# encoding: utf-8 # This file contains content for the server portion of the poll plugin used by Ruby # # To work with us on translations, see: # https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/ # # This is a "source" file, which is used by Transifex to get translations for other languages. # After this file is changed, it needs to be pushed by a maintainer to Transifex: # # tx push -s # # Read more here: https://meta.discourse.org/t/contribute-a-translation-to-discourse/14882 # # To validate this YAML file after you change it, please paste it into # http://yamllint.com/ en: site_settings: poll_enabled: "Allow polls?" poll_maximum_options: "Maximum number of options allowed in a poll." poll_edit_window_mins: "Number of minutes after post creation during which polls can be edited." poll_minimum_trust_level_to_create: "Define the minimum trust level needed to create polls." poll: poll: "poll" invalid_argument: "Invalid value '%{value}' for argument '%{argument}'." multiple_polls_without_name: "There are multiple polls without a name. Use the 'name' attribute to uniquely identify your polls." multiple_polls_with_same_name: "There are multiple polls with the same name: %{name}. Use the 'name' attribute to uniquely identify your polls." default_poll_must_have_at_least_2_options: "Poll must have at least 2 options." named_poll_must_have_at_least_2_options: "Poll named %{name} must have at least 2 options." default_poll_must_have_less_options: one: "Poll must have less than %{count} option." other: "Poll must have less than %{count} options." named_poll_must_have_less_options: one: "Poll named %{name} must have less than %{count} option." other: "Poll named %{name} must have less than %{count} options." default_poll_must_have_different_options: "Poll must have different options." named_poll_must_have_different_options: "Poll named %{name} must have different options." default_poll_with_multiple_choices_has_invalid_parameters: "Poll with multiple choices has invalid parameters." named_poll_with_multiple_choices_has_invalid_parameters: "Poll named %{name} with multiple choice has invalid parameters." requires_at_least_1_valid_option: "You must select at least 1 valid option." edit_window_expired: cannot_edit_default_poll_with_votes: "You cannot change a poll after the first %{minutes} minutes." cannot_edit_named_poll_with_votes: "You cannot change the poll name ${name} after the first %{minutes} minutes." no_poll_with_this_name: "No poll named %{name} associated with this post." post_is_deleted: "Cannot act on a deleted post." user_cant_post_in_topic: "You can't vote because you can't post in this topic." topic_must_be_open_to_vote: "The topic must be open to vote." poll_must_be_open_to_vote: "Poll must be open to vote." topic_must_be_open_to_toggle_status: "The topic must be open to toggle status." only_staff_or_op_can_toggle_status: "Only a staff member or the original poster can toggle a poll status." insufficient_rights_to_create: "You are not allowed to create polls." email: link_to_poll: "Click to view the poll."