module Jobs def self.queued end def self.last_job_performed_at Sidekiq.redis do |r| int = r.get('last_job_perform_at') int ? : nil end end def self.num_email_retry_jobs { |job| job.klass =~ /Email$/ } end class Base class JobInstrumenter def initialize(job_class:, opts:, db:) return unless enabled? @data = {} @data["hostname"] = `hostname`.strip # Hostname @data["pid"] = # Pid @data["database"] = db # DB name - multisite db name it ran on @data["job_name"] = # Job Name - eg: Jobs::AboutStats @data["job_type"] = job_class.try(:scheduled?) ? "scheduled" : "regular" # Job Type - either s for scheduled or r for regular @data["opts"] = opts.to_json # Params - json encoded params for the job @data["status"] = 'pending' @start_timestamp = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) self.class.ensure_interval_logging! @@active_jobs ||= [] @@active_jobs << self MethodProfiler.ensure_discourse_instrumentation! MethodProfiler.start end def stop(exception:) return unless enabled? profile = MethodProfiler.stop @@active_jobs.delete(self) @data["duration"] = profile[:total_duration] # Duration - length in seconds it took to run @data["sql_duration"] = profile.dig(:sql, :duration) || 0 # Sql Duration (s) @data["sql_calls"] = profile.dig(:sql, :calls) || 0 # Sql Statements - how many statements ran @data["redis_duration"] = profile.dig(:redis, :duration) || 0 # Redis Duration (s) @data["redis_calls"] = profile.dig(:redis, :calls) || 0 # Redis commands @data["net_duration"] = profile.dig(:net, :duration) || 0 # Redis Duration (s) @data["net_calls"] = profile.dig(:net, :calls) || 0 # Redis commands if exception.present? @data["exception"] = exception # Exception - if job fails a json encoded exception @data["status"] = 'failed' else @data["status"] = 'success' # Status - fail, success, pending end write_to_log end def self.raw_log(message) @@logger ||="#{Rails.root}/log/sidekiq.log") @@log_queue ||= unless @log_thread&.alive? @@log_thread = do begin loop { @@logger << @@log_queue.pop } rescue Exception => e Discourse.warn_exception(e, message: "Sidekiq logging thread terminated unexpectedly") end end end @@log_queue.push(message) end def current_duration Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - @start_timestamp end def write_to_log return unless enabled? @data["@timestamp"] = @data["duration"] = current_duration if @data["status"] == "pending" self.class.raw_log("#{@data.to_json}\n") end def enabled? ENV["DISCOURSE_LOG_SIDEKIQ"] == "1" end def self.ensure_interval_logging! interval = ENV["DISCOURSE_LOG_SIDEKIQ_INTERVAL"] return if !interval @@interval_thread ||= do begin loop do sleep interval.to_i @@active_jobs.each { |j| j.write_to_log if j.current_duration > interval } end rescue Exception => e Discourse.warn_exception(e, message: "Sidekiq interval logging thread terminated unexpectedly") end end end end include Sidekiq::Worker def log(*args) args.each do |arg| "#{}: [#{}] #{arg}" end true end # Construct an error context object for Discourse.handle_exception # Subclasses are encouraged to use this! # # `opts` is the arguments passed to execute(). # `code_desc` is a short string describing what the code was doing (optional). # `extra` is for any other context you logged. # Note that, when building your `extra`, that :opts, :job, and :code are used by this method, # and :current_db and :current_hostname are used by handle_exception. def error_context(opts, code_desc = nil, extra = {}) ctx = {} ctx[:opts] = opts ctx[:job] = self.class ctx[:message] = code_desc if code_desc ctx.merge!(extra) if extra != nil ctx end def self.delayed_perform(opts = {}) end def execute(opts = {}) raise "Overwrite me!" end def last_db_duration @db_duration || 0 end def perform(*args) opts = args.extract_options!.with_indifferent_access if SiteSetting.queue_jobs? Sidekiq.redis do |r| r.set('last_job_perform_at', end end if opts.delete(:sync_exec) if opts.has_key?(:current_site_id) && opts[:current_site_id] != RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db raise"You can't connect to another database when executing a job synchronously.") else begin retval = execute(opts) rescue => exc Discourse.handle_job_exception(exc, error_context(opts)) end return retval end end dbs = if opts[:current_site_id] [opts[:current_site_id]] else RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.all_dbs end exceptions = [] dbs.each do |db| begin exception = {} RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.with_connection(db) do job_instrumenter = self.class, opts: opts, db: db) begin I18n.locale = SiteSetting.default_locale || "en" I18n.ensure_all_loaded! begin logster_env = {} Logster.add_to_env(logster_env, :job, self.class.to_s) Logster.add_to_env(logster_env, :db, db) Thread.current[Logster::Logger::LOGSTER_ENV] = logster_env execute(opts) rescue => e exception[:ex] = e exception[:other] = { problem_db: db } end rescue => e exception[:ex] = e exception[:message] = "While establishing database connection to #{db}" exception[:other] = { problem_db: db } ensure job_instrumenter.stop(exception: exception) end end exceptions << exception unless exception.empty? end end Thread.current[Logster::Logger::LOGSTER_ENV] = nil if exceptions.length > 0 exceptions.each do |exception_hash| Discourse.handle_job_exception(exception_hash[:ex], error_context(opts, exception_hash[:code], exception_hash[:other])) end raise[0][:ex]) end nil ensure ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.clear_active_connections! end end class HandledExceptionWrapper < StandardError attr_accessor :wrapped def initialize(ex) super("Wrapped #{ex.class}: #{ex.message}") @wrapped = ex end end class Scheduled < Base extend MiniScheduler::Schedule def perform(*args) if (Jobs::Heartbeat === self) || !Discourse.readonly_mode? super end end end def self.enqueue(job_name, opts = {}) klass = "Jobs::#{job_name.to_s.camelcase}".constantize # Unless we want to work on all sites unless opts.delete(:all_sites) opts[:current_site_id] ||= RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db end # If we are able to queue a job, do it if SiteSetting.queue_jobs? hash = { 'class' => klass, 'args' => [opts] } if delay = opts.delete(:delay_for) if delay.to_f > 0 hash['at'] = + delay.to_f end end if queue = opts.delete(:queue) hash['queue'] = queue end klass.client_push(hash) else # Otherwise execute the job right away opts.delete(:delay_for) opts.delete(:queue) opts[:sync_exec] = true if Rails.env == "development" Scheduler::Defer.later("job") do end else end end end def self.enqueue_in(secs, job_name, opts = {}) enqueue(job_name, opts.merge!(delay_for: secs)) end def self.enqueue_at(datetime, job_name, opts = {}) secs = [(datetime -, 0].max enqueue_in(secs, job_name, opts) end def self.cancel_scheduled_job(job_name, opts = {}) scheduled_for(job_name, opts).each(&:delete) end def self.scheduled_for(job_name, opts = {}) opts = opts.with_indifferent_access unless opts.delete(:all_sites) opts[:current_site_id] ||= RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db end job_class = "Jobs::#{job_name.to_s.camelcase}" do |scheduled_job| if scheduled_job.klass.to_s == job_class matched = true job_params = scheduled_job.item["args"][0].with_indifferent_access opts.each do |key, value| if job_params[key] != value matched = false break end end matched else false end end end end Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/jobs/onceoff/*.rb"].each { |file| require_dependency file } Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/jobs/regular/*.rb"].each { |file| require_dependency file } Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/jobs/scheduled/*.rb"].each { |file| require_dependency file }