
3011 lines
125 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
# This file contains content for the client portion of Discourse, sent out
# to the Javascript app.
# To work with us on translations, see: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
# This is a "source" file, which is used by Transifex to get translations for other languages.
# After this file is changed, it needs to be pushed by a maintainer to Transifex:
# tx push -s
# Read more here: https://meta.discourse.org/t/contribute-a-translation-to-discourse/14882
# To validate this YAML file after you change it, please paste it into http://yamllint.com/
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
format: '%n %u'
one: Byte
other: Bytes
gb: GB
kb: KB
mb: MB
tb: TB
thousands: "{{number}}k"
millions: "{{number}}M"
time: "h:mm a"
long_no_year: "MMM D h:mm a"
long_no_year_no_time: "MMM D"
full_no_year_no_time: "MMMM Do"
long_with_year: "MMM D, YYYY h:mm a"
long_with_year_no_time: "MMM D, YYYY"
full_with_year_no_time: "MMMM Do, YYYY"
long_date_with_year: "MMM D, 'YY LT"
long_date_without_year: "MMM D, LT"
long_date_with_year_without_time: "MMM D, 'YY"
long_date_without_year_with_linebreak: "MMM D <br/>LT"
long_date_with_year_with_linebreak: "MMM D, 'YY <br/>LT"
half_a_minute: "< 1m"
one: "< 1s"
other: "< %{count}s"
one: "1s"
other: "%{count}s"
one: "< 1m"
other: "< %{count}m"
one: "1m"
other: "%{count}m"
one: "1h"
other: "%{count}h"
one: "1d"
other: "%{count}d"
one: "1y"
other: "%{count}y"
one: "> 1y"
other: "> %{count}y"
one: "1y"
other: "%{count}y"
date_month: "MMM D"
date_year: "MMM 'YY"
one: "1 min"
other: "%{count} mins"
one: "1 hour"
other: "%{count} hours"
one: "1 day"
other: "%{count} days"
date_year: "MMM D, 'YY"
one: "1 min ago"
other: "%{count} mins ago"
one: "1 hour ago"
other: "%{count} hours ago"
one: "1 day ago"
other: "%{count} days ago"
one: "1 day later"
other: "%{count} days later"
one: "1 month later"
other: "%{count} months later"
one: "1 year later"
other: "%{count} years later"
previous_month: 'Previous Month'
next_month: 'Next Month'
topic: 'share a link to this topic'
post: 'post #%{postNumber}'
close: 'close'
twitter: 'share this link on Twitter'
facebook: 'share this link on Facebook'
google+: 'share this link on Google+'
email: 'send this link in an email'
public_topic: "made this topic public %{when}"
private_topic: "made this topic private %{when}"
split_topic: "split this topic %{when}"
invited_user: "invited %{who} %{when}"
removed_user: "removed %{who} %{when}"
enabled: 'closed %{when}'
disabled: 'opened %{when}'
enabled: 'closed %{when}'
disabled: 'opened %{when}'
enabled: 'archived %{when}'
disabled: 'unarchived %{when}'
enabled: 'pinned %{when}'
disabled: 'unpinned %{when}'
enabled: 'pinned globally %{when}'
disabled: 'unpinned %{when}'
enabled: 'listed %{when}'
disabled: 'unlisted %{when}'
topic_admin_menu: "topic admin actions"
emails_are_disabled: "All outgoing email has been globally disabled by an administrator. No email notifications of any kind will be sent."
bootstrap_mode_enabled: "To make launching your new site easier, you are in bootstrap mode. All new users will be granted trust level 1 and have daily email digest updates enabled. This will be automatically turned off when total user count exceeds %{min_users} users."
bootstrap_mode_disabled: "Bootstrap mode will be disabled in next 24 hours."
us_east_1: "US East (N. Virginia)"
us_west_1: "US West (N. California)"
us_west_2: "US West (Oregon)"
us_gov_west_1: "AWS GovCloud (US)"
eu_west_1: "EU (Ireland)"
eu_central_1: "EU (Frankfurt)"
ap_southeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
ap_southeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
ap_northeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
ap_northeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
sa_east_1: "South America (Sao Paulo)"
edit: 'edit the title and category of this topic'
not_implemented: "That feature hasn't been implemented yet, sorry!"
no_value: "No"
yes_value: "Yes"
generic_error: "Sorry, an error has occurred."
generic_error_with_reason: "An error occurred: %{error}"
sign_up: "Sign Up"
log_in: "Log In"
age: "Age"
joined: "Joined"
admin_title: "Admin"
flags_title: "Flags"
show_more: "show more"
show_help: "options"
links: "Links"
one: "link"
other: "links"
faq: "FAQ"
guidelines: "Guidelines"
privacy_policy: "Privacy Policy"
privacy: "Privacy"
terms_of_service: "Terms of Service"
mobile_view: "Mobile View"
desktop_view: "Desktop View"
you: "You"
or: "or"
now: "just now"
read_more: 'read more'
more: "More"
less: "Less"
never: "never"
every_30_minutes: "every 30 minutes"
every_hour: "every hour"
daily: "daily"
weekly: "weekly"
every_two_weeks: "every two weeks"
every_three_days: "every three days"
max_of_count: "max of {{count}}"
alternation: "or"
one: "{{count}} character"
other: "{{count}} characters"
title: "Suggested Topics"
pm_title: "Suggested Messages"
simple_title: "About"
title: "About %{title}"
stats: "Site Statistics"
our_admins: "Our Admins"
our_moderators: "Our Moderators"
all_time: "All Time"
last_7_days: "Last 7 Days"
last_30_days: "Last 30 Days"
like_count: "Likes"
topic_count: "Topics"
post_count: "Posts"
user_count: "New Users"
active_user_count: "Active Users"
contact: "Contact Us"
contact_info: "In the event of a critical issue or urgent matter affecting this site, please contact us at %{contact_info}."
title: "Bookmark"
clear_bookmarks: "Clear Bookmarks"
bookmark: "Click to bookmark the first post on this topic"
unbookmark: "Click to remove all bookmarks in this topic"
not_logged_in: "sorry, you must be logged in to bookmark posts"
created: "you've bookmarked this post"
not_bookmarked: "you've read this post; click to bookmark it"
last_read: "this is the last post you've read; click to bookmark it"
remove: "Remove Bookmark"
confirm_clear: "Are you sure you want to clear all the bookmarks from this topic?"
one: "{{count}} new or updated topic."
other: "{{count}} new or updated topics."
one: "{{count}} unread topic."
other: "{{count}} unread topics."
one: "{{count}} new topic."
other: "{{count}} new topics."
click_to_show: "Click to show."
preview: "preview"
cancel: "cancel"
save: "Save Changes"
saving: "Saving..."
saved: "Saved!"
upload: "Upload"
uploading: "Uploading..."
uploading_filename: "Uploading {{filename}}..."
uploaded: "Uploaded!"
enable: "Enable"
disable: "Disable"
undo: "Undo"
revert: "Revert"
failed: "Failed"
switch_to_anon: "Anonymous Mode"
switch_from_anon: "Exit Anonymous"
close: "Dismiss this banner."
edit: "Edit this banner >>"
none_found: "No topics found."
search: "Search for a Topic by name, url or id:"
placeholder: "type the topic title here"
topic: "Topic:"
approve: 'Approve'
reject: 'Reject'
delete_user: 'Delete User'
title: "Needs Approval"
none: "There are no posts to review."
edit: "Edit"
cancel: "Cancel"
view_pending: "view pending posts"
one: "This topic has <b>1</b> post awaiting approval"
other: "This topic has <b>{{count}}</b> posts awaiting approval"
confirm: "Save Changes"
delete_prompt: "Are you sure you want to delete <b>%{username}</b>? This will remove all of their posts and block their email and IP address."
title: "Post Needs Approval"
description: "We've received your new post but it needs to be approved by a moderator before it will appear. Please be patient."
one: "You have <strong>1</strong> post pending."
other: "You have <strong>{{count}}</strong> posts pending."
ok: "OK"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a> posted <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>the topic</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>You</a> posted <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>the topic</a>"
user_replied_to_post: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a> replied to <a href='{{postUrl}}'>{{post_number}}</a>"
you_replied_to_post: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>You</a> replied to <a href='{{postUrl}}'>{{post_number}}</a>"
user_replied_to_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a> replied to <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>the topic</a>"
you_replied_to_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>You</a> replied to <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>the topic</a>"
user_mentioned_user: "<a href='{{user1Url}}'>{{user}}</a> mentioned <a href='{{user2Url}}'>{{another_user}}</a>"
user_mentioned_you: "<a href='{{user1Url}}'>{{user}}</a> mentioned <a href='{{user2Url}}'>you</a>"
you_mentioned_user: "<a href='{{user1Url}}'>You</a> mentioned <a href='{{user2Url}}'>{{another_user}}</a>"
posted_by_user: "Posted by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a>"
posted_by_you: "Posted by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>you</a>"
sent_by_user: "Sent by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a>"
sent_by_you: "Sent by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>you</a>"
filter_name: "filter by username"
title: "Users"
likes_given: "Given"
likes_received: "Received"
topics_entered: "Viewed"
topics_entered_long: "Topics Viewed"
time_read: "Time Read"
topic_count: "Topics"
topic_count_long: "Topics Created"
post_count: "Replies"
post_count_long: "Replies Posted"
no_results: "No results were found."
days_visited: "Visits"
days_visited_long: "Days Visited"
posts_read: "Read"
posts_read_long: "Posts Read"
one: "1 user"
other: "%{count} users"
posts: "There is no post by members of this group."
members: "There is no member in this group."
mentions: "There is no mention of this group."
messages: "There is no message for this group."
topics: "There is no topic by members of this group."
add: "Add"
selector_placeholder: "Add members"
owner: "owner"
visible: "Group is visible to all users"
one: "group"
other: "groups"
members: "Members"
topics: "Topics"
posts: "Posts"
mentions: "Mentions"
messages: "Messages"
title: "Who can message and @mention this group?"
nobody: "Nobody"
only_admins: "Only admins"
mods_and_admins: "Only moderators and Admins"
members_mods_and_admins: "Only group members, moderators and admins"
everyone: "Everyone"
title: "Trust level automatically granted to members when they're added:"
none: "None"
title: "Watching"
description: "You will be notified of every new post in every message, and a count of new replies will be shown."
title: "Tracking"
description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you, and a count of new replies will be shown."
title: "Normal"
description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
title: "Muted"
description: "You will never be notified of anything about new topics in this group."
