
765 lines
28 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
# This file contains content for the client portion of Discourse, sent out
# to the Javascript app.
# To work with us on translations, see:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-pt-br/
# To validate this YAML file after you change it, please paste it into
# http://yamllint.com/
format: ! '%n %u'
one: Byte
other: Byte
gb: GB
kb: KB
mb: MB
tb: TB
topic: "Bagikan tautan ke topik ini"
post: "Bagikan tautan ke muatan ini"
edit: "sunting judul dan kategori dari topik ini"
not_implemented: "Maaf, fitur itu belum diimplementasikan!"
no_value: "Tidak"
yes_value: "Ya"
of_value: "dari"
generic_error: "Maaf, kesalahan telah terjadi."
log_in: "Log In"
age: "Umur"
last_post: "Tautan terakhir"
admin_title: "Admin"
flags_title: "Flags"
show_more: "tampilkan lebih banyak"
links: "Tautan-tautan"
faq: "FAQ"
you: "Anda"
ok: "ok"
or: "atau"
title: "Sarankan topik"
not_logged_in: "Sorry you must be logged in to bookmark posts."
created: "You've bookmarked this post."
not_bookmarked: "You've read this post; click to bookmark it."
last_read: "Ini adalah tautan terakhir yang anda telah baca."
new_topics_inserted: "{{count}} topik baru."
show_new_topics: "Klik untuk melihat."
preview: "pratilik"
cancel: "batalkan"
save: "Simpan ubahan"
saving: "Menyimpan..."
saved: "Tersimpan!"
"6": "Jawaban-jawaban"
profile: "Profil"
title: "Pengguna"
mute: "Diamkan"
edit: "Edit Preferensi"
download_archive: "unduh arsip muatan saya"
private_message: "Pesan Pribadi"
private_messages: "Pesan-pesan Pribadi"
activity_stream: "Aktifitas"
preferences: "Preferensi"
bio: "Tentang saya"
change_password: "ganti"
invited_by: "Diundang Oleh"
trust_level: "Level Kepercayaan"
action: "ganti"
title: "Ganti Nama Pengguna"
confirm: "Penggantian nama pengguna ada konsekuensinya. Apakah anda yakin ingin mengganti nama pengguna anda?"
taken: "Maaf, nama pengguna itu telah diambil."
error: "Ada kesalahan mengganti nama pengguna anda."
invalid: "Nama pengguna itu tidak sah. Nama pengguna itu harus terdiri dari angka dan huruf"
action: "ganti"
title: "Ganti Email"
taken: "Maaf, email tersebut tidak tersedia."
error: "Ada kesalahan mengganti email anda. Mungkin alamat email tersebut sedang dipakai?"
success: "Kami telah mengirim email ke alamat tersebut. Silahkan ikuti petunjuk konfirmasi."
title: "Email"
instructions: "Email anda tidak akan pernah diperlihatkan kepada publik."
ok: "Kelihatannya OK. Kami akan mengirim email kepada anda untuk konfirmasi."
invalid: "Silahkan masukkan alamat email yang sah."
authenticated: "Email anda telah diotentikasi oleh {{provider}}."
frequency: "Kami hanya akan meng-email anda jika kami tidak melihat anda akhir-akhir ini dan anda belum melihat apa yang kami email."
title: "Nama"
instructions: "Nama lengkap anda; tidak harus unik. Digunakan sebagai cara alternatif untuk mencocokkan @nama dan hanya akan ditampilkan di halaman pengguna anda."
too_short: "Nama anda terlalu pendek."
ok: "Nama anda kelihatannya ok."
title: "Nama Pengguna"
instructions: "Orang-orang dapat menyebut anda sebagai @{{username}}."
available: "Nama pengguna anda tersedia."
global_match: "Email cocok dengan nama pengguna yang terregistrasi."
global_mismatch: "Telah diregistrasi. Coba {{suggestion}}?"
not_available: "Tidak tersedia. Coba {{suggestion}}?"
too_short: "Nama pengguna anda terlalu pendek."
too_long: "Nama pengguna anda terlalu panjang."
checking: "Memeriksa apakah nama pengguna anda tersedia..."
enter_email: "Nama pengguna ditemukan. Masukkan email yang cocok."
