# frozen_string_literal: true # # Helps us find topics. # Returns a TopicList object containing the topics found. # class TopicQuery PG_MAX_INT ||= 2147483647 def self.validators @validators ||= begin int = lambda do |x| Integer === x || (String === x && x.match?(/^-?[0-9]+$/)) end zero_up_to_max_int = lambda do |x| int.call(x) && x.to_i.between?(0, PG_MAX_INT) end array_int_or_int = lambda do |x| int.call(x) || ( Array === x && x.length > 0 && x.all?(&int) ) end { max_posts: zero_up_to_max_int, min_posts: zero_up_to_max_int, page: zero_up_to_max_int } end end def self.validate?(option, value) if fn = validators[option.to_sym] fn.call(value) else true end end def self.public_valid_options @public_valid_options ||= %i(page before bumped_before topic_ids category order ascending min_posts max_posts status filter state search q group_name tags match_all_tags no_subcategories no_tags) end def self.valid_options @valid_options ||= public_valid_options + %i(except_topic_ids limit page per_page visible guardian no_definitions destination_category_id) end # Maps `order` to a columns in `topics` SORTABLE_MAPPING = { 'likes' => 'like_count', 'op_likes' => 'op_likes', 'views' => 'views', 'posts' => 'posts_count', 'activity' => 'bumped_at', 'posters' => 'participant_count', 'category' => 'category_id', 'created' => 'created_at' } cattr_accessor :results_filter_callbacks self.results_filter_callbacks = [] attr_accessor :options, :user, :guardian def self.add_custom_filter(key, &blk) @custom_filters ||= {} valid_options << key public_valid_options << key @custom_filters[key] = blk end def self.remove_custom_filter(key) @custom_filters.delete(key) public_valid_options.delete(key) valid_options.delete(key) @custom_filters = nil if @custom_filters.length == 0 end def self.apply_custom_filters(results, topic_query) if @custom_filters @custom_filters.each do |key, filter| results = filter.call(results, topic_query) end end results end def initialize(user = nil, options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys(TopicQuery.valid_options) @options = options.dup @user = user @guardian = options[:guardian] || Guardian.new(@user) end def joined_topic_user(list = nil) (list || Topic).joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON (topics.id = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = #{@user.id.to_i})") end def get_pm_params(topic) if topic.private_message? my_group_ids = topic.topic_allowed_groups .joins(" LEFT JOIN group_users gu ON topic_allowed_groups.group_id = gu.group_id AND gu.user_id = #{@user.id.to_i} ") .where("gu.group_id IS NOT NULL") .pluck(:group_id) target_group_ids = topic.topic_allowed_groups.pluck(:group_id) target_users = topic .topic_allowed_users if my_group_ids.present? # strip out users in groups you already belong to target_users = target_users .joins("LEFT JOIN group_users gu ON gu.user_id = topic_allowed_users.user_id AND gu.group_id IN (#{sanitize_sql_array(my_group_ids)})") .where('gu.group_id IS NULL') end target_user_ids = target_users .where('NOT topic_allowed_users.user_id = ?', @user.id) .pluck(:user_id) { topic: topic, my_group_ids: my_group_ids, target_group_ids: target_group_ids, target_user_ids: target_user_ids } end end def list_related_for(topic, pm_params: nil) return if !topic.private_message? return if @user.blank? return if !SiteSetting.enable_personal_messages? builder = SuggestedTopicsBuilder.new(topic) pm_params = pm_params || get_pm_params(topic) if pm_params[:my_group_ids].present? builder.add_results(related_messages_group( pm_params.merge(count: [6, builder.results_left].max, exclude: builder.excluded_topic_ids) )) else builder.add_results(related_messages_user( pm_params.merge(count: [6, builder.results_left].max, exclude: builder.excluded_topic_ids) )) end params = { unordered: true } params[:preload_posters] = true create_list(:suggested, params, builder.results) end # Return a list of suggested topics for a topic def list_suggested_for(topic, pm_params: nil) # Don't suggest messages unless we have a user, and private messages are # enabled. return if topic.private_message? && (@user.blank? || !SiteSetting.enable_personal_messages?) builder = SuggestedTopicsBuilder.new(topic) pm_params = pm_params || get_pm_params(topic) # When logged in we start with different results if @user if topic.private_message? builder.add_results(new_messages( pm_params.merge(count: builder.results_left) )) unless builder.full? builder.add_results(unread_messages( pm_params.merge(count: builder.results_left) )) unless builder.full? else builder.add_results( unread_results( topic: topic, per_page: builder.results_left, max_age: SiteSetting.suggested_topics_unread_max_days_old ), :high ) builder.add_results(new_results(topic: topic, per_page: builder.category_results_left)) unless builder.full? end end if !topic.private_message? builder.add_results(random_suggested(topic, builder.results_left, builder.excluded_topic_ids)) unless builder.full? end params = { unordered: true } if topic.private_message? params[:preload_posters] = true end create_list(:suggested, params, builder.results) end # The latest view of topics def list_latest create_list(:latest, {}, latest_results) end def list_read create_list(:read, unordered: true) do |topics| topics.where('tu.last_visited_at IS NOT NULL').order('tu.last_visited_at DESC') end end def list_new create_list(:new, { unordered: true }, new_results) end def list_unread create_list(:unread, { unordered: true }, unread_results) end def list_posted create_list(:posted) { |l| l.where('tu.posted') } end def list_bookmarks create_list(:bookmarks) { |l| l.where('tu.bookmarked') } end def list_top_for(period) score = "#{period}_score" create_list(:top, unordered: true) do |topics| topics = topics.joins(:top_topic).where("top_topics.#{score} > 0") if period == :yearly && @user.try(:trust_level) == TrustLevel[0] topics.order(TopicQuerySQL.order_top_with_pinned_category_for(score)) else topics.order(TopicQuerySQL.order_top_for(score)) end end end def list_topics_by(user) @options[:filtered_to_user] = user.id create_list(:user_topics) do |topics| topics.where(user_id: user.id) end end def not_archived(list, user) list.joins("LEFT JOIN user_archived_messages um ON um.user_id = #{user.id.to_i} AND um.topic_id = topics.id") .where('um.user_id IS NULL') end def list_group_topics(group) list = default_results.where(" topics.user_id IN ( SELECT user_id FROM group_users gu WHERE gu.group_id = #{group.id.to_i} ) ") create_list(:group_topics, {}, list) end def list_private_messages(user) list = private_messages_for(user, :user) list = not_archived(list, user) .where('NOT (topics.participant_count = 1 AND topics.user_id = ? AND topics.moderator_posts_count = 0)', user.id) create_list(:private_messages, {}, list) end def list_private_messages_archive(user) list = private_messages_for(user, :user) list = list.joins(:user_archived_messages).where('user_archived_messages.user_id = ?', user.id) create_list(:private_messages, {}, list) end def list_private_messages_sent(user) list = private_messages_for(user, :user) list = list.where('EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE posts.topic_id = topics.id AND posts.user_id = ? )', user.id) list = not_archived(list, user) create_list(:private_messages, {}, list) end def list_private_messages_unread(user) list = private_messages_for(user, :user) list = list.where("tu.last_read_post_number IS NULL OR tu.last_read_post_number < topics.highest_post_number") create_list(:private_messages, {}, list) end def list_private_messages_group(user) list = private_messages_for(user, :group) group = Group.where('name ilike ?', @options[:group_name]).select(:id, :publish_read_state).first publish_read_state = !!group&.publish_read_state list = list.joins("LEFT JOIN group_archived_messages gm ON gm.topic_id = topics.id AND gm.group_id = #{group&.id&.to_i}") list = list.where("gm.id IS NULL") list = append_read_state(list, group) if publish_read_state create_list(:private_messages, { publish_read_state: publish_read_state }, list) end def list_private_messages_group_archive(user) list = private_messages_for(user, :group) group_id = Group.where('name ilike ?', @options[:group_name]).pluck_first(:id) list = list.joins("JOIN group_archived_messages gm ON gm.topic_id = topics.id AND gm.group_id = #{group_id.to_i}") create_list(:private_messages, {}, list) end def list_private_messages_tag(user) list = private_messages_for(user, :all) list = list.joins("JOIN topic_tags tt ON tt.topic_id = topics.id JOIN tags t ON t.id = tt.tag_id AND t.name = '#{@options[:tags][0]}'") create_list(:private_messages, {}, list) end def list_category_topic_ids(category) query = default_results(category: category.id) pinned_ids = query.where('topics.pinned_at IS NOT NULL AND topics.category_id = ?', category.id).limit(nil).order('pinned_at DESC').pluck(:id) non_pinned_ids = query.where('topics.pinned_at IS NULL OR topics.category_id <> ?', category.id).pluck(:id) (pinned_ids + non_pinned_ids) end def list_new_in_category(category) create_list(:new_in_category, unordered: true, category: category.id) do |list| list.by_newest.first(25) end end def self.new_filter(list, treat_as_new_topic_start_date) list.where("topics.created_at >= :created_at", created_at: treat_as_new_topic_start_date) .where("tu.last_read_post_number IS NULL") .where("COALESCE(tu.notification_level, :tracking) >= :tracking", tracking: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]) end def self.unread_filter(list, user_id, opts) col_name = opts[:staff] ? "highest_staff_post_number" : "highest_post_number" list .where("tu.last_read_post_number < topics.#{col_name}") .where("COALESCE(tu.notification_level, :regular) >= :tracking", regular: TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular], tracking: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]) end def prioritize_pinned_topics(topics, options) pinned_clause = if options[:category_id] +"topics.category_id = #{options[:category_id].to_i} AND" else +"pinned_globally AND " end pinned_clause << " pinned_at IS NOT NULL " if @user pinned_clause << " AND (topics.pinned_at > tu.cleared_pinned_at OR tu.cleared_pinned_at IS NULL)" end unpinned_topics = topics.where("NOT ( #{pinned_clause} )") pinned_topics = topics.dup.offset(nil).where(pinned_clause) per_page = options[:per_page] || per_page_setting limit = per_page unless options[:limit] == false page = options[:page].to_i if page == 0 (pinned_topics + unpinned_topics)[0...limit] if limit else offset = (page * per_page) - pinned_topics.length offset = 0 unless offset > 0 unpinned_topics.offset(offset).to_a end end def create_list(filter, options = {}, topics = nil) topics ||= default_results(options) topics = yield(topics) if block_given? options = options.merge(@options) if ["activity", "default"].include?(options[:order] || "activity") && !options[:unordered] && filter != :private_messages topics = prioritize_pinned_topics(topics, options) end topics = topics.to_a if options[:preload_posters] user_ids = [] topics.each do |ft| user_ids << ft.user_id << ft.last_post_user_id << ft.featured_user_ids << ft.allowed_user_ids end avatar_lookup = AvatarLookup.new(user_ids) primary_group_lookup = PrimaryGroupLookup.new(user_ids) # memoize for loop so we don't keep looking these up translations = TopicPostersSummary.translations topics.each do |t| t.posters = t.posters_summary( avatar_lookup: avatar_lookup, primary_group_lookup: primary_group_lookup, translations: translations ) end end topics.each do |t| t.allowed_user_ids = filter == :private_messages ? t.allowed_users.map { |u| u.id } : [] end list = TopicList.new(filter, @user, topics, options.merge(@options)) list.per_page = options[:per_page] || per_page_setting list end def latest_results(options = {}) result = default_results(options) result = remove_muted_topics(result, @user) unless options && options[:state] == "muted".freeze result = remove_muted_categories(result, @user, exclude: options[:category]) result = remove_muted_tags(result, @user, options) result = apply_shared_drafts(result, get_category_id(options[:category]), options) # plugins can remove topics here: self.class.results_filter_callbacks.each do |filter_callback| result = filter_callback.call(:latest, result, @user, options) end result end def unread_results(options = {}) result = TopicQuery.unread_filter( default_results(options.reverse_merge(unordered: true)), @user&.id, staff: @user&.staff?) .order('CASE WHEN topics.user_id = tu.user_id THEN 1 ELSE 2 END') if @user # micro optimisation so we don't load up all of user stats which we do not need unread_at = DB.query_single( "select first_unread_at from user_stats where user_id = ?", @user.id).first if max_age = options[:max_age] max_age_date = max_age.days.ago unread_at ||= max_age_date unread_at = unread_at > max_age_date ? unread_at : max_age_date end # perf note, in the past we tried doing this in a subquery but performance was # terrible, also tried with a join and it was bad result = result.where("topics.updated_at >= ?", unread_at) end self.class.results_filter_callbacks.each do |filter_callback| result = filter_callback.call(:unread, result, @user, options) end suggested_ordering(result, options) end