# frozen_string_literal: true require "fastimage" class UploadCreator TYPES_TO_CROP ||= %w{avatar card_background custom_emoji profile_background}.each(&:freeze) ALLOWED_SVG_ELEMENTS ||= %w{ circle clipPath defs ellipse feGaussianBlur filter g line linearGradient marker path polygon polyline radialGradient rect stop style svg text textPath tref tspan use }.each(&:freeze) include ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedConstantAccessor deprecate_constant 'WHITELISTED_SVG_ELEMENTS', 'UploadCreator::ALLOWED_SVG_ELEMENTS' # Available options # - type (string) # - origin (string) # - for_group_message (boolean) # - for_theme (boolean) # - for_private_message (boolean) # - pasted (boolean) # - for_export (boolean) # - for_gravatar (boolean) # - skip_validations (boolean) def initialize(file, filename, opts = {}) @file = file @filename = (filename || "").gsub(/[^[:print:]]/, "") @upload = Upload.new(original_filename: @filename, filesize: 0) @opts = opts @filesize = @opts[:filesize] if @opts[:external_upload_too_big] @opts[:validate] = opts[:skip_validations].present? ? !ActiveRecord::Type::Boolean.new.cast(opts[:skip_validations]) : true # TODO (martin) Validate @opts[:type] to make sure only blessed types are passed # in, since the clientside can pass any type it wants. end def create_for(user_id) if filesize <= 0 @upload.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("upload.empty")) return @upload end @image_info = FastImage.new(@file) rescue nil is_image = FileHelper.is_supported_image?(@filename) is_image ||= @image_info && FileHelper.is_supported_image?("test.#{@image_info.type}") is_image = false if @opts[:for_theme] # if this is present then it means we are creating an upload record from # an external_upload_stub and the file is > ExternalUploadManager::DOWNLOAD_LIMIT, # so we have not downloaded it to a tempfile. no modifications can be made to the # file in this case because it does not exist; we simply move it to its new location # in S3 # # TODO (martin) I've added a bunch of external_upload_too_big checks littered # throughout the UploadCreator code. It would be better to have two seperate # classes with shared methods, rather than doing all these checks all over the # place. Needs a refactor. external_upload_too_big = @opts[:external_upload_too_big] sha1_before_changes = Upload.generate_digest(@file) if @file DistributedMutex.synchronize("upload_#{user_id}_#{@filename}") do # We need to convert HEIFs early because FastImage does not consider them as images if convert_heif_to_jpeg? && !external_upload_too_big convert_heif! is_image = FileHelper.is_supported_image?("test.#{@image_info.type}") end if is_image && !external_upload_too_big extract_image_info! return @upload if @upload.errors.present? if @image_info.type == :svg clean_svg! elsif @image_info.type == :ico convert_favicon_to_png! elsif !Rails.env.test? || @opts[:force_optimize] convert_to_jpeg! if convert_png_to_jpeg? || should_alter_quality? fix_orientation! if should_fix_orientation? crop! if should_crop? optimize! if should_optimize? downsize! if should_downsize? return @upload if is_still_too_big? end # conversion may have switched the type image_type = @image_info.type.to_s end # compute the sha of the file and generate a unique hash # which is only used for secure uploads if !external_upload_too_big sha1 = Upload.generate_digest(@file) end if SiteSetting.secure_media || external_upload_too_big unique_hash = generate_fake_sha1_hash end # we do not check for duplicate uploads if secure media is # enabled because we use a unique access hash to differentiate # between uploads instead of the sha1, and to get around various # access/permission issues for uploads if !SiteSetting.secure_media && !external_upload_too_big # do we already have that upload? @upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: sha1) # make sure the previous upload has not failed if @upload && @upload.url.blank? @upload.destroy @upload = nil end # return the previous upload if any if @upload add_metadata! UserUpload.find_or_create_by!(user_id: user_id, upload_id: @upload.id) if user_id return @upload end end fixed_original_filename = nil if is_image && !external_upload_too_big current_extension = File.extname(@filename).downcase.sub("jpeg", "jpg") expected_extension = ".