class StaticController < ApplicationController skip_before_filter :check_xhr, :redirect_to_login_if_required skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:enter] def show return redirect_to(path '/') if current_user && params[:id] == 'login' map = { "faq" => {redirect: "faq_url", topic_id: "guidelines_topic_id"}, "tos" => {redirect: "tos_url", topic_id: "tos_topic_id"}, "privacy" => {redirect: "privacy_policy_url", topic_id: "privacy_topic_id"} } @page = params[:id] if map.has_key?(@page) site_setting_key = map[@page][:redirect] url = SiteSetting.send(site_setting_key) return redirect_to(url) unless url.blank? end # The /guidelines route ALWAYS shows our FAQ, ignoring the faq_url site setting. @page = 'faq' if @page == 'guidelines' # Don't allow paths like ".." or "/" or anything hacky like that @page.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9\_\-]/, '') if map.has_key?(@page) @topic = Topic.find_by_id(SiteSetting.send(map[@page][:topic_id])) raise Discourse::NotFound unless @topic @title = @topic.title @body = @topic.posts.first.cooked @faq_overriden = !SiteSetting.faq_url.blank? render :show, layout: !request.xhr?, formats: [:html] return end if I18n.exists?("static.#{@page}") render text: I18n.t("static.#{@page}"), layout: !request.xhr?, formats: [:html] return end file = "static/#{@page}.#{I18n.locale}" file = "static/#{@page}.en" if lookup_context.find_all("#{file}.html").empty? file = "static/#{@page}" if lookup_context.find_all("#{file}.html").empty? if lookup_context.find_all("#{file}.html").any? render file, layout: !request.xhr?, formats: [:html] return end raise Discourse::NotFound end # This method just redirects to a given url. # It's used when an ajax login was successful but we want the browser to see # a post of a login form so that it offers to remember your password. def enter params.delete(:username) params.delete(:password) destination = path("/") if params[:redirect].present? && !params[:redirect].match(login_path) begin forum_uri = URI(Discourse.base_url) uri = URI(params[:redirect]) if uri.path.present? && ( || == && uri.path !~ /\./ destination = uri.path end rescue URI::InvalidURIError # Do nothing if the URI is invalid end end redirect_to destination end skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:cdn_asset] def cdn_asset path = File.expand_path(Rails.root + "public/assets/" + params[:path]) # SECURITY what if path has /../ raise Discourse::NotFound unless path.start_with?(Rails.root.to_s + "/public/assets") expires_in 1.year, public: true response.headers["Expires"] = 1.year.from_now.httpdate response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = params[:origin] if params[:origin] begin response.headers["Last-Modified"] = File.ctime(path).httpdate response.headers["Content-Length"] = File.size(path).to_s rescue Errno::ENOENT raise Discourse::NotFound end opts = { disposition: nil } opts[:type] = "application/javascript" if path =~ /\.js$/ # we must disable acceleration otherwise NGINX strips # access control headers request.env['sendfile.type'] = '' send_file(path, opts) end end