# name: poll # about: Official poll plugin for Discourse # version: 0.9 # authors: Vikhyat Korrapati (vikhyat), RĂ©gis Hanol (zogstrip) # url: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/plugins/poll register_asset "stylesheets/poll.scss" register_asset "javascripts/poll_dialect.js", :server_side PLUGIN_NAME ||= "discourse_poll".freeze POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD ||= "polls".freeze VOTES_CUSTOM_FIELD ||= "polls-votes".freeze after_initialize do module ::DiscoursePoll class Engine < ::Rails::Engine engine_name PLUGIN_NAME isolate_namespace DiscoursePoll end end require_dependency "application_controller" class DiscoursePoll::PollsController < ::ApplicationController requires_plugin PLUGIN_NAME before_filter :ensure_logged_in def vote post_id = params.require(:post_id) poll_name = params.require(:poll_name) options = params.require(:options) user_id = current_user.id DistributedMutex.synchronize("#{PLUGIN_NAME}-#{post_id}") do post = Post.find(post_id) # topic must be open if post.topic.try(:closed) || post.topic.try(:archived) return render_json_error I18n.t("poll.topic_must_be_open_to_vote") end polls = post.custom_fields[POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD] return render_json_error I18n.t("poll.no_polls_associated_with_this_post") if polls.blank? poll = polls[poll_name] return render_json_error I18n.t("poll.no_poll_with_this_name", name: poll_name) if poll.blank? return render_json_error I18n.t("poll.poll_must_be_open_to_vote") if poll["status"] != "open" votes = post.custom_fields["#{VOTES_CUSTOM_FIELD}-#{user_id}"] || {} vote = votes[poll_name] || [] poll["total_votes"] += 1 if vote.size == 0 poll["options"].each do |option| option["votes"] -= 1 if vote.include?(option["id"]) option["votes"] += 1 if options.include?(option["id"]) end votes[poll_name] = options post.custom_fields[POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD] = polls post.custom_fields["#{VOTES_CUSTOM_FIELD}-#{user_id}"] = votes post.save_custom_fields MessageBus.publish("/polls/#{post_id}", { poll: poll }) render json: { poll: poll, vote: options } end end def toggle_status post_id = params.require(:post_id) poll_name = params.require(:poll_name) status = params.require(:status) DistributedMutex.synchronize("#{PLUGIN_NAME}-#{post_id}") do post = Post.find(post_id) # either staff member or OP unless current_user.try(:staff?) || current_user.try(:id) == post.user_id return render_json_error I18n.t("poll.only_staff_or_op_can_toggle_status") end # topic must be open if post.topic.try(:closed) || post.topic.try(:archived) return render_json_error I18n.t("poll.topic_must_be_open_to_toggle_status") end polls = post.custom_fields[POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD] return render_json_error I18n.t("poll.no_polls_associated_with_this_post") if polls.blank? return render_json_error I18n.t("poll.no_poll_with_this_name", name: poll_name) if polls[poll_name].blank? polls[poll_name]["status"] = status post.custom_fields[POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD] = polls post.save_custom_fields MessageBus.publish("/polls/#{post_id}", { poll: polls[poll_name] }) render json: { poll: polls[poll_name] } end end end DiscoursePoll::Engine.routes.draw do put "/vote" => "polls#vote" put "/toggle_status" => "polls#toggle_status" end Discourse::Application.routes.append do mount ::DiscoursePoll::Engine, at: "/polls" end Post.class_eval do attr_accessor :polls # save the polls when the post is created after_save do next if self.polls.blank? || !self.polls.is_a?(Hash) post = self polls = self.polls DistributedMutex.synchronize("#{PLUGIN_NAME}-#{post.id}") do post.custom_fields[POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD] = polls post.save_custom_fields end end end DATA_PREFIX ||= "data-poll-".freeze DEFAULT_POLL_NAME ||= "poll".freeze validate(:post, :polls) do # only care when raw has changed! return unless self.raw_changed? # TODO: we should fix the callback mess so that the cooked version is available # in the validators instead of cooking twice cooked = PrettyText.cook(self.raw, topic_id: self.topic_id) parsed = Nokogiri::HTML(cooked) polls = {} extracted_polls = [] # extract polls parsed.css("div.poll").each do |p| poll = { "options" => [], "total_votes" => 0 } # extract attributes p.attributes.values.each do |attribute| if attribute.name.start_with?