#{image_type}".downcase.sub("jpeg", "jpg") # we have to correct original filename here, no choice # otherwise validation will fail and we can not save # TODO decide if we only run the validation on the extension if current_extension != expected_extension basename = File.basename(@filename, current_extension).presence || "image" fixed_original_filename = "#{basename}#{expected_extension}" end end # create the upload otherwise @upload = Upload.new @upload.user_id = user_id @upload.original_filename = fixed_original_filename || @filename @upload.filesize = filesize @upload.sha1 = (SiteSetting.secure_media? || external_upload_too_big) ? unique_hash : sha1 @upload.original_sha1 = SiteSetting.secure_media? ? sha1 : nil @upload.url = "" @upload.origin = @opts[:origin][0...1000] if @opts[:origin] @upload.extension = image_type || File.extname(@filename)[1..10] if is_image && !external_upload_too_big if @image_info.type.to_s == 'svg' w, h = [0, 0] # identify can behave differently depending on how it's compiled and # what programs (e.g. inkscape) are installed on your system. # 'MSVG:' forces ImageMagick to use internal routines and behave # consistently whether it's running from our docker container or not begin w, h = Discourse::Utils .execute_command("identify", "-ping", "-format", "%w %h", "MSVG:#{@file.path}", timeout: Upload::MAX_IDENTIFY_SECONDS) .split(' ').map(&:to_i) rescue # use default 0, 0 end else w, h = @image_info.size end @upload.thumbnail_width, @upload.thumbnail_height = ImageSizer.resize(w, h) @upload.width, @upload.height = w, h @upload.animated = animated? end add_metadata! if SiteSetting.secure_media secure, reason = UploadSecurity.new(@upload, @opts.merge(creating: true)).should_be_secure_with_reason attrs = @upload.secure_params(secure, reason, "upload creator") @upload.assign_attributes(attrs) end # Callbacks using this event to validate the upload or the file must add errors to the # upload errors object. # # Can't do any validation of the file if external_upload_too_big because we don't have # the actual file. if !external_upload_too_big DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_upload_creation, @file, is_image, @upload, @opts[:validate]) end return @upload unless @upload.errors.empty? && @upload.save(validate: @opts[:validate]) should_move = false upload_changed = \ if external_upload_too_big false else Upload.generate_digest(@file) != sha1_before_changes end store = Discourse.store if @opts[:existing_external_upload_key] && store.external? should_move = external_upload_too_big || !upload_changed end if should_move # move the file in the store instead of reuploading url = store.move_existing_stored_upload( existing_external_upload_key: @opts[:existing_external_upload_key], upload: @upload ) else # store the file and update its url File.open(@file.path) do |f| url = store.store_upload(f, @upload) end store.delete_file(@opts[:existing_external_upload_key]) if @opts[:existing_external_upload_key] end if url.present? @upload.url = url @upload.save!(validate: @opts[:validate]) else @upload.errors.add(:url, I18n.t("upload.store_failure", upload_id: @upload.id, user_id: user_id)) end if @upload.errors.empty? && is_image && @opts[:type] == "avatar" && @upload.extension != "svg" Jobs.enqueue(:create_avatar_thumbnails, upload_id: @upload.id) end if @upload.errors.empty? UserUpload.find_or_create_by!(user_id: user_id, upload_id: @upload.id) if user_id end @upload end ensure if @file @file.respond_to?(:close!) ? @file.close! : @file.close end end def extract_image_info! @image_info = FastImage.new(@file) rescue nil @file.rewind if @image_info.nil? @upload.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("upload.images.not_supported_or_corrupted")) elsif filesize <= 0 @upload.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("upload.empty")) elsif pixels == 0 && @image_info.type.to_s != 'svg' @upload.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("upload.images.size_not_found")) elsif max_image_pixels > 0 && pixels >= max_image_pixels * 2 @upload.