last_posted: "Muatan Terakhir"
last_emailed: "Terakhir kali diemail"
last_seen: "Terakhir kali dilihat"
created: "Dibuat"
log_out: "Log Out"
website: "Situs Web"
email_settings: "Email"
title: "Kalau saya tidak mengunjungi situs ini, kirimi saya arsip email tentang apa saja yang baru"
daily: "harian"
weekly: "mingguan"
bi_weekly: "dua minggu sekali"
email_direct: "Receive an email when someone quotes you, replies to your post, or mentions your @username"
email_private_messages: "Receive an email when someone sends you a private message"
other_settings: "Lain-lain"
label: "Consider topics new when"
not_viewed: "I haven't viewed them yet"
last_here: "they were posted since I was here last"
one: "they were posted in the last day"
other: "they were posted in the last {{count}} days"
one: "they were posted in the last week"
other: "they were posted in the last {{count}} week"
auto_track_topics: "Automatically track topics I enter"
never: "never"
always: "always"
one: "after 1 second"
other: "after {{count}} seconds"
one: "after 1 minute"
other: "after {{count}} minutes"
title: "Invites"
user: "Invited User"
none: "{{username}} hasn't invited any users to the site."
redeemed: "Redeemed Invites"
redeemed_at: "Redeemed"
pending: "Pending Invites"
topics_entered: "Topics Viewed"
posts_read_count: "Posts Read"
rescind: "Remove Invitation"
rescinded: "Invite removed"
time_read: "Read Time"
days_visited: "Days Visited"
account_age_days: "Account age in days"
title: "Password"
too_short: "Your password is too short."
ok: "Your password looks good."
title: "Last IP Address"
title: "Avatar"
all: "All"
posted_by: "Posted by"
sent_by: "Sent by"
private_message: "private message"
the_topic: "the topic"
loading: "Loading..."
close: "Close"
learn_more: "learn more..."
year: 'year'
year_desc: 'topics posted in the last 365 days'
month: 'month'
month_desc: 'topics posted in the last 30 days'
week: 'week'
week_desc: 'topics posted in the last 7 days'
first_post: First post
mute: Mute
unmute: Unmute
last_post: Last post
description: "There are <b>{{count}}</b> posts in this topic. That's a lot! Would you like to save time by showing only the most relevant posts?"
button: 'Switch to "Summary" view'
title: "Private Message"
invite: "Invite Others..."
email: 'Email'
username: 'Username'
last_seen: 'Seen'
created: 'Created'
trust_level: 'Trust Level'
title: "Create Account"
action: "Create one now!"
invite: "Don't have an account yet?"
failed: "Something went wrong, perhaps this email is already registered, try the forgot password link"
title: "Forgot Password"
action: "I forgot my password"
invite: "Enter your username or email address, and we'll send you a password reset email."
reset: "Reset Password"
complete: "You should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly."
title: "Log In"
username: "Login"
password: "Password"
email_placeholder: "email address or username"
error: "Unknown error"
reset_password: 'Reset Password'
logging_in: "Logging In..."
or: "Or"
authenticating: "Authenticating..."
awaiting_confirmation: "Your account is awaiting activation, use the forgot password link to issue another activation email."
awaiting_approval: "Your account has not been approved by a moderator yet. You will receive an email when it is approved."
not_activated: "You can't log in yet. We previously sent an activation email to you at <b>{{sentTo}}</b>. Please follow the instructions in that email to activate your account."
resend_activation_email: "Click here to send the activation email again."
sent_activation_email_again: "We sent another activation email to you at <b>{{currentEmail}}</b>. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder."
title: "with Google"
message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "with Twitter"
message: "Authenticating with Twitter (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "with Facebook"
message: "Authenticating with Facebook (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "with Yahoo"
message: "Authenticating with Yahoo (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "with GitHub"
message: "Authenticating with GitHub (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
saving_draft_tip: "saving"
saved_draft_tip: "saved"
saved_local_draft_tip: "saved locally"
at_least: "enter at least {{n}} characters"
more: "{{n}} to go..."
save_edit: "Save Edit"
reply: "Reply"
create_topic: "Create Topic"
create_pm: "Create Private Message"
users_placeholder: "Add a user"
title_placeholder: "Type your title here. What is this discussion about in one brief sentence?"
reply_placeholder: "Type your reply here. Use Markdown or BBCode to format. Drag or paste an image here to upload it."
view_new_post: "View your new post."
saving: "Saving..."
saved: "Saved!"
saved_draft: "You have a post draft in progress. Click anywhere in this box to resume editing."
uploading: "Uploading..."
show_preview: 'show preview &raquo;'
hide_preview: '&laquo; hide preview'
title: "notifications of @name mentions, replies to your posts and topics, private messages, etc"
none: "You have no notifications right now."
