
456 lines
23 KiB
Raw Blame History

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discourse_narrative_bot_enabled: 'Enable Discourse Narrative Bot'
disable_discourse_narrative_bot_welcome_post: "Disable the welcome post by Discourse Narrative Bot"
discourse_narrative_bot_ignored_usernames: "Usernames that the Discourse Narrative Bot should ignore"
discourse_narrative_bot_disable_public_replies: "Disable public replies by Discourse Narrative Bot"
discourse_narrative_bot_welcome_post_type: "Type of welcome post that the Discourse Narrative Bot should send out"
discourse_narrative_bot_welcome_post_delay: "Wait (n) seconds before sending the Discourse Narrative Bot welcome post."
name: Certified
description: "Completed our new user tutorial"
long_description: |
This badge is granted upon successful completion of the interactive new user tutorial. Youve taken the initiative to learn the basic tools of discussion, and now you're certified!
name: Licensed
description: "Completed our advanced user tutorial"
long_description: |
This badge is granted upon successful completion of the interactive advanced user tutorial. Youve mastered the advanced tools of discussion — and now youre fully licensed!
bio: "Hi, Im not a real person. Im a bot that can teach you about this site. To interact with me, send me a message or mention **`@%{discobot_username}`** anywhere."
message: |-
Hey @%{username}, just checking in because I havent heard from you in a while.
- To continue, reply to me any time.
- If youd like to skip this step, say `%{skip_trigger}`.
- To start over, say `%{reset_trigger}`.
If youd rather not, thats OK too. Im a robot. You wont hurt my feelings. :sob:
trigger: "roll"
invalid: |-
Im sorry, it is mathematically impossible to roll that combination of dice. :confounded:
not_enough_dice: |-
I only have %{num_of_dice} dice. [Shameful](http://www.therobotsvoice.com/2009/04/the_10_most_shameful_rpg_dice.php), I know!
out_of_range: |-
Did you know that [the maximum number of sides](https://www.wired.com/2016/05/mathematical-challenge-of-designing-the-worlds-most-complex-120-sided-dice) for a mathematically fair die is 120?
results: |-
> :game_die: %{results}
trigger: "quote"
quote: "In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity"
author: "Albert Einstein"
quote: "Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err."
author: "Mahatma Gandhi"
quote: "Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened."
author: "Dr Seuss"
quote: "If you want something done right, do it yourself."
author: "Charles-Guillaume Étienne"
quote: "Believe you can and youre halfway there."
author: "Theodore Roosevelt"
quote: "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what youre gonna get."
author: "Forrest Gumps Mom"
quote: "Thats one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind."
author: "Neil Armstrong"
quote: "Do one thing every day that scares you."
author: "Eleanor Roosevelt"
quote: "Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them."
author: "Bruce Lee"
quote: "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
author: "Napoleon Hill"
results: |-
> :left_speech_bubble: _%{quote}_ — %{author}
trigger: 'fortune'
"1": "It is certain"
"2": "It is decidedly so"
"3": "Without a doubt"
"4": "Yes definitely"
"5": "You may rely on it"
"6": "As I see it, yes"
"7": "Most likely"
"8": "Outlook good"
"9": "Yes"
"10": "Signs point to yes"
"11": "Reply hazy try again"
"12": "Ask again later"
"13": "Better not tell you now"
"14": "Cannot predict now"
"15": "Concentrate and ask again"
"16": "Don't count on it"
"17": "My reply is no"
"18": "My sources say no"
"19": "Outlook not so good"
"20": "Very doubtful"
result: |-
> :crystal_ball: %{result}
reset_trigger: 'start'
skip_trigger: 'skip'
help_trigger: 'display help'
reply: |-
Hi! To find out what I can do, say `@%{discobot_username} %{help_trigger}`.
tracks: |-
I currently know how to do the following things:
`@%{discobot_username} %{reset_trigger} %{default_track}`
> Starts one of the following interactive narratives: %{tracks}.
bot_actions: |-
`@%{discobot_username} %{dice_trigger} 2d6`
> :game_die: 3, 6
`@%{discobot_username} %{quote_trigger}`
> :left_speech_bubble: _Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you_ — Princess Diana
`@%{discobot_username} %{magic_8_ball_trigger}`
> :crystal_ball: You may rely on it
first_response: |-
Hey, thanks for the reply!
