level) events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { PostAlerter.post_created(post) } expect(events).to include( event_name: :before_create_notifications_for_users, params: [[user], post], ) end it "does not update existing unread notification" do tag = Fabricate(:tag) TagUser.change(user.id, tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:watching]) topic = Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag]) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) PostAlerter.post_created(post) notification = Notification.last expect(notification.topic_id).to eq(topic.id) expect(notification.post_number).to eq(1) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) PostAlerter.post_created(post) notification = Notification.last expect(notification.topic_id).to eq(topic.id) expect(notification.post_number).to eq(1) notification_data = JSON.parse(notification.data) expect(notification_data["display_username"]).to eq(I18n.t("embed.replies", count: 2)) end it "does not add notification if user does not belong to tag group with permissions" do tag = Fabricate(:tag) topic = Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag]) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) tag_group = TagGroup.new(name: "Only visible to group", tag_names: [tag.name]) tag_group.permissions = [[group.id, TagGroupPermission.permission_types[:full]]] tag_group.save! TagUser.change(user.id, tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:watching]) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(post) }.not_to change { Notification.count } end it "adds notification if user belongs to tag group with permissions" do tag = Fabricate(:tag) topic = Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag]) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) tag_group = Fabricate(:tag_group, tags: [tag]) Fabricate(:group_user, group: group, user: user) Fabricate(:tag_group_permission, tag_group: tag_group, group: group) TagUser.change(user.id, tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:watching]) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(post) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) end end context "with category and tags" do fab!(:muted_category) do Fabricate(:category).tap do |category| CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category( user, CategoryUser.notification_levels[:muted], category.id, ) end end fab!(:muted_tag) do Fabricate(:tag).tap do |tag| TagUser.create!( user: user, tag: tag, notification_level: TagUser.notification_levels[:muted], ) end end fab!(:watched_tag) do Fabricate(:tag).tap do |tag| TagUser.create!( user: user, tag: tag, notification_level: TagUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) end end fab!(:topic_with_muted_tag_and_watched_category) do Fabricate(:topic, category: category, tags: [muted_tag]) end fab!(:topic_with_muted_category_and_watched_tag) do Fabricate(:topic, category: muted_category, tags: [watched_tag]) end fab!(:directly_watched_topic) do Fabricate(:topic, category: muted_category, tags: [muted_tag]) end fab!(:topic_user) do Fabricate( :topic_user, topic: directly_watched_topic, user: user, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) end fab!(:topic_with_watched_category) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_with_muted_tag_and_watched_category) } fab!(:post_2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_with_muted_category_and_watched_tag) } fab!(:post_3) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_with_watched_category) } fab!(:post_4) { Fabricate(:post, topic: directly_watched_topic) } before do CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category( user, CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching], category.id, ) end it "adds notification when watched_precedence_over_muted setting is true" do SiteSetting.watched_precedence_over_muted = true expect { PostAlerter.post_created(topic_with_muted_tag_and_watched_category.posts.first) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(topic_with_muted_category_and_watched_tag.posts.first) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(directly_watched_topic.posts.first) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) end it "respects user option even if watched_precedence_over_muted site setting is true" do SiteSetting.watched_precedence_over_muted = true user.user_option.update!(watched_precedence_over_muted: false) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(topic_with_muted_tag_and_watched_category.posts.first) }.not_to change { Notification.count } expect { PostAlerter.post_created(topic_with_muted_category_and_watched_tag.posts.first) }.not_to change { Notification.count } expect { PostAlerter.post_created(directly_watched_topic.posts.first) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) end it "does not add notification when watched_precedence_over_muted setting is false" do SiteSetting.watched_precedence_over_muted = false expect { PostAlerter.post_created(topic_with_muted_tag_and_watched_category.posts.first) }.not_to change { Notification.count } expect { PostAlerter.post_created(topic_with_muted_category_and_watched_tag.posts.first) }.not_to change { Notification.count } expect { PostAlerter.post_created(topic_with_watched_category.posts.first) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(directly_watched_topic.posts.first) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) end it "respects user option even if watched_precedence_over_muted site setting is false" do SiteSetting.watched_precedence_over_muted = false user.user_option.update!