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("upload.images.larger_than_x_megapixels", max_image_megapixels: SiteSetting.max_image_megapixels * 2)) end end MIN_PIXELS_TO_CONVERT_TO_JPEG ||= 1280 * 720 def convert_png_to_jpeg? return false unless @image_info.type == :png return true if @opts[:pasted] return false if SiteSetting.png_to_jpg_quality == 100 pixels > MIN_PIXELS_TO_CONVERT_TO_JPEG end MIN_CONVERT_TO_JPEG_BYTES_SAVED = 75_000 MIN_CONVERT_TO_JPEG_SAVING_RATIO = 0.70 def convert_favicon_to_png! png_tempfile = Tempfile.new(["image", ".png"]) from = @file.path to = png_tempfile.path OptimizedImage.ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) from = OptimizedImage.prepend_decoder!(from, nil, filename: "image.#{@image_info.type}") to = OptimizedImage.prepend_decoder!(to) from = "#{from}[-1]" # We only want the last(largest) image of the .ico file opts = { flatten: false } # Preserve transparency begin execute_convert(from, to, opts) rescue # retry with debugging enabled execute_convert(from, to, opts.merge(debug: true)) end @file.respond_to?(:close!) ? @file.close! : @file.close @file = png_tempfile extract_image_info! end def convert_to_jpeg! return if @opts[:for_site_setting] return if filesize < MIN_CONVERT_TO_JPEG_BYTES_SAVED jpeg_tempfile = Tempfile.new(["image", ".jpg"]) from = @file.path to = jpeg_tempfile.path OptimizedImage.ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) from = OptimizedImage.prepend_decoder!(from, nil, filename: "image.#{@image_info.type}") to = OptimizedImage.prepend_decoder!(to) opts = {} desired_quality = [SiteSetting.png_to_jpg_quality, SiteSetting.recompress_original_jpg_quality].compact.min target_quality = @upload.target_image_quality(from, desired_quality) opts = { quality: target_quality } if target_quality begin execute_convert(from, to, opts) rescue # retry with debugging enabled execute_convert(from, to, opts.merge(debug: true)) end new_size = File.size(jpeg_tempfile.path) keep_jpeg = new_size < filesize * MIN_CONVERT_TO_JPEG_SAVING_RATIO keep_jpeg &&= (filesize - new_size) > MIN_CONVERT_TO_JPEG_BYTES_SAVED if keep_jpeg @file.respond_to?(:close!) ? @file.close! : @file.close @file = jpeg_tempfile extract_image_info! else jpeg_tempfile.close! end end def convert_heif_to_jpeg? File.extname(@filename).downcase.match?(/\.hei(f|c)$/) end def convert_heif! jpeg_tempfile = Tempfile.new(["image", ".jpg"]) from = @file.path to = jpeg_tempfile.path OptimizedImage.ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) begin execute_convert(from, to) rescue # retry with debugging enabled execute_convert(from, to, { debug: true }) end @file.respond_to?(:close!) ? @file.close! : @file.close @file = jpeg_tempfile extract_image_info! end MAX_CONVERT_FORMAT_SECONDS = 20 def execute_convert(from, to, opts = {}) command = [ "convert", from, "-auto-orient", "-background", "white", "-interlace", "none", ] command << "-flatten" unless opts[:flatten] == false command << "-debug" << "all" if opts[:debug] command << "-quality" << opts[:quality].to_s if opts[:quality] command << to Discourse::Utils.execute_command( *command, failure_message: I18n.t("upload.png_to_jpg_conversion_failure_message"), timeout: MAX_CONVERT_FORMAT_SECONDS ) end def should_alter_quality? return false if animated? desired_quality = @image_info.type == :png ? SiteSetting.png_to_jpg_quality : SiteSetting.recompress_original_jpg_quality @upload.target_image_quality(@file.path, desired_quality).present? end def should_downsize? max_image_size > 0 && filesize >= max_image_size && !animated? end def downsize! 3.times do original_size = filesize down_tempfile = Tempfile.new(["down", ".#{@image_info.type}"]) from = @file.path to = down_tempfile.path OptimizedImage.ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) OptimizedImage.downsize( from, to, "50%", scale_image: true, raise_on_error: true ) @file.respond_to?(:close!) ? @file.close! : @file.close @file = down_tempfile extract_image_info! return if filesize >= original_size || pixels == 0 || !should_downsize? end rescue @upload.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("upload.optimize_failure_message")) end def is_still_too_big? if max_image_pixels > 0 && pixels >= max_image_pixels @upload.