"1": "Likes Given"
"2": "Likes Received"
"3": "Bookmarks"
"4": "Topics"
"5": "Replies"
"6": "Responses"
"7": "Mentions"
"9": "Quotes"
"11": "Edits"
"12": "Sent Items"
"13": "Inbox"
"14": "Pending"
all: "all categories"
all_subcategories: "all"
no_subcategory: "none"
category: "Category"
category_list: "Display category list"
title: "Reorder Categories"
title_long: "Reorganize the category list"
fix_order: "Fix Positions"
fix_order_tooltip: "Not all categories have a unique position number, which may cause unexpected results."
save: "Save Order"
apply_all: "Apply"
position: "Position"
posts: "Posts"
topics: "Topics"
latest: "Latest"
latest_by: "latest by"
toggle_ordering: "toggle ordering control"
subcategories: "Subcategories"
topic_stats: "The number of new topics."
one: "%{count} new topic in the past %{unit}."
other: "%{count} new topics in the past %{unit}."
post_stats: "The number of new posts."
one: "%{count} new post in the past %{unit}."
other: "%{count} new posts in the past %{unit}."
title: IP Address Lookup
hostname: Hostname
location: Location
location_not_found: (unknown)
organisation: Organization
phone: Phone
other_accounts: "Other accounts with this IP address:"
delete_other_accounts: "Delete %{count}"
username: "username"
trust_level: "TL"
read_time: "read time"
topics_entered: "topics entered"
post_count: "# posts"
confirm_delete_other_accounts: "Are you sure you want to delete these accounts?"
none: "(select an option)"
said: "{{username}}:"
profile: "Profile"
mute: "Mute"
edit: "Edit Preferences"
download_archive: "Download My Posts"
new_private_message: "New Message"
private_message: "Message"
private_messages: "Messages"
activity_stream: "Activity"
preferences: "Preferences"
expand_profile: "Expand"
bookmarks: "Bookmarks"
bio: "About me"
invited_by: "Invited By"
trust_level: "Trust Level"
notifications: "Notifications"
statistics: "Stats"
label: "Desktop Notifications"
not_supported: "Notifications are not supported on this browser. Sorry."
perm_default: "Turn On Notifications"
perm_denied_btn: "Permission Denied"
perm_denied_expl: "You denied permission for notifications. Allow notifications via your browser settings."
disable: "Disable Notifications"
currently_enabled: ""
enable: "Enable Notifications"
currently_disabled: ""
each_browser_note: "Note: You have to change this setting on every browser you use."
dismiss_notifications: "Mark all as Read"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Mark all unread notifications as read"
disable_jump_reply: "Don't jump to my post after I reply"
dynamic_favicon: "Show new / updated topic count on browser icon"
edit_history_public: "Let other users view my post revisions"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Open all external links in a new tab"
enable_quoting: "Enable quote reply for highlighted text"
change: "change"
moderator: "{{user}} is a moderator"
admin: "{{user}} is an admin"
moderator_tooltip: "This user is a moderator"
admin_tooltip: "This user is an admin"
blocked_tooltip: "This user is blocked"
suspended_notice: "This user is suspended until {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "Reason: "
github_profile: "Github"
email_activity_summary: "Activity Summary"
label: "Mailing list mode"
enabled: "Enable mailing list mode."
instructions: |
This setting overrides the activity summary.<br />
Muted topics and categories are not included in these emails.
daily: "Send daily updates."
individual: "Send an email for every new post."
many_per_day: "Send me an email for every new post (about {{dailyEmailEstimate}} per day)."
few_per_day: "Send me an email for every new post (less than 2 per day)."
watched_categories: "Watched"
watched_categories_instructions: "You will automatically watch all new topics in these categories. You will be notified of all new posts and topics, and a count of new posts will also appear next to the topic."
tracked_categories: "Tracked"
tracked_categories_instructions: "You will automatically track all new topics in these categories. A count of new posts will appear next to the topic."
muted_categories: "Muted"
muted_categories_instructions: "You will not be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear in latest."
delete_account: "Delete My Account"
delete_account_confirm: "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This action cannot be undone!"
deleted_yourself: "Your account has been deleted successfully."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "You cannot delete your account right now. Contact an admin to do delete your account for you."
unread_message_count: "Messages"
admin_delete: "Delete"
users: "Users"
muted_users: "Muted"
muted_users_instructions: "Suppress all notifications from these users."
muted_topics_link: "Show muted topics"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Automatically unpin topics when I reach the bottom."
flags_given: "helpful flags"
flagged_posts: "flagged posts"
deleted_posts: "deleted posts"
suspensions: "suspensions"
warnings_received: "warnings"
all: "All"
inbox: "Inbox"
sent: "Sent"
archive: "Archive"
groups: "My Groups"
bulk_select: "Select messages"
move_to_inbox: "Move to Inbox"
move_to_archive: "Archive"
failed_to_move: "Failed to move selected messages (perhaps your network is down)"
select_all: "Select All"
success: "(email sent)"
in_progress: "(sending email)"
error: "(error)"
action: "Send Password Reset Email"
set_password: "Set Password"
title: "Change About Me"
error: "There was an error changing this value."
title: "Change Username"
confirm: "If you change your username, all prior quotes of your posts and @name mentions will be broken. Are you absolutely sure you want to?"
taken: "Sorry, that username is taken."
error: "There was an error changing your username."
invalid: "That username is invalid. It must only include numbers and letters"
title: "Change Email"
taken: "Sorry, that email is not available."
error: "There was an error changing your email. Perhaps that address is already in use?"
success: "We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions."
title: "Change your profile picture"
gravatar: "<a href='//gravatar.com/emails' target='_blank'>Gravatar</a>, based on"
gravatar_title: "Change your avatar on Gravatar's website"
refresh_gravatar_title: "Refresh your Gravatar"
letter_based: "System assigned profile picture"
uploaded_avatar: "Custom picture"
uploaded_avatar_empty: "Add a custom picture"
upload_title: "Upload your picture"
upload_picture: "Upload Picture"
image_is_not_a_square: "Warning: we've cropped your image; width and height were not equal."
cache_notice: "You've successfully changed your profile picture but it might take some time to appear due to browser caching."
title: "Profile Background"
instructions: "Profile backgrounds will be centered and have a default width of 850px."
title: "User Card Background"
instructions: "Background images will be centered and have a default width of 590px."
title: "Email"
instructions: "Never shown to the public"
ok: "We will email you to confirm"
invalid: "Please enter a valid email address"
authenticated: "Your email has been authenticated by {{provider}}"
frequency_immediately: "We'll email you immediately if you haven't read the thing we're emailing you about."
one: "We'll only email you if we haven't seen you in the last minute."
other: "We'll only email you if we haven't seen you in the last {{count}} minutes."
title: "Name"
instructions: "Your full name (optional)"
instructions_required: "Your full name"
too_short: "Your name is too short"
ok: "Your name looks good"
title: "Username"
instructions: "Unique, no spaces, short"
short_instructions: "People can mention you as @{{username}}"
available: "Your username is available"
global_match: "Email matches the registered username"
global_mismatch: "Already registered. Try {{suggestion}}?"
not_available: "Not available. Try {{suggestion}}?"
too_short: "Your username is too short"
too_long: "Your username is too long"
checking: "Checking username availability..."
enter_email: 'Username found; enter matching email'
prefilled: "Email matches this registered username"
title: "Interface language"
instructions: "User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page."
default: "(default)"
title: "Password Again"
last_posted: "Last Post"
last_emailed: "Last Emailed"
last_seen: "Seen"
created: "Joined"
log_out: "Log Out"
location: "Location"
title: "User Card Badge"
website: "Web Site"
email_settings: "Email"
title: "Notify when liked"
always: "Always"
first_time_and_daily: "First time a post is liked and daily"
first_time: "First time a post is liked"
never: "Never"
title: "Include previous replies at the bottom of emails"
unless_emailed: "unless previously sent"
always: "always"
never: "never"
title: "When I don't visit here, send an email digest of what's new:"
every_30_minutes: "every 30 minutes"
every_hour: "hourly"
daily: "daily"
every_three_days: "every three days"
weekly: "weekly"
every_two_weeks: "every two weeks"
include_tl0_in_digests: "Include posts from new users in digest emails"
email_in_reply_to: "Include an excerpt of replied to post in emails"
email_direct: "Send me an email when someone quotes me, replies to my post, mentions my @username, or invites me to a topic"
email_private_messages: "Send me an email when someone messages me"
email_always: "Send me email notifications even when I am active on the site"
other_settings: "Other"
categories_settings: "Categories"
one: "Are you sure you want to be emailed for every new post?"
other: "Are you sure you want to be emailed for every new post?<br><br>This will result in approximately <b>{{count}} emails</b> per day."
label: "Consider topics new when"
not_viewed: "I haven't viewed them yet"
last_here: "created since I was here last"
after_1_day: "created in the last day"
after_2_days: "created in the last 2 days"
after_1_week: "created in the last week"
after_2_weeks: "created in the last 2 weeks"
auto_track_topics: "Automatically track topics I enter"
never: "never"
immediately: "immediately"
after_30_seconds: "after 30 seconds"
after_1_minute: "after 1 minute"
after_2_minutes: "after 2 minutes"
after_3_minutes: "after 3 minutes"
after_4_minutes: "after 4 minutes"
after_5_minutes: "after 5 minutes"
after_10_minutes: "after 10 minutes"
search: "type to search invites..."
title: "Invites"
user: "Invited User"
sent: "Sent"
none: "There are no pending invites to display."
one: "Showing the first invite."
other: "Showing the first {{count}} invites."
redeemed: "Redeemed Invites"
redeemed_tab: "Redeemed"
redeemed_tab_with_count: "Redeemed ({{count}})"
redeemed_at: "Redeemed"
pending: "Pending Invites"
pending_tab: "Pending"
pending_tab_with_count: "Pending ({{count}})"
topics_entered: "Topics Viewed"
posts_read_count: "Posts Read"
expired: "This invite has expired."
rescind: "Remove"
rescinded: "Invite removed"
reinvite: "Resend Invite"
reinvited: "Invite re-sent"
time_read: "Read Time"
days_visited: "Days Visited"
account_age_days: "Account age in days"
create: "Send an Invite"
generate_link: "Copy Invite Link"
generated_link_message: '<p>Invite link generated successfully!</p><p><input class="invite-link-input" style="width: 75%;" type="text" value="%{inviteLink}"></p><p>Invite link is only valid for this email address: <b>%{invitedEmail}</b></p>'
none: "You haven't invited anyone here yet. You can send individual invites, or invite a bunch of people at once by <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/send-bulk-invites/16468'>uploading a bulk invite file</a>."
text: "Bulk Invite from File"
uploading: "Uploading..."
success: "File uploaded successfully, you will be notified via message when the process is complete."
error: "There was an error uploading '{{filename}}': {{message}}"
title: "Password"
too_short: "Your password is too short."
common: "That password is too common."
same_as_username: "Your password is the same as your username."
same_as_email: "Your password is the same as your email."
ok: "Your password looks good."
instructions: "At least %{count} characters."
title: "Summary"
stats: "Stats"
time_read: "read time"
one: "topic created"
other: "topics created"
one: "post created"
other: "posts created"
one: "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i> given"
other: "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i> given"
one: "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i> received"
other: "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i> received"
one: "day visited"
other: "days visited"
one: "post read"
other: "posts read"
one: "bookmark"
other: "bookmarks"
top_replies: "Top Replies"
no_replies: "No replies yet."
more_replies: "More Replies"
top_topics: "Top Topics"
no_topics: "No topics yet."
more_topics: "More Topics"
top_badges: "Top Badges"
no_badges: "No badges yet."
more_badges: "More Badges"
top_links: "Top Links"
no_links: "No links yet."
most_liked_by: "Most Liked By"
most_liked_users: "Most Liked"
most_replied_to_users: "Most Replied To"
no_likes: "No likes yet."
associated_accounts: "Logins"
title: "Last IP Address"
title: "Registration IP Address"
title: "Profile Picture"
header_title: "profile, messages, bookmarks and preferences"
title: "Title"
all: "All"
posted_by: "Posted by"
sent_by: "Sent by"
private_message: "message"
the_topic: "the topic"
loading: "Loading..."
prev_page: "while trying to load"
network: "Network Error"
server: "Server Error"
forbidden: "Access Denied"
unknown: "Error"
not_found: "Page Not Found"
network: "Please check your connection."
network_fixed: "Looks like it's back."
server: "Error code: {{status}}"
forbidden: "You're not allowed to view that."
not_found: "Oops, the application tried to load a URL that doesn't exist."
unknown: "Something went wrong."
back: "Go Back"
again: "Try Again"
fixed: "Load Page"
close: "Close"
assets_changed_confirm: "This site was just updated. Refresh now for the latest version?"
logout: "You were logged out."
refresh: "Refresh"
enabled: "This site is in read only mode. Please continue to browse, but replying, likes, and other actions are disabled for now."
login_disabled: "Login is disabled while the site is in read only mode."
logout_disabled: "Logout is disabled while the site is in read only mode."