more: "view older notifications"
mentioned: "<span title='mentioned' class='icon'>@</span> {{username}} {{link}}"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
posted: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
private_message: "<i class='fa fa-envelope-o' title='private message'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
invited_to_private_message: "<i class='fa fa-envelope-o' title='private message'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
invitee_accepted: "<i title='accepted your invitation' class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> {{username}} accepted your invitation"
moved_post: "<i title='moved post' class='fa fa-arrow-right'></i> {{username}} moved post to {{link}}"
title: "Insert Image"
from_my_computer: "From My Device"
from_the_web: "From The Web"
remote_tip: "enter address of an image in the form http://example.com/image.jpg"
local_tip: "click to select an image from your device."
uploading: "Uploading image"
title: "search for topics, posts, users, or categories"
placeholder: "type your search terms here"
no_results: "No results found."
searching: "Searching ..."
site_map: "go to another topic list or category"
go_back: 'go back'
current_user: 'go to your user page'
title: 'Favorite'
help: 'add this topic to your starred topics list'
starred: "You haven't starred any topics yet. To star a topic, click or tap the star next to the title."
unread: "You have no unread topics to read."
new: "You have no new topics to read."
read: "You haven't read any topics yet."
posted: "You haven't posted in any topics yet."
latest: "There are no latest topics. That's sad."
category: "There are no {{category}} topics."
latest: "There are no more latest topics to read."
posted: "There are no more posted topics to read."
read: "There are no more read topics to read."
new: "There are no more new topics to read."
unread: "There are no more unread topics to read."
starred: "There are no more favorited topics to read."
category: "There are no more {{category}} topics."
create: 'Create Topic'
create_long: 'Create a new Topic'
private_message: 'Start a private message'
list: 'Topics'
new: 'new topic'
title: 'Topic'
loading_more: "Loading more Topics..."
loading: 'Loading topic...'
title: "Topic is private"
description: "Sorry, you don't have access to that topic!"
title: "Topic failed to load"
description: "Sorry, we couldn't load that topic, possibly due to a connection problem. Please try again. If the problem persists, please let us know."
title: "Topic not found"
description: "Sorry, we couldn't find that topic. Perhaps it was removed by a moderator?"
unread_posts: "you have {{unread}} unread old posts in this topic"
new_posts: "there are {{new_posts}} new posts in this topic since you last read it"
one: "there is 1 like in this topic"
other: "there are {{count}} likes in this topic"
back_to_list: "Back to Topic List"
options: "Topic Options"
show_links: "show links within this topic"
toggle_information: "toggle topic details"
read_more_in_category: "Want to read more? Browse other topics in {{catLink}} or {{latestLink}}."
read_more: "Want to read more? {{catLink}} or {{latestLink}}."
browse_all_categories: Browse all categories
view_latest_topics: view latest topics
suggest_create_topic: Why not create a topic?
read_position_reset: "Your read position has been reset."
jump_reply_up: jump to earlier reply
jump_reply_down: jump to later reply
title: topic progress
jump_top: jump to first post (home key)
jump_bottom: jump to last post (end key)
total: total posts
current: current post
title: ''
"3_2": 'You will receive notifications because you are watching this topic.'
"3_1": 'You will receive notifications because you created this topic.'
"3": 'You will receive notifications because you are watching this topic.'
"2_4": 'You will receive notifications because you posted a reply to this topic.'
"2_2": 'You will receive notifications because you are tracking this topic.'
"2": 'You will receive notifications because you <a href="/users/{{username}}/preferences">read this topic</a>.'
"1": 'You will be notified only if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post.'
"1_2": 'You will be notified only if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post.'
"0": 'You are ignoring all notifications on this topic.'
"0_2": 'You are ignoring all notifications on this topic.'
title: "Watching"
description: "same as Tracking, plus you will be notified of all new posts."
title: "Tracking"
description: "you will be notified of unread posts, @name mentions, and replies to your posts."
title: "Regular"
description: "you will be notified only if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post."
title: "Muted"
description: "you will not be notified of anything about this topic, and it will not appear on your unread tab."
delete: "Delete Topic"
open: "Open Topic"
close: "Close Topic"
unpin: "Un-Pin Topic"
pin: "Pin Topic"
unarchive: "Unarchive Topic"
archive: "Archive Topic"
invisible: "Make Invisible"
visible: "Make Visible"
reset_read: "Reset Read Data"
multi_select: "Select Posts to Move"
convert_to_topic: "Convert to Regular Topic"
title: 'Reply'
help: 'begin composing a reply to this topic'
title: 'Share'
help: 'share a link to this topic'
inviting: "Inviting..."
