import discourseComputed, { on } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import Component from "@ember/component"; import I18n from "I18n"; import ScreenedIpAddress from "admin/models/screened-ip-address"; import bootbox from "bootbox"; import { schedule } from "@ember/runloop"; /** A form to create an IP address that will be blocked or allowed. Example usage: {{screened-ip-address-form action=(action "recordAdded")}} where action is a callback on the controller or route that will get called after the new record is successfully saved. It is called with the new ScreenedIpAddress record as an argument. **/ export default Component.extend({ classNames: ["screened-ip-address-form"], formSubmitted: false, actionName: "block", @discourseComputed("siteSettings.use_admin_ip_allowlist") actionNames(adminAllowlistEnabled) { if (adminAllowlistEnabled) { return [ { id: "block", name: I18n.t("admin.logs.screened_ips.actions.block") }, { id: "do_nothing", name: I18n.t("admin.logs.screened_ips.actions.do_nothing"), }, { id: "allow_admin", name: I18n.t("admin.logs.screened_ips.actions.allow_admin"), }, ]; } else { return [ { id: "block", name: I18n.t("admin.logs.screened_ips.actions.block") }, { id: "do_nothing", name: I18n.t("admin.logs.screened_ips.actions.do_nothing"), }, ]; } }, actions: { submit() { if (!this.formSubmitted) { this.set("formSubmitted", true); const screenedIpAddress = ScreenedIpAddress.create({ ip_address: this.ip_address, action_name: this.actionName, }); screenedIpAddress .save() .then((result) => { this.setProperties({ ip_address: "", formSubmitted: false }); this.action(ScreenedIpAddress.create(result.screened_ip_address)); schedule("afterRender", () => this.element.querySelector(".ip-address-input").focus() ); }) .catch((e) => { this.set("formSubmitted", false); const msg = e.jqXHR.responseJSON && e.jqXHR.responseJSON.errors ? I18n.t("generic_error_with_reason", { error: e.jqXHR.responseJSON.errors.join(". "), }) : I18n.t("generic_error"); bootbox.alert(msg, () => this.element.querySelector(".ip-address-input").focus() ); }); } }, }, @on("didInsertElement") _init() { schedule("afterRender", () => { $(this.element.querySelector(".ip-address-input")).keydown((e) => { if (e.keyCode === 13) { this.send("submit"); } }); }); }, });