174 lines
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Our data model for dealing with users from the admin section.
@class AdminUser
@extends Discourse.Model
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.AdminUser = Discourse.Model.extend({
path: (function() {
return Discourse.getURL("/users/") + (this.get('username_lower'));
adminPath: (function() {
return Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/") + (this.get('username_lower'));
deleteAllPosts: function() {
this.set('can_delete_all_posts', false);
Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/") + (this.get('id')) + "/delete_all_posts", {type: 'PUT'});
// Revoke the user's admin access
revokeAdmin: function() {
this.set('admin', false);
this.set('can_grant_admin', true);
this.set('can_revoke_admin', false);
return Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/") + (this.get('id')) + "/revoke_admin", {type: 'PUT'});
grantAdmin: function() {
this.set('admin', true);
this.set('can_grant_admin', false);
this.set('can_revoke_admin', true);
Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/") + (this.get('id')) + "/grant_admin", {type: 'PUT'});
// Revoke the user's moderation access
revokeModeration: function() {
this.set('moderator', false);
this.set('can_grant_moderation', true);
this.set('can_revoke_moderation', false);
return Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/") + (this.get('id')) + "/revoke_moderation", {type: 'PUT'});
grantModeration: function() {
this.set('moderator', true);
this.set('can_grant_moderation', false);
this.set('can_revoke_moderation', true);
Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/") + (this.get('id')) + "/grant_moderation", {type: 'PUT'});
refreshBrowsers: function() {
Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/") + (this.get('id')) + "/refresh_browsers", {type: 'POST'});
bootbox.alert("Message sent to all clients!");
approve: function() {
this.set('can_approve', false);
this.set('approved', true);
this.set('approved_by', Discourse.get('currentUser'));
Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/") + (this.get('id')) + "/approve", {type: 'PUT'});
username_lower: (function() {
return this.get('username').toLowerCase();
trustLevel: (function() {
return Discourse.get('site.trust_levels').findProperty('id', this.get('trust_level'));
isBanned: (function() {
return this.get('is_banned') === true;
canBan: (function() {
return !this.get('admin') && !this.get('moderator');
}).property('admin', 'moderator'),
banDuration: (function() {
var banned_at = Date.create(this.banned_at);
var banned_till = Date.create(this.banned_till);
return banned_at.short() + " - " + banned_till.short();
}).property('banned_till', 'banned_at'),
ban: function() {
var duration = parseInt(window.prompt(Em.String.i18n('admin.user.ban_duration')), 10);
if (duration > 0) {
Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/") + this.id + "/ban", {
type: 'PUT',
data: {duration: duration}
}).then(function () {
// succeeded
}, function(e) {
// failure
var error = Em.String.i18n('admin.user.ban_failed', { error: "http: " + e.status + " - " + e.body });
unban: function() {
Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/") + this.id + "/unban", {
type: 'PUT'
}).then(function() {
// succeeded
}, function(e) {
// failed
var error = Em.String.i18n('admin.user.unban_failed', { error: "http: " + e.status + " - " + e.body });
impersonate: function() {
Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/impersonate"), {
type: 'POST',
data: { username_or_email: this.get('username') }
}).then(function() {
// succeeded
document.location = "/";
}, function(e) {
// failed
if (e.status === 404) {
} else {
bulkApprove: function(users) {
users.each(function(user) {
user.set('approved', true);
user.set('can_approve', false);
return user.set('selected', false);
return Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/approve-bulk"), {
type: 'PUT',
data: {
users: users.map(function(u) {
return u.id;
find: function(username) {
return Discourse.ajax({url: Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/") + username}).then(function (result) {
return Discourse.AdminUser.create(result);
findAll: function(query, filter) {
var result = Em.A();
url: Discourse.getURL("/admin/users/list/") + query + ".json",
data: { filter: filter }
}).then(function(users) {
users.each(function(u) {
return result;