# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' describe CategoriesController do let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } let!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, user: admin) } context 'index' do it 'web crawler view has correct urls for subfolder install' do set_subfolder "/forum" get '/categories', headers: { 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Googlebot' } html = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body) expect(html.css('body.crawler')).to be_present expect(html.css("a[href=\"/forum/c/#{category.slug}\"]")).to be_present end it "properly preloads topic list" do SiteSetting.categories_topics = 5 SiteSetting.categories_topics.times { Fabricate(:topic) } get "/categories" expect(response.body).to have_tag("div#data-preloaded") do |element| json = JSON.parse(element.current_scope.attribute('data-preloaded').value) expect(json['topic_list_latest']).to include(%{"more_topics_url":"/latest"}) end end it "Shows correct title if category list is set for homepage" do SiteSetting.top_menu = "categories|latest" get "/" expect(response.body).to have_tag "title", text: "Discourse" SiteSetting.short_site_description = "Official community" get "/" expect(response.body).to have_tag "title", text: "Discourse - Official community" end it "redirects /category paths to /c paths" do get "/category/uncategorized" expect(response.status).to eq(302) expect(response.body).to include("c/uncategorized") end it "respects permalinks before redirecting /category paths to /c paths" do perm = Permalink.create!(url: "category/something", category_id: category.id) get "/category/something" expect(response.status).to eq(301) expect(response.body).to include(category.slug) end end context 'extensibility event' do before do sign_in(admin) end it "triggers a extensibility event" do event = DiscourseEvent.track_events { put "/categories/#{category.id}.json", params: { name: 'hello', color: 'ff0', text_color: 'fff' } }.last expect(event[:event_name]).to eq(:category_updated) expect(event[:params].first).to eq(category) end end context '#create' do it "requires the user to be logged in" do post "/categories.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "logged in" do before do Jobs.run_immediately! sign_in(admin) end it "raises an exception when they don't have permission to create it" do sign_in(Fabricate(:user)) post "/categories.json", params: { name: 'hello', color: 'ff0', text_color: 'fff' } expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "raises an exception when the name is missing" do post "/categories.json", params: { color: "ff0", text_color: "fff" } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "raises an exception when the color is missing" do post "/categories.json", params: { name: "hello", text_color: "fff" } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "raises an exception when the text color is missing" do post "/categories.json", params: { name: "hello", color: "ff0" } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end describe "failure" do it "returns errors on a duplicate category name" do category = Fabricate(:category, user: admin) post "/categories.json", params: { name: category.name, color: "ff0", text_color: "fff" } expect(response.status).to eq(422) end it "returns errors with invalid group" do category = Fabricate(:category, user: admin) readonly = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:readonly] post "/categories.json", params: { name: category.name, color: "ff0", text_color: "fff", permissions: { "invalid_group" => readonly } } expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['errors']).to be_present end end describe "success" do it "works" do SiteSetting.enable_category_group_review = true readonly = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:readonly] create_post = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:create_post] group = Fabricate(:group) post "/categories.json", params: { name: "hello", color: "ff0", text_color: "fff", slug: "hello-cat", auto_close_hours: 72, search_priority: Searchable::PRIORITIES[:ignore], reviewable_by_group_name: group.name, permissions: { "everyone" => readonly, "staff" => create_post } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) cat_json = ::JSON.parse(response.body)['category'] expect(cat_json).to be_present expect(cat_json['reviewable_by_group_name']).to eq(group.name) expect(cat_json['name']).to eq('hello') expect(cat_json['slug']).to eq('hello-cat') expect(cat_json['color']).to eq('ff0') expect(cat_json['auto_close_hours']).to eq(72) expect(cat_json['search_priority']).to eq(Searchable::PRIORITIES[:ignore]) category = Category.find(cat_json['id']) expect(category.category_groups.map { |g| [g.group_id, g.permission_type] }.sort).to eq([ [Group[:everyone].id, readonly], [Group[:staff].id, create_post] ]) expect(UserHistory.count).to eq(4) # 1 + 3 (bootstrap mode) end end end end context '#show' do before do category.set_permissions(admins: :full) category.save! end it "requires the user to be logged in" do get "/c/#{category.id}/show.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "logged in" do it "raises an exception if they don't have permission to see it" do admin.update!(admin: false) sign_in(admin) get "/c/#{category.id}/show.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end it "renders category for users that have permission" do sign_in(admin) get "/c/#{category.id}/show.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) end end end context '#destroy' do it "requires the user to be logged in" do delete "/categories/category.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "logged in" do it "raises an exception if they don't have permission to delete it" do admin.update!(admin: false) sign_in(admin) delete "/categories/#{category.slug}.json" expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "deletes the record" do sign_in(admin) expect do delete "/categories/#{category.slug}.json" end.to change(Category, :count).by(-1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(UserHistory.count).to eq(1) end end end context '#reorder' do it "reorders the categories" do sign_in(admin) c1 = category c2 = Fabricate(:category) c3 = Fabricate(:category) c4 = Fabricate(:category) if c3.id < c2.id tmp = c3; c2 = c3; c3 = tmp end c1.position = 8 c2.position = 6 c3.position = 7 c4.position = 5 payload = {} payload[c1.id] = 4 payload[c2.id] = 6 payload[c3.id] = 6 payload[c4.id] = 5 post "/categories/reorder.json", params: { mapping: MultiJson.dump(payload) } SiteSetting.fixed_category_positions = true list = CategoryList.new(Guardian.new(admin)) expect(list.categories).to eq([ Category.find(SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id), c1, c4, c2, c3 ]) end end context '#update' do before do Jobs.run_immediately! end it "requires the user to be logged in" do put "/categories/category.