def new_results(options = {}) # TODO does this make sense or should it be ordered on created_at # it is ordering on bumped_at now result = TopicQuery.new_filter(default_results(options.reverse_merge(unordered: true)), @user.user_option.treat_as_new_topic_start_date) result = remove_muted_topics(result, @user) result = remove_muted_categories(result, @user, exclude: options[:category]) result = remove_muted_tags(result, @user, options) result = remove_already_seen_for_category(result, @user) self.class.results_filter_callbacks.each do |filter_callback| result = filter_callback.call(:new, result, @user, options) end suggested_ordering(result, options) end protected def per_page_setting 30 end def private_messages_for(user, type) options = @options options.reverse_merge!(per_page: per_page_setting) result = Topic.includes(:tags) if type == :group result = result.includes(:allowed_users) result = result.where(" topics.id IN ( SELECT topic_id FROM topic_allowed_groups WHERE ( group_id IN ( SELECT group_id FROM group_users WHERE user_id = #{user.id.to_i} OR #{user.staff?} ) ) AND group_id IN (SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name ilike ?) )", @options[:group_name] ) elsif type == :user result = result.includes(:allowed_users) result = result.where("topics.id IN (SELECT topic_id FROM topic_allowed_users WHERE user_id = #{user.id.to_i})") elsif type == :all result = result.includes(:allowed_users) result = result.where("topics.id IN ( SELECT topic_id FROM topic_allowed_users WHERE user_id = #{user.id.to_i} UNION ALL SELECT topic_id FROM topic_allowed_groups WHERE group_id IN ( SELECT group_id FROM group_users WHERE user_id = #{user.id.to_i} ) )") end result = result.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON (topics.id = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = #{user.id.to_i})") .order("topics.bumped_at DESC") .private_messages result = result.limit(options[:per_page]) unless options[:limit] == false result = result.visible if options[:visible] || @user.nil? || @user.regular? if options[:page] offset = options[:page].to_i * options[:per_page] result = result.offset(offset) if offset > 0 end result end def apply_shared_drafts(result, category_id, options) # PERF: avoid any penalty if there are no shared drafts enabled # on some sites the cost can be high eg: gearbox return result if SiteSetting.shared_drafts_category == "" drafts_category_id = SiteSetting.shared_drafts_category.to_i viewing_shared = category_id && category_id == drafts_category_id can_create_shared = guardian.can_create_shared_draft? if can_create_shared && options[:destination_category_id] destination_category_id = get_category_id(options[:destination_category_id]) topic_ids = SharedDraft.where(category_id: destination_category_id).pluck(:topic_id) result.where(id: topic_ids) elsif can_create_shared && viewing_shared result.includes(:shared_draft).references(:shared_draft) else result.where('topics.category_id != ?', drafts_category_id) end end def apply_ordering(result, options) sort_column = SORTABLE_MAPPING[options[:order]] || 'default' sort_dir = (options[:ascending] == "true") ? "ASC" : "DESC" # If we are sorting in the default order desc, we should consider including pinned # topics. Otherwise, just use bumped_at. if sort_column == 'default' if sort_dir == 'DESC' # If something requires a custom order, for example "unread" which sorts the least read # to the top, do nothing return result if options[:unordered] end sort_column = 'bumped_at' end # If we are sorting by category, actually use the name if sort_column == 'category_id' # TODO forces a table scan, slow return result.references(:categories).order(TopicQuerySQL.order_by_category_sql(sort_dir)) end if sort_column == 'op_likes' return result.includes(:first_post).order("(SELECT like_count FROM posts p3 WHERE p3.topic_id = topics.id AND p3.post_number = 1) #{sort_dir}") end if sort_column.start_with?('custom_fields') field = sort_column.split('.')[1] return result.order("(SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT true FROM topic_custom_fields tcf WHERE tcf.topic_id::integer = topics.id::integer AND tcf.name = '#{field}') THEN (SELECT value::integer FROM topic_custom_fields tcf WHERE tcf.topic_id::integer = topics.id::integer AND tcf.name = '#{field}') ELSE 0 END) #{sort_dir}") end result.order("topics.