
686 lines
24 KiB
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# frozen_string_literal: true
describe Onebox::Engine::TwitterStatusOnebox do
shared_examples_for "#to_html" do
it "includes tweet" do
expect(html).to include(tweet_content)
# TODO: handle t.co links
# it "includes link" do
# expect(html).to include("http://www.peers.org/action/peers-pledgea")
# end
it "gets the correct timestamp" do
expect(html).to include(timestamp)
it "includes name" do
expect(html).to include(full_name)
it "includes username" do
expect(html).to include(screen_name)
it "includes user avatar" do
expect(html).to include(avatar)
it "includes twitter link" do
expect(html).to include(link)
it "includes twitter likes" do
expect(html).to include(favorite_count)
it "includes twitter retweets" do
expect(html).to include(retweets_count)
shared_context "standard tweet info" do
before do
@link = "https://twitter.com/vyki_e/status/363116819147538433"
@onebox_fixture = "twitterstatus"
let(:full_name) { "Vyki Englert" }
let(:screen_name) { "vyki_e" }
let(:avatar) { "732349210264133632/RTNgZLrm_400x400.jpg" }
let(:timestamp) { "6:59 PM - 1 Aug 2013" }
let(:link) { @link }
let(:favorite_count) { "0" }
let(:retweets_count) { "0" }
shared_context "quoted tweet info" do
before do
@link = "https://twitter.com/metallica/status/1128068672289890305"
@onebox_fixture = "twitterstatus_quoted"
stub_request(:get, @link.downcase).to_return(status: 200, body: onebox_response(@onebox_fixture))
let(:full_name) { "Metallica" }
let(:screen_name) { "Metallica" }
let(:avatar) { "profile_images/766360293953802240/kt0hiSmv_400x400.jpg" }
let(:timestamp) { "10:45 PM - 13 May 2019" }
let(:link) { @link }
let(:favorite_count) { "1.7K" }
let(:retweets_count) { "201" }
shared_context "featured image info" do
before do
@link = "https://twitter.com/codinghorror/status/1409351083177046020"
@onebox_fixture = "twitterstatus_featured_image"
stub_request(:get, @link.downcase).to_return(status: 200, body: onebox_response(@onebox_fixture))
let(:full_name) { "Jeff Atwood" }
let(:screen_name) { "codinghorror" }
let(:avatar) { "" }
let(:timestamp) { "3:02 PM - 27 Jun 2021" }
let(:link) { @link }
let(:favorite_count) { "90" }
let(:retweets_count) { "0" }
shared_examples "includes quoted tweet data" do
it 'includes quoted tweet' do
expect(html).to include("If you bought a ticket for tonights @Metallica show at Stade de France, you have helped")
it "includes quoted tweet name" do
expect(html).to include("All Within My Hands Foundation")
it "includes quoted username" do
expect(html).to include("AWMHFoundation")
it "includes quoted tweet link" do
expect(html).to include("https://twitter.com/AWMHFoundation/status/1127646016931487744")
context "with html" do
context "with a standard tweet" do
let(:tweet_content) { "I'm a sucker for pledges." }
include_context "standard tweet info"
include_context "engines"
it_behaves_like "an engine"
it_behaves_like "#to_html"
context "with a quoted tweet" do
let(:tweet_content) do
"Thank you to everyone who came out for #MetInParis last night for helping us support @EMMAUSolidarite &"
include_context "quoted tweet info"
include_context "engines"
it_behaves_like "an engine"
it_behaves_like '#to_html'
it_behaves_like "includes quoted tweet data"
context "with a featured image tweet" do
let(:tweet_content) do
"My first text message from my child! A moment that shall live on in infamy!"
include_context "featured image info"
include_context "engines"
it_behaves_like "an engine"
it_behaves_like '#to_html'
context "with twitter client" do
before do
@twitter_client = stub("TwitterClient",
status: api_response,
prettify_tweet: tweet_content,
twitter_credentials_missing?: false,
prettify_number: favorite_count
@previous_options = Onebox.options.to_h
Onebox.options = { twitter_client: @twitter_client }
after do
Onebox.options = @previous_options
context "with a standard tweet" do
let(:tweet_content) do
"I'm a sucker for pledges. <a href='https://twitter.com/Peers' target='_blank'>@Peers</a> Pledge <a href='https://twitter.com/search?q=%23sharingeconomy' target='_blank'>#sharingeconomy</a> <a target='_blank' href='http://www.peers.org/action/peers-pledgea/'>peers.org/action/peers-p…</a>"
let(:api_response) do
created_at: "Fri Aug 02 01:59:30 +0000 2013",
id: 363116819147538400,
id_str: "363116819147538433",
text: "I'm a sucker for pledges. @Peers Pledge #sharingeconomy http://t.co/T4Sc47KAzh",
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include_context "standard tweet info"
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it_behaves_like "an engine"
it_behaves_like "#to_html"
context "with quoted tweet" do
let(:tweet_content) do
"Thank you to everyone who came out for <a href='https://twitter.com/search?q=%23MetInParis' target='_blank'>#MetInParis</a> last night for helping us support <a href='https://twitter.com/EMMAUSolidarite' target='_blank'>@EMMAUSolidarite</a> &amp; <a href='https://twitter.com/PompiersParis' target='_blank'>@PompiersParis</a>. <a href='https://twitter.com/search?q=%23AWMH' target='_blank'>#AWMH</a> <a href='https://twitter.com/search?q=%23MetalicaGivesBack' target='_blank'>#MetalicaGivesBack</a> <a href=\"https://t.co/gLtZSdDFmN\" target=\"_blank\">https://t.co/gLtZSdDFmN</a>"
let(:api_response) do
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