class DraftController < ApplicationController requires_login skip_before_action :check_xhr, :preload_json def show seq = params[:sequence] || DraftSequence.current(current_user, params[:draft_key]) render json: { draft: Draft.get(current_user, params[:draft_key], seq), draft_sequence: seq } end def update Draft.set(current_user, params[:draft_key], params[:sequence].to_i, params[:data]) if data = JSON::parse(params[:data]) # this is a bit of a kludge we need to remove (all the parsing) too many special cases here # we need to catch action edit and action editSharedDraft if data["postId"].present? && data["originalText"].present? && data["action"].to_s.start_with?("edit") post = Post.find_by(id: data["postId"]) if post && post.raw != data["originalText"] conflict_user =, root: false) return render json: success_json.merge(conflict_user: conflict_user) end end end render json: success_json end def destroy Draft.clear(current_user, params[:draft_key], params[:sequence].to_i) render json: success_json end end