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "Let's <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>get this discussion started!</a> There are currently <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> topics and <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> posts. New visitors need some conversations to read and respond to."
too_few_topics_notice: "Let's <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>get this discussion started!</a> There are currently <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> topics. New visitors need some conversations to read and respond to."
too_few_posts_notice: "Let's <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>get this discussion started!</a> There are currently <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> posts. New visitors need some conversations to read and respond to."
reached: "%{timestamp}: Current rate of <a href='%{url}' target='_blank'>%{rate}</a> has reached site settings's limit of %{siteSettingRate}."
exceeded: "%{timestamp}: Current rate of <a href='%{url}' target='_blank'>%{rate}</a> has exceeded site settings's limit of %{siteSettingRate}."
one: "1 error/%{duration}"
other: "%{count} errors/%{duration}"
learn_more: "learn more..."
year: 'year'
year_desc: 'topics created in the last 365 days'
month: 'month'
month_desc: 'topics created in the last 30 days'
week: 'week'
week_desc: 'topics created in the last 7 days'
day: 'day'
first_post: First post
mute: Mute
unmute: Unmute
last_post: Last post
last_reply_lowercase: last reply
one: reply
other: replies
sign_up: "Sign Up"
hide_session: "Remind me tomorrow"
hide_forever: "no thanks"
hidden_for_session: "OK, I'll ask you tomorrow. You can always use 'Log In' to create an account, too."
intro: "Hey there! :heart_eyes: Looks like you're enjoying the discussion, but you're not signed up for an account."
value_prop: "When you create an account, we remember exactly what you've read, so you always come right back where you left off. You also get notifications, here and via email, whenever new posts are made. And you can like posts to share the love. :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community."
description: "There are <b>{{replyCount}}</b> replies."
description_time: "There are <b>{{replyCount}}</b> replies with an estimated read time of <b>{{readingTime}} minutes</b>."
enable: 'Summarize This Topic'
disable: 'Show All Posts'
enabled_description: "This topic contains deleted posts, which have been hidden. "
disabled_description: "Deleted posts in the topic are shown."
enable: "Hide Deleted Posts"
disable: "Show Deleted Posts"
title: "Message"
invite: "Invite Others..."
remove_allowed_user: "Do you really want to remove {{name}} from this message?"
email: 'Email'
username: 'Username'
last_seen: 'Seen'
created: 'Created'
created_lowercase: 'created'
trust_level: 'Trust Level'
search_hint: 'username, email or IP address'
title: "Create New Account"
failed: "Something went wrong, perhaps this email is already registered, try the forgot password link"
title: "Password Reset"
action: "I forgot my password"
invite: "Enter your username or email address, and we'll send you a password reset email."
reset: "Reset Password"
complete_username: "If an account matches the username <b>%{username}</b>, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly."
complete_email: "If an account matches <b>%{email}</b>, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly."
complete_username_found: "We found an account that matches the username <b>%{username}</b>, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly."
complete_email_found: "We found an account that matches <b>%{email}</b>, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly."
complete_username_not_found: "No account matches the username <b>%{username}</b>"
complete_email_not_found: "No account matches <b>%{email}</b>"
title: "Log In"
username: "User"
password: "Password"
email_placeholder: "email or username"
caps_lock_warning: "Caps Lock is on"
error: "Unknown error"
rate_limit: "Please wait before trying to log in again."
blank_username_or_password: "Please enter your email or username, and password."
reset_password: 'Reset Password'
logging_in: "Signing In..."
or: "Or"
authenticating: "Authenticating..."
awaiting_confirmation: "Your account is awaiting activation, use the forgot password link to issue another activation email."
awaiting_approval: "Your account has not been approved by a staff member yet. You will be sent an email when it is approved."
requires_invite: "Sorry, access to this forum is by invite only."
not_activated: "You can't log in yet. We previously sent an activation email to you at <b>{{sentTo}}</b>. Please follow the instructions in that email to activate your account."
not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't login from that IP address."
admin_not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't log in as admin from that IP address."
resend_activation_email: "Click here to send the activation email again."
sent_activation_email_again: "We sent another activation email to you at <b>{{currentEmail}}</b>. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder."
to_continue: "Please Log In"
preferences: "You need to be logged in to change your user preferences."
forgot: "I don't recall my account details"
title: "with Google"
message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "with Google"
message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "with Twitter"
message: "Authenticating with Twitter (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "with Instagram"
message: "Authenticating with Instagram (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "with Facebook"
message: "Authenticating with Facebook (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "with Yahoo"
message: "Authenticating with Yahoo (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "with GitHub"
message: "Authenticating with GitHub (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
apple_international: "Apple/International"
google: "Google"
twitter: "Twitter"
emoji_one: "Emoji One"
shift: 'Shift'
ctrl: 'Ctrl'
alt: 'Alt'
emoji: "Emoji :)"
more_emoji: "more..."
options: "Options"
whisper: "whisper"
add_warning: "This is an official warning."
toggle_whisper: "Toggle Whisper"
posting_not_on_topic: "Which topic do you want to reply to?"
saving_draft_tip: "saving..."
saved_draft_tip: "saved"
saved_local_draft_tip: "saved locally"
similar_topics: "Your topic is similar to..."
drafts_offline: "drafts offline"
group_mentioned: "By using {{group}}, you are about to notify <a href='{{group_link}}'>{{count}} people</a>."
title_missing: "Title is required"
title_too_short: "Title must be at least {{min}} characters"
title_too_long: "Title can't be more than {{max}} characters"
post_missing: "Post can't be empty"
post_length: "Post must be at least {{min}} characters"
try_like: 'Have you tried the <i class="fa fa-heart"></i> button?'
category_missing: "You must choose a category"
save_edit: "Save Edit"
reply_original: "Reply on Original Topic"
reply_here: "Reply Here"
reply: "Reply"
cancel: "Cancel"
create_topic: "Create Topic"
create_pm: "Message"
title: "Or press Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Add a user"
title_placeholder: "What is this discussion about in one brief sentence?"
edit_reason_placeholder: "why are you editing?"
show_edit_reason: "(add edit reason)"
reply_placeholder: "Type here. Use Markdown, BBCode, or HTML to format. Drag or paste images."
view_new_post: "View your new post."
saving: "Saving"
saved: "Saved!"
saved_draft: "Post draft in progress. Select to resume."
uploading: "Uploading..."
show_preview: 'show preview &raquo;'
hide_preview: '&laquo; hide preview'
quote_post_title: "Quote whole post"
bold_title: "Strong"
bold_text: "strong text"
italic_title: "Emphasis"
italic_text: "emphasized text"
link_title: "Hyperlink"
link_description: "enter link description here"
link_dialog_title: "Insert Hyperlink"
link_optional_text: "optional title"
link_url_placeholder: "http://example.com"
quote_title: "Blockquote"
quote_text: "Blockquote"
code_title: "Preformatted text"
code_text: "indent preformatted text by 4 spaces"
upload_title: "Upload"
upload_description: "enter upload description here"
olist_title: "Numbered List"
ulist_title: "Bulleted List"
list_item: "List item"
heading_title: "Heading"
heading_text: "Heading"
hr_title: "Horizontal Rule"
help: "Markdown Editing Help"
toggler: "hide or show the composer panel"
modal_ok: "OK"
modal_cancel: "Cancel"
cant_send_pm: "Sorry, you can't send a message to %{username}."
admin_options_title: "Optional staff settings for this topic"
label: "Auto-close topic time:"
error: "Please enter a valid value."
based_on_last_post: "Don't close until the last post in the topic is at least this old."
units: ""
examples: 'Enter number of hours (24), absolute time (17:30) or timestamp (2013-11-22 14:00).'
units: "(# of hours)"
examples: 'Enter number of hours (24).'
title: "notifications of @name mentions, replies to your posts and topics, messages, etc"
none: "Unable to load notifications at this time."
more: "view older notifications"
total_flagged: "total flagged posts"
mentioned: "<i title='mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
group_mentioned: "<i title='group mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='posted' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked_2: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
one: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}} and 1 other</span> {{description}}</p>"
other: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}} and {{count}} others</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_topic: "<i title='invited to topic' class='fa fa-hand-o-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invitee_accepted: "<i title='accepted your invitation' class='fa fa-user'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> accepted your invitation</p>"
moved_post: "<i title='moved post' class='fa fa-sign-out'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> moved {{description}}</p>"
linked: "<i title='linked post' class='fa fa-arrow-left'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
granted_badge: "<i title='badge granted' class='fa fa-certificate'></i><p>Earned '{{description}}'</p>"
one: "<i title='messages in group inbox' class='fa fa-group'></i><p> {{count}} message in your {{group_name}} inbox</p>"
other: "<i title='messages in group inbox' class='fa fa-group'></i><p> {{count}} messages in your {{group_name}} inbox</p>"
mentioned: "Mentioned by"
quoted: "Quoted by"
replied: "Replied"
posted: "Post by"
edited: "Edit your post by"
liked: "Liked your post"
private_message: "Private message from"
invited_to_private_message: "Invited to a private message from"
invited_to_topic: "Invited to a topic from"
invitee_accepted: "Invite accepted by"
moved_post: "Your post was moved by"
linked: "Link to your post"
granted_badge: "Badge granted"
group_message_summary: "Messages in group inbox"
mentioned: '{{username}} mentioned you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
group_mentioned: '{{username}} mentioned you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
quoted: '{{username}} quoted you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
replied: '{{username}} replied to you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
posted: '{{username}} posted in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
private_message: '{{username}} sent you a private message in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
linked: '{{username}} linked to your post from "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
title: "Add an image"
title_with_attachments: "Add an image or a file"
from_my_computer: "From my device"
from_the_web: "From the web"
remote_tip: "link to image"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "link to image or file {{authorized_extensions}}"
local_tip: "select images from your device"
local_tip_with_attachments: "select images or files from your device {{authorized_extensions}}"
hint: "(you can also drag & drop into the editor to upload them)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "you can also drag and drop or paste images into the editor"
uploading: "Uploading"
select_file: "Select File"
image_link: "link your image will point to"
sort_by: "Sort by"
relevance: "Relevance"
latest_post: "Latest Post"
most_viewed: "Most Viewed"
most_liked: "Most Liked"
select_all: "Select All"
clear_all: "Clear All"
one: "1 result for <span class='term'>\"{{term}}\"</span>"
other: "{{count}} results for <span class='term'>\"{{term}}\"</span>"
title: "search topics, posts, users, or categories"
no_results: "No results found."
no_more_results: "No more results found."
search_help: Search help
searching: "Searching ..."
post_format: "#{{post_number}} by {{username}}"
user: "Search posts by @{{username}}"
category: "Search the \"{{category}}\" category"
topic: "Search this topic"
private_messages: "Search messages"
hamburger_menu: "go to another topic list or category"
new_item: "new"
go_back: 'go back'
not_logged_in_user: 'user page with summary of current activity and preferences'
current_user: 'go to your user page'
unlist_topics: "Unlist Topics"
reset_read: "Reset Read"
delete: "Delete Topics"
dismiss: "Dismiss"
dismiss_read: "Dismiss all unread"
dismiss_button: "Dismiss…"
dismiss_tooltip: "Dismiss just new posts or stop tracking topics"
also_dismiss_topics: "Stop tracking these topics so they never show up as unread for me again"
dismiss_new: "Dismiss New"
toggle: "toggle bulk selection of topics"
actions: "Bulk Actions"
change_category: "Change Category"
close_topics: "Close Topics"
archive_topics: "Archive Topics"
notification_level: "Change Notification Level"
choose_new_category: "Choose the new category for the topics:"
one: "You have selected <b>1</b> topic."