#{sort_column} #{sort_dir}") end def get_category_id(category_id_or_slug) return nil unless category_id_or_slug.present? category_id = category_id_or_slug.to_i if category_id == 0 category_id = Category .where(slug: category_id_or_slug, parent_category_id: nil) .pluck_first(:id) end category_id end # Create results based on a bunch of default options def default_results(options = {}) options.reverse_merge!(@options) options.reverse_merge!(per_page: per_page_setting) # Whether to return visible topics options[:visible] = true if @user.nil? || @user.regular? options[:visible] = false if @user && @user.id == options[:filtered_to_user] # Start with a list of all topics result = Topic.unscoped.includes(:category) if @user result = result.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON (topics.id = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = #{@user.id.to_i})") .references('tu') end category_id = get_category_id(options[:category]) @options[:category_id] = category_id if category_id if options[:no_subcategories] result = result.where('categories.id = ?', category_id) else sql = <<~SQL categories.id IN ( SELECT c2.id FROM categories c2 WHERE c2.parent_category_id = :category_id UNION ALL SELECT :category_id ) AND topics.id NOT IN ( SELECT c3.topic_id FROM categories c3 WHERE c3.parent_category_id = :category_id AND c3.topic_id IS NOT NULL ) SQL result = result.where(sql, category_id: category_id) end result = result.references(:categories) if !@options[:order] # category default sort order sort_order, sort_ascending = Category.where(id: category_id).pluck_first(:sort_order, :sort_ascending) if sort_order options[:order] = sort_order options[:ascending] = !!sort_ascending ? 'true' : 'false' end end end # ALL TAGS: something like this? # Topic.joins(:tags).where('tags.name in (?)', @options[:tags]).group('topic_id').having('count(*)=?', @options[:tags].size).select('topic_id') if SiteSetting.tagging_enabled result = result.preload(:tags) tags = @options[:tags] if tags && tags.size > 0 tags = tags.split if String === tags tags = tags.map do |t| if String === t t.downcase else t end end if @options[:match_all_tags] # ALL of the given tags: tags_count = tags.length tags = Tag.where_name(tags).pluck(:id) unless Integer === tags[0] if tags_count == tags.length tags.each_with_index do |tag, index| sql_alias = ['t', index].join result = result.joins("INNER JOIN topic_tags #{sql_alias} ON #{sql_alias}.topic_id = topics.id AND #{sql_alias}.tag_id = #{tag}") end else result = result.none # don't return any results unless all tags exist in the database end else # ANY of the given tags: result = result.joins(:tags) if Integer === tags[0] result = result.where("tags.id in (?)", tags) else result = result.where("lower(tags.name) in (?)", tags) end end # TODO: this is very side-effecty and should be changed # It is done cause further up we expect normalized tags @options[:tags] = tags elsif @options[:no_tags] # the following will do: ("topics"."id" NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT "topic_tags"."topic_id" FROM "topic_tags")) result = result.where.not(id: TopicTag.distinct.pluck(:topic_id)) end end result = apply_ordering(result, options) result = result.listable_topics # Don't include the category topics if excluded if options[:no_definitions] result = result.where('COALESCE(categories.topic_id, 0) <> topics.id') end result = result.limit(options[:per_page]) unless options[:limit] == false result = result.visible if options[:visible] result = result.where.not(topics: { id: options[:except_topic_ids] }).references(:topics) if options[:except_topic_ids] if options[:page] offset = options[:page].to_i * options[:per_page] result = result.offset(offset) if offset > 0 end if options[:topic_ids] result = result.where('topics.id in (?)', options[:topic_ids]).references(:topics) end if search = options[:search] result = result.where("topics.id in (select pp.topic_id from post_search_data pd join posts pp on pp.id = pd.post_id where pd.search_data @@ #{Search.ts_query(term: search.to_s)})") end # NOTE protect against SYM attack can be removed with Ruby 2.2 # state = options[:state] if @user && state && TopicUser.notification_levels.keys.map(&:to_s).include?