# frozen_string_literal: true require "db_helper" require "digest/sha1" require "base62" ################################################################################ # gather # ################################################################################ require "rake_helpers" task "uploads:gather" => :environment do ENV["RAILS_DB"] ? gather_uploads : gather_uploads_for_all_sites end def gather_uploads_for_all_sites RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection { gather_uploads } end def file_exists?(path) File.exist?(path) && File.size(path) > 0 rescue StandardError false end def gather_uploads public_directory = "#{Rails.root}/public" current_db = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db puts "", "Gathering uploads for '#{current_db}'...", "" Upload .where("url ~ '^\/uploads\/'") .where("url !~ ?", "^\/uploads\/#{current_db}") .find_each do |upload| begin old_db = upload.url[%r{^/uploads/([^/]+)/}, 1] from = upload.url.dup to = upload.url.sub("/uploads/#{old_db}/", "/uploads/#{current_db}/") source = "#{public_directory}#{from}" destination = "#{public_directory}#{to}" # create destination directory & copy file unless it already exists unless file_exists?(destination) `mkdir -p '#{File.dirname(destination)}'` `cp --link '#{source}' '#{destination}'` end # ensure file has been successfully copied over raise unless file_exists?(destination) # remap links in db DbHelper.remap(from, to) rescue StandardError putc "!" else putc "." end end puts "", "Done!" end ################################################################################ # backfill_shas # ################################################################################ task "uploads:backfill_shas" => :environment do RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do |db| puts "Backfilling #{db}..." Upload .where(sha1: nil) .find_each do |u| begin path = Discourse.store.path_for(u) sha1 = Upload.generate_digest(path) u.sha1 = u.secure? ? SecureRandom.hex(20) : sha1 u.original_sha1 = u.secure? ? sha1 : nil u.save! putc "." rescue => e puts "Skipping #{u.original_filename} (#{u.url}) #{e.message}" end end end puts "", "Done" end ################################################################################ # migrate_to_s3 # ################################################################################ task "uploads:migrate_to_s3" => :environment do STDOUT.puts( "Please note that migrating to S3 is currently not reversible! \n[CTRL+c] to cancel, [ENTER] to continue", ) STDIN.gets ENV["RAILS_DB"] ? migrate_to_s3 : migrate_to_s3_all_sites end def migrate_to_s3_all_sites RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do begin migrate_to_s3 rescue RuntimeError => e if ENV["SKIP_FAILED"] puts e else raise e unless ENV["SKIP_FAILED"] end end end end def create_migration FileStore::ToS3Migration.new( s3_options: FileStore::ToS3Migration.s3_options_from_env, dry_run: !!ENV["DRY_RUN"], migrate_to_multisite: !!ENV["MIGRATE_TO_MULTISITE"], skip_etag_verify: !!ENV["SKIP_ETAG_VERIFY"], ) end def migrate_to_s3 create_migration.migrate end task "uploads:s3_migration_status" => :environment do success = true RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do success &&= create_migration.migration_successful? end queued_jobs = Sidekiq::Stats.new.queues.sum { |_, x| x } if queued_jobs > 50 puts "WARNING: There are #{queued_jobs} jobs queued! Wait till Sidekiq clears backlog prior to migrating site to a new host" exit 1 end if !success puts "Site is not ready for migration" exit 1 end puts "All sites appear to have uploads in order!" end ################################################################################ # clean_up # ################################################################################ task "uploads:clean_up" => :environment do ENV["RAILS_DB"] ? clean_up_uploads : clean_up_uploads_all_sites end def clean_up_uploads_all_sites RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection { clean_up_uploads } end def clean_up_uploads db = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db puts "Cleaning up uploads and thumbnails for '#{db}'..." if Discourse.store.external? puts "This task only works for internal storages." exit 1 end puts <<~TEXT This task will remove upload records and files permanently. Would you like to take a full backup before the clean up? (Y/N) TEXT if STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase == "y" puts "Starting backup..." backuper = BackupRestore::Backuper.new(Discourse.system_user.id) backuper.run exit 1 unless backuper.success end public_directory = Rails.root.join("public").to_s ## ## DATABASE vs FILE SYSTEM ## # uploads & avatars Upload.find_each do |upload| path = File.join(public_directory, upload.url) if !File.exist?