# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "base" require "mysql2" require "rake" require "htmlentities" # NOTE: this importer expects a MySQL DB to directly connect to class BulkImport::Vanilla < BulkImport::Base VANILLA_DB = "dbname" TABLE_PREFIX = "GDN_" ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR = "/my/absolute/path/to/from_vanilla/uploads" BATCH_SIZE = 1000 CONVERT_HTML = true SUSPENDED_TILL ||= Date.new(3000, 1, 1) def initialize super @htmlentities = HTMLEntities.new @client = Mysql2::Client.new( host: "localhost", username: "root", database: VANILLA_DB, password: "", reconnect: true ) @import_tags = false begin r = @client.query("select count(*) count from #{TABLE_PREFIX}Tag where countdiscussions > 0") @import_tags = true if r.first["count"].to_i > 0 rescue => e puts "Tags won't be imported. None found. #{e.message}" end @category_mappings = {} end def start run # will call execute, and then "complete" the migration # Now that the migration is complete, do some more work: Discourse::Application.load_tasks Rake::Task["import:ensure_consistency"].invoke import_avatars # slow create_permalinks # TODO: do it bulk style import_attachments # slow end def execute if @import_tags SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true SiteSetting.max_tags_per_topic = 10 SiteSetting.max_tag_length = 100 end # other good ones: # SiteSetting.port = 3000 # SiteSetting.permalink_normalizations = "/discussion\/(\d+)\/.*/discussion/\1" # SiteSetting.automatic_backups_enabled = false # SiteSetting.disable_emails = "non-staff" # SiteSetting.authorized_extensions = '*' # SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb = 102400 # SiteSetting.max_attachment_size_kb = 102400 # SiteSetting.clean_up_uploads = false # SiteSetting.clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours = 43200 # etc. import_users import_user_emails import_user_profiles import_user_stats import_categories import_topics import_tags if @import_tags import_posts import_private_topics import_topic_allowed_users import_private_posts end def import_users puts '', "Importing users..." username = nil total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}User;").first['count'] users = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT UserID, Name, Title, Location, Email, DateInserted, DateLastActive, InsertIPAddress, Admin, Banned FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}User WHERE UserID > #{@last_imported_user_id} AND Deleted = 0 ORDER BY UserID ASC SQL create_users(users) do |row| next if row['Email'].blank? next if row['Name'].blank? if ip_address = row['InsertIPAddress']&.split(',').try(:[], 0) ip_address = nil unless (IPAddr.new(ip_address) rescue false) end u = { imported_id: row['UserID'], email: row['Email'], username: row['Name'], name: row['Name'], created_at: row['DateInserted'] == nil ? 0 : Time.zone.at(row['DateInserted']), registration_ip_address: ip_address, last_seen_at: row['DateLastActive'] == nil ? 0 : Time.zone.at(row['DateLastActive']), location: row['Location'], admin: row['Admin'] > 0 } if row["Banned"] > 0 u[:suspended_at] = Time.zone.at(row['DateInserted']) u[:suspended_till] = SUSPENDED_TILL end u end end def import_user_emails puts '', 'Importing user emails...' users = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT UserID, Name, Email, DateInserted FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}User WHERE UserID > #{@last_imported_user_id} AND Deleted = 0 ORDER BY UserID ASC SQL create_user_emails(users) do |row| next if row['Email'].blank? next if row['Name'].blank? { imported_id: row["UserID"], imported_user_id: row["UserID"], email: row["Email"], created_at: Time.zone.at(row["DateInserted"]) } end end def import_user_profiles puts '', 'Importing user profiles...' user_profiles = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT UserID, Name, Email, Location, About FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}User WHERE UserID > #{@last_imported_user_id} AND Deleted = 0 ORDER BY UserID ASC SQL create_user_profiles(user_profiles) do |row| next if