other: "You have selected <b>{{count}}</b> topics."
change_tags: "Change Tags"
choose_new_tags: "Choose new tags for these topics:"
changed_tags: "The tags of those topics were changed."
unread: "You have no unread topics."
new: "You have no new topics."
read: "You haven't read any topics yet."
posted: "You haven't posted in any topics yet."
latest: "There are no latest topics. That's sad."
hot: "There are no hot topics."
bookmarks: "You have no bookmarked topics yet."
category: "There are no {{category}} topics."
top: "There are no top topics."
search: "There are no search results."
new: '<p>Your new topics appear here.</p><p>By default, topics are considered new and will show a <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">new</span> indicator if they were created in the last 2 days.</p><p>Visit your <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferences</a> to change this.</p>'
unread: '<p>Your unread topics appear here.</p><p>By default, topics are considered unread and will show unread counts <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> if you:</p><ul><li>Created the topic</li><li>Replied to the topic</li><li>Read the topic for more than 4 minutes</li></ul><p>Or if you have explicitly set the topic to Tracked or Watched via the notification control at the bottom of each topic.</p><p>Visit your <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferences</a> to change this.</p>'
latest: "There are no more latest topics."
hot: "There are no more hot topics."
posted: "There are no more posted topics."
read: "There are no more read topics."
new: "There are no more new topics."
unread: "There are no more unread topics."
category: "There are no more {{category}} topics."
top: "There are no more top topics."
bookmarks: "There are no more bookmarked topics."
search: "There are no more search results."
stop_notifications: "You will now receive less notifications for <strong>{{title}}</strong>"
change_notification_state: "Your current notification state is "
filter_to: "{{post_count}} posts in topic"
create: 'New Topic'
create_long: 'Create a new Topic'
private_message: 'Start a message'
help: 'Move message to your archive'
title: 'Archive'
title: 'Move to Inbox'
help: 'Move message back to Inbox'
list: 'Topics'
new: 'new topic'
unread: 'unread'
one: '1 new topic'
other: '{{count}} new topics'
one: '1 unread topic'
other: '{{count}} unread topics'
title: 'Topic'
title: "Topic is private"
description: "Sorry, you don't have access to that topic!"
login_required: "You need to log in to see that topic."
title: "Topic failed to load"
description: "Sorry, we couldn't load that topic, possibly due to a connection problem. Please try again. If the problem persists, let us know."
title: "Topic not found"
description: "Sorry, we couldn't find that topic. Perhaps it was removed by a moderator?"
one: "you have 1 unread post in this topic"
other: "you have {{count}} unread posts in this topic"
one: "you have 1 unread old post in this topic"
other: "you have {{count}} unread old posts in this topic"
one: "there is 1 new post in this topic since you last read it"
other: "there are {{count}} new posts in this topic since you last read it"
one: "there is 1 like in this topic"
other: "there are {{count}} likes in this topic"
back_to_list: "Back to Topic List"
options: "Topic Options"
show_links: "show links within this topic"
toggle_information: "toggle topic details"
read_more_in_category: "Want to read more? Browse other topics in {{catLink}} or {{latestLink}}."
read_more: "Want to read more? {{catLink}} or {{latestLink}}."
# keys ending with _MF use message format, see /spec/components/js_local_helper_spec.rb for samples
read_more_MF: "There {
UNREAD, plural,
=0 {}
one {
is <a href='/unread'>1 unread</a>
} other {
are <a href='/unread'># unread</a>
} {
NEW, plural,
=0 {}
one { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {is } other{}} <a href='/new'>1 new</a> topic}
other { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {are } other{}} <a href='/new'># new</a> topics}
} remaining, or {CATEGORY, select, true {browse other topics in {catLink}} false {{latestLink}} other {}}"
browse_all_categories: Browse all categories
view_latest_topics: view latest topics
suggest_create_topic: Why not create a topic?
jump_reply_up: jump to earlier reply
jump_reply_down: jump to later reply
deleted: "The topic has been deleted"
auto_close_notice: "This topic will automatically close %{timeLeft}."
auto_close_notice_based_on_last_post: "This topic will close %{duration} after the last reply."
auto_close_title: 'Auto-Close Settings'
auto_close_save: "Save"
auto_close_remove: "Don't Auto-Close This Topic"
auto_close_immediate: "The last post in the topic is already %{hours} hours old, so the topic will be closed immediately."
title: topic progress
go_top: "top"
go_bottom: "bottom"
go: "go"
jump_bottom: "jump to last post"
jump_bottom_with_number: "jump to post %{post_number}"
total: total posts
current: current post
position: "post %{current} of %{total}"
"3_6": 'You will receive notifications because you are watching this category.'
"3_5": 'You will receive notifications because you started watching this topic automatically.'
"3_2": 'You will receive notifications because you are watching this topic.'
"3_1": 'You will receive notifications because you created this topic.'
"3": 'You will receive notifications because you are watching this topic.'
"2_8": 'You will receive notifications because you are tracking this category.'
"2_4": 'You will receive notifications because you posted a reply to this topic.'
"2_2": 'You will receive notifications because you are tracking this topic.'
"2": 'You will receive notifications because you <a href="/users/{{username}}/preferences">read this topic</a>.'
"1_2": 'You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you.'
"1": 'You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you.'
"0_7": 'You are ignoring all notifications in this category.'
"0_2": 'You are ignoring all notifications on this topic.'
"0": 'You are ignoring all notifications on this topic.'
title: "Watching"
description: "You will be notified of every new reply in this message, and a count of new replies will be shown."
title: "Watching"
description: "You will be notified of every new reply in this topic, and a count of new replies will be shown."
title: "Tracking"
description: "A count of new replies will be shown for this message. You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
title: "Tracking"
description: "A count of new replies will be shown for this topic. You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you. "
title: "Normal"
description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
title: "Normal"
description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
title: "Muted"
description: "You will never be notified of anything about this message."
title: "Muted"
description: "You will never be notified of anything about this topic, and it will not appear in latest."
recover: "Un-Delete Topic"
delete: "Delete Topic"
open: "Open Topic"
close: "Close Topic"
multi_select: "Select Posts…"
auto_close: "Auto Close…"
pin: "Pin Topic…"
unpin: "Un-Pin Topic…"
unarchive: "Unarchive Topic"
archive: "Archive Topic"
invisible: "Make Unlisted"
visible: "Make Listed"
reset_read: "Reset Read Data"
make_public: "Make Public Topic"
make_private: "Make Private Message"
pin: "Pin Topic"
unpin: "Un-Pin Topic"
pin_globally: "Pin Topic Globally"
make_banner: "Banner Topic"
remove_banner: "Remove Banner Topic"
title: 'Reply'
help: 'begin composing a reply to this topic'
title: "Clear pin"
help: "Clear the pinned status of this topic so it no longer appears at the top of your topic list"
title: 'Share'
help: 'share a link to this topic'
title: 'Flag'
help: 'privately flag this topic for attention or send a private notification about it'
success_message: 'You successfully flagged this topic.'
title: "Feature this topic"
pin: "Make this topic appear at the top of the {{categoryLink}} category until"
confirm_pin: "You already have {{count}} pinned topics. Too many pinned topics may be a burden for new and anonymous users. Are you sure you want to pin another topic in this category?"
unpin: "Remove this topic from the top of the {{categoryLink}} category."
unpin_until: "Remove this topic from the top of the {{categoryLink}} category or wait until <strong>%{until}</strong>."
pin_note: "Users can unpin the topic individually for themselves."
pin_validation: "A date is required to pin this topic."
not_pinned: "There are no topics pinned in {{categoryLink}}."
one: "Topics currently pinned in {{categoryLink}}: <strong class='badge badge-notification unread'>1</strong>"
other: "Topics currently pinned in {{categoryLink}}: <strong class='badge badge-notification unread'>{{count}}</strong>"
pin_globally: "Make this topic appear at the top of all topic lists until"
confirm_pin_globally: "You already have {{count}} globally pinned topics. Too many pinned topics may be a burden for new and anonymous users. Are you sure you want to pin another topic globally?"
unpin_globally: "Remove this topic from the top of all topic lists."
unpin_globally_until: "Remove this topic from the top of all topic lists or wait until <strong>%{until}</strong>."
global_pin_note: "Users can unpin the topic individually for themselves."
not_pinned_globally: "There are no topics pinned globally."
one: "Topics currently pinned globally: <strong class='badge badge-notification unread'>1</strong>"
other: "Topics currently pinned globally: <strong class='badge badge-notification unread'>{{count}}</strong>"
make_banner: "Make this topic into a banner that appears at the top of all pages."
remove_banner: "Remove the banner that appears at the top of all pages."
banner_note: "Users can dismiss the banner by closing it. Only one topic can be bannered at any given time."
no_banner_exists: "There is no banner topic."
banner_exists: "There <strong class='badge badge-notification unread'>is</strong> currently a banner topic."
inviting: "Inviting..."
automatically_add_to_groups_optional: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (optional, admin only)"
automatically_add_to_groups_required: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (<b>Required</b>, admin only)"
title: 'Invite to Message'
email_or_username: "Invitee's Email or Username"
email_or_username_placeholder: "email address or username"
action: "Invite"
success: "We've invited that user to participate in this message."
error: "Sorry, there was an error inviting that user."
group_name: "group name"
controls: "Topic Controls"
title: 'Invite'
username_placeholder: "username"
action: 'Send Invite'
help: 'invite others to this topic via email or notifications'
to_forum: "We'll send a brief email allowing your friend to immediately join by clicking a link, no login required."
sso_enabled: "Enter the username of the person you'd like to invite to this topic."
to_topic_blank: "Enter the username or email address of the person you'd like to invite to this topic."
to_topic_email: "You've entered an email address. We'll email an invitation that allows your friend to immediately reply to this topic."
to_topic_username: "You've entered a username. We'll send a notification with a link inviting them to this topic."
to_username: "Enter the username of the person you'd like to invite. We'll send a notification with a link inviting them to this topic."
email_placeholder: 'name@example.com'
success_email: "We mailed out an invitation to <b>{{emailOrUsername}}</b>. We'll notify you when the invitation is redeemed. Check the invitations tab on your user page to keep track of your invites."
success_username: "We've invited that user to participate in this topic."
error: "Sorry, we couldn't invite that person. Perhaps they have already been invited? (Invites are rate limited)"
login_reply: 'Log In to Reply'
one: "1 post"
other: "{{count}} posts"
cancel: "Remove filter"
title: "Move to New Topic"
action: "move to new topic"
topic_name: "New Topic Name"
error: "There was an error moving posts to the new topic."
one: "You are about to create a new topic and populate it with the post you've selected."
other: "You are about to create a new topic and populate it with the <b>{{count}}</b> posts you've selected."
title: "Move to Existing Topic"
action: "move to existing topic"
error: "There was an error moving posts into that topic."
one: "Please choose the topic you'd like to move that post to."
other: "Please choose the topic you'd like to move those <b>{{count}}</b> posts to."
title: "Change Owner of Posts"
action: "change ownership"
error: "There was an error changing the ownership of the posts."
label: "New Owner of Posts"
placeholder: "username of new owner"
one: "Please choose the new owner of the post by <b>{{old_user}}</b>."
other: "Please choose the new owner of the {{count}} posts by <b>{{old_user}}</b>."
instructions_warn: "Note that any notifications about this post will not be transferred to the new user retroactively.<br>Warning: Currently, no post-dependent data is transferred over to the new user. Use with caution."
title: "Change Timestamp"
action: "change timestamp"
invalid_timestamp: "Timestamp cannot be in the future."
