/*global Favcount:true*/ var DiscourseResolver = require('discourse/ember/resolver').default; // Allow us to import Ember define('ember', ['exports'], function(__exports__) { __exports__.default = Ember; }); window.Discourse = Ember.Application.createWithMixins(Discourse.Ajax, { rootElement: '#main', _docTitle: document.title, getURL: function(url) { if (!url) return url; // if it's a non relative URL, return it. if (!/^\/[^\/]/.test(url)) return url; var u = Discourse.BaseUri === undefined ? "/" : Discourse.BaseUri; if (u[u.length-1] === '/') u = u.substring(0, u.length-1); if (url.indexOf(u) !== -1) return url; if (u.length > 0 && url[0] !== "/") url = "/" + url; return u + url; }, getURLWithCDN: function(url) { url = this.getURL(url); // only relative urls if (Discourse.CDN && /^\/[^\/]/.test(url)) { url = Discourse.CDN + url; } else if (Discourse.S3CDN) { url = url.replace(Discourse.S3BaseUrl, Discourse.S3CDN); } return url; }, Resolver: DiscourseResolver, _titleChanged: function() { var title = this.get('_docTitle') || Discourse.SiteSettings.title; // if we change this we can trigger changes on document.title // only set if changed. if($('title').text() !== title) { $('title').text(title); } var notifyCount = this.get('notifyCount'); if (notifyCount > 0 && !Discourse.User.currentProp('dynamic_favicon')) { title = "(" + notifyCount + ") " + title; } document.title = title; }.observes('_docTitle', 'hasFocus', 'notifyCount'), faviconChanged: function() { if(Discourse.User.currentProp('dynamic_favicon')) { var url = Discourse.SiteSettings.favicon_url; if (/^http/.test(url)) { url = Discourse.getURL("/favicon/proxied?" + encodeURIComponent(url)); } new Favcount(url).set( this.get('notifyCount') ); } }.observes('notifyCount'), // The classes of buttons to show on a post postButtons: function() { return Discourse.SiteSettings.post_menu.split("|").map(function(i) { return i.replace(/\+/, '').capitalize(); }); }.property(), notifyTitle: function(count) { this.set('notifyCount', count); }, authenticationComplete: function(options) { // TODO, how to dispatch this to the controller without the container? var loginController = Discourse.__container__.lookup('controller:login'); return loginController.authenticationComplete(options); }, /** Start up the Discourse application by running all the initializers we've defined. @method start **/ start: function() { $('noscript').remove(); Ember.keys(requirejs._eak_seen).forEach(function(key) { if (/\/pre\-initializers\//.test(key)) { var module = require(key, null, null, true); if (!module) { throw new Error(key + ' must export an initializer.'); } Discourse.initializer(module.default); } }); Ember.keys(requirejs._eak_seen).forEach(function(key) { if (/\/initializers\//.test(key)) { var module = require(key, null, null, true); if (!module) { throw new Error(key + ' must export an initializer.'); } var init = module.default; var oldInitialize = init.initialize; init.initialize = function(app) { oldInitialize.call(this, app.container, Discourse); }; Discourse.instanceInitializer(init); } }); }, requiresRefresh: function(){ var desired = Discourse.get("desiredAssetVersion"); return desired && Discourse.get("currentAssetVersion") !== desired; }.property("currentAssetVersion", "desiredAssetVersion"), assetVersion: Ember.computed({ get: function() { return this.get("currentAssetVersion"); }, set: function(key, val) { if(val) { if (this.get("currentAssetVersion")) { this.set("desiredAssetVersion", val); } else { this.set("currentAssetVersion", val); } } return this.get("currentAssetVersion"); } }) }); function proxyDep(propName, moduleFunc, msg) { if (Discourse.hasOwnProperty(propName)) { return; } Object.defineProperty(Discourse, propName, { get: function() { msg = msg || "import the module"; Ember.warn("DEPRECATION: `Discourse." + propName + "` is deprecated, " + msg + "."); return moduleFunc(); } }); } proxyDep('computed', function() { return require('discourse/lib/computed'); }); proxyDep('Formatter', function() { return require('discourse/lib/formatter'); }); proxyDep('PageTracker', function() { return require('discourse/lib/page-tracker').default; }); proxyDep('URL', function() { return require('discourse/lib/url').default; }); proxyDep('Quote', function() { return require('discourse/lib/quote').default; }); proxyDep('debounce', function() { return require('discourse/lib/debounce').default; }); proxyDep('View', function() { return Ember.View; }, "Use `Ember.View` instead");