/*global waitsFor:true expect:true describe:true beforeEach:true it:true */ describe("Discourse.Markdown", function() { describe("Cooking", function() { var cook = function(contents, opts) { opts = opts || {}; opts.mentionLookup = opts.mentionLookup || false; return Discourse.Markdown.cook(contents, opts); }; it("surrounds text with paragraphs", function() { expect(cook("hello")).toBe("


"); }); it("automatically handles trivial newlines", function() { expect(cook("1\n2\n3")).toBe("


"); }); it("handles quotes properly", function() { var cooked = cook("1[quote=\"bob, post:1\"]my quote[/quote]2", { topicId: 2, lookupAvatar: function(name) { return "" + name; } }); expect(cooked).toBe("




"); }); it("includes no avatar if none is found", function() { var cooked = cook("1[quote=\"bob, post:1\"]my quote[/quote]2", { topicId: 2, lookupAvatar: function(name) { return null; } }); expect(cooked).toBe("




"); }); describe("Links", function() { it("allows links to contain query params", function() { expect(cook("Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MrpeBRkM5A")). toBe('

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MrpeBRkM5A

'); }); it("escapes double underscores in URLs", function() { expect(cook("Derpy: http://derp.com?__test=1")).toBe('

Derpy: http://derp.com?__test=1

'); }); it("autolinks something that begins with www", function() { expect(cook("Atwood: www.codinghorror.com")).toBe('

Atwood: www.codinghorror.com

'); }); it("autolinks a URL with http://www", function() { expect(cook("Atwood: http://www.codinghorror.com")).toBe('

Atwood: http://www.codinghorror.com

'); }); it("autolinks a URL", function() { expect(cook("EvilTrout: http://eviltrout.com")).toBe('

EvilTrout: http://eviltrout.com

'); }); it("supports markdown style links", function() { expect(cook("here is [an example](http://twitter.com)")).toBe('

here is an example

'); }); it("autolinks a URL with parentheses (like Wikipedia)", function() { expect(cook("Batman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Knight_(film)")). toBe('

Batman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Knight_(film)

'); }); }); describe("Mentioning", function() { it("translates mentions to links", function() { expect(cook("Hello @sam", { mentionLookup: (function() { return true; }) })).toBe("

Hello @sam

"); }); it("adds a mention class", function() { expect(cook("Hello @EvilTrout")).toBe("

Hello @EvilTrout

"); }); it("won't add mention class to an email address", function() { expect(cook("robin@email.host")).toBe("


"); }); it("won't be affected by email addresses that have a number before the @ symbol", function() { expect(cook("hanzo55@yahoo.com")).toBe("


"); }); it("supports a @mention at the beginning of a post", function() { expect(cook("@EvilTrout yo")).toBe("

@EvilTrout yo

"); }); it("doesn't do @username mentions inside
 or  blocks", function() {
        expect(cook("`@EvilTrout yo`")).toBe("

@EvilTrout yo

"); }); it("deals correctly with multiple blocks", function() { expect(cook("`evil` @EvilTrout `trout`")).toBe("

evil @EvilTrout trout

"); }); }); describe("Oneboxing", function() { it("doesn't onebox a link within a list", function() { expect(cook("- http://www.textfiles.com/bbs/MINDVOX/FORUMS/ethics\n\n- http://drupal.org")).not.toMatch(/onebox/); }); it("adds a onebox class to a link on its own line", function() { expect(cook("http://test.com")).toMatch(/onebox/); }); it("supports multiple links", function() { expect(cook("http://test.com\nhttp://test2.com")).toMatch(/onebox[\s\S]+onebox/m); }); it("doesn't onebox links that have trailing text", function() { expect(cook("http://test.com bob")).not.toMatch(/onebox/); }); it("works with links that have underscores in them", function() { expect(cook("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide:_Life_on_the_Street")). toBe("


"); }); }); }); });