error: "There was an error changing the timestamp of the topic."
instructions: "Please select the new timestamp of the topic. Posts in the topic will be updated to have the same time difference."
select: 'select'
selected: 'selected ({{count}})'
select_replies: 'select +replies'
delete: delete selected
cancel: cancel selecting
select_all: select all
deselect_all: deselect all
one: You have selected <b>1</b> post.
other: "You have selected <b>{{count}}</b> posts."
reply: "<i class='fa fa-mail-forward'></i> {{replyAvatar}} {{usernameLink}}"
reply_topic: "<i class='fa fa-mail-forward'></i> {{link}}"
quote_reply: "quote reply"
edit: "Editing {{link}} {{replyAvatar}} {{username}}"
edit_reason: "Reason: "
post_number: "post {{number}}"
last_edited_on: "post last edited on"
reply_as_new_topic: "Reply as linked Topic"
continue_discussion: "Continuing the discussion from {{postLink}}:"
follow_quote: "go to the quoted post"
show_full: "Show Full Post"
show_hidden: 'View hidden content.'
one: "(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in %{count} hour unless flagged)"
other: "(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in %{count} hours unless flagged)"
expand_collapse: "expand/collapse"
one: "view 1 hidden reply"
other: "view {{count}} hidden replies"
more_links: "{{count}} more..."
unread: "Post is unread"
one: "{{count}} Reply"
other: "{{count}} Replies"
one: "{{count}} Like"
other: "{{count}} Likes"
one: "1 person liked this post"
other: "{{count}} people liked this post"
has_likes_title_only_you: "you liked this post"
one: "you and 1 other person liked this post"
other: "you and {{count}} other people liked this post"
create: "Sorry, there was an error creating your post. Please try again."
edit: "Sorry, there was an error editing your post. Please try again."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
file_too_large: "Sorry, that file is too big (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb). Why not upload your large file to a cloud sharing service, then share the link?"
too_many_uploads: "Sorry, you can only upload one file at a time."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Sorry, you can only upload 10 files at a time."
upload_not_authorized: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extension: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Sorry, new users can not upload images."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Sorry, new users can not upload attachments."
attachment_download_requires_login: "Sorry, you need to be logged in to download attachments."
confirm: "Are you sure you want to abandon your post?"
no_value: "No, keep"
yes_value: "Yes, abandon"
via_email: "this post arrived via email"
via_auto_generated_email: "this post arrived via an auto generated email"
whisper: "this post is a private whisper for moderators"
about: "this post is a wiki"
save: 'Save Options'
few_likes_left: "Thanks for sharing the love! You only have a few likes left for today."
reply: "begin composing a reply to this post"
like: "like this post"
has_liked: "you've liked this post"
undo_like: "undo like"
edit: "edit this post"
edit_anonymous: "Sorry, but you need to be logged in to edit this post."
flag: "privately flag this post for attention or send a private notification about it"
delete: "delete this post"
undelete: "undelete this post"
share: "share a link to this post"
more: "More"
one: "Do you also want to delete the direct reply to this post?"
other: "Do you also want to delete the {{count}} direct replies to this post?"
yes_value: "Yes, delete the replies too"
no_value: "No, just this post"
admin: "post admin actions"
wiki: "Make Wiki"
unwiki: "Remove Wiki"
convert_to_moderator: "Add Staff Color"
revert_to_regular: "Remove Staff Color"
rebake: "Rebuild HTML"
unhide: "Unhide"
change_owner: "Change Ownership"
flag: 'Flag'
one: "Defer flag"
other: "Defer flags"
off_topic: "Flag it too"
spam: "Flag it too"
inappropriate: "Flag it too"
custom_flag: "Flag it too"
bookmark: "Bookmark it too"
like: "Like it too"
vote: "Vote for it too"
off_topic: "Undo flag"
spam: "Undo flag"
inappropriate: "Undo flag"
bookmark: "Undo bookmark"
like: "Undo like"
vote: "Undo vote"
off_topic: "flagged this as off-topic"
spam: "flagged this as spam"
inappropriate: "flagged this as inappropriate"
notify_moderators: "notified moderators"
notify_user: "sent a message"
bookmark: "bookmarked this"
like: "liked this"
vote: "voted for this"
off_topic: "You flagged this as off-topic"
spam: "You flagged this as spam"
inappropriate: "You flagged this as inappropriate"
notify_moderators: "You flagged this for moderation"
notify_user: "You sent a message to this user"
bookmark: "You bookmarked this post"
like: "You liked this"
vote: "You voted for this post"
one: "You and 1 other flagged this as off-topic"
other: "You and {{count}} other people flagged this as off-topic"
one: "You and 1 other flagged this as spam"
other: "You and {{count}} other people flagged this as spam"
one: "You and 1 other flagged this as inappropriate"
other: "You and {{count}} other people flagged this as inappropriate"
one: "You and 1 other flagged this for moderation"
other: "You and {{count}} other people flagged this for moderation"
one: "You and 1 other sent a message to this user"
other: "You and {{count}} other people sent a message to this user"
one: "You and 1 other bookmarked this post"
other: "You and {{count}} other people bookmarked this post"
one: "You and 1 other liked this"
other: "You and {{count}} other people liked this"
one: "You and 1 other voted for this post"
other: "You and {{count}} other people voted for this post"
one: "1 person flagged this as off-topic"
other: "{{count}} people flagged this as off-topic"
one: "1 person flagged this as spam"
other: "{{count}} people flagged this as spam"
one: "1 person flagged this as inappropriate"
other: "{{count}} people flagged this as inappropriate"
one: "1 person flagged this for moderation"
other: "{{count}} people flagged this for moderation"
one: "1 person sent a message to this user"
other: "{{count}} sent a message to this user"
one: "1 person bookmarked this post"
other: "{{count}} people bookmarked this post"
one: "1 person liked this"
other: "{{count}} people liked this"
one: "1 person voted for this post"
other: "{{count}} people voted for this post"
one: "Are you sure you want to delete that post?"
other: "Are you sure you want to delete all those posts?"
first: "First revision"
previous: "Previous revision"
next: "Next revision"
last: "Last revision"
hide: "Hide revision"
show: "Show revision"
revert: "Revert to this revision"
comparing_previous_to_current_out_of_total: "<strong>{{previous}}</strong> <i class='fa fa-arrows-h'></i> <strong>{{current}}</strong> / {{total}}"
title: "Show the rendered output with additions and removals inline"
button: '<i class="fa fa-square-o"></i> HTML'
title: "Show the rendered output diffs side-by-side"
button: '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i> HTML'
title: "Show the raw source diffs side-by-side"
button: '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i> Raw'
can: 'can&hellip; '
none: '(no category)'
all: 'All categories'
choose: 'Select a category&hellip;'
edit: 'edit'
edit_long: "Edit"
view: 'View Topics in Category'
general: 'General'
settings: 'Settings'
topic_template: "Topic Template"
delete: 'Delete Category'
create: 'New Category'
create_long: 'Create a new category'
save: 'Save Category'
slug: 'Category Slug'
slug_placeholder: '(Optional) dashed-words for url'
creation_error: There has been an error during the creation of the category.
save_error: There was an error saving the category.
name: "Category Name"
description: "Description"
topic: "category topic"
logo: "Category Logo Image"
background_image: "Category Background Image"
badge_colors: "Badge colors"
background_color: "Background color"
foreground_color: "Foreground color"
name_placeholder: "One or two words maximum"
color_placeholder: "Any web color"
delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this category?"
delete_error: "There was an error deleting the category."
list: "List Categories"
no_description: "Please add a description for this category."
change_in_category_topic: "Edit Description"
already_used: 'This color has been used by another category'
security: "Security"
special_warning: "Warning: This category is a pre-seeded category and the security settings cannot be edited. If you do not wish to use this category, delete it instead of repurposing it."
images: "Images"
auto_close_label: "Auto-close topics after:"
auto_close_units: "hours"
email_in: "Custom incoming email address:"
email_in_allow_strangers: "Accept emails from anonymous users with no accounts"
email_in_disabled: "Posting new topics via email is disabled in the Site Settings. To enable posting new topics via email, "
email_in_disabled_click: 'enable the "email in" setting.'
suppress_from_homepage: "Suppress this category from the homepage."
allow_badges_label: "Allow badges to be awarded in this category"
edit_permissions: "Edit Permissions"
add_permission: "Add Permission"
this_year: "this year"
position: "position"
default_position: "Default Position"
position_disabled: "Categories will be displayed in order of activity. To control the order of categories in lists, "
position_disabled_click: 'enable the "fixed category positions" setting.'
parent: "Parent Category"
title: "Watching"
description: "You will automatically watch all new topics in these categories. You will be notified of every new post in every topic, and a count of new replies will be shown."
title: "Tracking"
description: "You will automatically track all new topics in these categories. You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you, and a count of new replies will be shown."
title: "Normal"
description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
title: "Muted"
description: "You will never be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear in latest."
title: 'Thanks for helping to keep our community civil!'
action: 'Flag Post'
take_action: "Take Action"
notify_action: 'Message'
official_warning: 'Official Warning'
delete_spammer: "Delete Spammer"
delete_confirm: "You are about to delete <b>%{posts}</b> posts and <b>%{topics}</b> topics from this user, remove their account, block signups from their IP address <b>%{ip_address}</b>, and add their email address <b>%{email}</b> to a permanent block list. Are you sure this user is really a spammer?"
yes_delete_spammer: "Yes, Delete Spammer"
ip_address_missing: "(N/A)"
hidden_email_address: "(hidden)"
submit_tooltip: "Submit the private flag"
take_action_tooltip: "Reach the flag threshold immediately, rather than waiting for more community flags"
cant: "Sorry, you can't flag this post at this time."
notify_staff: 'Notify staff privately'
off_topic: "It's Off-Topic"
inappropriate: "It's Inappropriate"
spam: "It's Spam"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Be specific, be constructive, and always be kind."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Let us know specifically what you are concerned about, and provide relevant links and examples where possible."
at_least: "enter at least {{n}} characters"
more: "{{n}} to go..."
left: "{{n}} remaining"
title: "Thanks for helping to keep our community civil!"
action: "Flag Topic"
notify_action: "Message"
title: "Topic Summary"
participants_title: "Frequent Posters"
links_title: "Popular Links"
links_shown: "show all {{totalLinks}} links..."
one: "1 click"
other: "%{count} clicks"
help: "This is an official warning."
help: "You bookmarked this topic"
help: "This topic is closed; it no longer accepts new replies"
help: "This topic is archived; it is frozen and cannot be changed"
help: "This topic is closed and archived; it no longer accepts new replies and cannot be changed"
title: "Unpinned"
help: "This topic is unpinned for you; it will display in regular order"
title: "Pinned Globally"
help: "This topic is pinned globally; it will display at the top of latest and its category"
title: "Pinned"
help: "This topic is pinned for you; it will display at the top of its category"
help: "This topic is unlisted; it will not be displayed in topic lists, and can only be accessed via a direct link"
posts: "Posts"
posts_lowercase: "posts"
posts_long: "there are {{number}} posts in this topic"
posts_likes_MF: |
This topic has {count, plural, one {1 reply} other {# replies}} {ratio, select,
low {with a high like to post ratio}
med {with a very high like to post ratio}
high {with an extremely high like to post ratio}
other {}}
original_post: "Original Post"
views: "Views"
one: "view"
other: "views"
replies: "Replies"
views_long: "this topic has been viewed {{number}} times"
activity: "Activity"
likes: "Likes"
one: "like"
other: "likes"
likes_long: "there are {{number}} likes in this topic"
users: "Users"
one: "user"
other: "users"
category_title: "Category"
history: "History"
changed_by: "by {{author}}"
title: "Raw Email"
not_available: "Not available!"
