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hljs.registerLanguage("vim",function(e){return{l:/[!#@\w]+/,k:{keyword:"N|0 P|0 X|0 a|0 ab abc abo al am an|0 ar arga argd arge argdo argg argl argu as au aug aun b|0 bN ba bad bd be bel bf bl bm bn bo bp br brea breaka breakd breakl bro bufdo buffers bun bw c|0 cN cNf ca cabc caddb cad caddf cal cat cb cc ccl cd ce cex cf cfir cgetb cgete cg changes chd che checkt cl cla clo cm cmapc cme cn cnew cnf cno cnorea cnoreme co col colo com comc comp con conf cope cp cpf cq cr cs cst cu cuna cunme cw delm deb debugg delc delf dif diffg diffo diffp diffpu diffs diffthis dig di dl dell dj dli do doautoa dp dr ds dsp e|0 ea ec echoe echoh echom echon el elsei em en endfo endf endt endw ene ex exe exi exu f|0 files filet fin fina fini fir fix fo foldc foldd folddoc foldo for fu go gr grepa gu gv ha helpf helpg helpt hi hid his ia iabc if ij il im imapc ime ino inorea inoreme int is isp iu iuna iunme j|0 ju k|0 keepa kee keepj lN lNf l|0 lad laddb laddf la lan lat lb lc lch lcl lcs le lefta let 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delete delmarks debug debuggreedy delcommand delfunction diffupdate diffget diffoff diffpatch diffput diffsplit digraphs display deletel djump dlist doautocmd doautoall deletep drop dsearch dsplit edit earlier echo echoerr echohl echomsg else elseif emenu endif endfor endfunction endtry endwhile enew execute exit exusage file filetype find finally finish first fixdel fold foldclose folddoopen folddoclosed foldopen function global goto grep grepadd gui gvim hardcopy help helpfind helpgrep helptags highlight hide history insert iabbrev iabclear ijump ilist imap imapclear imenu inoremap inoreabbrev inoremenu intro isearch isplit iunmap iunabbrev iunmenu join jumps keepalt keepmarks keepjumps lNext lNfile list laddexpr laddbuffer laddfile last language later lbuffer lcd lchdir lclose lcscope left leftabove lexpr lfile lfirst lgetbuffer lgetexpr lgetfile lgrep lgrepadd lhelpgrep llast llist lmake lmap lmapclear lnext lnewer lnfile lnoremap loadkeymap loadview lockmarks lockvar lolder lopen lprevious lpfile lrewind ltag lunmap luado luafile lvimgrep lvimgrepadd lwindow move mark make mapclear match menu menutranslate messages mkexrc mksession mkspell mkvimrc mkview mode mzscheme mzfile nbclose nbkey nbsart next nmap nmapclear nmenu nnoremap nnoremenu noautocmd noremap nohlsearch noreabbrev noremenu normal number nunmap nunmenu oldfiles open omap omapclear omenu only onoremap onoremenu options ounmap ounmenu ownsyntax print profdel profile promptfind promptrepl pclose pedit perl perldo pop popup ppop preserve previous psearch ptag ptNext ptfirst ptjump ptlast ptnext ptprevious ptrewind ptselect put pwd py3do py3file python pydo pyfile quit quitall qall read recover redo redir redraw redrawstatus registers resize retab return rewind right rightbelow ruby rubydo rubyfile rundo runtime rviminfo substitute sNext sandbox sargument sall saveas sbuffer sbNext sball sbfirst sblast sbmodified sbnext sbprevious sbrewind scriptnames scriptencoding scscope set setfiletype setglobal setlocal sfind sfirst shell simalt sign silent sleep slast smagic smapclear smenu snext sniff snomagic snoremap snoremenu sort source spelldump spellgood spellinfo spellrepall spellundo spellwrong split sprevious srewind stop stag startgreplace startreplace startinsert stopinsert stjump stselect sunhide sunmap sunmenu suspend sview swapname syntax syntime syncbind tNext tabNext tabclose tabedit tabfind tabfirst tablast tabmove tabnext tabonly tabprevious tabrewind tag tcl tcldo tclfile tearoff tfirst throw tjump tlast tmenu tnext topleft tprevious trewind tselect tunmenu undo undojoin undolist unabbreviate unhide unlet unlockvar unmap unmenu unsilent update vglobal version verbose vertical vimgrep vimgrepadd visual viusage view vmap vmapclear vmenu vnew vnoremap vnoremenu vsplit vunmap vunmenu write wNext wall while winsize wincmd winpos wnext wprevious wqall wsverb wundo wviminfo xit xall xmapclear xmap xmenu xnoremap xnoremenu xunmap xunmenu yank",built_in:"synIDtrans atan2 range matcharg did_filetype asin feedkeys xor argv complete_check add getwinposx getqflist getwinposy screencol clearmatches empty extend getcmdpos mzeval garbagecollect setreg ceil sqrt diff_hlID inputsecret get getfperm getpid filewritable shiftwidth max sinh isdirectory synID system inputrestore winline atan visualmode inputlist tabpagewinnr round getregtype mapcheck hasmapto histdel argidx findfile sha256 exists toupper getcmdline taglist string getmatches bufnr strftime winwidth bufexists strtrans tabpagebuflist setcmdpos remote_read printf setloclist getpos getline bufwinnr float2nr len getcmdtype diff_filler luaeval resolve libcallnr foldclosedend reverse filter has_key bufname str2float strlen setline getcharmod setbufvar index searchpos shellescape undofile foldclosed setqflist buflisted strchars str2nr virtcol floor remove undotree remote_expr winheight gettabwinvar reltime cursor tabpagenr finddir localtime acos getloclist search tanh matchend rename gettabvar strdisplaywidth type abs py3eval setwinvar tolower wildmenumode log10 spellsuggest bufloaded synconcealed nextnonblank server2client complete settabwinvar executable input wincol setmatches getftype hlID inputsave searchpair or screenrow line settabvar histadd deepcopy strpart remote_peek and eval getftime submatch screenchar winsaveview matchadd mkdir screenattr getfontname libcall reltimestr getfsize winnr invert pow getbufline byte2line soundfold repeat fnameescape tagfiles sin strwidth spellbadword trunc maparg log lispindent hostname setpos globpath remote_foreground getchar synIDattr fnamemodify cscope_connection stridx winbufnr indent min complete_add nr2char searchpairpos inputdialog values matchlist items hlexists strridx browsedir expand fmod pathshorten line2byte argc count getwinvar glob foldtextresult getreg foreground cosh matchdelete has char2nr simplify histget searchdecl iconv winrestcmd pumvisible writefile foldlevel haslocaldir keys cos matchstr foldtext histnr tan tempname getcwd byteidx getbufvar islocked escape eventhandler remote_send serverlist winrestview synstack pyeval prevnonblank readfile cindent filereadable changenr exp"},i:/;/,c:[e.NM,{cN:"string",b:"'",e:"'",i:"\\n"},{cN:"string",b:/"(\\"|\n\\|[^"\n])*"/},e.C('"',"$"),{cN:"variable",b:/[bwtglsav]:[\w\d_]*/},{cN:"function",bK:"function function!",e:"$",r:0,c:[e.TM,{cN:"params",b:"\\(",e:"\\)"}]},{cN:"symbol",b:/<[\w-]+>/}]}});