title: 'Invite to Private Message'
email_or_username: "Invitee's Email or Username"
email_or_username_placeholder: "email address or username"
action: "Invite"
success: "Thanks! We've invited that user to participate in this private message."
error: "Sorry there was an error inviting that user."
title: 'Invite Friends'
action: 'Email Invite'
help: 'send invitations to friends so they can reply to this topic with a single click'
email: "We'll send your friend a brief email allowing them to immediately reply to this topic by clicking a link, no login required."
email_placeholder: 'email address'
success: "Thanks! We mailed out an invitation to <b>{{email}}</b>. We'll let you know when they redeem your invitation. Check the invitations tab on your user page to keep track of who you've invited."
error: "Sorry we couldn't invite that person. Perhaps they are already a user?"
login_reply: 'Log In to Reply'
user: "You're viewing only posts by specific user(s)."
summary: "You're viewing only the 'Summary' posts."
cancel: "Show all posts in this topic again."
title: "Move Selected Posts"
topic_name: "New Topic Name"
error: "Sorry, there was an error moving those posts."
one: "You are about to create a new topic and populate it with the post you've selected."
other: "You are about to create a new topic and populate it with the <b>{{count}}</b> posts you've selected."
select: 'select'
selected: 'selected ({{count}})'
delete: delete selected
cancel: cancel selecting
move: move selected
one: You have selected <b>1</b> post.
other: "You have selected <b>{{count}}</b> posts."
reply: "Replying to {{link}} by {{replyAvatar}} {{username}}"
reply_topic: "Reply to {{link}}"
edit: "Edit {{link}}"
in_reply_to: "in reply to"
reply_as_new_topic: "Reply as new Topic"
continue_discussion: "Continuing the discussion from {{postLink}}:"
follow_quote: "go to the quoted post"
deleted_by_author: "(post removed by author)"
one: "Reply"
other: "Replies"
create: "Sorry, there was an error creating your post. Please try again."
edit: "Sorry, there was an error editing your post. Please try again."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
confirm: "Are you sure you want to abandon your post?"
no_value: "Tidak"
yes_value: "Ya"
save: 'Save Options'
reply: "begin composing a reply to this post"
like: "like this post"
edit: "edit this post"
flag: "flag this post or send a notification about this post"
delete: "delete this post"
undelete: "undelete this post"
share: "share a link to this post"
more: "More"
flag: 'Flag'
one: "Clear flag"
other: "Clear flags"
it_too: "{{alsoName}} it too"
undo: "Undo {{alsoName}}"
zero: "You {{long_form}}"
one: "You and 1 other person {{long_form}}"
other: "You and {{count}} other people {{long_form}}"
one: "1 person {{long_form}}"
other: "{{count}} people {{long_form}}"
one: 1 edit
other: "{{count}} edits"
zero: no edits
one: "Are you sure you want to delete that post?"
other: "Are you sure you want to delete all those posts?"
none: '(no category)'
edit: 'edit'
edit_long: "Edit Category"
view: 'View Topics in Category'
delete: 'Delete Category'
create: 'Create Category'
more_posts: "view all {{posts}}..."
name: "Category Name"
description: "Description"
topic: "category topic"
color: "Color"
name_placeholder: "Should be short and succinct."
color_placeholder: "Any web color"
delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete that category?"
list: "List Categories"
no_description: "There is no description for this category, edit the topic definition."
change_in_category_topic: "Edit Description"
title: 'Why are you privately flagging this post?'
action: 'Flag Post'
cant: "Sorry, you can't flag this post at this time."
custom_placeholder: "Why does this post require moderator attention? Let us know specifically what you are concerned about, and provide relevant links where possible."
at_least: "enter at least {{n}} characters"
more: "{{n}} to go..."
left: "{{n}} remaining"
title: "Topic Summary"
links_shown: "show all {{totalLinks}} links..."