categories_list: "Categories List"
with_topics: "%{filter} topics"
with_category: "%{filter} %{category} topics"
title: "Latest"
one: "Latest (1)"
other: "Latest ({{count}})"
help: "topics with recent posts"
title: "Hot"
help: "a selection of the hottest topics"
title: "Read"
help: "topics you've read, in the order that you last read them"
title: "Search"
help: "search all topics"
title: "Categories"
title_in: "Category - {{categoryName}}"
help: "all topics grouped by category"
title: "Unread"
one: "Unread (1)"
other: "Unread ({{count}})"
help: "topics you are currently watching or tracking with unread posts"
one: "1 unread"
other: "{{count}} unread"
one: "1 new"
other: "{{count}} new"
lower_title: "new"
title: "New"
one: "New (1)"
other: "New ({{count}})"
help: "topics created in the last few days"
title: "My Posts"
help: "topics you have posted in"
title: "Bookmarks"
help: "topics you have bookmarked"
title: "{{categoryName}}"
one: "{{categoryName}} (1)"
other: "{{categoryName}} ({{count}})"
help: "latest topics in the {{categoryName}} category"
title: "Top"
help: "the most active topics in the last year, month, week or day"
title: "All Time"
title: "Yearly"
title: "Quarterly"
title: "Monthly"
title: "Weekly"
title: "Daily"
all_time: "All Time"
this_year: "Year"
this_quarter: "Quarter"
this_month: "Month"
this_week: "Week"
today: "Today"
other_periods: "see top"
browser_update: 'Unfortunately, <a href="http://www.discourse.org/faq/#browser">your browser is too old to work on this site</a>. Please <a href="http://browsehappy.com">upgrade your browser</a>.'
full: "Create / Reply / See"
create_post: "Reply / See"
readonly: "See"
# This section is exported to the javascript for i18n in the admin section
type_to_filter: "type to filter..."
title: 'Discourse Admin'
moderator: 'Moderator'
title: "Dashboard"
last_updated: "Dashboard last updated:"
version: "Version"
up_to_date: "You're up to date!"
critical_available: "A critical update is available."
updates_available: "Updates are available."
please_upgrade: "Please upgrade!"
no_check_performed: "A check for updates has not been performed. Ensure sidekiq is running."
stale_data: "A check for updates has not been performed lately. Ensure sidekiq is running."
version_check_pending: "Looks like you upgraded recently. Fantastic!"
installed_version: "Installed"
latest_version: "Latest"
problems_found: "Some problems have been found with your installation of Discourse:"
last_checked: "Last checked"
refresh_problems: "Refresh"
no_problems: "No problems were found."
moderators: 'Moderators:'
admins: 'Admins:'
blocked: 'Blocked:'
suspended: 'Suspended:'
private_messages_short: "Msgs"
private_messages_title: "Messages"
mobile_title: "Mobile"
space_free: "{{size}} free"
uploads: "uploads"
backups: "backups"
traffic_short: "Traffic"
traffic: "Application web requests"
page_views: "API Requests"
page_views_short: "API Requests"
show_traffic_report: "Show Detailed Traffic Report"
today: "Today"
yesterday: "Yesterday"
last_7_days: "Last 7 Days"
last_30_days: "Last 30 Days"
all_time: "All Time"
7_days_ago: "7 Days Ago"
30_days_ago: "30 Days Ago"
all: "All"
view_table: "table"
view_graph: "graph"
refresh_report: "Refresh Report"
start_date: "Start Date"
end_date: "End Date"
groups: "All groups"
latest_changes: "Latest changes: please update often!"
by: "by"
title: "Flags"
old: "Old"
active: "Active"
agree: "Agree"
agree_title: "Confirm this flag as valid and correct"
agree_flag_modal_title: "Agree and..."
agree_flag_hide_post: "Agree (hide post + send PM)"
agree_flag_hide_post_title: "Hide this post and automatically send the user a message urging them to edit it"
agree_flag_restore_post: "Agree (restore post)"
agree_flag_restore_post_title: "Restore this post"
agree_flag: "Agree with flag"
agree_flag_title: "Agree with flag and keep the post unchanged"
defer_flag: "Defer"
defer_flag_title: "Remove this flag; it requires no action at this time."
delete: "Delete"
delete_title: "Delete the post this flag refers to."
delete_post_defer_flag: "Delete post and Defer flag"
delete_post_defer_flag_title: "Delete post; if the first post, delete the topic"
delete_post_agree_flag: "Delete post and Agree with flag"
delete_post_agree_flag_title: "Delete post; if the first post, delete the topic"
delete_flag_modal_title: "Delete and..."
delete_spammer: "Delete Spammer"
delete_spammer_title: "Remove the user and all posts and topics by this user."
disagree_flag_unhide_post: "Disagree (unhide post)"
disagree_flag_unhide_post_title: "Remove any flags from this post and make the post visible again"
disagree_flag: "Disagree"
disagree_flag_title: "Deny this flag as invalid or incorrect"
clear_topic_flags: "Done"
clear_topic_flags_title: "The topic has been investigated and issues have been resolved. Click Done to remove the flags."
more: "(more replies...)"
agreed: "agreed"
disagreed: "disagreed"
deferred: "deferred"
flagged_by: "Flagged by"
resolved_by: "Resolved by"
took_action: "Took action"
system: "System"
error: "Something went wrong"
reply_message: "Reply"
no_results: "There are no flags."
topic_flagged: "This <strong>topic</strong> has been flagged."
visit_topic: "Visit the topic to take action"
was_edited: "Post was edited after the first flag"
previous_flags_count: "This post has already been flagged {{count}} times."
one: "off-topic"
other: "off-topic x{{count}}"
one: "inappropriate"
other: "inappropriate x{{count}}"
one: "custom"
other: "custom x{{count}}"
one: "custom"
other: "custom x{{count}}"
one: "spam"
other: "spam x{{count}}"
primary: "Primary Group"
no_primary: "(no primary group)"
title: "Groups"
edit: "Edit Groups"
refresh: "Refresh"
new: "New"
selector_placeholder: "enter username"
name_placeholder: "Group name, no spaces, same as username rule"
about: "Edit your group membership and names here"
group_members: "Group members"
delete: "Delete"
delete_confirm: "Delete this group?"
delete_failed: "Unable to delete group. If this is an automatic group, it cannot be destroyed."
delete_member_confirm: "Remove '%{username}' from the '%{group}' group?"
delete_owner_confirm: "Remove owner privilege for '%{username}'?"
name: "Name"
add: "Add"
add_members: "Add members"
custom: "Custom"
bulk_complete: "The users have been added to the group."
bulk: "Bulk Add to Group"
bulk_paste: "Paste a list of usernames or emails, one per line:"
bulk_select: "(select a group)"
automatic: "Automatic"
automatic_membership_email_domains: "Users who register with an email domain that exactly matches one in this list will be automatically added to this group:"
automatic_membership_retroactive: "Apply the same email domain rule to add existing registered users"
default_title: "Default title for all users in this group"
primary_group: "Automatically set as primary group"
group_owners: Owners
add_owners: Add owners
incoming_email: "Custom incoming email address"
incoming_email_placeholder: "enter email address"
generate_master: "Generate Master API Key"
none: "There are no active API keys right now."
user: "User"
title: "API"
key: "API Key"
generate: "Generate"
regenerate: "Regenerate"
revoke: "Revoke"
confirm_regen: "Are you sure you want to replace that API Key with a new one?"
confirm_revoke: "Are you sure you want to revoke that key?"
info_html: "Your API key will allow you to create and update topics using JSON calls."
all_users: "All Users"
note_html: "Keep this key <strong>secret</strong>, all users that have it may create arbitrary posts as any user."
title: "Plugins"
installed: "Installed Plugins"
name: "Name"
none_installed: "You don't have any plugins installed."
version: "Version"
enabled: "Enabled?"
is_enabled: "Y"
not_enabled: "N"
change_settings: "Change Settings"
change_settings_short: "Settings"
howto: "How do I install plugins?"
title: "Backups"
backups: "Backups"
logs: "Logs"
none: "No backup available."
title: "Enable read-only mode"
label: "Enable read-only"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to enable read-only mode?"
title: "Disable read-only mode"
label: "Disable read-only"
none: "No logs yet..."
filename: "Filename"
size: "Size"
label: "Upload"
title: "Upload a backup to this instance"
uploading: "Uploading..."
success: "'{{filename}}' has successfully been uploaded."
error: "There has been an error while uploading '{{filename}}': {{message}}"
is_running: "An operation is currently running..."
failed: "The {{operation}} failed. Please check the logs."
label: "Cancel"
title: "Cancel the current operation"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to cancel the current operation?"
label: "Backup"
title: "Create a backup"
confirm: "Do you want to start a new backup?"
without_uploads: "Yes (do not include files)"
label: "Download"
title: "Download the backup"
title: "Remove the backup"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to destroy this backup?"
is_disabled: "Restore is disabled in the site settings."
label: "Restore"
title: "Restore the backup"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to restore this backup?"
label: "Rollback"
title: "Rollback the database to previous working state"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to rollback the database to the previous working state?"
user_archive_confirm: "Are you sure you want to download your posts?"
success: "Export initiated, you will be notified via message when the process is complete."
failed: "Export failed. Please check the logs."
rate_limit_error: "Posts can be downloaded once per day, please try again tomorrow."
button_text: "Export"
user: "Export full user list in CSV format."
staff_action: "Export full staff action log in CSV format."
screened_email: "Export full screened email list in CSV format."
screened_ip: "Export full screened IP list in CSV format."
screened_url: "Export full screened URL list in CSV format."
button_text: "Export"
button_text: "Send Invites"
button_title: "Send Invites"
title: "Customize"
long_title: "Site Customizations"
css: "CSS"
header: "Header"
top: "Top"
footer: "Footer"
embedded_css: "Embedded CSS"
text: "</head>"
title: "HTML that will be inserted before the </head> tag"
text: "</body>"
title: "HTML that will be inserted before the </body> tag"
override_default: "Do not include standard style sheet"
enabled: "Enabled?"
preview: "preview"
undo_preview: "remove preview"
rescue_preview: "default style"
explain_preview: "See the site with this custom stylesheet"
explain_undo_preview: "Go back to the currently enabled custom stylesheet"
explain_rescue_preview: "See the site with the default stylesheet"
save: "Save"
new: "New"
new_style: "New Style"
import: "Import"
import_title: "Select a file or paste text"
delete: "Delete"
delete_confirm: "Delete this customization?"
about: "Modify CSS stylesheets and HTML headers on the site. Add a customization to start."
color: "Color"
opacity: "Opacity"
copy: "Copy"
title: "Email Templates"
subject: "Subject"
multiple_subjects: "This email template has multiple subjects."
body: "Body"
none_selected: "Select an email template to begin editing."
revert: "Revert Changes"
revert_confirm: "Are you sure you want to revert your changes?"
title: "CSS/HTML"
long_title: "CSS and HTML Customizations"
title: "Colors"
long_title: "Color Schemes"
about: "Modify the colors used on the site without writing CSS. Add a scheme to start."
new_name: "New Color Scheme"
copy_name_prefix: "Copy of"
delete_confirm: "Delete this color scheme?"
undo: "undo"
undo_title: "Undo your changes to this color since the last time it was saved."
revert: "revert"
revert_title: "Reset this color to Discourse's default color scheme."
name: 'primary'
description: 'Most text, icons, and borders.'
name: 'secondary'
description: 'The main background color, and text color of some buttons.'
name: 'tertiary'
description: 'Links, some buttons, notifications, and accent color.'
name: "quaternary"
description: "Navigation links."
name: "header background"
description: "Background color of the site's header."
