# frozen_string_literal: true require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__) # Supported ENV arguments: # # VERBOSE=1 # Shows debug information. # # INTERACTIVE=1 # Shows debug information and pauses for input on issues. # # WORKER_ID/WORKER_COUNT # When running the script on a single forum in multiple terminals. # For example, if you want 4 concurrent scripts use WORKER_COUNT=4 # and WORKER_ID from 0 to 3 MIN_IMAGE_PIXELS = 500_000 # 0.5 megapixels DEFAULT_IMAGE_PIXELS = 1_000_000 # 1 megapixel MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = [ ARGV[0]&.to_i || DEFAULT_IMAGE_PIXELS, MIN_IMAGE_PIXELS ].max ENV["VERBOSE"] = "1" if ENV["INTERACTIVE"] def log(*args) puts(*args) if ENV["VERBOSE"] end def process_uploads puts "", "Downsizing images to no more than #{MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS} pixels" dimensions_count = 0 downsized_count = 0 scope = Upload.by_users.where("LOWER(extension) IN ('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png')") scope = scope.where(<<-SQL, MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS) COALESCE(width, 0) = 0 OR COALESCE(height, 0) = 0 OR COALESCE(thumbnail_width, 0) = 0 OR COALESCE(thumbnail_height, 0) = 0 OR width * height > ? SQL if ENV["WORKER_ID"] && ENV["WORKER_COUNT"] scope = scope.where("id % ? = ?", ENV["WORKER_COUNT"], ENV["WORKER_ID"]) end skipped = 0 total_count = scope.count puts "Uploads to process: #{total_count}" scope.find_each.with_index do |upload, index| progress = (index * 100.0 / total_count).round(1) log "\n" print "\r#{progress}% Fixed dimensions: #{dimensions_count} Downsized: #{downsized_count} Skipped: #{skipped} (upload id: #{upload.id})" log "\n" path = if upload.local? Discourse.store.path_for(upload) else (Discourse.store.download(upload, max_file_size_kb: 100.megabytes) rescue nil)&.path end unless path log "No image path" skipped += 1 next end begin w, h = FastImage.size(path, raise_on_failure: true) rescue FastImage::UnknownImageType log "Unknown image type" skipped += 1 next rescue FastImage::SizeNotFound log "Size not found" skipped += 1 next end if !w || !h log "Invalid image dimensions" skipped += 1 next end ww, hh = ImageSizer.resize(w, h) if w == 0 || h == 0 || ww == 0 || hh == 0 log "Invalid image dimensions" skipped += 1 next end upload.attributes = { width: w, height: h, thumbnail_width: ww, thumbnail_height: hh, filesize: File.size(path) } if upload.changed? log "Correcting the upload dimensions" log "Before: #{upload.width_was}x#{upload.height_was} #{upload.thumbnail_width_was}x#{upload.thumbnail_height_was} (#{upload.filesize_was})" log "After: #{w}x#{h} #{ww}x#{hh} (#{upload.filesize})" dimensions_count += 1 upload.save! end if w * h < MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS log "Image size within allowed range" skipped += 1 next end result = ShrinkUploadedImage.new( upload: upload, path: path, max_pixels: MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS, verbose: ENV["VERBOSE"], interactive: ENV["INTERACTIVE"] ).perform if result downsized_count += 1 else skipped += 1 end end STDIN.beep puts "", "Done", Time.zone.now end process_uploads