
172 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
# Anything that we want to be able to bookmark must be registered as a
# bookmarkable type using Bookmark.register_bookmarkable(bookmarkable_klass),
# where the bookmarkable_klass is a class that implements this BaseBookmarkable
# interface. Some examples are TopicBookmarkable and PostBookmarkable.
# These methods are then called by the RegisteredBookmarkable class through a public
# interface, used in places where we need to list, send reminders for,
# or otherwise interact with bookmarks in a way that is unique to the
# bookmarkable type.
# See RegisteredBookmarkable for additional documentation.
class BaseBookmarkable
attr_reader :model, :serializer, :preload_associations
# @return [ActiveRecord::Base] The ActiveRecord model class which will be used to denote
# the type of the bookmarkable upon registration along with
# querying.
def self.model
raise NotImplementedError
# @return [ApplicationSerializer] The serializer class inheriting from UserBookmarkBaseSerializer
def self.serializer
raise NotImplementedError
# @return [Array] Used for preloading associations on the bookmarks for listing
# purposes. Should be in the same format used for .includes() e.g.
# [{ topic: [:topic_users, :tags] }, :user]
def self.preload_associations
def self.has_preloads?
# This is where the main query to filter the bookmarks by the provided bookmarkable
# type should occur. This should join on additional tables that are required later
# on to preload additional data for serializers, and also is the place where the
# bookmarks should be filtered based on security checks, which is why the Guardian
# instance is provided.
# @param [User] user The user to perform the query for, this scopes the bookmarks returned.
# @param [Guardian] guardian An instance of Guardian for the user to be used for security filters.
# @return [Bookmark::ActiveRecord_AssociationRelation] Should be an approprialely scoped list of bookmarks for the user.
def self.list_query(user, guardian)
raise NotImplementedError
# Called from BookmarkQuery when the initial results have been returned by
# perform_list_query. The search_query should join additional tables required
# to filter the bookmarks further, as well as defining a string used for
# where_sql, which can include comparisons with the :q parameter.
# @param [Bookmark::ActiveRecord_Relation] bookmarks The bookmark records returned by perform_list_query
# @param [String] query The search query from the user surrounded by the %% wildcards
# @param [String] ts_query The postgres TSQUERY string used for comparisons with full text search columns
# @param [Block] bookmarkable_search This block _must_ be called with the additional WHERE clause SQL relevant
# for the bookmarkable to be searched, as well as the bookmarks relation
# with any additional joins applied.
# @return [Bookmark::ActiveRecord_AssociationRelation] The list of bookmarks from perform_list_query filtered further by
# the query parameter.
def self.search_query(bookmarks, query, ts_query, &bookmarkable_search)
raise NotImplementedError
# When sending bookmark reminders, we want to make sure that whatever we
# are sending the reminder for has not been deleted or is otherwise inaccessible.
# Most of the time we can just check if the bookmarkable record is present
# because it will be trashable, though in some cases there will be additional
# conditions in the form of a lambda that we should use instead.
# The logic around whether it is the right time to send a reminder does not belong
# here, that is done in the BookmarkReminderNotifications job.
# @param [Bookmark] bookmark The bookmark that we are considering sending a reminder for.
# @return [Boolean]
def self.reminder_conditions(bookmark)
raise NotImplementedError
# Different bookmarkables may have different ways of notifying a user or presenting
# the reminder and what it is for, so it is up to the bookmarkable to register
# its preferred method of sending the reminder.
# @param [Bookmark] bookmark The bookmark that we are sending the reminder notification for.
# @return [void]
def self.reminder_handler(bookmark)
raise NotImplementedError
# Access control is dependent on what has been bookmarked, the appropriate guardian
# can_see_X? method should be called from the bookmarkable class to determine
# whether the bookmarkable record (e.g. Post, Topic) is accessible by the guardian user.
# @param [Guardian] guardian The guardian class for the user that we are performing the access check for.
# @param [Bookmark] bookmark The bookmark which we are checking access for using the bookmarkable association.
# @return [Boolean]
def self.can_see?(guardian, bookmark)
raise NotImplementedError
# Some additional information about the bookmark or the surrounding relations
# may be required when the bookmark is created or destroyed. For example, when
# destroying a bookmark within a topic we need to know whether there are other
# bookmarks still remaining in the topic.
# @param [Bookmark] bookmark The bookmark that we are retrieving additional metadata for.
# @param [User] user The current user which is accessing the bookmark metadata.
# @return [Hash] (optional)
def self.bookmark_metadata(bookmark, user)
# Optional bookmarkable specific validations may need to be run before a bookmark is created
# via the BookmarkManager. From here an error should be raised if there is an issue
# with the bookmarkable.
# @param [Guardian] guardian The guardian for the user which is creating the bookmark.
# @param [Model] bookmarkable The ActiveRecord model which is acting as the bookmarkable for the new bookmark.
def self.validate_before_create(guardian, bookmarkable)
# noop
# Optional additional actions may need to occur after a bookmark is created
# via the BookmarkManager.
# @param [Guardian] guardian The guardian for the user which is creating the bookmark.
# @param [Model] bookmark The bookmark which was created.
# @param [Hash] opts Additional options that may be passed down via BookmarkManager.
def self.after_create(guardian, bookmark, opts)
# noop
# Optional additional actions may need to occur after a bookmark is destroyed
# via the BookmarkManager.
# @param [Guardian] guardian The guardian for the user which is destroying the bookmark.
# @param [Model] bookmark The bookmark which was destroyed.
# @param [Hash] opts Additional options that may be passed down via BookmarkManager.
def self.after_destroy(guardian, bookmark, opts)
# noop
# Some bookmarkable records are Trashable, and as such we don't delete the
# bookmark with dependent_destroy. This should be used to delete those records
# after a grace period, defined by the bookmarkable. For example, post bookmarks
# may be deleted 3 days after the post or topic is deleted.
# In the case of bookmarkable records that are not trashable, and where
# dependent_destroy is not used, this shouldjust delete the bookmarks pointing
# to the record which no longer exists in the database.
def self.cleanup_deleted
# noop