(path) upload.destroy! putc "#" else putc "." end end # optimized images OptimizedImage.find_each do |optimized_image| path = File.join(public_directory, optimized_image.url) if !File.exist?(path) optimized_image.destroy! putc "#" else putc "." end end ## ## FILE SYSTEM vs DATABASE ## uploads_directory = File.join(public_directory, "uploads", db).to_s # avatars (no avatar should be stored in that old directory) FileUtils.rm_rf("#{uploads_directory}/avatars") # uploads and optimized images Dir .glob("#{uploads_directory}/**/*.*") .each do |file_path| sha1 = Upload.generate_digest(file_path) url = file_path.split(public_directory, 2)[1] if (Upload.where(sha1: sha1).empty? && Upload.where(url: url).empty?) && (OptimizedImage.where(sha1: sha1).empty? && OptimizedImage.where(url: url).empty?) FileUtils.rm(file_path) putc "#" else putc "." end end puts "Removing empty directories..." puts `find #{uploads_directory} -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \\;` puts "Done!" end ################################################################################ # missing files # ################################################################################ # list all missing uploads and optimized images task "uploads:missing_files" => :environment do if ENV["RAILS_DB"] list_missing_uploads(skip_optimized: ENV["SKIP_OPTIMIZED"]) else RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do |db| if ENV["SKIP_EXTERNAL"] == "1" && Discourse.store.external? puts "#{RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db} has uploads stored externally skipping!" else if Discourse.store.external? puts "-" * 80 puts "WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!" puts "-" * 80 puts puts <<~TEXT #{RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db} has uploads on S3! validating without inventory is likely to take an enormous amount of time. We recommend you run SKIP_EXTERNAL=1 rake uploads:missing to skip validating if on a multisite. TEXT end list_missing_uploads(skip_optimized: ENV["SKIP_OPTIMIZED"]) end end end end def list_missing_uploads(skip_optimized: false) Discourse.store.list_missing_uploads(skip_optimized: skip_optimized) end task "uploads:missing" => :environment do Rake::Task["uploads:missing_files"].invoke end ################################################################################ # regenerate_missing_optimized # ################################################################################ # regenerate missing optimized images task "uploads:regenerate_missing_optimized" => :environment do if ENV["RAILS_DB"] regenerate_missing_optimized else RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection { regenerate_missing_optimized } end end def regenerate_missing_optimized db = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db puts "Regenerating missing optimized images for '#{db}'..." if Discourse.store.external? puts "This task only works for internal storages." return end public_directory = "#{Rails.root}/public" missing_uploads = Set.new avatar_upload_ids = UserAvatar.all.pluck(:custom_upload_id, :gravatar_upload_id).flatten.compact default_scope = OptimizedImage.includes(:upload) [ default_scope.where("optimized_images.upload_id IN (?)", avatar_upload_ids), default_scope .where("optimized_images.upload_id NOT IN (?)", avatar_upload_ids) .where("LENGTH(COALESCE(url, '')) > 0") .where("width > 0 AND height > 0"), ].each do |scope| scope.find_each do |optimized_image| upload = optimized_image.upload next unless optimized_image.url =~ %r{^/[^/]} next unless upload.url =~ %r{^/[^/]} thumbnail = "#{public_directory}#{optimized_image.url}" original = "#{public_directory}#{upload.url}" if !File.exist?(thumbnail) || File.size(thumbnail) <= 0 # make sure the original image exists locally if (!File.exist?