(watched_precedence_over_muted: true) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(topic_with_muted_tag_and_watched_category.posts.first) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(topic_with_muted_category_and_watched_tag.posts.first) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(directly_watched_topic.posts.first) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) end end context "with on change" do fab!(:user) fab!(:other_tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } fab!(:watched_tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } before do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true SiteSetting.tag_topic_allowed_groups = Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:trust_level_0] Jobs.run_immediately! TagUser.change(user.id, watched_tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post]) TopicUser.change( Fabricate(:user).id, post.topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) end it "triggers a notification" do expect( user .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[:watching_first_post]) .count, ).to eq(0) expect { PostRevisor.new(post).revise!( Fabricate(:user, refresh_auto_groups: true), tags: [other_tag.name, watched_tag.name], ) }.to change { Notification.where(user_id: user.id).count }.by(1) expect( user .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[:watching_first_post]) .count, ).to eq(1) expect { PostRevisor.new(post).revise!( Fabricate(:user, refresh_auto_groups: true), tags: [watched_tag.name, other_tag.name], ) }.not_to change { Notification.count } expect( user .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[:watching_first_post]) .count, ).to eq(1) end it "doesn't trigger a notification if topic is unlisted" do post.topic.update_column(:visible, false) expect( user .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[:watching_first_post]) .count, ).to eq(0) PostRevisor.new(post).revise!(Fabricate(:user), tags: [other_tag.name, watched_tag.name]) expect( user .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[:watching_first_post]) .count, ).to eq(0) end end context "with private message" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:private_message_post) } fab!(:other_tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } fab!(:other_tag2) { Fabricate(:tag) } fab!(:other_tag3) { Fabricate(:tag) } fab!(:user) fab!(:staged) before do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true SiteSetting.pm_tags_allowed_for_groups = "1|2|3" Jobs.run_immediately! TopicUser.change( user.id, post.topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) TopicUser.change( staged.id, post.topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) TopicUser.change( admin.id, post.topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], ) TagUser.change(staged.id, other_tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:watching]) TagUser.change(admin.id, other_tag3.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:watching]) post.topic.allowed_users << user post.topic.allowed_users << staged end it "only notifies staff watching added tag" do expect( PostRevisor.new(post).revise!( Fabricate(:admin, refresh_auto_groups: true), tags: [other_tag.name], ), ).to be true expect(Notification.where(user_id: staged.id).count).to eq(0) expect( PostRevisor.new(post).revise!( Fabricate(:admin, refresh_auto_groups: true), tags: [other_tag2.name], ), ).to be true expect(Notification.where(user_id: admin.id).count).to eq(0) expect( PostRevisor.new(post).revise!( Fabricate(:admin, refresh_auto_groups: true), tags: [other_tag3.name], ), ).to be true expect(Notification.where(user_id: admin.id).count).to eq(1) end end context "with tag groups" do fab!(:tag) fab!(:user) fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag]) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } shared_examples "tag user with notification level" do |notification_level, notification_type| it "notifies a user who is watching a tag that does not belong to a tag group" do TagUser.change(user.id, tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[notification_level]) PostAlerter.post_created(post) expect( user .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[notification_type]) .count, ).to eq(1) end it "does not notify a user watching a tag with tag group permissions that he does not belong to" do tag_group = Fabricate(:tag_group, tags: [tag], permissions: { group.name => 1 }) TagUser.change(user.id, tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[notification_level]) PostAlerter.post_created(post) expect( user .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[notification_type]) .count, ).to eq(0) end it "notifies a user watching a tag with tag group permissions that he belongs to" do Fabricate(:group_user, group: group, user: user) TagUser.change(user.id, tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[notification_level]) PostAlerter.post_created(post) expect( user .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[notification_type]) .count, ).to eq(1) end it "notifies a staff watching a tag with tag group permissions that he does not belong to" do tag_group = Fabricate(:tag_group, tags: [tag]) Fabricate(:tag_group_permission, tag_group: tag_group, group: group) staff_group = Group.find(Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:staff]) Fabricate(:group_user, group: staff_group, user: user) TagUser.change(user.id, tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[notification_level]) PostAlerter.post_created(post) expect( user .notifications .where(notification_type: Notification.types[notification_type]) .count, ).to eq(1) end end context "with :watching notification level" do include_examples "tag user with notification level", :watching, :watching_category_or_tag end context "with :watching_first_post notification level" do include_examples "tag user with notification level", :watching_first_post, :watching_first_post end end end describe "#extract_linked_users" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } fab!