require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") require 'mysql2' class ImportScripts::VBulletin < ImportScripts::Base DATABASE = "iref" BATCH_SIZE = 1000 def initialize super @client = host: "localhost", username: "root", database: DATABASE ) end def execute import_groups import_users import_categories import_topics import_posts close_topics end def import_groups puts "", "importing groups..." groups = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT usergroupid, title FROM usergroup ORDER BY usergroupid SQL create_groups(groups) do |group| { id: group["usergroupid"].to_i, name: group["title"] } end end def import_users puts "", "importing users" @old_username_to_new_usernames = {} user_count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(userid) count FROM user").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| users = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT userid, username, homepage, usertitle, usergroupid, joindate FROM user ORDER BY userid LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL break if users.size < 1 create_users(users, total: user_count, offset: offset) do |user| { id: user["userid"].to_i, username: user["username"], email: user["email"].presence || fake_email, website: user["homepage"], title: user["usertitle"], primary_group_id: group_id_from_imported_group_id(user["usergroupid"]), created_at:["joindate"].to_i), post_create_action: proc do |u| @old_username_to_new_usernames[user["username"]] = u.username end } end end end def import_categories puts "", "importing top level categories..." # TODO: deal with permissions top_level_categories = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT forumid, title, description, displayorder FROM forum WHERE parentid = -1 ORDER BY forumid SQL create_categories(top_level_categories) do |category| { id: category["forumid"].to_i, name: category["title"], position: category["displayorder"].to_i, description: category["description"] } end puts "", "importing children categories..." childen_categories = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT forumid, title, description, displayorder, parentid FROM forum WHERE parentid <> -1 ORDER BY forumid SQL create_categories(childen_categories) do |category| { id: category["forumid"].to_i, name: category["title"], position: category["displayorder"].to_i, description: category["description"].strip!, parent_category_id: category_from_imported_category_id(category["parentid"].to_i).try(:[], "id") } end end def import_topics puts "", "importing topics..." # keep track of closed topics @closed_topic_ids = [] topic_count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(threadid) count FROM thread").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| topics = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT t.threadid threadid, t.title title, forumid, open, postuserid, t.dateline dateline, views, t.visible visible, sticky, p.pagetext raw FROM thread t JOIN post p ON p.postid = t.firstpostid ORDER BY t.threadid LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL break if topics.size < 1 create_posts(topics, total: topic_count, offset: offset) do |topic| topic_id = "thread-#{topic["threadid"]}" @closed_topic_ids << topic_id if topic["open"] == "0" t = { id: topic_id, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(topic["postuserid"].to_i) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, title: CGI.unescapeHTML(topic["title"]).strip[0...255], category: category_from_imported_category_id(topic["forumid"].to_i).try(:name), raw: preprocess_post_raw(topic["raw"]), created_at:["dateline"].to_i), visible: topic["visible"].to_i == 1, views: topic["views"].to_i, } t[:pinned_at] = t[:created_at] if topic["sticky"].to_i == 1 t end end end def import_posts puts "", "importing posts..." post_count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(postid) count FROM post WHERE postid NOT IN (SELECT firstpostid FROM thread)").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| posts = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT postid, userid, threadid, pagetext raw, dateline, visible, parentid FROM post WHERE postid NOT IN (SELECT firstpostid FROM thread) ORDER BY postid LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset} SQL break if posts.size < 1 create_posts(posts, total: post_count, offset: offset) do |post| next unless topic = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("thread-#{post["threadid"]}") p = { id: post["postid"].to_i, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(post["userid"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, topic_id: topic[:topic_id], raw: preprocess_post_raw(post["raw"]), created_at:["dateline"].to_i), hidden: post["visible"].to_i == 0, } if parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(post["parentid"]) p[:reply_to_post_number] = parent[:post_number] end p end end end def close_topics puts "", "Closing topics..." sql = <<-SQL WITH closed_topic_ids AS ( SELECT AS topic_id FROM post_custom_fields pcf JOIN posts p ON = pcf.post_id JOIN topics t ON = p.topic_id WHERE = 'import_id' AND pcf.value IN (?) ) UPDATE topics SET closed = true WHERE id IN (SELECT topic_id FROM closed_topic_ids) SQL Topic.exec_sql(sql, @closed_topic_ids) end def preprocess_post_raw(raw) return "" if raw.blank? raw = raw.gsub(/(\\r)?\\n/, "\n") .gsub("\\t", "\t") # remove attachments raw = raw.gsub(/\[attach[^\]]*\]\d+\[\/attach\]/i, "") # [HTML]...[/HTML] raw = raw.gsub(/\[html\]/i, "\n```html\n") .gsub(/\[\/html\]/i, "\n```\n") # [PHP]...[/PHP] raw = raw.gsub(/\[php\]/i, "\n```php\n") .gsub(/\[\/php\]/i, "\n```\n") # [HIGHLIGHT="..."] raw = raw.gsub(/\[highlight="?(\w+)"?\]/i) { "\n```#{$1.downcase}\n" } # [CODE]...[/CODE] # [HIGHLIGHT]...[/HIGHLIGHT] raw = raw.gsub(/\[\/?code\]/i, "\n```\n") .gsub(/\[\/?highlight\]/i, "\n```\n") # [SAMP]...[/SAMP] raw = raw.gsub(/\[\/?samp\]/i, "`") # replace all chevrons with HTML entities # NOTE: must be done # - AFTER all the "code" processing # - BEFORE the "quote" processing raw = raw.gsub(/`([^`]+)`/im) { "`" + $1.gsub("<", "\u2603") + "`" } .gsub("<", "<") .gsub("\u2603", "<") raw = raw.gsub(/`([^`]+)`/im) { "`" + $1.gsub(">", "\u2603") + "`" } .gsub(">", ">") .gsub("\u2603", ">") # [URL=...]...[/URL] raw = raw.gsub(/\[url="?(.+?)"?\](.+)\[\/url\]/i) { "[#{$2}](#{$1})" } # [URL]...[/URL] # [MP3]...[/MP3] raw = raw.gsub(/\[\/?url\]/i, "") .gsub(/\[\/?mp3\]/i, "") # [MENTION][/MENTION] raw = raw.gsub(/\[mention\](.+?)\[\/mention\]/i) do old_username = $1 if @old_username_to_new_usernames.has_key?(old_username) old_username = @old_username_to_new_usernames[old_username] end "@#{old_username}" end # [MENTION=][/MENTION] # raw = raw.gsub(/\[mention="?(\d+)"?\](.+?)\[\/mention\]/i) do # user_id, old_username = $1, $2 # if user = { |u| u[:userid] == user_id }.first # old_username = @old_username_to_new_usernames[user[:username]] || user[:username] # end # "@#{old_username}" # end # [QUOTE]...[/QUOTE] raw = raw.gsub(/\[quote\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/im) { "\n> #{$1}\n" } # [QUOTE=]...[/QUOTE] raw = raw.gsub(/\[quote=([^;\]]+)\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/im) do old_username, quote = $1, $2 if @old_username_to_new_usernames.has_key?(old_username) old_username = @old_username_to_new_usernames[old_username] end "\n[quote=\"#{old_username}\"]\n#{quote}\n[/quote]\n" end # [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] raw = raw.gsub(/\[youtube\](.+?)\[\/youtube\]/i) { "\n//{$1}\n" } # [VIDEO=youtube;]...[/VIDEO] raw = raw.gsub(/\[video=youtube;([^\]]+)\].*?\[\/video\]/i) { "\n//{$1}\n" } raw end def fake_email SecureRandom.hex << "" end def mysql_query(sql) @client.query(sql, cache_rows: false) end end