(original) || File.size(original) <= 0) && upload.origin.present? # try to fix it by redownloading it begin downloaded = begin FileHelper.download( upload.origin, max_file_size: SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes, tmp_file_name: "discourse-missing", follow_redirect: true, ) rescue StandardError nil end if downloaded && downloaded.size > 0 FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(original)) File.open(original, "wb") { |f| f.write(downloaded.read) } end ensure downloaded.try(:close!) if downloaded.respond_to?(:close!) end end if File.exist?(original) && File.size(original) > 0 FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(thumbnail)) OptimizedImage.resize(original, thumbnail, optimized_image.width, optimized_image.height) putc "#" else missing_uploads << original putc "X" end else putc "." end end end puts "", "Done" if missing_uploads.size > 0 puts "Missing uploads:" missing_uploads.sort.each { |u| puts u } end end ################################################################################ # migrate_to_new_scheme # ################################################################################ task "uploads:start_migration" => :environment do SiteSetting.migrate_to_new_scheme = true puts "Migration started!" end task "uploads:stop_migration" => :environment do SiteSetting.migrate_to_new_scheme = false puts "Migration stoped!" end task "uploads:analyze", %i[cache_path limit] => :environment do |_, args| now = Time.zone.now current_db = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db puts "Analyzing uploads for '#{current_db}'... This may take awhile...\n" cache_path = args[:cache_path] current_db = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db uploads_path = Rails.root.join("public", "uploads", current_db) path = if cache_path cache_path else path = "/tmp/#{current_db}-#{now.to_i}-paths.txt" FileUtils.touch("/tmp/#{now.to_i}-paths.txt") `find #{uploads_path} -type f -printf '%s %h/%f\n' > #{path}` path end extensions = {} paths_count = 0 File .readlines(path) .each do |line| size, file_path = line.split(" ", 2) paths_count += 1 extension = File.extname(file_path).chomp.downcase extensions[extension] ||= {} extensions[extension]["count"] ||= 0 extensions[extension]["count"] += 1 extensions[extension]["size"] ||= 0 extensions[extension]["size"] += size.to_i end uploads_count = Upload.count optimized_images_count = OptimizedImage.count puts <<~TEXT Report for '#{current_db}' -----------#{"-" * current_db.length} Number of `Upload` records in DB: #{uploads_count} Number of `OptimizedImage` records in DB: #{optimized_images_count} **Total DB records: #{uploads_count + optimized_images_count}** Number of images in uploads folder: #{paths_count} ------------------------------------#{"-" * paths_count.to_s.length} TEXT helper = Class.new { include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper } helper = helper.new printf "%-15s | %-15s | %-15s\n", "extname", "total size", "count" puts "-" * 45 extensions .sort_by { |_, value| value["size"] } .reverse .each do |extname, value| printf "%-15s | %-15s | %-15s\n", extname, helper.number_to_human_size(value["size"]), value["count"] end puts "\n" limit = args[:limit] || 10 sql = <<~SQL SELECT users.username, COUNT(uploads.user_id) AS num_of_uploads, SUM(uploads.filesize) AS total_size_of_uploads, COUNT(optimized_images.id) AS num_of_optimized_images FROM users INNER JOIN uploads ON users.id = uploads.user_id INNER JOIN optimized_images ON uploads.id = optimized_images.upload_id GROUP BY users.id ORDER BY total_size_of_uploads DESC LIMIT #{limit} SQL puts "Users using the most disk space" puts "-------------------------------\n" printf "%-25s | %-25s | %-25s | %-25s\n", "username", "total size of uploads", "number of uploads", "number of optimized images" puts "-" * 110 DB .query_single(sql) .each do |username, num_of_uploads, total_size_of_uploads, num_of_optimized_images| printf "%-25s | %-25s | %-25s | %-25s\n", username, helper.number_to_human_size(total_size_of_uploads), num_of_uploads, num_of_optimized_images end puts "\n" puts "List of file paths @ #{path}" puts "Duration: #{Time.zone.now - now} seconds" end task "uploads:fix_incorrect_extensions" => :environment do UploadFixer.fix_all_extensions end task "uploads:recover_from_tombstone" => :environment do Rake::Task["uploads:recover"].invoke end task "uploads:recover" => :environment do dry_run = ENV["DRY_RUN"].present? stop_on_error = ENV["STOP_ON_ERROR"].present? if ENV["RAILS_DB"] UploadRecovery.new(dry_run: dry_run, stop_on_error: stop_on_error).recover else RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do |db| UploadRecovery.new(dry_run: dry_run, stop_on_error: stop_on_error).recover end end end task "uploads:sync_s3_acls" => :environment do RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do |db| unless Discourse.store.external? puts "This task only works for external storage." exit 1 end puts "CAUTION: This task may take a long time to complete! There are #{Upload.count} uploads to sync ACLs for." puts "" puts "-" * 30 puts "Uploads marked as secure will get a private ACL, and uploads marked as not secure will get a public ACL." puts "Upload ACLs will be updated in Sidekiq jobs in batches of 100 at a time, check Sidekiq queues for SyncAclsForUploads for progress." Upload.select(:id).find_in_batches(batch_size: 100) { |uploads| adjust_acls(uploads.map(&:id)) } puts "", "Upload ACL sync complete!" end end # # TODO (martin) Update this rake task to use the _first_ UploadReference # record for each upload to determine security, and do not mark things # as secure if the first record is something public e.g. a site setting. task "uploads:disable_secure_uploads" => :environment do RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do |db| unless Discourse.store.external? puts "This task only works for external storage." exit 1 end puts "Disabling secure upload and resetting uploads to not secure in #{db}...", "" SiteSetting.secure_uploads = false secure_uploads = Upload .joins(:upload_references) .where(upload_references: { target_type: "Post" }) .where(secure: true) secure_upload_count = secure_uploads.count secure_upload_ids = secure_uploads.pluck(:id) puts "", "Marking #{secure_upload_count} uploads as not secure.", "" secure_uploads.update_all( secure: false, security_last_changed_at: Time.zone.now, security_last_changed_reason: "marked as not secure by disable_secure_uploads task", ) post_ids_to_rebake = DB.query_single( "SELECT DISTINCT target_id FROM upload_references WHERE upload_id IN (?) AND target_type = 'Post'", secure_upload_ids, ) adjust_acls(secure_upload_ids) post_rebake_errors = rebake_upload_posts(post_ids_to_rebake) log_rebake_errors(post_rebake_errors) puts "", "Rebaking and uploading complete!", "" end puts "", "Secure uploads are now disabled!", "" end ## # Run this task whenever the secure_uploads or login_required # settings are changed for a Discourse instance to update # the upload secure flag and S3 upload ACLs. Any uploads that # have their secure status changed will have all associated posts # rebaked. # # TODO (martin) Update this rake task to use the _first_ UploadReference # record for each upload to determine security, and do not mark things # as secure if the first record is something public e.g. a site setting. task "uploads:secure_upload_analyse_and_update" => :environment do RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do |db| unless Discourse.store.external? puts "This task only works for external storage." exit 1 end puts "Analyzing security for uploads in #{db}...", "" all_upload_ids_changed, post_ids_to_rebake = nil Upload.transaction do # If secure upload is enabled we need to first set the access control post of # all post uploads (even uploads that are linked to multiple posts). If the # upload is not set to secure upload then this has no other effect on the upload, # but we _must_ know what the access control post is because the with_secure_uploads? # method is on the post, and this knows about the category security & PM status update_uploads_access_control_post if SiteSetting.secure_uploads? puts "", "Analysing which uploads need to be marked secure and be rebaked.", "" if SiteSetting.login_required? # Simply mark all uploads linked to posts secure if login_required because no anons will be able to access them. post_ids_to_rebake, all_upload_ids_changed = mark_all_as_secure_login_required else # Otherwise only mark uploads linked to posts in secure categories or PMs as secure. post_ids_to_rebake, all_upload_ids_changed = update_specific_upload_security_no_login_required end end # Enqueue rebakes AFTER upload transaction complete, so there is no race condition # between updating the DB and the rebakes occurring. post_rebake_errors = rebake_upload_posts(post_ids_to_rebake) log_rebake_errors(post_rebake_errors) # Also do this AFTER upload transaction complete so we don't end up with any # errors leaving ACLs in a bad state (the ACL sync task can be run to fix any # outliers at any time). adjust_acls(all_upload_ids_changed) end puts "", "", "Done!" end def adjust_acls(upload_ids_to_adjust_acl_for) jobs_to_create = (upload_ids_to_adjust_acl_for.count.to_f / 100.00).ceil if jobs_to_create > 1 puts "Adjusting ACLs for #{upload_ids_to_adjust_acl_for} uploads. These will be batched across #{jobs_to_create} sync job(s)." end upload_ids_to_adjust_acl_for.each_slice(100) do |upload_ids| Jobs.enqueue(:sync_acls_for_uploads, upload_ids: upload_ids) end puts "ACL batching complete. Keep an eye on the Sidekiq queue for progress." if jobs_to_create > 1 end def mark_all_as_secure_login_required post_upload_ids_marked_secure = DB.query_single(<<~SQL) WITH upl AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (upload_id) upload_id FROM upload_references INNER JOIN posts ON posts.id = upload_references.target_id AND upload_references.target_type = 'Post' INNER JOIN topics ON topics.id = posts.topic_id ) UPDATE uploads SET secure = true, security_last_changed_reason = 'upload security rake task mark as secure', security_last_changed_at = NOW() FROM upl WHERE uploads.id = upl.upload_id AND NOT uploads.secure RETURNING uploads.id SQL puts "Marked #{post_upload_ids_marked_secure.count} upload(s) as secure because login_required is true.", "" upload_ids_marked_not_secure = DB.query_single(<<~SQL, post_upload_ids_marked_secure) UPDATE uploads SET secure = false, security_last_changed_reason = 'upload security rake task mark as not secure', security_last_changed_at = NOW() WHERE id NOT IN (?) AND uploads.secure RETURNING uploads.id SQL puts "Marked #{upload_ids_marked_not_secure.count} upload(s) as not secure because they are not linked to posts.", "" puts "Finished marking upload(s) as secure." post_ids_to_rebake = DB.query_single( "SELECT DISTINCT target_id FROM upload_references WHERE upload_id IN (?) AND target_type = 'Post'", post_upload_ids_marked_secure, ) [post_ids_to_rebake, (post_upload_ids_marked_secure + upload_ids_marked_not_secure).uniq] end def log_rebake_errors(rebake_errors) return if rebake_errors.empty? puts "The following post rebakes failed with error:", "" rebake_errors.each { |message| puts message } end def update_specific_upload_security_no_login_required # A simplification of the rules found in UploadSecurity which is a lot faster than # having to loop through records and use that class to check security. post_upload_ids_marked_secure = DB.query_single(<<~SQL) WITH upl AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (upload_id) upload_id FROM upload_references INNER JOIN posts ON posts.id = upload_references.target_id AND upload_references.target_type = 'Post' INNER JOIN topics ON topics.id = posts.topic_id LEFT JOIN categories ON categories.id = topics.category_id WHERE (topics.category_id IS NOT NULL AND categories.read_restricted) OR (topics.archetype = 'private_message') ) UPDATE uploads SET secure = true, security_last_changed_reason = 'upload security rake task mark as secure', security_last_changed_at = NOW() FROM upl WHERE uploads.id = upl.upload_id AND NOT uploads.secure RETURNING uploads.id SQL puts "Marked #{post_upload_ids_marked_secure.length} uploads as secure." # Anything in a public category or a regular topic should not be secure. post_upload_ids_marked_not_secure = DB.query_single(<<~SQL) WITH upl AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (upload_id) upload_id FROM upload_references INNER JOIN posts ON posts.id = upload_references.target_id AND upload_references.target_type = 'Post' INNER JOIN topics ON topics.id = posts.topic_id LEFT JOIN categories ON categories.id = topics.category_id WHERE (topics.archetype = 'regular' AND topics.category_id IS NOT NULL AND NOT categories.read_restricted) OR (topics.archetype = 'regular' AND topics.category_id IS NULL) ) UPDATE uploads SET secure = false, security_last_changed_reason = 'upload security rake task mark as not secure', security_last_changed_at = NOW() FROM upl WHERE uploads.id = upl.upload_id AND uploads.secure RETURNING uploads.id SQL puts "Marked #{post_upload_ids_marked_not_secure.length} uploads as not secure." # Everything