(DATA_PREFIX) poll[attribute.name[DATA_PREFIX.length..-1]] = attribute.value end end # extract options p.css("li[#{DATA_PREFIX}option-id]").each do |o| option_id = o.attributes[DATA_PREFIX + "option-id"].value poll["options"] << { "id" => option_id, "html" => o.inner_html, "votes" => 0 } end # add the poll extracted_polls << poll end # validate polls extracted_polls.each do |poll| # polls should have a unique name if polls.has_key?(poll["name"]) poll["name"] == DEFAULT_POLL_NAME ? self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("poll.multiple_polls_without_name")) : self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("poll.multiple_polls_with_same_name", name: poll["name"])) return end # options must be unique if poll["options"].map { |o| o["id"] }.uniq.size != poll["options"].size poll["name"] == DEFAULT_POLL_NAME ? self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("poll.default_poll_must_have_different_options")) : self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("poll.named_poll_must_have_different_options", name: poll["name"])) return end # at least 2 options if poll["options"].size < 2 poll["name"] == DEFAULT_POLL_NAME ? self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("poll.default_poll_must_have_at_least_2_options")) : self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("poll.named_poll_must_have_at_least_2_options", name: poll["name"])) return end # store the valid poll polls[poll["name"]] = poll end # are we updating a post outside the 5-minute edit window? if self.id.present? && self.created_at < 5.minutes.ago post = self DistributedMutex.synchronize("#{PLUGIN_NAME}-#{post.id}") do # load previous polls previous_polls = post.custom_fields[POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD] || {} # are the polls different? if polls.keys != previous_polls.keys || polls.values.map { |p| p["options"] } != previous_polls.values.map { |p| p["options"] } # cannot add/remove/change/re-order polls if polls.keys != previous_polls.keys post.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("poll.cannot_change_polls_after_5_minutes")) return end # deal with option changes if User.staff.pluck(:id).include?(post.last_editor_id) # staff can only edit options polls.each_key do |poll_name| if polls[poll_name]["options"].size != previous_polls[poll_name]["options"].size post.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("poll.staff_cannot_add_or_remove_options_after_5_minutes")) return end end # merge votes polls.each_key do |poll_name| polls[poll_name]["total_votes"] = previous_polls[poll_name]["total_votes"] for o in 0...polls[poll_name]["options"].size polls[poll_name]["options"][o]["votes"] = previous_polls[poll_name]["options"][o]["votes"] end end else # OP cannot change polls after 5 minutes post.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("poll.cannot_change_polls_after_5_minutes")) return end end # immediately store the polls post.custom_fields[POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD] = polls post.save_custom_fields end else # polls will be saved once we have a post id self.polls = polls end end Post.register_custom_field_type(POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD, :json) Post.register_custom_field_type("#{VOTES_CUSTOM_FIELD}-*", :json) TopicView.add_post_custom_fields_whitelister do |user| whitelisted = [POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD] whitelisted << "#{VOTES_CUSTOM_FIELD}-#{user.id}" if user whitelisted end add_to_serializer(:post, :polls, false) { post_custom_fields[POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD] } add_to_serializer(:post, :include_polls?) { post_custom_fields.present? && post_custom_fields[POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD].present? } add_to_serializer(:post, :polls_votes, false) { post_custom_fields["#{VOTES_CUSTOM_FIELD}-#{scope.user.id}"] } add_to_serializer(:post, :include_polls_votes?) { scope.user && post_custom_fields.present? && post_custom_fields["#{VOTES_CUSTOM_FIELD}-#{scope.user.id}"].present? } end