row['Email'].blank? next if row['Name'].blank? { user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row["UserID"]), location: row["Location"], bio_raw: row["About"] } end end def import_user_stats puts '', "Importing user stats..." users = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT UserID, CountDiscussions, CountComments, DateInserted FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}User WHERE UserID > #{@last_imported_user_id} AND Deleted = 0 ORDER BY UserID ASC SQL now = Time.zone.now create_user_stats(users) do |row| next unless @users[row['UserID'].to_i] # shouldn't need this but it can be NULL :< { imported_id: row['UserID'], imported_user_id: row['UserID'], new_since: Time.zone.at(row['DateInserted'] || now), post_count: row['CountComments'] || 0, topic_count: row['CountDiscussions'] || 0 } end end def import_avatars if ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR && File.exist?(ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR) puts "", "importing user avatars" start = Time.now count = 0 User.find_each do |u| count += 1 print "\r%7d - %6d/sec" % [count, count.to_f / (Time.now - start)] next unless u.custom_fields["import_id"] r = mysql_query("SELECT photo FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}User WHERE UserID = #{u.custom_fields['import_id']};").first next if r.nil? photo = r["photo"] next unless photo.present? # Possible encoded values: # 1. cf://uploads/userpics/820/Y0AFUQYYM6QN.jpg # 2. ~cf/userpics2/cf566487133f1f538e02da96f9a16b18.jpg # 3. ~cf/userpics/txkt8kw1wozn.jpg # 4. s3://uploads/xf/22/22690.jpg photo_real_filename = nil parts = photo.squeeze("/").split("/") if parts[0] =~ /^[a-z0-9]{2}:/ photo_path = "#{ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR}/#{parts[2..-2].join('/')}".squeeze("/") elsif parts[0] == "~cf" photo_path = "#{ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR}/#{parts[1..-2].join('/')}".squeeze("/") else puts "UNKNOWN FORMAT: #{photo}" next end if !File.exist?(photo_path) puts "Path to avatar file not found! Skipping. #{photo_path}" next end photo_real_filename = find_photo_file(photo_path, parts.last) if photo_real_filename.nil? puts "Couldn't find file for #{photo}. Skipping." next end print "." upload = create_upload(u.id, photo_real_filename, File.basename(photo_real_filename)) if upload.persisted? u.import_mode = false u.create_user_avatar u.import_mode = true u.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: upload.id) u.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id) else puts "Error: Upload did not persist for #{u.username} #{photo_real_filename}!" end end end end def import_attachments if ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR && File.exist?(ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR) puts "", "importing attachments" start = Time.now count = 0 # https://us.v-cdn.net/1234567/uploads/editor/xyz/image.jpg cdn_regex = /https:\/\/us.v-cdn.net\/1234567\/uploads\/(\S+\/(\w|-)+.\w+)/i # [attachment=10109:Screen Shot 2012-04-01 at 3.47.35 AM.png] attachment_regex = /\[attachment=(\d+):(.*?)\]/i Post.where("raw LIKE '%/us.v-cdn.net/%' OR raw LIKE '%[attachment%'").find_each do |post| count += 1 print "\r%7d - %6d/sec" % [count, count.to_f / (Time.now - start)] new_raw = post.raw.dup new_raw.gsub!(attachment_regex) do |s| matches = attachment_regex.match(s) attachment_id = matches[1] file_name = matches[2] next unless attachment_id r = mysql_query("SELECT Path, Name FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}Media WHERE MediaID = #{attachment_id};").first next if r.nil? path = r["Path"] name = r["Name"] next unless path.present? path.gsub!("s3://content/", "") path.gsub!("s3://uploads/", "") file_path = "#{ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR}/#{path}" if File.exist?(file_path) upload = create_upload(post.user.id, file_path, File.basename(file_path)) if upload && upload.errors.empty? # upload.url filename = name || file_name || File.basename(file_path) html_for_upload(upload, normalize_text(filename)) else puts "Error: Upload did not persist for #{post.id} #{attachment_id}!" end else puts "Couldn't find file for #{attachment_id}. Skipping." next end end new_raw.gsub!