name: "header primary"
description: "Text and icons in the site's header."
name: 'highlight'
description: 'The background color of highlighted elements on the page, such as posts and topics.'
name: 'danger'
description: 'Highlight color for actions like deleting posts and topics.'
name: 'success'
description: 'Used to indicate an action was successful.'
name: 'love'
description: "The like button's color."
title: "Emails"
settings: "Settings"
templates: "Templates"
preview_digest: "Preview Digest"
sending_test: "Sending test Email..."
error: "<b>ERROR</b> - %{server_error}"
test_error: "There was a problem sending the test email. Please double-check your mail settings, verify that your host is not blocking mail connections, and try again."
sent: "Sent"
skipped: "Skipped"
bounced: "Bounced"
received: "Received"
rejected: "Rejected"
sent_at: "Sent At"
time: "Time"
user: "User"
email_type: "Email Type"
to_address: "To Address"
test_email_address: "email address to test"
send_test: "Send Test Email"
sent_test: "sent!"
delivery_method: "Delivery Method"
preview_digest_desc: "Preview the content of the digest emails sent to inactive users."
refresh: "Refresh"
format: "Format"
html: "html"
text: "text"
last_seen_user: "Last Seen User:"
reply_key: "Reply Key"
skipped_reason: "Skip Reason"
from_address: "From"
to_addresses: "To"
cc_addresses: "Cc"
subject: "Subject"
error: "Error"
none: "No incoming emails found."
title: "Incoming Email Details"
error: "Error"
headers: "Headers"
subject: "Subject"
body: "Body"
rejection_message: "Rejection Mail"
from_placeholder: "from@example.com"
to_placeholder: "to@example.com"
cc_placeholder: "cc@example.com"
subject_placeholder: "Subject..."
error_placeholder: "Error"
none: "No logs found."
title: "Filter"
user_placeholder: "username"
address_placeholder: "name@example.com"
type_placeholder: "digest, signup..."
reply_key_placeholder: "reply key"
skipped_reason_placeholder: "reason"
title: "Logs"
action: "Action"
created_at: "Created"
last_match_at: "Last Matched"
match_count: "Matches"
ip_address: "IP"
topic_id: "Topic ID"
post_id: "Post ID"
category_id: "Category ID"
delete: 'Delete'
edit: 'Edit'
save: 'Save'
block: "block"
do_nothing: "do nothing"
title: "Staff Actions"
instructions: "Click usernames and actions to filter the list. Click profile pictures to go to user pages."
clear_filters: "Show Everything"
staff_user: "Staff User"
target_user: "Target User"
subject: "Subject"
when: "When"
context: "Context"
details: "Details"
previous_value: "Previous"
new_value: "New"
diff: "Diff"
show: "Show"
modal_title: "Details"
no_previous: "There is no previous value."
deleted: "No new value. The record was deleted."
delete_user: "delete user"
change_trust_level: "change trust level"
change_username: "change username"
change_site_setting: "change site setting"
change_site_customization: "change site customization"
delete_site_customization: "delete site customization"
change_site_text: "change site text"
suspend_user: "suspend user"
unsuspend_user: "unsuspend user"
grant_badge: "grant badge"
revoke_badge: "revoke badge"
check_email: "check email"
delete_topic: "delete topic"
delete_post: "delete post"
impersonate: "impersonate"
anonymize_user: "anonymize user"
roll_up: "roll up IP blocks"
change_category_settings: "change category settings"
delete_category: "delete category"
create_category: "create category"
block_user: "block user"
unblock_user: "unblock user"
grant_admin: "grant admin"
revoke_admin: "revoke admin"
grant_moderation: "grant moderation"
revoke_moderation: "revoke moderation"
backup_operation: "backup operation"
deleted_tag: "deleted tag"
renamed_tag: "renamed tag"
title: "Screened Emails"
description: "When someone tries to create a new account, the following email addresses will be checked and the registration will be blocked, or some other action performed."
email: "Email Address"
allow: "Allow"
title: "Screened URLs"
description: "The URLs listed here were used in posts by users who have been identified as spammers."
url: "URL"
domain: "Domain"
title: "Screened IPs"
description: 'IP addresses that are being watched. Use "Allow" to whitelist IP addresses.'
delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to remove the rule for %{ip_address}?"
roll_up_confirm: "Are you sure you want to roll up commonly screened IP addresses into subnets?"
rolled_up_some_subnets: "Successfully rolled up IP ban entries to these subnets: %{subnets}."
rolled_up_no_subnet: "There was nothing to roll up."
block: "Block"
do_nothing: "Allow"
allow_admin: "Allow Admin"
label: "New:"
ip_address: "IP address"
add: "Add"
filter: "Search"
text: "Roll up"
title: "Creates new subnet ban entries if there are at least 'min_ban_entries_for_roll_up' entries."
title: "Error Logs"
title: "Impersonate"
help: "Use this tool to impersonate a user account for debugging purposes. You will have to log out once finished."
not_found: "That user can't be found."
invalid: "Sorry, you may not impersonate that user."
title: 'Users'
create: 'Add Admin User'
last_emailed: "Last Emailed"
not_found: "Sorry, that username doesn't exist in our system."
id_not_found: "Sorry, that user id doesn't exist in our system."
active: "Active"
show_emails: "Show Emails"
new: "New"
active: "Active"
pending: "Pending"
staff: 'Staff'
suspended: 'Suspended'
blocked: 'Blocked'
suspect: 'Suspect'
approved: "Approved?"
one: "approve user"
other: "approve users ({{count}})"
one: "reject user"
other: "reject users ({{count}})"
active: 'Active Users'
new: 'New Users'
pending: 'Users Pending Review'
newuser: 'Users at Trust Level 0 (New User)'
basic: 'Users at Trust Level 1 (Basic User)'
member: 'Users at Trust Level 2 (Member)'
regular: 'Users at Trust Level 3 (Regular)'
leader: 'Users at Trust Level 4 (Leader)'
staff: "Staff"
admins: 'Admin Users'
moderators: 'Moderators'
blocked: 'Blocked Users'
suspended: 'Suspended Users'
suspect: 'Suspect Users'
one: "Successfully rejected 1 user."
other: "Successfully rejected %{count} users."
one: "Failed to reject 1 user."
other: "Failed to reject %{count} users."
not_verified: "Not verified"
title: "Reveal this user's email address"
text: "Show"
suspend_failed: "Something went wrong suspending this user {{error}}"
unsuspend_failed: "Something went wrong unsuspending this user {{error}}"
suspend_duration: "How long will the user be suspended for?"
suspend_duration_units: "(days)"
suspend_reason_label: "Why are you suspending? This text <b>will be visible to everyone</b> on this user's profile page, and will be shown to the user when they try to log in. Keep it short."
suspend_reason: "Reason"
suspended_by: "Suspended by"
delete_all_posts: "Delete all posts"
delete_all_posts_confirm: "You are about to delete %{posts} posts and %{topics} topics. Are you sure?"
suspend: "Suspend"
unsuspend: "Unsuspend"
suspended: "Suspended?"
moderator: "Moderator?"
admin: "Admin?"
blocked: "Blocked?"
staged: "Staged?"
show_admin_profile: "Admin"
edit_title: "Edit Title"
save_title: "Save Title"
refresh_browsers: "Force browser refresh"
refresh_browsers_message: "Message sent to all clients!"
show_public_profile: "Show Public Profile"
impersonate: 'Impersonate'
ip_lookup: "IP Lookup"
log_out: "Log Out"
logged_out: "User was logged out on all devices"
revoke_admin: 'Revoke Admin'
grant_admin: 'Grant Admin'
revoke_moderation: 'Revoke Moderation'
grant_moderation: 'Grant Moderation'
unblock: 'Unblock'
block: 'Block'
reputation: Reputation
permissions: Permissions
activity: Activity
like_count: Likes Given / Received
last_100_days: 'in the last 100 days'
private_topics_count: Private Topics
posts_read_count: Posts Read
post_count: Posts Created
topics_entered: Topics Viewed
flags_given_count: Flags Given
flags_received_count: Flags Received
warnings_received_count: Warnings Received
flags_given_received_count: 'Flags Given / Received'
approve: 'Approve'
approved_by: "approved by"
approve_success: "User approved and email sent with activation instructions."
approve_bulk_success: "Success! All selected users have been approved and notified."
time_read: "Read Time"
anonymize: "Anonymize User"
anonymize_confirm: "Are you SURE you want to anonymize this account? This will change the username and email, and reset all profile information."
anonymize_yes: "Yes, anonymize this account"
anonymize_failed: "There was a problem anonymizing the account."
delete: "Delete User"
delete_forbidden_because_staff: "Admins and moderators can't be deleted."
delete_posts_forbidden_because_staff: "Can't delete all posts of admins and moderators."
one: "Users can't be deleted if they have posts. Delete all posts before trying to delete a user. (Posts older than %{count} day old can't be deleted.)"
other: "Users can't be deleted if they have posts. Delete all posts before trying to delete a user. (Posts older than %{count} days old can't be deleted.)"
one: "Can't delete all posts. Some posts are older than %{count} day old. (The delete_user_max_post_age setting.)"
other: "Can't delete all posts. Some posts are older than %{count} days old. (The delete_user_max_post_age setting.)"
one: "Can't delete all posts because the user has more than 1 post. (delete_all_posts_max)"
other: "Can't delete all posts because the user has more than %{count} posts. (delete_all_posts_max)"
delete_confirm: "Are you SURE you want to delete this user? This is permanent!"
delete_and_block: "Delete and <b>block</b> this email and IP address"
delete_dont_block: "Delete only"
deleted: "The user was deleted."
delete_failed: "There was an error deleting that user. Make sure all posts are deleted before trying to delete the user."
send_activation_email: "Send Activation Email"
activation_email_sent: "An activation email has been sent."
send_activation_email_failed: "There was a problem sending another activation email. %{error}"
activate: "Activate Account"
activate_failed: "There was a problem activating the user."
deactivate_account: "Deactivate Account"
deactivate_failed: "There was a problem deactivating the user."
unblock_failed: 'There was a problem unblocking the user.'
block_failed: 'There was a problem blocking the user.'
block_confirm: 'Are you sure you want to block this user? They will not be able to create any new topics or posts.'
block_accept: 'Yes, block this user'
bounce_score: "Bounce Score"
label: "Reset"
title: "Reset bounce score back to 0"
deactivate_explanation: "A deactivated user must re-validate their email."
suspended_explanation: "A suspended user can't log in."
block_explanation: "A blocked user can't post or start topics."
staged_explanation: "A staged user can only post via email in specific topics."
none: "No bounces were received recently from that email."
some: "Some bounces were received recently from that email."
threshold_reached: "Received too many bounces from that email."
trust_level_change_failed: "There was a problem changing the user's trust level."
suspend_modal_title: "Suspend User"
trust_level_2_users: "Trust Level 2 Users"
trust_level_3_requirements: "Trust Level 3 Requirements"
trust_level_locked_tip: "trust level is locked, system will not promote or demote user"
trust_level_unlocked_tip: "trust level is unlocked, system will may promote or demote user"
lock_trust_level: "Lock Trust Level"
unlock_trust_level: "Unlock Trust Level"
title: "Requirements for Trust Level 3"
table_title: "In the last %{time_period} days:"
value_heading: "Value"
requirement_heading: "Requirement"
visits: "Visits"
days: "days"
topics_replied_to: "Topics Replied To"
topics_viewed: "Topics Viewed"
topics_viewed_all_time: "Topics Viewed (all time)"
posts_read: "Posts Read"
posts_read_all_time: "Posts Read (all time)"
flagged_posts: "Flagged Posts"
flagged_by_users: "Users Who Flagged"
likes_given: "Likes Given"
likes_received: "Likes Received"
likes_received_days: "Likes Received: unique days"
likes_received_users: "Likes Received: unique users"
qualifies: "Qualifies for trust level 3."