else should not be secure! upload_ids_changed = (post_upload_ids_marked_secure + post_upload_ids_marked_not_secure).uniq upload_ids_marked_not_secure = DB.query_single(<<~SQL, upload_ids_changed) UPDATE uploads SET secure = false, security_last_changed_reason = 'upload security rake task mark as not secure', security_last_changed_at = NOW() WHERE id NOT IN (?) AND uploads.secure RETURNING uploads.id SQL puts "Finished updating upload security. Marked #{upload_ids_marked_not_secure.length} uploads not linked to posts as not secure." all_upload_ids_changed = (upload_ids_changed + upload_ids_marked_not_secure).uniq post_ids_to_rebake = DB.query_single( "SELECT DISTINCT target_id FROM upload_references WHERE upload_id IN (?) AND target_type = 'Post'", upload_ids_changed, ) [post_ids_to_rebake, all_upload_ids_changed] end def update_uploads_access_control_post DB.exec(<<~SQL) WITH upl AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (upload_id) upload_id, target_id AS post_id FROM upload_references WHERE target_type = 'Post' ORDER BY upload_id, target_id ) UPDATE uploads SET access_control_post_id = upl.post_id FROM upl WHERE uploads.id = upl.upload_id SQL end def rebake_upload_posts(post_ids_to_rebake) posts_to_rebake = Post.where(id: post_ids_to_rebake) post_rebake_errors = [] puts "", "Rebaking #{posts_to_rebake.length} posts with affected uploads.", "" begin i = 0 posts_to_rebake.each do |post| RakeHelpers.print_status_with_label("Rebaking posts.....", i, posts_to_rebake.length) post.rebake! i += 1 end RakeHelpers.print_status_with_label("Rebaking complete! ", i, posts_to_rebake.length) puts "" rescue => e post_rebake_errors << e.message end post_rebake_errors end def inline_uploads(post) replaced = false original_raw = post.raw post.raw = post .raw .gsub(%r{(\((/uploads\S+).*\))}) do upload = Upload.find_by(url: $2) if !upload data = Upload.extract_url($2) if data && sha1 = data[2] upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: sha1) if !upload sha_map = JSON.parse(post.custom_fields["UPLOAD_SHA1_MAP"] || "{}") if mapped_sha = sha_map[sha1] upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: mapped_sha) end end end end result = $1 if upload&.id result.sub!($2, upload.short_url) replaced = true else puts "Upload not found #{$2} in Post #{post.id} - #{post.url}" end result end if replaced puts "Corrected image urls in #{post.full_url} raw backup stored in custom field" post.custom_fields["BACKUP_POST_RAW"] = original_raw post.save_custom_fields post.save!(validate: false) post.rebake! end end def inline_img_tags(post) replaced = false original_raw = post.raw post.raw = post .raw .gsub(%r{()}i) do next if $2.include?("..") upload = Upload.find_by(url: $2) if !upload data = Upload.extract_url($2) if data && sha1 = data[2] upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: sha1) end end if !upload local_file = File.join(Rails.root, "public", $2) if File.exist?(local_file) File.open(local_file) do |f| upload = UploadCreator.new(f, "image").create_for(post.user_id) end end end if upload replaced = true "![image](#{upload.short_url})" else puts "skipping missing upload in #{post.full_url} #{$1}" $1 end end if replaced puts "Corrected image urls in #{post.full_url} raw backup stored in custom field" post.custom_fields["BACKUP_POST_RAW"] = original_raw post.save_custom_fields post.save!(validate: false) post.rebake! end end def fix_relative_links Post.where("raw like ?", "%](/uploads%").find_each { |post| inline_uploads(post) } Post.where("raw ilike ?", "%%").find_each { |post| inline_img_tags(post) } end task "uploads:fix_relative_upload_links" => :environment do if RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db != "default" fix_relative_links else RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection { fix_relative_links } end end def analyze_missing_s3 puts "List of posts with missing images:" sql = <<~SQL SELECT ur.target_id, u.url, u.sha1, u.extension, u.id FROM upload_references ur RIGHT JOIN uploads u ON u.id = ur.upload_id WHERE ur.target_type = 'Post' AND u.verification_status = :invalid_etag ORDER BY ur.created_at SQL lookup = {} other = [] all = [] DB .query(sql, invalid_etag: Upload.verification_statuses[:invalid_etag]) .each do |r| all << r if r.target_id lookup[r.target_id] ||= [] lookup[r.target_id] << [r.url, r.sha1, r.extension] else other << r end end posts = Post.where(id: lookup.keys) posts .order(:created_at) .each do |post| puts "#{Discourse.base_url}/p/#{post.id} #{lookup[post.id].length} missing, #{post.created_at}" lookup[post.id].each do |url, sha1, extension| puts url puts "#{Upload.base62_sha1(sha1)}.