Unfortunately, as a poorly programmed bot, I cant quite understand that one. :frowning:
You can try again, or if youd like to skip this step, say `%{skip_trigger}`. Otherwise, to start over, say `%{reset_trigger}`.
second_response: |-
Aw, sorry. Im still not getting it. :anguished:
Im just a bot, but if youd like to reach a real person, see [our contact page](/about).
In the meantime, Ill stay out of your way.
reset_trigger: "new user"
title: "New user narrative completetion certificate"
cert_title: "In recognition of successful completion of the new user tutorial"
title: ":robot: Greetings!"
message: |-
Thanks for joining %{title}, and welcome!
- Im only a robot, but [our friendly staff](/about) are also here to help if you need to reach a person.
- For safety reasons, we temporarily limit what new users can do. Youll gain new abilities (and [badges](/badges)) as we get to know you.
- We believe in [civilized community behavior](/guidelines) at all times.
instructions: |-
Next, can you share one of these links with me? Reply with **a link on a line by itself**, and itll automatically expand to include a nifty summary.
To copy a link, tap and hold on mobile, or right click your mouse:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inherently_funny_word
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_by_coconut
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculator_spelling
reply: |-
Cool! This will work for most <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-link.png" width="16" height="16"> links. Remember, it must be on a line _all by itself_, with nothing else in front, or behind.
not_found: |-
Sorry, I couldnt find the link in your reply! :cry:
Can you try adding the following link, on its own line, in your next reply?
instructions: |-
Heres a picture of a unicorn:
<img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/unicorn.png" width="520" height="520">
If you like it (and who wouldnt!) go ahead and press the like :heart: button below this post to let me know.
Can you **reply with a picture?** Any picture will do! Drag and drop, press the upload button, or even copy and paste it in.
reply: |-
Nifty picture I pressed the like :heart: button to let you know how much I appreciated it :heart_eyes:
like_not_found: |-
Did you forget to like :heart: my [post?](%{url}) :crying_cat_face:
not_found: |-
Looks like you didnt upload an image so Ive choosen a picture that Im _sure_ you will enjoy.
Try uploading that one next, or pasting the link in on a line by itself!
instructions: |-
Can you make some words **bold** or _italic_ in your reply?
- type `**bold**` or `_italic_`
- or, push the <kbd><b>B</b></kbd> or <kbd><i>I</i></kbd> buttons in the editor
reply: |-
Great job! HTML and BBCode also work for formatting to learn more, [try this tutorial](http://commonmark.org/help) :nerd:
not_found: |-
Aww, I didnt find any formatting in your reply. :pencil2:
Can you try again? Use the <kbd><b>B</b></kbd> bold or <kbd><i>I</i></kbd> italic buttons in the editor if you get stuck.
instructions: |-
Can you try quoting me when you reply, so I know exactly which part youre replying to?
> If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.
> One advantage of talking to yourself is that you know at least somebodys listening.
> Some people have a way with words, and other people… oh, uh, not have way.
Select the text of whichever &uarr; quote you prefer, and then press the **Quote** button that pops up over your selection or the **Reply** button at the bottom of this post.
Below the quote, type a word or two about why you picked that one, because Im curious :thinking:
reply: |-
Nice work, you picked my favorite quote! :left_speech_bubble:
not_found: |-
Hmm it looks like you didnt quote me in your reply?
Selecting any text in my post will bring up the <kbd>**Quote**</kbd> button. And pressing **Reply** with any text selected will work, too! Can you try again?
instructions: |-
If youd like to learn more, select <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-ellipsis.png" width="16" height="16"> below and <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-bookmark.png" width="16" height="16"> **bookmark this personal message**. If you do, there may be a :gift: in your future!
reply: |-
Excellent! Now you can easily find your way back to our private conversation any time, right from [the bookmarks tab on your profile](%{profile_page_url}/activity/bookmarks). Just select your profile picture at the upper right &#8599;
not_found: |-
Uh oh, I dont see any bookmarks in this topic. Did you find the bookmark under each post? Use the show more <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-ellipsis.png" width="16" height="16"> to reveal additional actions if needed.