help: "this topic is closed; it no longer accepts new replies"
help: "this topic is pinned; it will display at the top of its category"
help: "this topic is archived; it is frozen and cannot be changed"
help: "this topic is invisible; it will not be displayed in topic lists, and can only be accessed via a direct link"
posts: "Posts"
posts_long: "{{number}} posts in this topic"
original_post: "Original Post"
views: "Views"
replies: "Replies"
views_long: "this topic has been viewed {{number}} times"
activity: "Activity"
likes: "Likes"
users: "Users"
category_title: "Category"
history: "History"
categories_list: "Categories List"
title: "Latest"
help: "the latest topics"
title: "Favorited"
help: "topics you marked as favorites"
title: "Read"
help: "topics you've read, in the order that you last read them"
title: "Categories"
title_in: "Category - {{categoryName}}"
help: "all topics grouped by category"
zero: "Unread"
one: "Unread (1)"
other: "Unread ({{count}})"
help: "tracked topics with unread posts"
zero: "New"
one: "New (1)"
other: "New ({{count}})"
help: "new topics since your last visit"
title: "My Posts"
help: "topics you have posted in"
zero: "{{categoryName}}"
one: "{{categoryName}} (1)"
other: "{{categoryName}} ({{count}})"
help: "latest topics in the {{categoryName}} category"
# This section is exported to the javascript for i18n in the admin section
type_to_filter: "type to filter..."
title: 'Discourse Admin'
title: "Dashboard"
version: "Installed version"
up_to_date: "You are running the latest version of Discourse."
critical_available: "A critical update is available."
updates_available: "Updates are available."
please_upgrade: "Please upgrade!"
latest_version: "Latest version"
title: "Flags"
old: "Old"
active: "Active"
clear: "Clear Flags"
clear_title: "dismiss all flags on this post (will unhide hidden posts)"
delete: "Delete Post"
delete_title: "delete post (if its the first post delete topic)"
flagged_by: "Flagged by"
title: "Groups"
edit: "Edit Groups"
selector_placeholder: "add users"
name_placeholder: "Group name, no spaces, same as username rule"
about: "Edit your group membership and names here"
can_not_edit_automatic: "Automatic group membership is determined automatically, administer users to assign roles and trust levels"
delete: "Delete"
delete_confirm: "Delete this group?"
delete_failed: "Unable to delete group. If this is an automatic group, it cannot be destroyed."
title: "API"
long_title: "API Information"
key: "Key"
generate: "Generate API Key"
regenerate: "Regenerate API Key"
info_html: "Your API key will allow you to create and update topics using JSON calls."
note_html: "Keep this key <strong>secret</strong>, all users that have it may create arbitrary posts on the forum as any user."
title: "Customize"
header: "Header"
css: "Stylesheet"
override_default: "Do not include standard style sheet"
enabled: "Enabled?"
preview: "preview"
undo_preview: "undo preview"
save: "Save"
delete: "Delete"
delete_confirm: "Delete this customization?"
title: "Email"
sent_at: "Sent At"
email_type: "Email Type"
to_address: "To Address"
test_email_address: "email address to test"
send_test: "send test email"
sent_test: "sent!"
title: "Impersonate User"
username_or_email: "Username or Email of User"
help: "Use this tool to impersonate a user account for debugging purposes."
not_found: "That user can't be found."
invalid: "Sorry, you may not impersonate that user."
title: 'Users'
create: 'Add Admin User'
last_emailed: "Last Emailed"
not_found: "Sorry that username doesn't exist in our system."
active: "Active"
new: "New"
active: "Active"
pending: "Pending"
approved: "Approved?"
one: "approve user"
other: "approve users ({{count}})"
suspend_failed: "Something went wrong banning this user {{error}}"
unsuspend_failed: "Something went wrong unbanning this user {{error}}"
suspend_duration: "How long would you like to ban the user for? (days)"
delete_all_posts: "Delete all posts"
suspend: "Ban"
unsuspend: "Unban"
suspended: "Banned?"
moderator: "Moderator?"
admin: "Admin?"
show_admin_profile: "Admin"
refresh_browsers: "Force browser refresh"
show_public_profile: "Show Public Profile"
impersonate: 'Impersonate'
revoke_admin: 'Revoke Admin'
grant_admin: 'Grant Admin'
revoke_moderation: 'Revoke Moderation'
grant_moderation: 'Grant Moderation'
reputation: Reputation
permissions: Permissions
activity: Activity
like_count: Likes Received
private_topics_count: Private Topics
posts_read_count: Posts Read
post_count: Posts Created
topics_entered: Topics Viewed
flags_given_count: Flags Given
flags_received_count: Flags Received
approve: 'Approve'
approved_by: "approved by"
time_read: "Read Time"
show_overriden: 'Only show overridden'
title: 'Settings'
reset: 'reset to default'