#{extension}" end puts end missing_uploads = Upload.where(verification_status: Upload.verification_statuses[:invalid_etag]) puts "Total missing uploads: #{missing_uploads.count}, newest is #{missing_uploads.maximum(:created_at)}" puts "Total problem posts: #{lookup.keys.count} with #{lookup.values.sum { |a| a.length }} missing uploads" puts "Other missing uploads count: #{other.count}" if all.count > 0 ids = all.map { |r| r.id } lookups = [ %i[upload_references upload_id], %i[users uploaded_avatar_id], %i[user_avatars gravatar_upload_id], %i[user_avatars custom_upload_id], [ :site_settings, [ "NULLIF(value, '')::integer", "data_type = #{SiteSettings::TypeSupervisor.types[:upload].to_i}", ], ], %i[user_profiles profile_background_upload_id], %i[user_profiles card_background_upload_id], %i[categories uploaded_logo_id], %i[categories uploaded_logo_dark_id], %i[categories uploaded_background_id], %i[custom_emojis upload_id], %i[theme_fields upload_id], %i[user_exports upload_id], %i[groups flair_upload_id], ] lookups.each do |table, (column, where)| count = DB.query_single(<<~SQL, ids: ids).first SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{table} WHERE #{column} IN (:ids) #{"AND #{where}" if where} SQL puts "Found #{count} missing row#{"s" if count > 1} in #{table}(#{column})" if count > 0 end end end def delete_missing_s3 missing = Upload.where(verification_status: Upload.verification_statuses[:invalid_etag]).order( :created_at, ) count = missing.count if count > 0 puts "The following uploads will be deleted from the database" missing.each { |upload| puts "#{upload.id} - #{upload.url} - #{upload.created_at}" } puts "Please confirm you wish to delete #{count} upload records by typing YES" confirm = STDIN.gets.strip if confirm == "YES" missing.destroy_all puts "#{count} records were deleted" else STDERR.puts "Aborting" exit 1 end end end task "uploads:delete_missing_s3" => :environment do if RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db != "default" delete_missing_s3 else RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection { delete_missing_s3 } end end task "uploads:analyze_missing_s3" => :environment do if RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db != "default" analyze_missing_s3 else RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection { analyze_missing_s3 } end end def fix_missing_s3 Jobs.run_immediately! puts "Attempting to download missing uploads and recreate" ids = Upload.where(verification_status: Upload.verification_statuses[:invalid_etag]).pluck(:id) ids.each do |id| upload = Upload.find_by(id: id) next if !upload tempfile = nil downloaded_from = nil begin tempfile = FileHelper.download( upload.url, max_file_size: 30.megabyte, tmp_file_name: "#{SecureRandom.hex}.#{upload.extension}", ) downloaded_from = upload.url rescue => e if upload.origin.present? begin tempfile = FileHelper.download( upload.origin, max_file_size: 30.megabyte, tmp_file_name: "#{SecureRandom.hex}.#{upload.extension}", ) downloaded_from = upload.origin rescue => e puts "Failed to download #{upload.origin} #{e}" end else puts "Failed to download #{upload.url} #{e}" end end if tempfile puts "Successfully downloaded upload id: #{upload.id} - #{downloaded_from} fixing upload" fixed_upload = nil fix_error = nil Upload.transaction do begin upload.update_column(:sha1, SecureRandom.hex) fixed_upload = UploadCreator.new( tempfile, "temp.#{upload.extension}", skip_validations: true, ).create_for(Discourse.system_user.id) rescue => fix_error # invalid extension is the most common issue end raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end if fix_error puts "Failed to fix upload #{fix_error}" else # we do not fix sha, it may be wrong for arbitrary reasons, if we correct it # we may end up breaking posts save_error = nil begin upload.assign_attributes( etag: fixed_upload.etag, url: fixed_upload.url, verification_status: Upload.verification_statuses[:unchecked], ) upload.save!