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class Poll < ActiveRecord::Base
# because we want to use the 'type' column and don't want to use STI
self.inheritance_column = nil
belongs_to :post
has_many :poll_options, dependent: :destroy
has_many :poll_votes
enum type: {
regular: 0,
multiple: 1,
number: 2,
enum status: {
open: 0,
closed: 1,
enum results: {
always: 0,
on_vote: 1,
on_close: 2,
enum visibility: {
secret: 0,
everyone: 1,
validates :min, numericality: { allow_nil: true, only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
validates :max, numericality: { allow_nil: true, only_integer: true, greater_than: 0 }
validates :step, numericality: { allow_nil: true, only_integer: true, greater_than: 0 }
def is_closed?
closed? || (close_at && close_at <= Time.zone.now)
def can_see_results?(user)
always? || is_closed? || (on_vote? && has_voted?(user))
def has_voted?(user)
user&.id && poll_votes.any? { |v| v.user_id == user.id }
def can_see_voters?(user)
everyone? && can_see_results?(user)
# == Schema Information
# Table name: polls
# id :bigint(8) not null, primary key
# post_id :bigint(8)
# name :string default("poll"), not null
# close_at :datetime
# type :integer default("regular"), not null
# status :integer default("open"), not null
# results :integer default("always"), not null
# visibility :integer default("secret"), not null
# min :integer
# max :integer
# step :integer
# anonymous_voters :integer
# created_at :datetime not null
# updated_at :datetime not null
# Indexes
# index_polls_on_post_id (post_id)
# index_polls_on_post_id_and_name (post_id,name) UNIQUE