#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # This script will promote post_migrate files # which have existed for more than one Discourse # stable version cycle. # # Renames will be staged in git, but not committed # # Usage: # script/promote_migrations [--dry-run] [--plugins] require 'open3' require 'fileutils' VERSION_REGEX = %r{\/(\d+)_} DRY_RUN = !!ARGV.delete('--dry-run') PLUGINS = false if i = ARGV.find_index('--plugins-base') ARGV.delete_at(i) PLUGINS = true PLUGINS_BASE = ARGV.delete_at(i) elsif ARGV.delete('--plugins') PLUGINS = true PLUGINS_BASE = 'plugins' end raise "Unknown arguments: #{ARGV.join(', ')}" if ARGV.length > 0 def run(*args, capture: true) out, s = Open3.capture2(*args) if s.exitstatus != 0 STDERR.puts "Command failed: '#{args.join(' ')}'" exit 1 end out.strip end current_version = run 'git describe --abbrev=0 --match "v*"' puts "Current version is #{current_version}" run 'git fetch' current_stable_version = run 'git describe --abbrev=0 --match "v*" origin/stable' puts "Current stable version is #{current_stable_version}" minor = current_stable_version[/^(v\d+\.\d+)\./, 1] previous_stable_version = "#{minor}.0" puts "Previous stable version is #{previous_stable_version}" stable_post_migrate_filenames = run( 'git', 'ls-tree', '--name-only', '-r', previous_stable_version, 'db/post_migrate' ).split("\n") stable_post_migrate_filenames.sort! latest_stable_post_migration = stable_post_migrate_filenames.last puts "The latest core post_migrate file in #{previous_stable_version} is #{latest_stable_post_migration}" puts 'Promoting this, and all earlier post_migrates, to regular migrations' promote_threshold = latest_stable_post_migration[VERSION_REGEX, 1].to_i current_post_migrations = if PLUGINS puts 'Looking in plugins...' Dir.glob("#{PLUGINS_BASE}/**/db/post_migrate/*") else Dir.glob('db/post_migrate/*') end if current_post_migrations.length == 0 puts 'No post_migrate files found. All done' end current_post_migrations.each do |path| version = path[VERSION_REGEX, 1].to_i file = File.basename(path) dir = File.dirname(path) if version <= promote_threshold print "Promoting #{path}..." if DRY_RUN puts ' (dry run)' else run 'mkdir', '-p', "#{dir}/../migrate" run 'git', '-C', dir, 'mv', file, "../migrate/#{file}" puts ' (done)' end end end puts 'Done! File moves are staged and ready for commit.' puts 'Suggested commit message:' puts '-' * 20 puts <<~TEXT DEV: Promote historic post_deploy migrations This commit promotes all post_deploy migrations which existed in Discourse #{previous_stable_version} (timestamp <= #{promote_threshold}) TEXT puts '-' * 20