(validate: false) rescue => save_error # url might be null end if save_error puts "Failed to save upload #{save_error}" else OptimizedImage.where(upload_id: upload.id).destroy_all rebake_ids = UploadReference.where(upload_id: upload.id).where(target_type: "Post").pluck(:target_id) if rebake_ids.present? Post .where(id: rebake_ids) .each do |post| puts "rebake post #{post.id}" post.rebake! end end end end end end puts "Attempting to automatically fix problem uploads" puts puts "Rebaking posts with missing uploads, this can take a while as all rebaking runs inline" sql = <<~SQL SELECT ur.target_id FROM upload_references ur JOIN uploads u ON u.id = ur.upload_id WHERE ur.target_type = 'Post' AND u.verification_status = :invalid_etag ORDER BY ur.target_id DESC SQL DB .query_single(sql, invalid_etag: Upload.verification_statuses[:invalid_etag]) .each do |post_id| post = Post.find_by(id: post_id) if post post.rebake! print "." else puts "Skipping #{post_id} since it is deleted" end end puts end task "uploads:fix_missing_s3" => :environment do if RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db != "default" fix_missing_s3 else RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection { fix_missing_s3 } end end # Supported ENV arguments: # # VERBOSE=1 # Shows debug information. # # INTERACTIVE=1 # Shows debug information and pauses for input on issues. # # WORKER_ID/WORKER_COUNT # When running the script on a single forum in multiple terminals. # For example, if you want 4 concurrent scripts use WORKER_COUNT=4 # and WORKER_ID from 0 to 3. # # START_ID # Skip uploads with id lower than START_ID. task "uploads:downsize" => :environment do min_image_pixels = 500_000 # 0.5 megapixels default_image_pixels = 1_000_000 # 1 megapixel max_image_pixels = [ARGV[0]&.to_i || default_image_pixels, min_image_pixels].max ENV["VERBOSE"] = "1" if ENV["INTERACTIVE"] def log(*args) puts(*args) if ENV["VERBOSE"] end puts "", "Downsizing images to no more than #{max_image_pixels} pixels" dimensions_count = 0 downsized_count = 0 scope = Upload.by_users.with_no_non_post_relations.where( "LOWER(extension) IN ('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png')", ) scope = scope.where(<<-SQL, max_image_pixels) COALESCE(width, 0) = 0 OR COALESCE(height, 0) = 0 OR COALESCE(thumbnail_width, 0) = 0 OR COALESCE(thumbnail_height, 0) = 0 OR width * height > ? SQL if ENV["WORKER_ID"] && ENV["WORKER_COUNT"] scope = scope.where("uploads.id % ? = ?", ENV["WORKER_COUNT"], ENV["WORKER_ID"]) end scope = scope.where("uploads.id >= ?", ENV["START_ID"]) if ENV["START_ID"] skipped = 0 total_count = scope.count puts "Uploads to process: #{total_count}" scope.find_each.with_index do |upload, index| progress = (index * 100.0 / total_count).round(1) log "\n" print "\r#{progress}% Fixed dimensions: #{dimensions_count} Downsized: #{downsized_count} Skipped: #{skipped} (upload id: #{upload.id})" log "\n" path = if upload.local? Discourse.store.path_for(upload) else ( begin Discourse.store.download(upload, max_file_size_kb: 100.megabytes) rescue StandardError nil end )&.path end unless path log "No image path" skipped += 1 next end begin w, h = FastImage.size(path, raise_on_failure: true) rescue FastImage::UnknownImageType log "Unknown image type" skipped += 1 next rescue FastImage::SizeNotFound log "Size not found" skipped += 1 next end if !w || !h log "Invalid image dimensions" skipped += 1 next end ww, hh = ImageSizer.resize(w, h) if w == 0 || h == 0 || ww == 0 || hh == 0 log "Invalid image dimensions" skipped += 1 next end upload.attributes = { width: w, height: h, thumbnail_width: ww, thumbnail_height: hh, filesize: File.size(path), } if upload.changed? log "Correcting the upload dimensions" log "Before: #{upload.width_was}x#{upload.height_was} #{upload.thumbnail_width_was}x#{upload.thumbnail_height_was} (#{upload.filesize_was})" log "After: #{w}x#{h} #{ww}x#{hh} (#{upload.filesize})" dimensions_count += 1 # Don't validate the size - max image size setting might have # changed since the file was uploaded, so this could fail upload.validate_file_size = false upload.save! end if w * h < max_image_pixels log "Image size within allowed range" skipped += 1 next end result = ShrinkUploadedImage.new( upload: upload, path: path, max_pixels: max_image_pixels, verbose: ENV["VERBOSE"], interactive: ENV["INTERACTIVE"], ).perform if result downsized_count += 1 else skipped += 1 end end STDIN.beep puts "", "Done", Time.zone.now end