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post) } describe "when linked post has been deleted" do let(:topic_link) do TopicLink.create!( url: "/t/#{topic.id}", topic_id: topic.id, link_topic_id: post2.topic.id, link_post_id: nil, post_id: post.id, user: user, domain: "test.com", ) end it "should use the first post of the topic" do topic_link expect(PostAlerter.new.extract_linked_users(post.reload)).to eq([post2.user]) end end end describe "#notify_post_users" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } fab!(:last_editor) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:tag) fab!(:category) it "creates single edit notification when post is modified" do TopicUser.create!( user_id: user.id, topic_id: topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], last_read_post_number: post.post_number, ) PostRevisor.new(post).revise!(last_editor, tags: [tag.name]) PostAlerter.new.notify_post_users(post, []) expect(Notification.count).to eq(1) expect(Notification.last.notification_type).to eq(Notification.types[:edited]) expect(JSON.parse(Notification.last.data)["display_username"]).to eq(last_editor.username) PostAlerter.new.notify_post_users(post, []) expect(Notification.count).to eq(1) end it "creates posted notification when Sidekiq is slow" do CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category( user, CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching], category.id, ) post = PostCreator.create!( Fabricate(:user, refresh_auto_groups: true), title: "one of my first topics", raw: "one of my first posts", category: category.id, ) TopicUser.change(user, post.topic_id, last_read_post_number: post.post_number) # Manually run job after the user read the topic to simulate a slow # Sidekiq. job_args = Jobs::PostAlert.jobs[0]["args"][0] expect { Jobs::PostAlert.new.execute(job_args.with_indifferent_access) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) expect(Notification.last.notification_type).to eq(Notification.types[:posted]) end end context "with SMTP (group_smtp_email)" do before do SiteSetting.enable_smtp = true SiteSetting.email_in = true Jobs.run_immediately! end fab!(:group) do Fabricate( :group, smtp_server: "smtp.gmail.com", smtp_port: 587, smtp_ssl: true, imap_server: "imap.gmail.com", imap_port: 993, imap_ssl: true, email_username: "discourse@example.com", email_password: "password", smtp_enabled: true, imap_enabled: true, ) end def create_post_with_incoming raw_mail = <<~EMAIL From: Foo To: discourse@example.com Cc: bar@discourse.org, jim@othersite.com Subject: Full email group username flow Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 00:12:43 +0100 Message-ID: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is the first email. EMAIL Email::Receiver.new(raw_mail, {}).process! end it "does not error if SMTP is enabled and the topic has no incoming email or allowed groups" do expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.not_to raise_error end it "does not error if SMTP is enabled and the topic has no incoming email but does have an allowed group" do TopicAllowedGroup.create(topic: private_message_topic, group: group) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.not_to raise_error end it "does not error if SMTP is enabled and the topic has no incoming email but has multiple allowed groups" do TopicAllowedGroup.create(topic: private_message_topic, group: group) TopicAllowedGroup.create(topic: private_message_topic, group: Fabricate(:group)) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.not_to raise_error end it "sends a group smtp email because SMTP is enabled for the site and the group" do incoming_email_post = create_post_with_incoming topic = incoming_email_post.topic post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size }.by(1) email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last expect(email.from).to include(group.email_username) expect(email.to).to contain_exactly( topic.reload.topic_allowed_users.order(:created_at).first.user.email, ) expect(email.cc).to match_array(%w[bar@discourse.org jim@othersite.com]) expect(email.subject).to eq("Re: #{topic.title}") end it "sends a group smtp email when the original group has had SMTP disabled and there is an additional topic allowed group" do incoming_email_post = create_post_with_incoming topic = incoming_email_post.topic other_allowed_group = Fabricate(:smtp_group) TopicAllowedGroup.create(group: other_allowed_group, topic: topic) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) group.update!(smtp_enabled: false) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size }.by(1) email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last expect(email.from).to include(other_allowed_group.email_username) expect(email.to).to contain_exactly( topic.reload.topic_allowed_users.order(:created_at).first.user.email, ) expect(email.cc).to match_array(%w[bar@discourse.org jim@othersite.com]) expect(email.subject).to eq("Re: #{topic.title}") end it "does not send a group smtp email if smtp is not enabled for the group" do group.update!(smtp_enabled: false) incoming_email_post = create_post_with_incoming topic = incoming_email_post.topic post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.not_to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size } end it "does not send a group smtp email if SiteSetting.enable_smtp is false" do SiteSetting.enable_smtp = false incoming_email_post = create_post_with_incoming topic = incoming_email_post.topic post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.not_to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size } end it "does not send group smtp emails for a whisper" do incoming_email_post = create_post_with_incoming topic = incoming_email_post.topic post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_type: Post.types[:whisper]) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.not_to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size } end it "sends the group smtp email job with a delay of personal_email_time_window_seconds" do freeze_time incoming_email_post = create_post_with_incoming topic = incoming_email_post.topic post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) job_enqueued?