import { gt, or } from "@ember/object/computed"; import { isBlank, isEmpty } from "@ember/utils"; import I18n from "I18n"; import RestModel from "discourse/models/rest"; import discourseComputed from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import { get } from "@ember/object"; import { popupAjaxError } from "discourse/lib/ajax-error"; const THEME_UPLOAD_VAR = 2; const FIELDS_IDS = [0, 1, 5]; export const THEMES = "themes"; export const COMPONENTS = "components"; const SETTINGS_TYPE_ID = 5; const Theme = RestModel.extend({ isActive: or("default", "user_selectable"), isPendingUpdates: gt("remote_theme.commits_behind", 0), hasEditedFields: gt("editedFields.length", 0), hasParents: gt("parent_themes.length", 0), @discourseComputed("theme_fields.[]") targets() { return [ { id: 0, name: "common" }, { id: 1, name: "desktop", icon: "desktop" }, { id: 2, name: "mobile", icon: "mobile-alt" }, { id: 3, name: "settings", icon: "cog", advanced: true }, { id: 4, name: "translations", icon: "globe", advanced: true, customNames: true, }, { id: 5, name: "extra_scss", icon: "paint-brush", advanced: true, customNames: true, }, ].map((target) => { target["edited"] = this.hasEdited(; target["error"] = this.hasError(; return target; }); }, @discourseComputed("theme_fields.[]") fieldNames() { const common = [ "scss", "head_tag", "header", "after_header", "body_tag", "footer", ]; const scss_fields = (this.theme_fields || []) .filter((f) => === "extra_scss" && !== "") .map((f) =>; if (scss_fields.length < 1) { scss_fields.push("importable_scss"); } return { common: [...common, "embedded_scss", "color_definitions"], desktop: common, mobile: common, settings: ["yaml"], translations: [ "en", ...(this.theme_fields || []) .filter((f) => === "translations" && !== "en") .map((f) =>, ], extra_scss: scss_fields, }; }, @discourseComputed( "fieldNames", "theme_fields.[]", "theme_fields.@each.error" ) fields(fieldNames) { const hash = {}; Object.keys(fieldNames).forEach((target) => { hash[target] = fieldNames[target].map((fieldName) => { const field = { name: fieldName, edited: this.hasEdited(target, fieldName), error: this.hasError(target, fieldName), }; if (target === "translations" || target === "extra_scss") { field.translatedName = fieldName; } else { field.translatedName = I18n.t( `admin.customize.theme.${fieldName}.text` ); field.title = I18n.t(`admin.customize.theme.${fieldName}.title`); } if (fieldName.indexOf("_tag") > 0) { field.icon = "far-file-alt"; } return field; }); }); return hash; }, @discourseComputed("theme_fields") themeFields(fields) { if (!fields) { this.set("theme_fields", []); return {}; } let hash = {}; fields.forEach((field) => { if (!field.type_id || FIELDS_IDS.includes(field.type_id)) { hash[this.getKey(field)] = field; } }); return hash; }, @discourseComputed("theme_fields", "theme_fields.[]") uploads(fields) { if (!fields) { return []; } return fields.filter( (f) => === "common" && f.type_id === THEME_UPLOAD_VAR ); }, @discourseComputed("theme_fields", "theme_fields.@each.error") isBroken(fields) { return ( fields && fields.any((field) => field.error && field.error.length > 0) ); }, @discourseComputed("theme_fields.[]") editedFields(fields) { return fields.filter( (field) => !isBlank(field.value) && field.type_id !== SETTINGS_TYPE_ID ); }, @discourseComputed("remote_theme.last_error_text") remoteError(errorText) { if (errorText && errorText.length > 0) { return errorText; } }, getKey(field) { return `${} ${}`; }, hasEdited(target, name) { if (name) { return !isEmpty(this.getField(target, name)); } else { let fields = this.theme_fields || []; return fields.any( (field) => === target && !isEmpty(field.value) ); } }, hasError(target, name) { return this.theme_fields .filter((f) => === target && (!name || name === .any((f) => f.error); }, getError(target, name) { let themeFields = this.themeFields; let key = this.getKey({ target, name }); let field = themeFields[key]; return field ? field.error : ""; }, getField(target, name) { let themeFields = this.themeFields; let key = this.getKey({ target, name }); let field = themeFields[key]; return field ? field.value : ""; }, removeField(field) { this.set("changed", true); field.upload_id = null; field.value = null; return this.saveChanges("theme_fields"); }, setField(target, name, value, upload_id, type_id) { this.set("changed", true); let themeFields = this.themeFields; let field = { name, target, value, upload_id, type_id }; // slow path for uploads and so on if (type_id && type_id > 1) { let fields = this.theme_fields; let existing = fields.find( (f) => === target && === name && f.type_id === type_id ); if (existing) { existing.value = value; existing.upload_id = upload_id; } else { fields.pushObject(field); } return; } // fast path let key = this.getKey({ target, name }); let existingField = themeFields[key]; if (!existingField) { this.theme_fields.pushObject(field); themeFields[key] = field; } else { const changed = (isEmpty(existingField.value) && !isEmpty(value)) || (isEmpty(value) && !isEmpty(existingField.value)); existingField.value = value; if (changed) { // Observing theme_fields.@each.value is too slow, so manually notify // if the value goes to/from blank this.notifyPropertyChange("theme_fields.[]"); } } }, @discourseComputed("childThemes.[]") child_theme_ids(childThemes) { if (childThemes) { return => get(theme, "id")); } }, removeChildTheme(theme) { const childThemes = this.childThemes; childThemes.removeObject(theme); return this.saveChanges("child_theme_ids"); }, addChildTheme(theme) { let childThemes = this.childThemes; if (!childThemes) { childThemes = []; this.set("childThemes", childThemes); } childThemes.removeObject(theme); childThemes.pushObject(theme); return this.saveChanges("child_theme_ids"); }, addParentTheme(theme) { let parentThemes = this.parentThemes; if (!parentThemes) { parentThemes = []; this.set("parentThemes", parentThemes); } parentThemes.addObject(theme); }, checkForUpdates() { return{ remote_check: true }).then(() => this.set("changed", false) ); }, updateToLatest() { return{ remote_update: true }).then(() => this.set("changed", false) ); }, changed: false, saveChanges() { const hash = this.getProperties.apply(this, arguments); return .finally(() => this.set("changed", false)) .catch(popupAjaxError); }, saveSettings(name, value) { const settings = {}; settings[name] = value; return{ settings }); }, saveTranslation(name, value) { return{ translations: { [name]: value } }); }, }); export default Theme;