(state) level = TopicUser.notification_levels[state.to_sym] result = result.where('topics.id IN ( SELECT topic_id FROM topic_users WHERE user_id = ? AND notification_level = ?)', @user.id, level) end require_deleted_clause = true if before = options[:before] if (before = before.to_i) > 0 result = result.where('topics.created_at < ?', before.to_i.days.ago) end end if bumped_before = options[:bumped_before] if (bumped_before = bumped_before.to_i) > 0 result = result.where('topics.bumped_at < ?', bumped_before.to_i.days.ago) end end if status = options[:status] case status when 'open' result = result.where('NOT topics.closed AND NOT topics.archived') when 'closed' result = result.where('topics.closed') when 'archived' result = result.where('topics.archived') when 'listed' result = result.where('topics.visible') when 'unlisted' result = result.where('NOT topics.visible') when 'deleted' guardian = @guardian if guardian.is_staff? result = result.where('topics.deleted_at IS NOT NULL') require_deleted_clause = false end end end if (filter = options[:filter]) && @user action = if filter == "bookmarked" PostActionType.types[:bookmark] elsif filter == "liked" PostActionType.types[:like] end if action result = result.where('topics.id IN (SELECT pp.topic_id FROM post_actions pa JOIN posts pp ON pp.id = pa.post_id WHERE pa.user_id = :user_id AND pa.post_action_type_id = :action AND pa.deleted_at IS NULL )', user_id: @user.id, action: action ) end end result = result.where('topics.deleted_at IS NULL') if require_deleted_clause result = result.where('topics.posts_count <= ?', options[:max_posts]) if options[:max_posts].present? result = result.where('topics.posts_count >= ?', options[:min_posts]) if options[:min_posts].present? result = TopicQuery.apply_custom_filters(result, self) @guardian.filter_allowed_categories(result) end def remove_muted_topics(list, user) if user list = list.where('COALESCE(tu.notification_level,1) > :muted', muted: TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted]) end list end def remove_muted_categories(list, user, opts = nil) category_id = get_category_id(opts[:exclude]) if opts if SiteSetting.mute_all_categories_by_default if user list = list .references("cu") .joins("LEFT JOIN category_users ON category_users.category_id = topics.category_id AND category_users.user_id = #{user.id}") .where("topics.category_id = :category_id OR COALESCE(category_users.notification_level, :muted) <> :muted OR tu.notification_level > :regular", muted: CategoryUser.notification_levels[:muted], regular: TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular], category_id: category_id || -1) else category_ids = [ SiteSetting.default_categories_watching.split("|"), SiteSetting.default_categories_tracking.split("|"), SiteSetting.default_categories_watching_first_post.split("|") ].flatten.map(&:to_i) category_ids << category_id if category_id.present? && category_ids.exclude?(category_id) list = list.where("topics.category_id IN (?)", category_ids) if category_ids.present? end elsif user list = list .references("cu") .joins("LEFT JOIN category_users ON category_users.category_id = topics.category_id AND category_users.user_id = #{user.id}") .where("COALESCE(category_users.notification_level, :regular) <> :muted OR category_users.category_id = :category_id OR tu.notification_level >= :tracking", muted: CategoryUser.notification_levels[:muted], regular: CategoryUser.notification_levels[:regular], tracking: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking], category_id: category_id || -1) end list end def remove_muted_tags(list, user, opts = nil) if user.nil? || !SiteSetting.tagging_enabled || SiteSetting.remove_muted_tags_from_latest == 'never' return list end muted_tag_ids = TagUser.lookup(user, :muted).pluck(:tag_id) if muted_tag_ids.blank? return list end # if viewing the topic list for a muted tag, show all the topics if !opts[:no_tags] && opts[:tags].present? return list if TagUser.lookup(user, :muted).joins(:tag).where('tags.name = ?', opts[:tags].first).exists? end if SiteSetting.remove_muted_tags_from_latest == 'always' list = list.where(" NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM topic_tags tt WHERE tt.tag_id IN (:tag_ids) AND tt.topic_id = topics.id)", tag_ids: muted_tag_ids) else list = list.where(" EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM topic_tags tt WHERE tt.tag_id NOT IN (:tag_ids) AND tt.topic_id = topics.id ) OR NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM topic_tags tt WHERE tt.topic_id = topics.id)", tag_ids: muted_tag_ids) end end def remove_already_seen_for_category(list, user) if