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("upload.images.larger_than_x_megapixels", max_image_megapixels: SiteSetting.max_image_megapixels)) true elsif max_image_size > 0 && filesize >= max_image_size @upload.errors.add(:base, I18n.t( "upload.images.too_large_humanized", max_size: ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_human_size(max_image_size) )) true else false end end def clean_svg! doc = Nokogiri::XML(@file) doc.xpath(svg_allowlist_xpath).remove doc.xpath("//@*[starts-with(name(), 'on')]").remove doc.css('use').each do |use_el| if use_el.attr('href') use_el.remove_attribute('href') unless use_el.attr('href').starts_with?('#') end end File.write(@file.path, doc.to_s) @file.rewind end def should_fix_orientation? # orientation is between 1 and 8, 1 being the default # cf. http://www.daveperrett.com/articles/2012/07/28/exif-orientation-handling-is-a-ghetto/ @image_info.orientation.to_i > 1 end MAX_FIX_ORIENTATION_TIME = 5 def fix_orientation! path = @file.path OptimizedImage.ensure_safe_paths!(path) path = OptimizedImage.prepend_decoder!(path, nil, filename: "image.#{@image_info.type}") Discourse::Utils.execute_command('convert', path, '-auto-orient', path, timeout: MAX_FIX_ORIENTATION_TIME) extract_image_info! end def should_crop? return false if ['profile_background', 'card_background', 'custom_emoji'].include?(@opts[:type]) && animated? TYPES_TO_CROP.include?(@opts[:type]) end def crop! max_pixel_ratio = Discourse::PIXEL_RATIOS.max filename_with_correct_ext = "image.#{@image_info.type}" case @opts[:type] when "avatar" width = height = Discourse.avatar_sizes.max OptimizedImage.resize(@file.path, @file.path, width, height, filename: filename_with_correct_ext) when "profile_background" max_width = 850 * max_pixel_ratio width, height = ImageSizer.resize(@image_info.size[0], @image_info.size[1], max_width: max_width, max_height: max_width) OptimizedImage.downsize(@file.path, @file.path, "#{width}x#{height}\>", filename: filename_with_correct_ext) when "card_background" max_width = 590 * max_pixel_ratio width, height = ImageSizer.resize(@image_info.size[0], @image_info.size[1], max_width: max_width, max_height: max_width) OptimizedImage.downsize(@file.path, @file.path, "#{width}x#{height}\>", filename: filename_with_correct_ext) when "custom_emoji" OptimizedImage.downsize(@file.path, @file.path, "100x100\>", filename: filename_with_correct_ext) end extract_image_info! end def should_optimize? # GIF is too slow (plus, we'll soon be converting them to MP4) # Optimizing SVG is useless return false if @file.path =~ /\.(gif|svg)$/i # Safeguard for large PNGs return pixels < 2_000_000 if @file.path =~ /\.png/i # Everything else is fine! true end def optimize! OptimizedImage.ensure_safe_paths!(@file.path) FileHelper.optimize_image!(@file.path) extract_image_info! end def filesize @filesize || File.size?(@file.path).to_i end def max_image_size @max_image_size ||= SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes end def max_image_pixels @max_image_pixels ||= SiteSetting.max_image_megapixels * 1_000_000 end def pixels @image_info.size&.reduce(:*).to_i end def svg_allowlist_xpath @@svg_allowlist_xpath ||= "//*[#{ALLOWED_SVG_ELEMENTS.map { |e| "name()!='#{e}'" }.join(" and ") }]" end def add_metadata! @upload.for_private_message = true if @opts[:for_private_message] @upload.for_group_message = true if @opts[:for_group_message] @upload.for_theme = true if @opts[:for_theme] @upload.for_export = true if @opts[:for_export] @upload.for_site_setting = true if @opts[:for_site_setting] @upload.for_gravatar = true if @opts[:for_gravatar] end private def animated? return @animated if @animated != nil @animated ||= begin is_animated = FastImage.animated?(@file) type = @image_info.type.to_s if is_animated != nil # FastImage will return nil if it cannot determine if animated is_animated elsif type == "gif" || type == "webp" # Only GIFs, WEBPs and a few other unsupported image types can be animated OptimizedImage.ensure_safe_paths!(@file.path) command = ["identify", "-format", "%n\\n", @file.path] frames = Discourse::Utils.execute_command(*command, timeout: Upload::MAX_IDENTIFY_SECONDS).to_i rescue 1 frames > 1 else false end end end def generate_fake_sha1_hash SecureRandom.hex(20) end end