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "logged in" do before do sign_in(admin) end it "raises an exception if they don't have permission to edit it" do sign_in(Fabricate(:user)) put "/categories/#{category.slug}.json", params: { name: 'hello', color: 'ff0', text_color: 'fff' } expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "requires a name" do put "/categories/#{category.slug}.json", params: { color: 'fff', text_color: '0ff', } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "requires a color" do put "/categories/#{category.slug}.json", params: { name: 'asdf', text_color: '0ff', } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "requires a text color" do put "/categories/#{category.slug}.json", params: { name: 'asdf', color: 'fff' } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "returns errors on a duplicate category name" do other_category = Fabricate(:category, name: "Other", user: admin) put "/categories/#{category.id}.json", params: { name: other_category.name, color: "ff0", text_color: "fff", } expect(response.status).to eq(422) end it "returns 422 if email_in address is already in use for other category" do other_category = Fabricate(:category, name: "Other", email_in: "mail@examle.com") put "/categories/#{category.id}.json", params: { name: "Email", email_in: "mail@examle.com", color: "ff0", text_color: "fff", } expect(response.status).to eq(422) end describe "success" do it "updates attributes correctly" do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true readonly = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:readonly] create_post = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:create_post] tag_group = Fabricate(:tag_group) put "/categories/#{category.id}.json", params: { name: "hello", color: "ff0", text_color: "fff", slug: "hello-category", auto_close_hours: 72, permissions: { "everyone" => readonly, "staff" => create_post }, custom_fields: { "dancing" => "frogs" }, minimum_required_tags: "", allow_global_tags: 'true', required_tag_group_name: tag_group.name, min_tags_from_required_group: 2 } expect(response.status).to eq(200) category.reload expect(category.category_groups.map { |g| [g.group_id, g.permission_type] }.sort).to eq([ [Group[:everyone].id, readonly], [Group[:staff].id, create_post] ]) expect(category.name).to eq("hello") expect(category.slug).to eq("hello-category") expect(category.color).to eq("ff0") expect(category.auto_close_hours).to eq(72) expect(category.custom_fields).to eq("dancing" => "frogs") expect(category.minimum_required_tags).to eq(0) expect(category.allow_global_tags).to eq(true) expect(category.required_tag_group_id).to eq(tag_group.id) expect(category.min_tags_from_required_group).to eq(2) end it 'logs the changes correctly' do category.update!(permissions: { "admins" => CategoryGroup.permission_types[:create_post] }) put "/categories/#{category.id}.json", params: { name: 'new name', color: category.color, text_color: category.text_color, slug: category.slug, permissions: { "everyone" => CategoryGroup.permission_types[:create_post] }, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(UserHistory.count).to eq(5) # 2 + 3 (bootstrap mode) end it 'updates per-category settings correctly' do category.custom_fields[Category::REQUIRE_TOPIC_APPROVAL] = false category.custom_fields[Category::REQUIRE_REPLY_APPROVAL] = false category.custom_fields[Category::NUM_AUTO_BUMP_DAILY] = 0 category.navigate_to_first_post_after_read = false category.save! put "/categories/#{category.id}.json", params: { name: category.name, color: category.color, text_color: category.text_color, navigate_to_first_post_after_read: true, custom_fields: { require_reply_approval: true, require_topic_approval: true, num_auto_bump_daily: 10 } } category.reload expect(category.require_topic_approval?).to eq(true) expect(category.require_reply_approval?).to eq(true) expect(category.num_auto_bump_daily).to eq(10) expect(category.navigate_to_first_post_after_read).to eq(true) end it "can remove required tag group" do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true category.update!(required_tag_group: Fabricate(:tag_group)) put "/categories/#{category.id}.json", params: { name: category.name, color: category.color, text_color: category.text_color, allow_global_tags: 'false', min_tags_from_required_group: 1 } expect(response.status).to eq(200) category.reload expect(category.required_tag_group).to be_nil end end end end context '#update_slug' do it 'requires the user to be logged in' do put "/category/category/slug.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe 'logged in' do before do sign_in(admin) end it 'rejects blank' do put "/category/#{category.id}/slug.json", params: { slug: nil } expect(response.status).to eq(422) end it 'accepts valid custom slug' do put "/category/#{category.id}/slug.json", params: { slug: 'valid-slug' } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(category.reload.slug).to eq('valid-slug') end it 'accepts not well formed custom slug' do put "/category/#{category.id}/slug.json", params: { slug: ' valid slug' } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(category.reload.slug).to eq('valid-slug') end it 'accepts and sanitize custom slug when the slug generation method is not ascii' do SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = 'none' put "/category/#{category.id}/slug.json", params: { slug: ' another !_ slug @' } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(category.reload.slug).to eq('another-slug') SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = 'ascii' end it 'rejects invalid custom slug' do put "/category/#{category.id}/slug.json", params: { slug: ' ' } expect(response.status).to eq(422) end end end context '#categories_and_topics' do before do 10.times.each { Fabricate(:topic) } end it 'works when SiteSetting.categories_topics is non-null' do SiteSetting.categories_topics = 5 get '/categories_and_latest.json' expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['topic_list']['topics'].size).to eq(5) end it 'works when SiteSetting.categories_topics is null' do SiteSetting.categories_topics = 0 get '/categories_and_latest.json' json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json['category_list']['categories'].size).to eq(2) # 'Uncategorized' and category expect(json['topic_list']['topics'].size).to eq(5) Fabricate(:category, parent_category: category) get '/categories_and_latest.json' json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json['category_list']['categories'].size).to eq(2) expect(json['topic_list']['topics'].size).to eq(5) Fabricate(:category) Fabricate(:category) get '/categories_and_latest.json' json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json['category_list']['categories'].size).to eq(4) expect(json['topic_list']['topics'].size).to eq(6) end end end