user list = list .where("category_users.last_seen_at IS NULL OR topics.created_at > category_users.last_seen_at") end list end def new_messages(params) query = TopicQuery .new_filter(messages_for_groups_or_user(params[:my_group_ids]), Time.at(SiteSetting.min_new_topics_time).to_datetime) .limit(params[:count]) query end def unread_messages(params) query = TopicQuery.unread_filter( messages_for_groups_or_user(params[:my_group_ids]), @user&.id, staff: @user&.staff?) .limit(params[:count]) query end def related_messages_user(params) messages = messages_for_user.limit(params[:count]) messages = allowed_messages(messages, params) end def related_messages_group(params) messages = messages_for_groups_or_user(params[:my_group_ids]).limit(params[:count]) messages = allowed_messages(messages, params) end def allowed_messages(messages, params) user_ids = (params[:target_user_ids] || []) group_ids = ((params[:target_group_ids] - params[:my_group_ids]) || []) if user_ids.present? messages = messages.joins(" LEFT JOIN topic_allowed_users ta2 ON topics.id = ta2.topic_id AND ta2.user_id IN (#{sanitize_sql_array(user_ids)}) ") end if group_ids.present? messages = messages.joins(" LEFT JOIN topic_allowed_groups tg2 ON topics.id = tg2.topic_id AND tg2.group_id IN (#{sanitize_sql_array(group_ids)}) ") end messages = if user_ids.present? && group_ids.present? messages.where("ta2.topic_id IS NOT NULL OR tg2.topic_id IS NOT NULL") elsif user_ids.present? messages.where("ta2.topic_id IS NOT NULL") elsif group_ids.present? messages.where("tg2.topic_id IS NOT NULL") end end def messages_for_groups_or_user(group_ids) if group_ids.present? base_messages .joins(" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM topic_allowed_groups _tg LEFT JOIN group_users gu ON gu.user_id = #{@user.id.to_i} AND gu.group_id = _tg.group_id WHERE gu.group_id IN (#{sanitize_sql_array(group_ids)}) ) tg ON topics.id = tg.topic_id ") .where("tg.topic_id IS NOT NULL") else messages_for_user end end def messages_for_user base_messages .joins(" LEFT JOIN topic_allowed_users ta ON topics.id = ta.topic_id AND ta.user_id = #{@user.id.to_i} ") .where("ta.topic_id IS NOT NULL") end def base_messages query = Topic .where('topics.archetype = ?', Archetype.private_message) .joins("LEFT JOIN topic_users tu ON topics.id = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = #{@user.id.to_i}") query = query.includes(:tags) if SiteSetting.tagging_enabled query.order('topics.bumped_at DESC') end def random_suggested(topic, count, excluded_topic_ids = []) result = default_results(unordered: true, per_page: count).where(closed: false, archived: false) if SiteSetting.limit_suggested_to_category excluded_topic_ids += Category.where(id: topic.category_id).pluck(:id) else excluded_topic_ids += Category.topic_ids.to_a end result = result.where("topics.id NOT IN (?)", excluded_topic_ids) unless excluded_topic_ids.empty? result = remove_muted_categories(result, @user) # If we are in a category, prefer it for the random results if topic.category_id result = result.order("CASE WHEN topics.category_id = #{topic.category_id.to_i} THEN 0 ELSE 1 END") end # Best effort, it over selects, however if you have a high number # of muted categories there is tiny chance we will not select enough # in particular this can happen if current category is empty and tons # of muted, big edge case # # we over select in case cache is stale max = (count * 1.3).to_i ids = SiteSetting.limit_suggested_to_category ? [] : RandomTopicSelector.next(max) ids.concat(RandomTopicSelector.next(max, topic.category)) result.where(id: ids.uniq) end def suggested_ordering(result, options) # Prefer unread in the same category if options[:topic] && options[:topic].category_id result = result.order("CASE WHEN topics.category_id = #{options[:topic].category_id.to_i} THEN 0 ELSE 1 END") end result.order('topics.bumped_at DESC') end private def sanitize_sql_array(input) ActiveRecord::Base.public_send(:sanitize_sql_array, input.join(',')) end def append_read_state(list, group) group_id = group&.id return list if group_id.nil? selected_values = list.select_values.empty? ? ['topics.*'] : list.select_values selected_values << "COALESCE(tg.last_read_post_number, 0) AS last_read_post_number" list .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_groups tg ON topics.id = tg.topic_id AND tg.group_id = #{group_id}") .select(*selected_values) end end