(cdn_regex) do |s| matches = cdn_regex.match(s) attachment_id = matches[1] file_path = "#{ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR}/#{attachment_id}" if File.exist?(file_path) upload = create_upload(post.user.id, file_path, File.basename(file_path)) if upload && upload.errors.empty? upload.url else puts "Error: Upload did not persist for #{post.id} #{attachment_id}!" end else puts "Couldn't find file for #{attachment_id}. Skipping." next end end if new_raw != post.raw begin PostRevisor.new(post).revise!(post.user, { raw: new_raw }, skip_revision: true, skip_validations: true, bypass_bump: true) rescue puts "PostRevisor error for #{post.id}" post.raw = new_raw post.save(validate: false) end end end end end def find_photo_file(path, base_filename) base_guess = base_filename.dup full_guess = File.join(path, base_guess) # often an exact match exists return full_guess if File.exist?(full_guess) # Otherwise, the file exists but with a prefix: # The p prefix seems to be the full file, so try to find that one first. ['p', 't', 'n'].each do |prefix| full_guess = File.join(path, "#{prefix}#{base_guess}") return full_guess if File.exist?(full_guess) end # Didn't find it. nil end def import_categories puts "", "Importing categories..." categories = mysql_query(" SELECT CategoryID, ParentCategoryID, Name, Description, Sort FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}Category WHERE CategoryID > 0 ORDER BY Sort, CategoryID ").to_a # Throw the -1 level categories away since they contain no topics. # Use the next level as root categories. top_level_categories = categories.select { |c| c["ParentCategoryID"].blank? || c['ParentCategoryID'] == -1 } # Depth = 2 create_categories(top_level_categories) do |category| next if category_id_from_imported_id(category['CategoryID']) { imported_id: category['CategoryID'], name: CGI.unescapeHTML(category['Name']), description: category['Description'] ? CGI.unescapeHTML(category['Description']) : nil, position: category['Sort'] } end top_level_category_ids = Set.new(top_level_categories.map { |c| c["CategoryID"] }) subcategories = categories.select { |c| top_level_category_ids.include?(c["ParentCategoryID"]) } # Depth = 3 create_categories(subcategories) do |category| next if category_id_from_imported_id(category['CategoryID']) { imported_id: category['CategoryID'], parent_category_id: category_id_from_imported_id(category['ParentCategoryID']), name: CGI.unescapeHTML(category['Name']), description: category['Description'] ? CGI.unescapeHTML(category['Description']) : nil, position: category['Sort'] } end subcategory_ids = Set.new(subcategories.map { |c| c['CategoryID'] }) # Depth 4 and 5 need to be tags categories.each do |c| next if c['ParentCategoryID'] == -1 next if top_level_category_ids.include?(c['CategoryID']) next if subcategory_ids.include?(c['CategoryID']) # Find a depth 3 category for topics in this category parent = c while !parent.nil? && !subcategory_ids.include?(parent['CategoryID']) parent = categories.find { |subcat| subcat['CategoryID'] == parent['ParentCategoryID'] } end if parent tag_name = DiscourseTagging.clean_tag(c['Name']) @category_mappings[c['CategoryID']] = { category_id: category_id_from_imported_id(parent['CategoryID']), tag: Tag.find_by_name(tag_name) || Tag.create(name: tag_name) } else puts '', "Couldn't find a category for #{c['CategoryID']} '#{c['Name']}'!" end end end def import_topics puts "", "Importing topics..." topics_sql = "SELECT DiscussionID, CategoryID, Name, Body, DateInserted, InsertUserID, Announce, Format FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}Discussion WHERE DiscussionID > #{@last_imported_topic_id} ORDER BY DiscussionID ASC" create_topics(mysql_stream(topics_sql)) do |row| data = { imported_id: row["DiscussionID"], title: normalize_text(row["Name"]), category_id: category_id_from_imported_id(row["CategoryID"]) || @category_mappings[row["CategoryID"]].try(:[], :category_id), user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row["InsertUserID"]), created_at: Time.zone.at(row['DateInserted']), pinned_at: row['Announce'] == 0 ? nil : Time.zone.at(row['DateInserted']) } (data[:user_id].present? && data[:title].present?) ? data : false end puts "", "importing first posts..." create_posts(mysql_stream(topics_sql)) do |row| data = { imported_id: "d-" + row['DiscussionID'].to_s, topic_id: topic_id_from_imported_id(row['DiscussionID']), user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row["InsertUserID"]), created_at: Time.zone.at(row['DateInserted']), raw: clean_up(row['Body'], row['Format']) } data[:topic_id].present? ? data : false end puts '', 'converting deep categories to tags...' create_topic_tags(mysql_stream(topics_sql)) do |row| next unless mapping = @category_mappings[row['CategoryID']] { tag_id: mapping[:tag].id, topic_id: topic_id_from_imported_id(row["DiscussionID"]) } end end def import_posts puts "", "Importing posts..." posts = mysql_stream( "SELECT CommentID, DiscussionID, Body, DateInserted, InsertUserID, Format FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}Comment WHERE CommentID > #{@last_imported_post_id} ORDER BY CommentID ASC") create_posts(posts) do |row| next unless topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row['DiscussionID']) next if row['Body'].blank? { imported_id: row['CommentID'], topic_id: topic_id, user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row['InsertUserID']), created_at: Time.zone.at(row['DateInserted']), raw: clean_up(row['Body'], row['Format']) } end end def import_tags puts "", "Importing tags..." tag_mapping = {} mysql_query("SELECT TagID, Name FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}Tag").each do |row| tag_name = DiscourseTagging.clean_tag(row['Name']) tag = Tag.find_by_name(tag_name) || Tag.create(name: tag_name) tag_mapping[row['TagID']] = tag.id end tags = mysql_query( "SELECT TagID, DiscussionID FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}TagDiscussion WHERE DiscussionID > #{@last_imported_topic_id} ORDER BY DateInserted") create_topic_tags(tags) do |row| next unless topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row['DiscussionID']) { topic_id: topic_id, tag_id: tag_mapping[row['TagID']] } end end def import_private_topics puts "", "Importing private topics..." topics_sql = "SELECT c.ConversationID, c.Subject, m.MessageID, m.Body, c.DateInserted, c.InsertUserID FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}Conversation c, #{TABLE_PREFIX}ConversationMessage m WHERE c.FirstMessageID = m.MessageID AND c.ConversationID > #{@last_imported_private_topic_id - PRIVATE_OFFSET} ORDER BY c.ConversationID ASC" create_topics(mysql_stream(topics_sql)) do |row| { archetype: Archetype.private_message, imported_id: row["ConversationID"] + PRIVATE_OFFSET, title: row["Subject"] ? normalize_text(row["Subject"]) : "Conversation #{row["ConversationID"]}", user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row["InsertUserID"]), created_at: Time.zone.at(row['DateInserted']) } end end def import_topic_allowed_users puts "", "importing topic_allowed_users..." topic_allowed_users_sql = " SELECT ConversationID, UserID FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}UserConversation WHERE Deleted = 0 AND ConversationID > #{@last_imported_private_topic_id - PRIVATE_OFFSET} ORDER BY ConversationID ASC" added = 0 create_topic_allowed_users(mysql_stream(topic_allowed_users_sql)) do |row| next unless topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row['ConversationID'] + PRIVATE_OFFSET) next unless user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row["UserID"]) added += 1 { topic_id: topic_id, user_id: user_id, } end puts '', "Added #{added} topic_allowed_users records." end def import_private_posts puts "", "importing private replies..." private_posts_sql = " SELECT ConversationID, MessageID, Body, InsertUserID, DateInserted, Format FROM GDN_ConversationMessage WHERE ConversationID > #{@last_imported_private_topic_id - PRIVATE_OFFSET} ORDER BY ConversationID ASC, MessageID ASC" create_posts(mysql_stream(private_posts_sql)) do |row| next unless topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row['ConversationID'] + PRIVATE_OFFSET) { imported_id: row['MessageID'] + PRIVATE_OFFSET, topic_id: topic_id, user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row['InsertUserID']), created_at: Time.zone.at(row['DateInserted']), raw: clean_up(row['Body'], row['Format']) } end end # TODO: too slow def create_permalinks puts '', 'Creating permalinks...', '' puts ' User pages...' start = Time.now count = 0 now = Time.zone.now sql = "COPY permalinks (url, created_at, updated_at, external_url) FROM STDIN" @raw_connection.copy_data(sql, @encoder) do User.includes(:_custom_fields).find_each do |u| count += 1 ucf = u.custom_fields if ucf && ucf["import_id"] vanilla_username = ucf["import_username"] || u.username @raw_connection.put_copy_data( ["profile/#{vanilla_username}", now, now, "/users/#{u.username}"] ) end print "\r%7d - %6d/sec" % [count, count.to_f / (Time.now - start)] if count % 5000 == 0 end end puts '', '', ' Topics and posts...' start = Time.now count = 0 sql = "COPY permalinks (url, topic_id, post_id, created_at, updated_at) FROM STDIN" @raw_connection.copy_data(sql, @encoder) do Post.includes(:_custom_fields).find_each do |post| count += 1 pcf = post.custom_fields if pcf && pcf["import_id"] topic = post.topic if topic.present? id = pcf["import_id"].split('-').last if post.post_number == 1 slug = Slug.for(topic.title) # probably matches what vanilla would do... @raw_connection.put_copy_data( ["discussion/#{id}/#{slug}", topic.id, nil, now, now] ) else @raw_connection.put_copy_data( ["discussion/comment/#{id}", nil, post.id, now, now] ) end end end print "\r%7d - %6d/sec" % [count, count.to_f / (Time.now - start)] if count % 5000 == 0 end end end def clean_up(raw, format) raw.encode!("utf-8", "utf-8", invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: "") raw.gsub!(/<(.+)> <\/\1>/, "\n\n") html = if format == 'Html' raw else markdown = Redcarpet::Markdown.new(Redcarpet::Render::HTML, autolink: true, tables: true) markdown.render(raw) end doc = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(html) doc.css("blockquote").each do |bq| name = bq["rel"] user = User.find_by(name: name) bq.replace %{
[QUOTE="#{user&.username || name}"]\n#{bq.inner_html}\n[/QUOTE]
} end doc.css("font").reverse.each do |f| f.replace f.inner_html end doc.css("span").reverse.each do |f| f.replace f.inner_html end doc.css("sub").reverse.each do |f| f.replace f.inner_html end doc.css("u").reverse.each do |f| f.replace f.inner_html end markdown = format == 'Html' ? ReverseMarkdown.convert(doc.to_html) : doc.to_html markdown.gsub!(/\[QUOTE="([^;]+);c-(\d+)"\]/i) { "[QUOTE=#{$1};#{$2}]" } markdown = process_raw_text(markdown) markdown end def process_raw_text(raw) return "" if raw.blank? text = raw.dup text = CGI.unescapeHTML(text) text.gsub!(/:(?:\w{8})\]/, ']') # Some links look like this: http://www.onegameamonth.com text.gsub!(/(.+)<\/a>/i, '[\2](\1)') # phpBB shortens link text like this, which breaks our markdown processing: # [http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 223AAkkPli](http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070920134223AAkkPli) # # Work around it for now: text.gsub!(/\[http(s)?:\/\/(www\.)?/i, '[') # convert list tags to ul and list=1 tags to ol # list=a is not supported, so handle it like list=1 # list=9 and list=x have the same result as list=1 and list=a text.gsub!(/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list:u\]/mi, '[ul]\1[/ul]') text.gsub!(/\[list=.*?\](.*?)\[\/list:o\]/mi, '[ol]\1[/ol]') # convert *-tags to li-tags so bbcode-to-md can do its magic on phpBB's lists: text.gsub!(/\[\*\](.*?)\[\/\*:m\]/mi, '[li]\1[/li]') # [QUOTE=""] -- add newline text.gsub!(/(\[quote="[a-zA-Z\d]+"\])/i) { "#{$1}\n" } # [/QUOTE] -- add newline text.gsub!(/(\[\/quote\])/i) { "\n#{$1}" } text end def staff_guardian @_staff_guardian ||= Guardian.new(Discourse.system_user) end def mysql_stream(sql) @client.query(sql, stream: true) end def mysql_query(sql) @client.query(sql) end end BulkImport::Vanilla.new.start