instructions: |-
You may have seen me use little pictures in my replies :blue_car::dash: those are called [emoji](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emoji). Can you **add an emoji** to your reply? Any of these will work:
- Type `:) ;) :D :P :O`
- Type colon <kbd>:</kbd> then complete the emoji name `:tada:`
- Press the emoji button <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-smile.png" width="16" height="16"> in the editor, or on your mobile keyboard
reply: |-
Thats :sparkles: _emojitastic!_ :sparkles:
not_found: |-
Oops, I dont see any Emoji in your reply? Oh no! :sob:
Try typing a colon <kbd>:</kbd> to bring up the emoji picker, then type the first few letters of what you want, such as `:bird:`
Or, press the emoji button <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-smile.png" width="16" height="16"> in the editor.
(If you are on a mobile device, you can also enter Emoji directly from your keyboard, too.)
instructions: |-
Sometimes you might want to get a persons attention, even if you arent replying to them directly. Type `@` then complete their user name to mention them.
Can you mention **`@%{discobot_username}`** in your reply?
reply: |-
_Did someone say my name!?_ :raised_hand: I believe you did! :wave: Well, here I am! Thanks for mentioning me. :ok_hand:
not_found: |-
I dont see my name in there anywhere :frowning: Can you try mentioning me as `@%{discobot_username}` again?
(And yes, my user name is spelled _disco_, as in the 1970s dance craze. I do [love the nightlife!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_wGI3_sGf8) :dancer:)
instructions: |-
We like our discussions friendly, and we need your help to [keep things civilized](%{guidelines_url}). If you see a problem, please flag to privately let the author, or [our helpful staff](%{about_url}), know about it.
> :imp: I wrote something nasty here
I guess you know what to do. Go ahead and **flag this post** <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-flag.png" width="16" height="16"> as inappropriate!
reply: |-
[Our staff](/groups/staff) will be privately notified about your flag. If enough community members flag a post, it will also be automatically hidden as a precaution. (Since I didnt actually write a nasty post :angel:, Ive gone ahead and removed the flag for now.)
not_found: |-
Oh no, my nasty post hasnt been flagged yet. :worried: Can you flag it as inappropriate using the **flag** <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-flag.png" width="16" height="16">? Dont forget to use the show more button <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-ellipsis.png" width="16" height="16"> to reveal more actions for each post.
instructions: |-
_psst_ … Ive hidden a surprise in this topic. If youre up for the challenge, **select the search icon** <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-search.png" width="16" height="16"> at the top right &#8599; to search for it.
Try searching for the term "capy&#8203;bara" in this topic
hidden_message: |-
How did you miss this capybara? :wink:
<img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/capybara-eating.gif"/>
Did you notice youre now back at the beginning? Feed this poor hungry capybara by **replying with the `:herb:` emoji** and youll be automatically taken to the end.
reply: |-
Yay you found it :tada:
- For more detailed searches, head over to the [full search page](%{search_url}).
- To jump anywhere in a long discussion, try the topic timeline controls on the right (and bottom, on mobile).
- If you have a physical :keyboard:, press <kbd>?</kbd> to view our handy keyboard shortcuts.
not_found: |-
Hmm… looks like you might be having trouble. Sorry about that. Did you search <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-search.png" width="16" height="16"> for the term **capy&#8203;bara**?
message: |-
Thanks for sticking with me @%{username}! I made this for you, I think youve earned it:
Thats all for now! Check out [**our latest discussion topics**](/latest) or [**discussion categories**](/categories). :sunglasses:
(If youd like to speak with me again to learn more, just message or mention `@%{discobot_username}` any time!)
alt: 'Certificate of Achievement'
reset_trigger: 'advanced user'
cert_title: "In recognition of successful completion of the advanced user tutorial"
title: ':arrow_up: Advanced user features'
start_message: |-
As an _advanced_ user, have you visited [your preferences page](/my/preferences) yet @%{username}? There are lots of ways to customize your experience, such as selecting a dark or light theme.
But I digress, lets begin!
bot_created_post_raw: "@%{discobot_username} is, by far, the coolest bot I know :wink:"
instructions: |-
Everyone makes mistakes. But dont worry, you can always edit your posts to fix them!
