# This is an example settings file for the phpBB3 importer.

  type: MySQL # currently only MySQL is supported
  host: localhost
  port: 3306
  username: root
  password: password
  schema: phpbb
  table_prefix: phpbb_ # Change this, if your forum is using a different prefix. Usually all table names start with phpbb_
  batch_size: 1000 # Don't change this unless you know what you're doing. The default (1000) should work just fine.

  # Set this if you import multiple phpBB forums into a single Discourse forum.
  # For example, when importing multiple sites, prefix all imported IDs
  # with 'first' to avoid conflicts. Subsequent import runs must have a
  # different 'site_name'.
  # site_name: first

  # Create new categories
  # For example, to create a parent category and a subcategory.
  # new_categories:
  # - forum_id: foo
  #   name: Foo Category
  # - forum_id: bar
  #   name: Bar Category
  #   parent_id: foo
  new_categories: []

  # Category mappings
  # * "source_category_id" is the forum ID in phpBB3
  # * "target_category_id" is either a forum ID from phpBB3 or a "forum_id"
  #   from the "new_categories" setting (see above)
  # * "discourse_category_id" is a category ID from Discourse
  # * "skip" allows you to ignore a category during import
  # Use "target_category_id" if you want to merge categories and use
  # "discourse_category_id" if you want to import a forum into an existing
  # category in Discourse.
  #  category_mappings:
  #    - source_category_id: 1
  #      target_category_id: foo
  #    - source_category_id: 2
  #      discourse_category_id: 42
  #    - source_category_id: 6
  #      skip: true
  category_mappings: []

  # Tag mappings
  # For example, imported topics from phpBB category 1 will be tagged
  # with 'first-category', etc.
  # tag_mappings:
  #   1:
  #   - first-category
  #   2:
  #   - second-category
  #   3:
  #   - third-category
  tag_mappings: {}

  # Rank to trust level mapping
  # Map phpBB 3.x rank levels to trust level
  # Users with rank at least 3000 will have TL3, etc.
  # rank_mapping:
  #   trust_level_1: 200
  #   trust_level_2: 1000
  #   trust_level_3: 3000
  rank_mapping: {}

  # WARNING: Do not activate this option unless you know what you are doing.
  # It will probably break the BBCode to Markdown conversion and slows down your import.
  use_bbcode_to_md: false

  # This is the path to the root directory of your current phpBB installation (or a copy of it).
  # The importer expects to find the /files and /images directories within the base directory.
  # You need to change this to something like /var/www/phpbb if you are not using the Docker based importer.
  # This is only needed if you want to import avatars, attachments or custom smilies.
  phpbb_base_dir: /shared/import/data

    # this is needed for rewriting internal links in posts
    original: oldsite.example.com/forums    # without http(s)://
    new: http://discourse.example.com       # with http:// or https://

  # Enable this, if you want to redirect old forum links to the the new locations.
    categories: true  # redirects   /viewforum.php?f=1            to  /c/category-name
    topics: true      # redirects   /viewtopic.php?f=6&t=43       to  /t/topic-name/81
    posts: false      # redirects   /viewtopic.php?p=2455#p2455   to  /t/topic-name/81/4
    # Append a prefix to each type of link, e.g. 'forum' to redirect /forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=43 to /t/topic-name/81
    # Leave it empty if your forum wasn't installed in a subfolder.

    uploaded: true  # import uploaded avatars
    gallery: true   # import the predefined avatars phpBB offers
    remote: false   # WARNING: This can considerably slow down your import. It will try to download remote avatars.

  # When true: Anonymous users are imported as suspended users. They can't login and have no email address.
  # When false: The system user will be used for all anonymous users.
  anonymous_users: true

  # Enable this, if you want import password hashes in order to use the "migratepassword" plugin.
  # This will allow users to login with their current password.
  # The plugin is available at: https://github.com/discoursehosting/discourse-migratepassword
  passwords: false

  # By default all the following things get imported. You can disable them by setting them to false.
  bookmarks: true
  attachments: true
  private_messages: true
  polls: true

  # Import likes from the phpBB's "Thanks for posts" extension
  likes: false

  # When true: each imported user will have the original username from phpBB as its name
  # When false: the name of each imported user will be blank unless the username was changed during import
  username_as_name: false

  # Map Emojis to smilies used in phpBB. Most of the default smilies already have a mapping, but you can override
  # the mappings here, if you don't like some of them.
  # The mapping syntax is: emoji_name: 'smiley_in_phpbb'
  # Or map multiple smilies to one Emoji: emoji_name: ['smiley1', 'smiley2']
    # here are two example mappings...
    smiley: [':D', ':-D', ':grin:']
    heart: ':love:'

  # Map custom profile fields from phpBB to custom user fields in Discourse (works for phpBB 3.1+)
  #  custom_fields:
  #    - phpbb_field_name: "company_name"
  #      discourse_field_name: "Company"
  #    - phpbb_field_name: "facebook"
  #      discourse_field_name: "Facebook"
  custom_fields: []