does_not_qualify: "Doesn't qualify for trust level 3."
will_be_promoted: "Will be promoted soon."
will_be_demoted: "Will be demoted soon."
on_grace_period: "Currently in promotion grace period, will not be demoted."
locked_will_not_be_promoted: "Trust level locked. Will never be promoted."
locked_will_not_be_demoted: "Trust level locked. Will never be demoted."
title: "Single Sign On"
external_id: "External ID"
external_username: "Username"
external_name: "Name"
external_email: "Email"
external_avatar_url: "Profile Picture URL"
title: "User Fields"
help: "Add fields that your users can fill out."
create: "Create User Field"
untitled: "Untitled"
name: "Field Name"
type: "Field Type"
description: "Field Description"
save: "Save"
edit: "Edit"
delete: "Delete"
cancel: "Cancel"
delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete that user field?"
options: "Options"
title: "Required at signup?"
enabled: "required"
disabled: "not required"
title: "Editable after signup?"
enabled: "editable"
disabled: "not editable"
title: "Show on public profile?"
enabled: "shown on profile"
disabled: "not shown on profile"
title: "Show on user card?"
enabled: "shown on user card"
disabled: "not shown on user card"
text: 'Text Field'
confirm: 'Confirmation'
dropdown: "Dropdown"
description: "You can customize any of the text on your forum. Please start by searching below:"
search: "Search for the text you'd like to edit"
title: 'Text Content'
edit: 'edit'
revert: "Revert Changes"
revert_confirm: "Are you sure you want to revert your changes?"
go_back: "Back to Search"
recommended: "We recommend customizing the following text to suit your needs:"
show_overriden: 'Only show overridden'
show_overriden: 'Only show overridden'
title: 'Settings'
reset: 'reset'
none: 'none'
no_results: "No results found."
clear_filter: "Clear"
add_url: "add URL"
add_host: "add host"
all_results: 'All'
required: 'Required'
basic: 'Basic Setup'
users: 'Users'
posting: 'Posting'
email: 'Email'
files: 'Files'
trust: 'Trust Levels'
security: 'Security'
onebox: "Onebox"
seo: 'SEO'
spam: 'Spam'
rate_limits: 'Rate Limits'
developer: 'Developer'
embedding: "Embedding"
legal: "Legal"
uncategorized: 'Other'
backups: "Backups"
login: "Login"
plugins: "Plugins"
user_preferences: "User Preferences"
tags: "Tags"
title: Badges
new_badge: New Badge
new: New
name: Name
badge: Badge
display_name: Display Name
description: Description
long_description: Long Description
badge_type: Badge Type
badge_grouping: Group
modal_title: Badge Groupings
granted_by: Granted By
granted_at: Granted At
reason_help: (A link to a post or topic)
save: Save
delete: Delete
delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this badge?
revoke: Revoke
reason: Reason
expand: Expand &hellip;
revoke_confirm: Are you sure you want to revoke this badge?
edit_badges: Edit Badges
grant_badge: Grant Badge
granted_badges: Granted Badges
grant: Grant
no_user_badges: "%{name} has not been granted any badges."
no_badges: There are no badges that can be granted.
none_selected: "Select a badge to get started"
allow_title: Allow badge to be used as a title
multiple_grant: Can be granted multiple times
listable: Show badge on the public badges page
enabled: Enable badge
icon: Icon
image: Image
icon_help: "Use either a Font Awesome class or URL to an image"
query: Badge Query (SQL)
target_posts: Query targets posts
auto_revoke: Run revocation query daily
show_posts: Show post granting badge on badge page
trigger: Trigger
none: "Update daily"
post_action: "When a user acts on post"
post_revision: "When a user edits or creates a post"
trust_level_change: "When a user changes trust level"
user_change: "When a user is edited or created"
post_processed: "After a post is processed"
link_text: "Preview granted badges"
plan_text: "Preview with query plan"
modal_title: "Badge Query Preview"
sql_error_header: "There was an error with the query."
error_help: "See the following links for help with badge queries."
header: "WARNING!"
text: "There are missing grant samples. This happens when the badge query returns user IDs or post IDs that do not exist. This may cause unexpected results later on - please double-check your query."
no_grant_count: "No badges to be assigned."
one: "<b>1</b> badge to be assigned."
other: "<b>%{count}</b> badges to be assigned."
sample: "Sample:"
with: <span class="username">%{username}</span>
with_post: <span class="username">%{username}</span> for post in %{link}
with_post_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> for post in %{link} at <span class="time">%{time}</span>
with_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> at <span class="time">%{time}</span>
title: "Emoji"
help: "Add new emoji that will be available to everyone. (PROTIP: drag & drop multiple files at once)"
add: "Add New Emoji"
name: "Name"
image: "Image"
delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete the :%{name}: emoji?"
get_started: "If you'd like to embed Discourse on another website, begin by adding its host."
confirm_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete that host?"
sample: "Use the following HTML code into your site to create and embed discourse topics. Replace <b>REPLACE_ME</b> with the canonical URL of the page you are embedding it on."
title: "Embedding"
host: "Allowed Hosts"
edit: "edit"
category: "Post to Category"
add_host: "Add Host"
settings: "Embedding Settings"
feed_settings: "Feed Settings"
feed_description: "Providing an RSS/ATOM feed for your site can improve Discourse's ability to import your content."
crawling_settings: "Crawler Settings"
crawling_description: "When Discourse creates topics for your posts, if no RSS/ATOM feed is present it will attempt to parse your content out of your HTML. Sometimes it can be challenging to extract your content, so we provide the ability to specify CSS rules to make extraction easier."
embed_by_username: "Username for topic creation"
embed_post_limit: "Maximum number of posts to embed"
embed_username_key_from_feed: "Key to pull discourse username from feed"
embed_truncate: "Truncate the embedded posts"
embed_whitelist_selector: "CSS selector for elements that are allowed in embeds"
embed_blacklist_selector: "CSS selector for elements that are removed from embeds"
embed_classname_whitelist: "Allowed CSS class names"
feed_polling_enabled: "Import posts via RSS/ATOM"
feed_polling_url: "URL of RSS/ATOM feed to crawl"
save: "Save Embedding Settings"
title: "Permalinks"
url: "URL"
topic_id: "Topic ID"
topic_title: "Topic"
post_id: "Post ID"
post_title: "Post"
category_id: "Category ID"
category_title: "Category"
external_url: "External URL"
delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this permalink?
label: "New:"
add: "Add"
filter: "Search (URL or External URL)"
download: "download"
title: 'Search Help'
title: 'Keyboard Shortcuts'
title: 'Jump To'
home: '<b>g</b>, <b>h</b> Home'
latest: '<b>g</b>, <b>l</b> Latest'
new: '<b>g</b>, <b>n</b> New'
unread: '<b>g</b>, <b>u</b> Unread'
categories: '<b>g</b>, <b>c</b> Categories'
top: '<b>g</b>, <b>t</b> Top'
bookmarks: '<b>g</b>, <b>b</b> Bookmarks'
profile: '<b>g</b>, <b>p</b> Profile'
messages: '<b>g</b>, <b>m</b> Messages'
title: 'Navigation'
jump: '<b>#</b> Go to post #'
back: '<b>u</b> Back'
up_down: '<b>k</b>/<b>j</b> Move selection &uarr; &darr;'
open: '<b>o</b> or <b>Enter</b> Open selected topic'
next_prev: '<b>shift</b>+<b>j</b>/<b>shift</b>+<b>k</b> Next/previous section'
title: 'Application'
create: '<b>c</b> Create a new topic'
notifications: '<b>n</b> Open notifications'
hamburger_menu: '<b>=</b> Open hamburger menu'
user_profile_menu: '<b>p</b> Open user menu'
show_incoming_updated_topics: '<b>.</b> Show updated topics'
search: '<b>/</b> Search'
help: '<b>?</b> Open keyboard help'
dismiss_new_posts: '<b>x</b>, <b>r</b> Dismiss New/Posts'
dismiss_topics: '<b>x</b>, <b>t</b> Dismiss Topics'
log_out: '<b>shift</b>+<b>z</b> <b>shift</b>+<b>z</b> Log Out'
title: 'Actions'
bookmark_topic: '<b>f</b> Toggle bookmark topic'
pin_unpin_topic: '<b>shift</b>+<b>p</b> Pin/Unpin topic'
share_topic: '<b>shift</b>+<b>s</b> Share topic'
share_post: '<b>s</b> Share post'
reply_as_new_topic: '<b>t</b> Reply as linked topic'
reply_topic: '<b>shift</b>+<b>r</b> Reply to topic'
reply_post: '<b>r</b> Reply to post'
quote_post: '<b>q</b> Quote post'
like: '<b>l</b> Like post'
flag: '<b>!</b> Flag post'
bookmark: '<b>b</b> Bookmark post'
edit: '<b>e</b> Edit post'
delete: '<b>d</b> Delete post'
mark_muted: '<b>m</b>, <b>m</b> Mute topic'
mark_regular: '<b>m</b>, <b>r</b> Regular (default) topic'
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b>, <b>t</b> Track topic'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b>, <b>w</b> Watch topic'
one: "Earned this badge 1 time"
other: "Earned this badge %{count} times"
granted_on: "Granted %{date}"
others_count: "Others with this badge (%{count})"
title: Badges
allow_title: "available title"
multiple_grant: "awarded multiple times"
one: "1 Badge"
other: "%{count} Badges"
one: "+1 More"
other: "+%{count} More"
one: "1 granted"
other: "%{count} granted"
select_badge_for_title: Select a badge to use as your title
none: "<none>"
name: Getting Started
name: Community
name: Trust Level
name: Other
name: Posting
google_search: |
<h3>Search with Google</h3>
<form action='//google.com/search' id='google-search' onsubmit="document.getElementById('google-query').value = 'site:' + window.location.host + ' ' + document.getElementById('user-query').value; return true;">
<input type="text" id='user-query' value="">
<input type='hidden' id='google-query' name="q">
<button class="btn btn-primary">Google</button>
all_tags: "All Tags"
selector_all_tags: "all tags"
changed: "tags changed:"
tags: "Tags"
choose_for_topic: "choose optional tags for this topic"
delete_tag: "Delete Tag"
delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete that tag?"
rename_tag: "Rename Tag"
rename_instructions: "Choose a new name for the tag:"
sort_by: "Sort by:"
sort_by_count: "count"
sort_by_name: "name"
without_category: "%{filter} %{tag} topics"
with_category: "%{filter} %{tag} topics in %{category}"
title: "Watching"
description: "You will automatically watch all new topics in this tag. You will be notified of all new posts and topics, plus the count of unread and new posts will also appear next to the topic."
title: "Tracking"
description: "You will automatically track all new topics in this tag. A count of unread and new posts will appear next to the topic."
title: "Regular"
description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post."
title: "Muted"
description: "You will not be notified of anything about new topics in this tag, and they will not appear on your unread tab."
unread: "You have no unread topics."
new: "You have no new topics."
read: "You haven't read any topics yet."
posted: "You haven't posted in any topics yet."
latest: "There are no latest topics."
hot: "There are no hot topics."
bookmarks: "You have no bookmarked topics yet."
top: "There are no top topics."
search: "There are no search results."
latest: "There are no more latest topics."
hot: "There are no more hot topics."
posted: "There are no more posted topics."
read: "There are no more read topics."
new: "There are no more new topics."
unread: "There are no more unread topics."
top: "There are no more top topics."
bookmarks: "There are no more bookmarked topics."
search: "There are no more search results."