Can you begin by **editing** the post I just created on your behalf?
not_found: |-
It looks like youve yet to edit the [post](%{url}) I created for you. Can you try again?
Use the <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-pencil.png" width="16" height="16"> icon to bring up the editor.
reply: |-
Great work!
Note that edits made after 5 minutes will show up as public edit revisions, and a little pencil icon will appear at the upper right with the revision count.
instructions: |-
If youd like to withdraw a post you made, you can delete it.
Go ahead and **delete** any of your posts above by using the <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-trash.png" width="16" height="16"> **delete** action. Dont delete the first post, though!
not_found: |-
I dont see any deleted posts yet? Remember <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-ellipsis.png" width="16" height="16"> show more will reveal <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-trash.png" width="16" height="16"> delete.
reply: |-
Whoa! :boom:
To preserve continuity of discussions, deletes arent immediate, so the post will be removed after some time.
deleted_post_raw: 'Why did @%{discobot_username} delete my post? :anguished:'
instructions: |-
Oh no! It looks like I accidentally deleted a new post that I just created for you.
Can you do me a favor and <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-rotate-left.png" width="16" height="16"> **undelete** it?
not_found: |-
Having trouble? Remember <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-ellipsis.png" width="16" height="16"> show more will reveal <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-rotate-left.png" width="16" height="16"> undelete.
reply: |-
Phew, that was a close one! Thanks for fixing that :wink:
Do note that you only have 24 hours to undelete a post.
instructions: |-
Did you know that you can refer to categories and tags in your post? For example, have you seen the %{category} category?
Type `#` in the middle of a sentence and select any category or tag.
not_found: |-
Hmm, I dont see a category in there anywhere. Note that `#` can't be the first character. Can you copy this in your next reply?
I can create a category link via #
reply: |-
Excellent! Remember this works for both categories _and_ tags, if tags are enabled.
instructions: |-
Every topic has a notification level. It starts at 'normal', which means youll normally only be notified when someone is speaking directly to you.
By default, the notification level for a private message is set to the highest level of 'watching', which means youll be notified of every new reply. But you can override the notification level for _any_ topic to 'watch', 'tracking' or 'muted'.
Lets try changing the notification level for this topic. At the bottom of the topic, youll find a button which shows that youre **watching** this topic. Can you change the notification level to **tracking**?
not_found: |-
It looks like youre still watching :eyes: this topic! If youre having trouble finding it, the notification level button is located at the bottom of the topic.
reply: |-
Awesome work! I hope you didnt mute this topic since I can be a little talkative at times :grin:.
Note that when you reply to a topic, or read a topic for more than a few minutes, it is automatically set to a notification level of 'tracking'. You can change this in [your user preferences](/my/preferences).
instructions: |-
Did you know you can add a poll to any post? Try using the <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-gear.png" width="16" height="16"> gear in the editor to **build a poll**.
not_found: |-
Whoops! There wasnt any poll in your reply.
Use the <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-gear.png" width="16" height="16"> gear icon in the editor, or copy and paste this poll in your next reply:
* :cat:
* :dog:
reply: |-
Hey, nice poll! Howd I do in teaching you?
* :+1:
* :-1:
instructions: |-
Sometimes you may wish to **hide details** in your replies:
- When youre discussing plot points of a movie or TV show that would be considered a spoiler.
- When your post needs lots of optional details that may be overwhelming when read all at once.
[details=Select this to see how it works!]
1. Select the <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-gear.png" width="16" height="16"> gear in the editor.
2. Select "Hide Details".
3. Edit the details summary and add your content.
Can you use the <img src="%{base_uri}/plugins/discourse-narrative-bot/images/font-awesome-gear.png" width="16" height="16"> gear in the editor to add a details section to your next reply?
not_found: |-
Having trouble creating a details widget? Try including the following in your next reply:
[details=Select me for details]
Here are the details
reply: |-
Great work — your attention to _detail_ is admirable!
message: |-
You blazed through this like an _advanced user_ indeed :bow:
Thats all I have for you.
Bye for now! If youd like to speak with me again, send me a message any time :sunglasses:
alt: 'Advanced User Track Certificate of Achievement'