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synced 2025-03-09 14:34:35 +00:00
Introduce new patterns for direct sql that are safe and fast. MiniSql is not prone to memory bloat that can happen with direct PG usage. It also has an extremely fast materializer and very a convenient API - DB.exec(sql, *params) => runs sql returns row count - DB.query(sql, *params) => runs sql returns usable objects (not a hash) - DB.query_hash(sql, *params) => runs sql returns an array of hashes - DB.query_single(sql, *params) => runs sql and returns a flat one dimensional array - DB.build(sql) => returns a sql builder See more at: https://github.com/discourse/mini_sql
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class AddMetaCategory < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2]
def up
return if Rails.env.test?
I18n.overrides_disabled do
result = DB.exec "SELECT 1 FROM site_settings where name = 'meta_category_id'"
if result == 0
description = I18n.t('meta_category_description')
name = I18n.t('meta_category_name')
if DB.exec("SELECT 1 FROM categories where name ilike :name", name: name) == 0
result = DB.query_single "INSERT INTO categories
(name, color, text_color, created_at, updated_at, user_id, slug, description, read_restricted, position)
VALUES (:name, '808281', 'FFFFFF', now(), now(), -1, :slug, :description, true, 1)
RETURNING id", name: name, slug: '', description: description
category_id = result.first.to_i
DB.exec "UPDATE categories SET slug=:slug WHERE id=:category_id",
slug: Slug.for(name, "#{category_id}-category"), category_id: category_id
execute "INSERT INTO site_settings(name, data_type, value, created_at, updated_at)
VALUES ('meta_category_id', 3, #{category_id}, now(), now())"
def down
# Don't reverse this change. There is so much logic around deleting a category that it's messy
# to try to do in sql. The up method will just make sure never to create the category twice.