( job: :group_smtp_email, args: { group_id: group.id, post_id: post.id, email: topic.reload.topic_allowed_users.order(:created_at).first.user.email, cc_emails: %w[bar@discourse.org jim@othersite.com], }, at: Time.zone.now + SiteSetting.personal_email_time_window_seconds.seconds, ) end it "does not send a group smtp email for anyone if the reply post originates from an incoming email that is auto generated" do incoming_email_post = create_post_with_incoming topic = incoming_email_post.topic post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) Fabricate(:incoming_email, post: post, topic: topic, is_auto_generated: true) expect_not_enqueued_with(job: :group_smtp_email) do expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.not_to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size } end end it "skips sending a notification email to the group and all other email addresses that are _not_ members of the group, sends a group_smtp_email instead" do NotificationEmailer.enable incoming_email_post = create_post_with_incoming topic = incoming_email_post.topic group_user1 = Fabricate(:group_user, group: group) group_user2 = Fabricate(:group_user, group: group) TopicUser.create( user: group_user1.user, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], topic: topic, ) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic.reload) # Sends an email for: # # 1. the group user that is watching the post (but does not send this email with group SMTO) # 2. the group smtp email to notify all topic_users not in the group expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size }.by(2).and change { Notification.count }.by(2) # The group smtp email email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first expect(email.from).to eq([group.email_username]) expect(email.to).to contain_exactly("foo@discourse.org") expect(email.cc).to match_array(%w[bar@discourse.org jim@othersite.com]) expect(email.subject).to eq("Re: #{topic.title}") # The watching group user notification email email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last expect(email.from).to eq([SiteSetting.notification_email]) expect(email.to).to contain_exactly(group_user1.user.email) expect(email.cc).to eq(nil) expect(email.subject).to eq("[Discourse] [PM] #{topic.title}") end it "skips sending a notification email to the cc address that was added on the same post with an incoming email" do NotificationEmailer.enable incoming_email_post = create_post_with_incoming topic = incoming_email_post.topic post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic.reload) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size }.by(1).and change { Notification.count }.by(1) email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last # the reply post from someone who was emailed reply_raw_mail = <<~EMAIL From: Bar To: discourse@example.com Cc: someothernewcc@baz.com, finalnewcc@doom.com Subject: #{email.subject} Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2021 00:12:43 +0100 Message-ID: In-Reply-To: #{email.message_id} Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey here is my reply! EMAIL reply_post_from_email = nil expect { reply_post_from_email = Email::Receiver.new(reply_raw_mail, {}).process! }.to change { User.count # the two new cc addresses have users created }.by(2).and change { TopicAllowedUser.where(topic: topic).count # and they are added as topic allowed users }.by(2).and change { # but they are not sent emails because they were cc'd on an email, only jim@othersite.com # is emailed because he is a topic allowed user cc'd on the _original_ email and he is not # the one creating the post, and foo@discourse.org, who is the OP of the topic ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size }.by(1).and change { Notification.count # and they are still sent their normal discourse notification }.by(2) email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last expect(email.to).to eq(["foo@discourse.org"]) expect(email.cc).to eq(["jim@othersite.com"]) expect(email.from).to eq([group.email_username]) expect(email.subject).to eq("Re: #{topic.title}") end it "handles the OP of the topic replying by email and sends a group email to the other topic allowed users successfully" do NotificationEmailer.enable incoming_email_post = create_post_with_incoming topic = incoming_email_post.topic post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic.reload) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size }.by(1).and change { Notification.count }.by(1) email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last # the reply post from someone who was emailed reply_raw_mail = <<~EMAIL From: Foo To: discourse@example.com Cc: someothernewcc@baz.com, finalnewcc@doom.com Subject: #{email.subject} Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2021 00:12:43 +0100 Message-ID: In-Reply-To: #{email.message_id} Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am ~~Commander Shepherd~~ the OP and I approve of this message. EMAIL reply_post_from_email = nil expect { reply_post_from_email = Email::Receiver.new(reply_raw_mail, {}).process! }.to change { User.count # the two new cc addresses have users created }.by(2).and change { TopicAllowedUser.where(topic: topic).count # and they are added as topic allowed users }.by(2).and change { # but they are not sent emails because they were cc'd on an email, only jim@othersite.com # is emailed because he is a topic allowed user cc'd on the _original_ email and he is not # the one creating the post ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size }.by(1).and change { Notification.count # and they are still sent their normal discourse notification }.by(2) email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last expect(email.to).to eq(["bar@discourse.org"]) expect(email.cc).to eq(["jim@othersite.com"]) expect(email.from).to eq([group.email_username]) expect(email.subject).to eq("Re: #{topic.title}") end it "handles the OP of the topic replying by email and cc'ing new people, and does not send a group SMTP email to those newly cc'd users" do NotificationEmailer.enable # this is a special case where we are not CC'ing on the original email, # only on the follow up email raw_mail = <<~EMAIL From: Foo To: discourse@example.com Subject: Full email group username flow Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2021 00:12:43 +0100 Message-ID: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is the first email. EMAIL incoming_email_post = Email::Receiver.new(raw_mail, {}).process! topic = incoming_email_post.topic post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic.reload) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size }.by(1).and change { Notification.count }.by(1) email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last # the reply post from the OP, cc'ing new people in reply_raw_mail = <<~EMAIL From: Foo To: discourse@example.com Cc: someothernewcc@baz.com, finalnewcc@doom.com Subject: #{email.subject} Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2021 00:12:43 +0100 Message-ID: <3849cu9843yncr9834yr9348x934@discourse.org.mail> In-Reply-To: #{email.message_id} Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am inviting my mates to this email party. EMAIL reply_post_from_email = nil expect { reply_post_from_email = Email::Receiver.new(reply_raw_mail, {}).process! }.to change { User.count # the two new cc addresses have users created }.by(2).and change { TopicAllowedUser.where(topic: topic).count # and they are added as topic allowed users }.by(2).and not_change { # but they are not sent emails because they were cc'd on an email. # no group smtp message is sent because the OP is not sent an email, # they made this post. ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size }.and change { Notification.count # and they are still sent their normal discourse notification }.by(2) last_email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last expect(email).to eq(last_email) end end describe "storing custom data" do let(:custom_data) { "custom_string" } it "stores custom data inside a notification" do PostAlerter.new.create_notification( admin, Notification.types[:liked], post, custom_data: { custom_key: custom_data, }, ) liked_notification = Notification.where(notification_type: Notification.types[:liked]).last expect(liked_notification.data_hash[:custom_key]).to eq(custom_data) end end it "does not create notifications for PMs if not invited" do SiteSetting.pm_tags_allowed_for_groups = "#{Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone]}" watching_first_post_tag = Fabricate(:tag) TagUser.change( admin.id, watching_first_post_tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post], ) watching_tag = Fabricate(:tag) TagUser.change(admin.id, watching_tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:watching]) post = create_post( tags: [watching_first_post_tag.name, watching_tag.name], archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{evil_trout.username}", ) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) notification = Notification.last expect(notification.user).to eq(evil_trout) expect(notification.notification_type).to eq(Notification.types[:private_message]) expect(notification.topic).to eq(post.topic) expect(notification.post_number).to eq(1) end it "does not create multiple notifications for same post" do category = Fabricate(:category) CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category( user, NotificationLevels.all[:tracking], category.id, ) watching_first_post_tag = Fabricate(:tag) TagUser.change( user.id, watching_first_post_tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post], ) watching_tag = Fabricate(:tag) TagUser.change(user.id, watching_tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:watching]) post = create_post(category: category, tags: [watching_first_post_tag.name, watching_tag.name]) expect { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) }.to change { Notification.count }.by(1) notification = Notification.last expect(notification.user).to eq(user) expect(notification.notification_type).to eq(Notification.types[:watching_category_or_tag]) expect(notification.topic).to eq(post.topic) expect(notification.post_number).to eq(1) end it "triggers all discourse events" do expected_events = %i[ post_alerter_before_mentions post_alerter_before_replies post_alerter_before_quotes post_alerter_before_linked post_alerter_before_post post_alerter_before_first_post post_alerter_after_save_post ] events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { PostAlerter.new.after_save_post(post, true) } # Expect all the notification events are called # There are some other events triggered from outside after_save_post expect(events.map { |e| e[:event_name] }).to include(*expected_events) # Expect each notification event is called with the right parameters events.each do |event| if expected_events.include?(event[:event_name]) expect(event[:params]).to eq([post, true, [post.user]]) end end end end